Henretta  Rohde

The  Shelbyville  News
Saturday March 6, 1948
Page 2
By Ave Lewis
           This is to introduce a new-in-town "person worth mentioning" with whom many Shelby county women soon will become acquainted—Miss Henretta Rohde.
           Miss Rohde has begun a three-to-six-month "apprenticeship" as assistant county Home demonstration agent under  Miss Ambie V. Peters.  Employing assistant demonstration agents for apprenticeship training is a new innovation with the state Home Economics department and Shelby county is the first to have an assistant assigned to the regular agent.  Previously young women trained for such position have been sent into the field without necessarily having had practical experience.
           The attractive blonde girl, who soon will be presenting lessons and otherwise assisting Miss Peters at meetings of the various county clubs, is city born and reared but always has liked the thoughts of life in the country.  And she is pleased and a little surprised at finding herself one month after graduation from college with a job which will afford her the opportunity of spending the greater part of her working hours in the country.
           Miss Rohde’s home is in Indianapolis where her family consists of her father and two brothers—also out-of-doors addicts—and she will commute here each day.  She graduated from Arsenal Tech high school, attended Purdue for one year and was graduated from the Butler University school of home economics in January.  She learned of the assistant agent program and it was through the Marion county demonstration agents at Purdue, that she was assigned to the position in Shelby county.
           Prior to her college years, Miss Rohde was a member of Camp Fire Girls for an eight-year period and through their various camping trips gratified her desire to be "in the open."  She served as the first president of Horizon Clubs, a general organization for Camp Fire groups in Indianapolis.  Her college sorority was Zeta Tau Alpha at Butler.
           In talking of the current basketball tourneys Miss Rohde refuses to predict a state winner but says, a bit wistfully, that she would like to see an Indianapolis team hold a championship sometime—preferably Tech of course.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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