Arrest  Journal
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John J Marsh
Shelbyville, Indiana

Alphabetical Sort,  All Years (1903-1909)

1903-1906       1907-1909

Last Name First Names Charge Sentence Date
? Edwin Loitering Fined $50.00 16-Aug-07
Abe Schneider Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail 04-Oct-08
Adams Clarah Living in a house of ill Fame Fined $13.05 stayed Kate Hoyt 16-Mar-03
Adams Clarah Conducting a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt 06-May-05
Adams Clarah Keeping a house of Ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate 24-May-05
Adams Clarah Grand larceny Not guilty, fined on mandate 21-Jun-05
Adams Jacob Running gambling room Fined $35.00 16-Mar-07
Adams Jacob Visiting a gambling house Fined $100.00 27-Apr-08
Adams Ray Jumping board bill Fined $8.80 went to jail 07-Jan-08
Adams Roy Assualting George Brown Fined $15.00 28-Aug-07
Adams Roy Assualt & battery on Ruben Brown Fined $8.80 21-Sep-07
Adams Roy Carrying concealed weapon Fined $12.50 stayed and mandate by J D Hass & Co. jail 23-Sep-07
Adams Roy Mandate Went to jail 23-Dec-07
Adams Roy Provoke Fined $15.00 went to jail 17-Apr-08
Adams Roy Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail 28-Apr-08
Adams William Assualt on Julia McKinney Fined $10.80 stayed Fred Kennedy 19-May-03
Adison Joseph Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 31-Jan-07
Albright William Drunk Fined $11.00 paid later 09-Apr-08
Alby William Petty Larceny Not Guilty 10-Feb-08
Alder Borous Surity of peace 01-Jun-06
Allen John Petty Larceny Fined $25.00 6 months in jail and sentence suspended 19-Sep-07
Allen John Drunk Fined $9.00 negro stayed by Albert James 12-Mar-09
Allen John Drunk Fined $25.00 negro 8-Nov-09
Allens Otto Searched house for stolen turkey found dressing in privy vault J B Randalls 16-Dec-05
Amos Fred Sending in a false fire alarm Fined $100.00 $25.00 reward 20-Sep-08
Amsden Charles Forgery Sentenced to Michigan city prison 2 to 14 years 20-Mar-06
Amsden Lee Jr Riding on sidewalk Fined $9.50 26-Nov-03
Anderson Albert Carrying concealed weapon Not Guilty 28-Sep-07
Anderson Elizabeth Assualt & Battery on Mrs June Lmabert Fined $8.80 31-Jul-07
Anderson Frank Assualting Lane Williams Affidavid bad- dismissed 24-May-05
Anderson George Drunk Fined $8.80 03-Nov-05
Anderson May Associating Sent home 25-Jul-09
Anderson Thomas Profanity Fined $9.80 31-Jul-03
Anderson Thomas Whipping his wife Fined $13.80 went to jail 26-Sep-04
Anderson Virgil Running a Blind Tiger Fined $50.00 & 30days in jail, took appeal fined $80.00 6-Mar-09
Anderson Virgil Bastardy 08-Nov-05
Anderson Virgile Assualting Earl Williams Bad affidavit - dismissed 24-May-05
Andrews Frederick Assualt & battery on Maurice Peterson Fined $8.45 03-Aug-08
Andrews James Intoxication Fined $9.50 and went to jail 21-Jan-03
Applegate Harvey Child Desertion Dismissed 15-Jun-07
Arbuckle Frank Assualt on Claud Munson Not Guilty 31-Mar-03
Arebough Ana Robbery Pleaded not guilty, bound over to court, came clear 10-Feb-03
Ashton Tony Drunk Fined $9.00 paid 13-Mar-09
Atter Borous Arrested by mayor violating city ordicnace by selling spectecles Dismissed 15-Feb-06
Attwood John Drunk Fined $9.55 11-Aug-06
Aulby William Assualt on Mrs Florence Walker Not Guilty 16-Mar-09
Austin Arthur D Desertion $25.00 reward 20-Feb-09
Avery Clyde Drunk Fined $9.75 stayed by Tom Wilson 25-Oct-09
Avery Dudley Drunk Fined $9.75 stayed 3-Sep-09
Ayers Charles Carrying concealed weapon Fined $10.00 13-May-07
Bailey Charles Drunk Fined $8.75 7-Oct-09
Bailey Morton Assualt & battery on Ed McCasity Not Guilty 16-Jun-08
Ballard Joe Provoke Not guilty 28-Oct-05
Bantz Charlie Provoke not Guilty 12-May-07
Barlow James Assocating Fined $18.80 stayed by Frank Thompson 14-Nov-04
Barlow Jim Associating Fined $18.55 4-Sep-03
Barnett Harry Selling whisky without a licesence Fined $50.00 took appeal 22-Feb-08
Barrett Dock Assault & battery on Flora Skotski Fined $9.50 stayed by father 20-Mar-03
Barrett Dock Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Chas Goble 02-Nov-05
Barrett Dock Drunk Fined $16.20 went to jail 18-Mar-06
Barrett Dock Drunk Fined $24.00 went to jail 10-Jul-06
Barrett Ed Drunk Fined $24.00 went to jail 07-Jun-06
Barrott Ed Drunk Fined $25.00 went to jail 30-May-07
Barrott Ed Drunk Fined $15.00 stayed 16-Nov-07
Bartlet Les Assualting Laura Avery Fined $13.55 went to jail 26-Aug-03
Bass John Assualt & battery on James Casort Fined $9.80 stayed 16-Oct-09
Bassett Bruce Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele 15-Jan-05
Bassett Dock Drunk Fined $9.00 11-Mar-07
Bassett Dock Drunk Fined $8.00 and 75 days in jail 06-Mar-08
Bassett Edward Drunk Fined $100 or 30days in jail by Mayor 28-Jun-07
Bassett Sill Surity of the peace Went to jail 14-Nov-04
Bausback George Bastardy Settled 26-Apr-06
Bausback Ornen Assualt & Battery on Grant Phillips Fined $8.80 29-Jul-07
Baxter Atha Provoking Mrs Gieger Dismissed 16-Jul-09
Baxter Bill Associating Given a talking by the mayor and sent home 25-Jul-09
Baxter Bill Jr Larceny stole $8.00 from Mrs George Sax Sentenced to 1 to 3 yrs sentence suspended 14-Oct-09
Baxter Charles Assualt & battery on Mrs Gieger Dismissed 16-Jul-09
Baxter William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Joe Baxter 25-Jul-08
Baxter William Larceny Fined $10.00 30 day suspended sentence 15-Feb-09
Baxter William E Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Joe Baxter 11-Aug-09
Becker Dan Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed 04-Jun-08
Becker Jim Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed Otis Becker 12-Feb-04
Becker Sherman Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 13-Jul-09
Beckley Rose Assualt & battery on George Comstock Fined $9.00 went to jail 20-Dec-08
Beckman Dan Provoke Dismissed 8-Jul-09
Bell Charles Assualting James Talbert Fined $7.40 will pay Oct 8th 8-Sep-03
Bell Charlie Stealing eggs Sent to prision 1 to 3 years 6-Jan-04
Bennett Thomas Drunk Fined $81.05 went to jail, plead guilty to three charges 19-Nov-03
Bennette George Raising Check Suspended sentence 6-Mar-09
Bentley Henry Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Rambush 24-May-05
Berry Bill Drunk Fined $8.40 went to jail 16-Jun-07
Berry Bud Drunk Fined $8.40 went to jail 08-Feb-08
Berymaster Ricahard Pety Larceny Guilty 1-8 years Jefferson Pennatenary 01-May-07
Bicker Dan Drunk Not guilty 28-Jul-06
Billman Ed Drunk Fined $9.00 19-Jul-08
Bishop Elias Selling whisky to a minor 17-Nov-05
Bitner Arthur Loitering Fined $50.00 sent out of town 16-Aug-07
Blanton Thomas Assault & Battery Fined $9.50 27-Dec-03
Board Mattie Grand larceny negro woman Dismissed 06-Jun-05
Board Mattie Assualt & battery Fined $13.05 (cost $6.60) 09-Jun-05
Boger R F Assualt & battery on Tony Wilson Not Guilty 02-Oct-07
Bogerman Louis Violating city ordinances Dismissed 30-Jul-07
Bogerman Louis Violating the health law Dismissed 21-Jan-08
Bogernan Louis Violating _____ ______ law 23-Jun-09
Bomant Tillford Whipping his wife Failed to appear later fined $11.00 30 days in jail 12-Jul-08
Bomant Tillford Wife desertion 20-Jul-08
Bomont Tilford Provoke Fined $8.00 paid 21-Dec-07
Bomont Tillford Mandate Paid 05-Feb-08
Bonen Basil Drunk Fined $9.00 22-Nov-09
Bonmont Tillford Assualt & battery on Otto Lennord Fined $11.00 stayed 27-Oct-08
Borden Maud Associating No trial 25-May-09
Borgen Frank Violating city ordinances Dismissed 30-Jul-07
Bowls H.D. Drunk Fined $9.00 made to leave town 28-Dec-08
Boyd Sam Drunk Fined $10.05 14-Nov-03
Boyd Sam Jumping board bill Fined $7.80 stayed 02-Jan-08
Bradley Jim Drunk Fined $9.80 went to get bail and never came back 11-Jun-06
Bradshaw Martha Stealing $10 in Greensburg 2 to 14 years 07-Oct-07
Bradshaw Ray Stealing chickens - negro 21years old Sent to Jeffersonville ______ 1-3 years 12-Mar-06
Brady Harry Cruelty to animals Wanted by greensburg police 26-Nov-07
Brannon Lulia Adultry Fined $8.80 went to jail 30-May-07
Branson Laura Drunk Fined $9.80 16-Dec-05
Bratcher James Drunk Fined $9.00 10-Apr-09
Bridges William Cruelty to animals $33.75 went to jail 12-Sep-05
Bright Jane Keeping a house of ill fame Left town, dismissed 29-Jun-03
Bright Jane Living in a house of ill fame Dismissed 08-Jun-08
Bright Jane Fornication 14-Jun-09
Brinmont Ed Resisting arrest Fined $17.00 plus 30days 08-Sep-06
Brokering Harry Profanity Dismissed 31-Oct-03
Brokering Harry Wife desertion Dismissed 31-Oct-03
Brokering William Robbery Pleaded guilty, bound over to court, turned states evidence 10-Feb-03
Brown Alice Provoke Fined $8.80 pay by week 21-Aug-07
Brown Edgar Drunk Fined $9.50 22-Sep-08
Brown George Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by wife 10-Sep-05
Brown George Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 18-Aug-07
Brown George Assualt & battery on Roy Adams not Guilty 21-Sep-07
Brown George Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by George Barger 9-May-09
Brown Hattie Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail 25-Aug-03
Brown John Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Rambush 24-May-05
Brown John Violating city ordinances Dismissed 11-Jul-07
Brown John Whipping his wife Fined $9.80 went to jail 13-May-09
Brown Ruben Assualt & battery on Roy Adams Fined $8.05 stayed 21-Sep-07
Brown Sill Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Arthur Gorton 24-May-05
Brown W.J. Profanity from Indianapolis Fined $9.80 05-Nov-06
Brown George Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail 15-Oct-06
Browning Bob Drunk Fined $9.80 and went to jail 19-Nov-05
Browning Bob Drunk Jail 05-Aug-06
Browning Bob Drunk Fined $8.00 went to jail 4-Sep-09
Browning Patsey Drunk Went to jail 8-Oct-04
Bruce Clarence Violating Nicholson law Fined $18.35 9-Sep-04
Bruce Clarence Allowing men in his sallon on Sunday - jury dissagreed Jury later found not guilty 08-Mar-05
Bruce Wood Selling beer to a minor William Smithers Not Guilty 17-Jun-08
Buell Forrest Intoxication Fined $9.50 10-Jan-03
Bundt William Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail 17-Jul-09
Burbon James Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail 27-Feb-09
Burgess Bill Gambling Not Guilty 19-Feb-05
Burgis Bill Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00 27-Apr-08
Burk John Drunk Fined $8.00 went to jail 13-Nov-08
Burkhart Edward Assault & battery on Esta Bass Fined $9.25 stayed by Tom Wilson 26-Jan-09
Butler Mrs Bill Associating Fined $9.80 10-Dec-05
Butler William jr Cutting belt at Conrey Davis factory Fined $10.00 went to jail plus plus $5 reward 23-Nov-06
Byland George Gambling Fined $20.05 8-Apr-04
Byland Marion Drunk Fined $8.65 stayed by George 30-Sep-04
Byland Meriam Contempt Court 2 days in jail 24-Jan-08
C______ Perry Drunk Fined $8.25 26-Feb-07
Callahan Dan Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Henry Fisher 14-Feb-04
Callahan Dan Drunk Fined $8.75 27-May-08
Callahan George Loitering Dismissed and made to leave town 12-May-08
Calloway Logor Assualt & battery Fined $9.00 29-Dec-08
Calvin Otto Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed 14-Oct-06
Campbell George Drunk Fined $8.55 2-Nov-03
Campbell Hurley Whipping his wife Fined $9.80 02-Jul-08
Canney Patrick Drunk Jail 29-Oct-07
Carlyle Scott Discharging fire arm withing city limits Fined $15.00 mayor 3-Jul-09
Carney Charles Gambling Fined $15.00 27-Apr-08
Carney Golden Drunk Fined $7.80 06-Jul-07
Carney John Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Restraunt man 07-Dec-08
Carney Patrick Drunk Fined $ 9.80 went to jail 04-Oct-07
Carrigan Thomas Drunk Fined $9.80 02-Aug-08
Carroll Henry Drunk Fined $8.80 04-Feb-07
Carson Charles F Putting dead fish on lots Fined $100.00 took appeal dismissed 19-Sep-08
Carson Hurchel Assualt & battery on Tom Cotton Not guilty 13-Mar-09
Cartwright George Drunk Fined $9.00 9-Oct-09
Case Sam Violating city ordinance 22-Jul-05
Casper George Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 28-Sep-07
Cass Irvine Fighting Fined $8.60 12-Dec-04
Cass Will Profanity Fined $14.80 went to jail 29-Dec-03
Casten Anderson Whipping his wife Fined $9.85 10-Mar-05
Caster Carrie Drunk Fined $7.05 pay by the week 21-Sep-07
Casto John Provoking Fined $8.50 21-Mar-03
Castro Washington Larceny Settled 18-Sep-05
Cenes Hershel Assualt & battery on Albert Cherry Fined $8.80 09-Sep-07
Champ James Drunk Fined $9.00 4-Sep-09
Chansey Chas letting minor in his tavern Came clear 3-Oct-04
Chapplow William Assualt & battery on Connie Davison Fined $8.80 17-Aug-07
Cherden Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 13-Jul-09
Cherry Harry Drunk Fined $10.05 20-Dec-03
Chessy Harry Obtaining money under false pretences Bound over to court Not Guilty 12-Mar-08
Childess Harry Whipping his wife Fined $7.80 stayed by H Deprez 20-Jun-06
Christenson Harry Gambling not Guilty 22-Dec-07
Chueden Albert Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail 28-Apr-08
Clapp Ethal Associating Made to leave town 25-Jul-09
Clark Art Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Fined $8.80 Took appeal & dismissed 06-Jul-08
Clark Arthur Gambling Dismissed 31-Mar-06
Clark Charlie Petty Larceny Fined $21.00 10days in jail 27-Feb-08
Clayton Landy Drunk Fined $9.80 13-May-09
Clingfield Bill Drunk Fined $8.60 6-Dec-04
Clingfield Thomas Drunk Fined $8.60 6-Dec-04
Clingman Ed Drunk Fined $8.05 paid 06-Oct-07
Close John screening the windows to his sallon Fined $1.35 & $18.80 took appeal 11-Oct-04
Cobb Henry Drunk - negro Fined $9.80 went to jail paid later 12-Apr-06
Cohen Sam Profanity 28-Aug-05
Colclasere Thomas Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 6-Aug-09
Colee Thomas Drunk Fined $13.50 went to jail 02-Aug-08
Coleman Harry Receiving stolen goods Not guilty 23-Feb-09
Coleman Thad For selling lickeors Dismissed 28-May-05
Coleman Thadius Assualting John Walsh Not guilty 16-Mar-06
Collielison Tom Drunk Fined $9.80 Pay whenget pension 7-Oct-04
Collins Bill Associating Fined $9.80 10-Dec-05
Collins Charles N Escaped convict from Mansfield OH $25.00 reward 24-Aug-06
Collins Clara Profanity Fined $12.00 stayed by husband 06-Sep-05
Collins Clarence Associating Fined $9.80 10-Dec-05
Collins Fred Stealing Fined $25.00 out on floater 16-Nov-04
Collins Fred Associating Given a talk and made to go home 25-Jul-09
Collins Leone Provoking Mrs Birtha Collins Not Guilty 17-Dec-08
Collins Lucie Provoking Mrs Birtha Collins Guilty took appeal 17-Dec-08
Collins William Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed 22-Dec-07
Colsher Tom Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 15-Aug-08
Comstock Evert Hopping trains Fined $9.80 stayed by his father 14-May-08
Comstock Evert Deserting army Fined $50.00 17-Jan-09
Comstock George Associating Fined $20.00 stayed by parents 24-Nov-07
Comstock George Assualt & battery on Rose Beckley Fined $9.00 went to jail 20-Dec-08
Comstock John Assault & Battery on Frank Pettit Dismissed 29-Jan-03
Comstock John Provoke Fined $9.05 paid 27-May-08
Conner Hiram Drunk Fined $10.05 stayed by John dobbins 16-Nov-03
Conner Hiram Drunk Fined $9.80 27-Sep-05
Connor Hiram Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week 23-Jun-06
Connor William Drunk Fined $8.80 04-Jun-06
Conrad Ed Robbery Bound over to court Got 1 - 8 years 06-Jul-07
Conway J.H. Drunk Guilty fined 18.50 took appeal 19-Feb-07
Conway John F Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by F________ 2-Aug-09
Cook William Drunk Fined $9.55 to jail 19-Aug-06
Cooper Thomas Drunk Fined $8.80 04-Feb-07
Cooper William Frequenting a gambling room Fined $13.80 10-Dec-05
Copell Samuel Visiting a house of illfame Fined $15.00 25-Aug-07
Coppel Thomas Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by _____ Rhodes 6-Feb-09
Copple Anna Profanity Fined $13.00 took appeal 14-Jan-08
Copple Tom Gambling Not Guilty 25-Jan-08
Corwin Elizabeth Profanity Fined $8.00 01-Aug-08
Cosert William Served papers for possesion of house 10-Nov-04
Coslen Cist Profanity Fined $9.50 went to jail 12-Sep-08
Cosler Curtis Associating Fined $20.35 stayed by Harry Carmine 19-Oct-03
Costeller Turner Working on Sunday Dismissed 21-Oct-06
Cotton Charles Assaulting Jim Russell Fined $9.80 02-Nov-05
Cotton Charles Assualt & Battery on Ed Rinehart Fined $15.00 17-Nov-07
Cotton Charlie Drunk Fined $9.80 paid 12-May-06
Cotton Thomas Jumping board Bill Pryon Installment plan 19-Mar-06
Cotton Tom Profanity Fined $10.05 stayed by laws went to jail 16-Dec-03
Cox John Wife beating Fined $7.50 13-Feb-03
Cox Marshall Assualting Babe Sexton Fined $9.80 went to jail 29-Jun-06
Cox Marshall Profanity Fined $11.55 04-Nov-06
Cramer Oscar Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Crisfield Earnest Cutting belt at Conrey Davis factory Fined $10.00 went to jail plus plus $5 reward 23-Nov-06
Croley Stephen Drunk Fined $9.00 20-Jun-09
Cross E Assualting Evest Cook Stayed by James B____ 12-Nov-04
Crowe Sam Profanity Fined $9.80 31-Dec-04
Cruse Harry Drunk Fined $10.05 16-Nov-03
Cummings Joe Intoxication Fined $9.50 put up watch for stay 6-May-03
Cummins John Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 08-Jul-07
Cunningham Claud Intoxication Fined $9.50 stayed by R.R. supt Doll 10-Mar-03
Cunningham Frank Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 20-Nov-03
Cunningham Thomas Loitering Fined $50.00 16-Aug-07
Cursin Charles Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed 14-Oct-06
Curtin Gail Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 18-Dec-08
Curtis John Burglary Bound over to court 08-Jul-07
Cuse Arla Assult & battery on Dan Lingo Fined $9.00 stayed by his mother 30-Sep-08
Cushing Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 25-Jul-06
Cushing Ernest Larceny Fined $10.00 30 day suspended sentence 17-Feb-09
Dailey Patrick Larceny Guilty sentenced 1 to 4 years 06-Sep-07
Daniels Charles Drunk Fined $8.50 27-Aug-08
Davis Arthur Drawing dangerous weapon 7-Jan-09
Davis Arthur Assualt & battery on Chas Greenle Took appeal dismissed 26-Apr-09
Davis Charles Stealing lap robe not Guilty 11-Dec-07
Davis Elmer Adultry Fined $8.80 went to jail 30-May-07
Davis Flora Burning trash on street Fined $3.80 22-May-03
Davis Rolin Carrying concealed weapons Dismissed 19-May-09
Davis Rollie Assualt & Battery on Elmer Lealman 05-Aug-07
Davis Wancie Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 21-Dec-08
Davison Connie Assualt & Battery on William Chaplow Fined $8.80 17-Aug-07
Davison Connie Carrying concealed weapon Not Guilty 17-Aug-07
Dawson Ben Visiting a house of ill fame Negro left town 07-Jan-08
Deal Tolina Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 8-Feb-04
Deal Tolivar Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by Earnie Peters 31-Aug-07
Deavers Irwin Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 20-Apr-07
Deavers Irwin Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 04-May-07
DeLong John Demanding the mail turned loose 08-Nov-07
Dennison Claud Unpaid doctor bill Paid $23.00 31-Oct-03
Dial Toliver Drunk Fined $8.75 10-Oct-09
Dobbins Milt Drunk 14-Dec-04
Dobbins Milt Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by Val Schoelch 11-Mar-07
Dobbins Milt Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week 14-May-07
Dobbins Milton Drunk Fined $9.80 28-Feb-05
Dobbins Tom Disturbing religious meeting Fined $13.15 stayed by Bis Webber 12-Apr-04
Dodd William Assualting George Bass Fined $8.60 01-Jul-05
Doil Bert Trespass Skipped 17-Oct-03
Dorsey Connie Drunk Fined $9.50 negro 8-Feb-09
Dorsey Thomas Drunk Not guilty negro 8-Feb-09
Doty Albert Drunk Fined $9.00 3-Aug-09
Draise Arthur Assualt & battery on Ina Lee Fined $9.00 4-Mar-09
Drake Walter Disturbing a religious meeting Went to Jail 20-May-03
Drake Walter Jumping trains Fined $8.80 - pay by week 18-Apr-07
Drake Walter Highway Robbery Dismissed 06-Jul-07
Drake Walter Stealing chickens Guilty 1 to 8 years Jeffersonville prison 21-Feb-09
Drake Walton Drunk Fined $7.90 stayed by his mother 28-Dec-07
Driscol Charlie Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed 24-Oct-07
Drum Oscar Allowing gambling in his sallon Fined $18.75 20-Jul-05
Drummond Oscar Allowing persons other than himself on Sunday Not guilty 21-Nov-05
Duband Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 paid 30-Sep-06
Dudley Harry Fighting Fined $8.60 12-Dec-04
Dudley Harry Profanity Fined $9.80 stayed by Frank Miller 01-Dec-05
Dudley William From Plainfield - negro $10.00 reward 01-Dec-06
Dugan Gill Drunk Fined $9.06 17-Oct-03
Dunn William Drunk Fined $9.55 stayed by_______ 27-Aug-05
Dupree Elmer Riding on the side walk Fined $9.80 10-Apr-05
E____ August Drunk Fined $9.80 08-Sep-05
Eads Bill Fighting Fined $8.80 stayed by his father 21-May-07
Eads Henry Drunk Fined $8.75 30-Aug-08
Eads James Profanity Fined $8.60 16-Dec-04
Eads Jim Assualt & battery Fined $11.00 went to jail 27-Apr-08
Eads Will Drunk & profanity two cases $17.68 stayed Chas Amsen 6-Feb-04
Eads William Gambling Dismissed 31-Mar-06
Eads William Drunk Fined $11.00 paid 28-Apr-08
Eads William Assualt & battery on Ed Henry Fined $11.00 paid 28-Apr-08
Eads William Drunk Fined $9.50 paid 28-Jun-09
Earl Albert Drunk Fined $9.80 11-May-09
Earnst William Carrying concealed wepons Fined $8.00 went to jail 15-Dec-03
Ebbehart Doc Associating Fined $18.90 11-Aug-06
Ebbing August Intoxication Fined $9.80 26-Feb-03
Eck William Associating Fined $18.80 stayed by R__ Goodrich 09-May-06
Edwards Ralph Practicing embalming with a license Not guilty 7-Sep-09
Edwards Ruffus Drunk Fined $8.80 11-May-07
Edwards Ruffus Drunk Fined $9.80 14-May-07
Elliot Jack Gambling Fined $15.00 and 10 days in jail - pay by week 18-Sep-06
Ellis Fred Violating factory laws Fined $10.00 19-Jun-09
Elwood Henry Embezlement Bound over to court 09-Dec-06
Emhold Clifford Associating Fined $20.00 stayed 24-Nov-07
Emrich Jacob Assualting Williams Evans Fined $15.00 paid 22-Sep-06
Endsley Frank Associating Fined $18.50 stayed by xxxx Montgomery 6-Feb-03
Ennis Charles Asaulting George Marshall Stayed by his father 7-Feb-03
Ennis Charles Mandate Paid $11.25 11-Feb-03
Ennis Charles Assualting Fred Miller Not guilty 31-Aug-05
Ensley Dud Drunk Fined $7.70 paid 13-Jun-08
Ensley Frank Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 29-Jul-07
Ensley Frank Grand larceny Bound over to court Guiilty 2 to 14 years 29-Sep-07
Ensley Link Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 24-Jul-09
Ensly Jim Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 8-Feb-04
Ensminger George Violation of the Nicholson law, allowing his bartender in saloon on Thanksgiving Not Guilty 30-Nov-05
Ephraim Knut Provoke not Guilty 25-Jun-07
Ervin William Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed 22-Dec-09
Estis Laffayette Profanity Fined $10.00 09-Nov-08
Estis Madison Profanity Fined $9.80 20-Apr-08
Evans Bill Assualting Juke Emrich Fined $15.00 stayed 22-Sep-06
Evans George Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 9-Aug-09
Evans John Profanity Fined $10.05 stayed Leonard Williams 19-Nov-03
Evans John Assualting Marion Byland Not Guilty 30-Sep-04
Evans John Wife desertion Indianapolis 07-Nov-08
Evans Pete Drunk Fined $8.45 went to jail 7-Aug-09
Evans Peter Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 17-Oct-08
Evans Tobe Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 stayed by his father 09-Jun-06
Evans Tobe Assualt & Battery on Jim Gordon Fined $9.00 24-Dec-08
Ewick Frank Assualting Mrs Andrew Fined $9.80 stayed by Dick Evans 24-Nov-05
Ewick Thomas Drawing knife Fined $9.00 9-Oct-09
Falkner Walter Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele 15-Jan-05
Falkner Walter Assualting Walter Sosbey Fined $8.80 pay by week 26-Aug-05
Falkner Walter Gambling Dismissed 31-Mar-06
Falkner Walter Assualt & battery on Roy Enders Fined $11.00 stayed 11-Apr-08
Farley Henry Assualt & battery on Charles Byland Fined $8.05 07-Sep-07
Farrell John Drunk Fined $8.65 24-Feb-08
Fastlaben Joe Stealing whisky Fined $15.00 and 90 days in jail 19-Apr-08
Faulkner Lando Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Kemp senior 10-Dec-03
Faulkner Walter Assualt & battery on Albert Taylor Fined $9.00 25-Dec-08
Faulkner Walter Stealing clover seed out on parole 7-Nov-04
Feilden Albert Whipping his wife Fined $13.80 01-Oct-05
Fergeson Albert Drunk Fined $10.05 14-Nov-03
Ferguson George Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 16-Jul-06
Ferrier Charles Adultry Fined $8.80 stayed by Wiley Means 30-May-07
Fike Henry Drunk Fined $8.40 15-Jun-07
Fisher B. Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Fisher Flora Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail 26-Oct-09
Fisher Henry Profanity Dismissed 10-Sep-03
Fisher Orval Provoked Edman Parrish 17-Nov-04
Fiske Terry Intoxication Fined $10.80 25-Apr-03
Fitzgivens David Drunk Fined $8.80 19-Feb-07
Fitzpatrick Dock Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 29-Sep-08
Fitzpatrick Dock Assualt & battery Jail negro 05-Nov-08
Flannery John Drunk Fined $7.90 21-May-07
Flarity Drunk Fined $8.80 paid 01-Oct-06
Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 21-Mar-07
Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 05-May-07
Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $25.00 went to jail 28-May-07
Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 08-Jul-07
Fleming Ed Loitering $115.00 left town 07-May-08
Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail 26-Jun-09
Fleming Ed Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail 13-Aug-09
Fleming Edward Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail 12-Sep-09
Fleming James Selling whiskey to minors - plead guilty Fined $18.80 01-Mar-06
Fleming Willis Drunk Fined $7.05 stayed 05-Oct-07
Flohr Frank Stealing whisky Not Guilty 19-Apr-08
Flora Ell Living in a house of ill Fame age 13 Sent to reformatory 13-Apr-03
Fogerty John Drunk Fined $8.05 1-Feb-04
Fogerty John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by A L Means 13-May-09
Fogety John Drunk Fined $8,25 11-May-07
Foley Dave Assualt & battery with intent to kill Indianapolis 24-Dec-07
Foley John Drunk Fined $9.05 17-Oct-03
Forbes Ethel Act of delinquency Wanted in Indianapolis 4-Sep-09
Foster Charles Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 04-Sep-08
Foster Charles Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 30-Aug-09
Foster Russell Assualting Lillian Foster, his wife Fined $9.80 stayed by his father 17-Sep-05
Fout Will Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Henry Hatmaker 04-Nov-08
Fout William Drunk Fined $8.05 13-Dec-07
Fowler Henry Drunk Fined $8.05 pay by the week 14-Sep-07
Fowler James Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by O L Means 3-May-09
Fox Charles Assualt & battery on Hugh Alexander 31-Aug-07
Fox Samuel Drunk Fined $8.45 went to jail 2-Sep-09
Freeman Mary Living in adultry with John Sparks from Estill CO KY Fined $14.50 06-Feb-06
Freeman William Whipping his wife negro Fined $8.50 17-Jun-06
Fricker George Gambling not Guilty 22-Dec-07
Friday Henry Assualting Borris Alder Fined $8.80 30-May-06
Frier Jim Drunk Fined $8.80 01-Jun-07
Frisby Richard Drunk Fined $8.80 25-Sep-06
Fryer Walter Drunk Fined $9.80 19-May-07
Fultz Eva Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.40 went to jail 09-May-06
Fusilman Edward Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Dismissed 10-Jul-08
Fusilman Frank Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines 10-Jul-08
G_______ Lizzie Stealing a skirt Fined $8.60 settled 22-Dec-04
Gahaimer Gus Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed by Bill Nue 1-Apr-09
Gaily Gay Living in a house of ill fame Case was annuled 4-Sep-03
Gaines Dock Assualt & battery to Glen Cook Fined $9.00 stayed 06-Oct-08
Galimone George Drunk - negro Fined $10.30 stayed by Claud Fort 21-Oct-06
Gallaway Herbert Assualting Clara Kiplinger Fined $15.00 27-Jan-08
Gallaway Herbert Larceny stole $8.00 from Mrs George Sax Sentenced to 1 to 3 yrs sentence suspended 14-Oct-09
Garber George Defrauding boarding house Fined $8.80 stayed 07-Sep-07
Garrity Anna Beating board bill Fined $9.80 paid 12-Aug-08
Gary Lor Assualt & battery on Mrs Kate Harris Not Guilty 29-Oct-09
Gatewood Charles Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Gatewood Jim Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Clarence Bruce 3-Apr-04
Geiger Daniel Drunk Fined $8.65 went to jail 29-May-07
Georgia Ed Carrying concealed weapons Fined $13.00 9-Jul-09
Georgia Ed Surety of the peace Dismissed agreed to leave town 9-Jul-09
Gephart Lelie Drunk Fined $10.80 went to jail paid later 12-Aug-07
Gephart Lelie Carrying concealed weapon Fined $17.00 14-Aug-07
Geyheymer Gus Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Rands Heland 21-Jun-09
Gibbons John Drunk Fined $7.00 paid 30-May-08
Gibson Edward Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 25-May-07
Giger Albert Provoke on Anna Spiegel Fined $9.80 20-Sep-05
Givens Irwin Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 7-Jul-09
Gleason Jim Escaped convict & post office robery, Nashville TN Rec'd reward $25 to dec George B Cline 13-Sep-03
Glenn Harry Drunk Fined $8.00 pay by week 31-Dec-08
Gliski Hiram Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed promised to pay 26-Jul-06
Glora Alonza Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 8-Jun-09
Glove Lon Wife desertion Dismissed 12-Dec-08
Godard Jim Drunk Fined $9.60 went to jail 07-Nov-08
Goff William Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Gohen Joe Drunk Fined $8.65 pay by week 09-May-07
Goldbard Jacob Assaulting Isaac Fox Fined $8.55 stayed by John Rhinehart 12-Feb-06
Golden Harry Carrying concealed wepons Fined $34.00 went to jail, paid later 6-Jun-03
Golden Harry Disturbing religious meeting Got away while going to trial 21-Jan-04
Golden Harry Drunk Annuled 02-Mar-07
Golden Harry Drunk Annuled 02-Mar-07
Golden Perry Resisting arrest Fined $8.50 plus 30 days 07-Sep-06
Golden Perry Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his mother 27-Jun-07
Golden Perry Assualt & battery Fined $10.80 went to jail 28-Jun-07
Golding Harry Assualting George Main 20-Apr-03
Golding Harry Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail 04-Oct-08
Golding Harry Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 13-Nov-08
Golding Harry Assualt & Battery on William Pollard Fined $18.00 went to jail 12-Dec-08
Golding Harry Surety of the peace 3 months in jail 7-Jun-09
Golding Jack Assualt & battery on James Wood Fined $8.75 9-Mar-09
Golding Perry Intent to murder 04-Mar-07
Golding Perry Desertion of Army $50.00 reward 01-Jul-08
Goldsand Jacob Buying junk without a license Dismissed - produced license 06-Apr-07
Good Archie Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Ed Chapman 05-Nov-08
Good Archie Mandate Jail 10 days 10-Jul-09
Gorden John Gambling Not Guilty 25-Jan-08
Gordon Albert Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 27-Jul-08
Gordon Albert Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Harry Nellis 27-Jul-08
Gordon Charlie Drunk Fined $15.00 29-Feb-08
Gordon Harry Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his father 08-Jun-07
Gordon John Running a gambling house Fined $13.55 19-Feb-05
Gordon John Profanity Fined $8.60 04-Sep-05
Gordon John Keeping a gambling room Fined $13.80 10-Dec-05
Gordon John Provoking Thomas Newton Fined $9.80 18-Dec-05
Gordon John A Drunk Fined $9.00 3-Jun-09
Gossman William Drunk Funed $8.80 29-Aug-06
Grady Allen Drunk - from Indianapolis Fined $8.80 13-Apr-07
Grant Thomas Drunk Fined $8.95 28-Apr-08
Gray Bob Cutting with intent to kill George Brown Bound over to court later dismissed 28-Jul-06
Gray Eugene Playing ball in the streets Fined $7.80 23-Jun-03
Gray Eugene Gambling Dismissed 31-Mar-06
Gray John Jumping board bill Fined $10.80 paid 29-Sep-07
Green Alonzo Drunk Fined $10.05 stayed by Clarenda ship 14-Nov-03
Greenlee William Drunk not Guilty 20-Dec-07
Greenly William Drunk Fined $9.80 28-Mar-08
Greenwood Jim Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John House 14-Jun-09
Gregg Joe Drunk Fined $9.00 31-Dec-06
Griffith Carl Breaking into Frank Grays saloon Turned over to Juvenil court went to Plainfield prision 16-Aug-08
Griffith Joe Assualting Martin Barley Fined $9.05 went to jail 10-Apr-06
Griffith Joe Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 went to jail 29-Jun-06
Griffith Joe Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed by Bill Giffith 30-Mar-07
Griffith Joe Hopping trains Fined $8.50 pay by week 01-Apr-07
Griffith Joe Robbery Bound voer to court Got 1 - 8 years 06-Jul-07
Griffith thomas Drunk Fined $8.30 10-Jan-06
Griffith Thomas Drunk Paid $8.05 paid 17-Sep-07
Griffith Tom Drunk Fined $8.75 07-Mar-07
Grissom Melvin Petty Larcency Bound over to court went to Penn 1 to 3 years 22-May-05
Grissom Sam Carrying weapons & stealing money - negro 04-May-05
Grizer Joe Drunk Fined $7.80 17-May-07
Grubb Albert Carrying concealed wepons (a negro) Fined $12.80 29-Oct-03
Gully John Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 23-Jun-09
Ha_____K Scott Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.00 12-Jul-09
Hackleman Noah Loitering Fined $18.00 went to jail 20-Oct-03
Haehl Arno Allowing minors in saloon 27-Sep-08
Haehl George Selling whisky to minors Not Guilty 02-Jan-08
Hahel Asno ? Giving away beer Fined $25.00 03-Oct-07
Haines Clyde Stealing a pair of shoes Guilty out on parole 16-Jun-08
Hamilton Alonzo Shooting craps Fined $15.00 paid 17-Oct-06
Hamilton Baston Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00 05-Oct-03
Hamilton Thomas Drunk Fined $8.80 pay Saturday 25-Jun-06
Hamilton Thomas Selling tobacco to children Fined $20.00 05-Oct-08
Hancock Scott Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 went to jail 5-Jul-09
Handebeck Clara Living in a house of illfame 09-Aug-07
Handebeck Stella Keeping a house of illfame Fined $20.00 stayed 09-Aug-07
Handley Frank Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 went to jail 21-Dec-08
Handley Frank Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 paid 30-Dec-08
Handley Frank Assault & battery on Bill Stafford Fined $9.00 went to jail later stayed by William Benefield 25-Jan-09
Hansley Frank Provoke Fined $9.00 stayed 15-Sep-08
Harding Sam Selling whisky to a minor Dismissed 26-Nov-05
Harding Sam Selling whisky on election day Not Guilty 26-Nov-05
Harding Sammuel Selling whiskey on Sunday to one Art Clark Dismissed 18-Mar-06
Harding Samuel Selling lickor without a liscensce Took an appeal 17-Jul-05
Harrel Charles Drunk Fined $10.80 06-Sep-05
Harring Lee Went insane 10-Jan-04
Harris Albert Drunk Fined $7.90 stayed 28-Dec-07
Harris Carrie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt 06-May-05
Harris Cassie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate 24-May-05
Harris Clarence Wife Desertion Fined $13.80 26-Sep-04
Harris Clarence Children desertion Fined $13.80 26-Sep-04
Harris Clarence Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele 15-Jan-05
Harris Claud House breaking not Guilty 13-Jul-07
Harris Kate Assualt & battery on Lor Gary Dismissed 29-Oct-09
Harris Major Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week 30-Dec-07
Harris Major Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Not Guilty 07-Jul-08
Harris Mrs Gertrude Provoke Not Guilty 4-Dec-09
Harris Mrs Kate Provoke Dismissed 29-Oct-09
Hartibeck Lawrence Jumping bourd bill Fined $9.80 stayed by wife & sister 10-Dec-05
Hartibee Charles Drunk Fined #10.05 stayed by Andy Ensminger 4-Aug-03
Hartihed Leo Assualt & battery on Oscar Williams Dismissed 9-Mar-09
Hartman Joh Selling whiskey on thanksgiving Fined $18.60 26-Nov-04
Harvey Dora Visiting a house of ill fame Dismissed 3-Jun-09
Hatfield John Drunk Fined $9.55 12-Aug-06
Hauck John W Drunk Fined $8.80 10-May-09
Hauk William Drunk Fined $8.75 12-Dec-09
Havens Ed Drunk Stayed by Frank Kent 11-Sep-05
Havens Russell Assualting Bob Pettit Fined $8.80 stayed by his father 11-Apr-07
Havens Samuel Stealing a watch 13-Jun-08
Hawiehaus Thomas Drunk Fined $7.80 29-Aug-07
Hawkins Brade Assualt & battery Dismissed 27-Apr-05
Hawkins Harry Intoxication Fined $9.50 stayed by Birt 10-Mar-03
Hayes Irene Selling beer without a license to Jim Jackson Settled in one case 11-May-06
Hayes Irene Selling beer without a license to Dan Staskey Fined $20.00 11-May-06
Hays Peter Jumping Brand Bill Dismissed 30-Jun-03
Hays Peter Defrauding Boarding Fined $13.80 stayed by Lou Bullard 19-Sep-04
Hays George Stealing clothing 01-Sep-05
Hayse Irene Conducting a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt 06-May-05
Hayse Irene Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt 09-May-06
Haze Ben Assualting Anna Motely 18-Aug-05
Hazett Mrs Drunk Fined $9.05 16-Dec-03
Hearn Tom Drunk turned over to sherriff hold for larcency 27-Feb-04
Heck Birt____ Selling cartriges to minors Fined $10.80 04-May-05
Heck Elvin Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00 05-Oct-08
Heck Isaac Violating city ordinances not Guilty 02-May-07
Heck Isacc Violating the Game law Took an appeal - dismissed 08-Jul-05
Hednot Case Carrying concealed wepons Dismissed 29-May-03
Heffner George Drunk Fined $9.50 stayed by Leon Farris 22-Nov-09
Heifman John Drunk Fined $8.75 3-Sep-09
Heil Jacob Served summons for possesion of house for William Moore Cost $0.55 15-Mar-06
Henderson James Assualt & battery on John Hines Fined $9.00 stayed 11-Aug-08
Henderson Otto Profanity Fined $10.05 stayed Andy Ensminger 9-May-03
Henderson William Drunk Fined $8.05 went to jail 17-Sep-07
Henderson William Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 24-Sep-07
Hendricks Bob Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 29-Sep-08
Hendricks Robert Drunk Fined $8.80 paid 21-Sep-07
Hendrickson Sanders Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00 05-Oct-08
Henrdricks Robert Drunk Fined $8.05 17-Aug-07
Henry Ed Robbery came clear 3-Sep-03
Henry Ed Drunk Fined $7.90 stayed 28-Dec-07
Henry Ed Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Henry Ed Hunting without a permit Dismissed 25-Aug-08
Henry Ed Getting goods under false pretenses Settled 02-Nov-08
Henry Edward Provoke Fined $11.00 stayed by John Henry 27-Apr-08
Henry George Associating Fined $14.00 stayed by his father 06-May-05
Henry George Putting dead fish on lots Dismissed 19-Sep-08
Henry John Assualt & battery on George Jackson Dismissed 11-May-08
Henry John L Violating election law Not guilty 6-Mar-09
Henry Tom Drunk Fined $9.00 negro stayed by Charles Comstock 22-Mar-09
Henry William Disturbing a religious meeting Runaway 20-May-03
Henry William Assult & Battery on Mrs Jean Bartlett Fined $8.80 stayed 17-Aug-07
Hensen Frank Drunk 17-Aug-08
Henson Frank Associating Fined $18.50 and went to jail 6-Feb-03
Henson Frank Stealing a bicycle Dismissed 27-Apr-08
Herick George Drunk Fined $9.80 16-Feb-07
Hewbankisou James Intoxication Fined $9.05 stayed by JesseLenox 5-Jul-03
Hewn Edward Mandate Fined $11.00 paid later 7-Jul-09
Hey Aeshart Assualting Clara Kiplinger took to basment by his father and flogged case dismissed 27-Jan-08
Hey Erhard Assualt & battery on Sutherland Fined $9.00 stayed by John Brill 11-Sep-09
Hey Jacob Associating Fined $14.00 stayed by Jim Smith 06-May-05
Higgins Evert Tresspass Fined $9.95 paid 21-Sep-07
Higgins Sam Selling whiskey to minors 01-Mar-06
Hill Branton Drunk Fined $9.80 10-Nov-05
Hill Bud Assualting TomTillson Fined $9.80 31-Dec-04
Hill Little Mary assualted jun 14 by unknown person died june 16 1905 from a stroke on the head by some instrument 16-Jun-05
Hill Vinnie Drunk Fined $8.05 went to jail 24-Aug-07
Hillman Charlie Wife desertion Dismissed 11-Jan-07
Hilt Clifford Drunk Fined $9.65 stayed by Bill Moore 16-Dec-07
Hilt Clifford Mandate Paid 12-May-08
Hilt Clifford Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John Butler 25-Aug-08
Hind Hays Whipping his wife Fined $9.00 22-Jun-09
Hines John Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 18-Sep-06
Hines John Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail 08-May-07
Hines John Drunk Fined $8.05 pay by the week 13-Sep-07
Hines John Profanity Fined $8.00 11-Aug-08
Hitchcock Rosco Assault & battery on Sam kennedy Fined $8.50 23-Mar-03
Hobin Theadore Drunk Fined $9.00 14-Apr-09
Hoffman Ed Stealing an umbrella from Mrs Flemming Dismissed 26-Apr-04
Hoffman H Gambling Fined $20.05 8-Apr-04
Hogan Burney Intoxication fined $9.80 26-Nov-03
Hogan John Playing ball in the streets 23-Jul-03
Hogan John Drunk Dismissed 20-Aug-03
Hogan John Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed 22-Dec-07
Hogan Marshall Playing ball in the streets Fined $7.80 23-Jun-03
Hogan Morris Gambling Fined $15.00 and 10 days in jail - pay by week 18-Sep-06
Hogan Morris Shooting craps not Guilty 22-Dec-07
Hogan Thomas On Mandate Settled 28-Oct-07
Hogan Thomas Shooting craps not Guilty 22-Dec-07
Hogan Tom Running gambling house Fined $20.00 25 days in jail 18-Sep-06
Hogue William Assualt & battery on John Howard Fined $8.80 went to jail 05-Sep-07
Hoit Kate Renting a house for prostitution Fined $25.50 23-Sep-03
Holden Bert Drunk Fined $8.00 went to jail 24-Dec-09
Holland Edward Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 29-Jul-07
Horst Roxie Living in a house of ill fame Dismissed 4-Sep-03
Houston Byran Drunk Dismissed soldier at Ft Ben Harrison 7-Feb-09
Hovis Bernie Associating Fined $14.00 stayed by Sam Harding 06-May-05
Howard James Theft Not guilty 31-Aug-05
Howard John Assualt & battery on Charles Keith Fined $8.80 stayed 05-Sep-07
Howard Johnnie Provoking Elsworth Miles 11-Jun-03
Hoyt Kate Renting houses for the purpose of prostitution Bad affidavit 24-May-05
Hoyt Kate Selling beer without a license to Dan Staskey Fined in one case 13-May-06
Hoyt Kate Selling beer without a license to Jim Jackson Fined $20.00 13-May-06
Hoyt Kate Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $22.05 took appeal 15-May-06
Hoyt Kate Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $21.95 11-Aug-06
Hoyt Kate Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 10-Jan-08
Hoyt Kate Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 stayed 08-Jun-08
Huegel Joe Assualting Walter Cloak Fined$10.00 15-Jun-03
Huegel Intoxication fined $9.40 16-Dec-03
Humphries Ina Assualt & battery on John Mahley 08-Jul-08
Humphries Ina Profanity Took appeal, paid later 08-Jul-08
Hunchie John Profanity Dismissed 30-Jun-03
Hunchie Les Profanity Dismissed 29-Jun-03
Hunt Eliott Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail stayed by Roy Vansdoll 14-Aug-08
Hunter John Drunk Fined $10.05 stayed 11-Feb-07
Hutchison Paul Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 27-Jul-08
Hutchison Paul Wife desertion Dismissed 29-Jul-08
Ingram H.D. Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 suspended sentence 08-Jun-08
Ingram Hardin Drunk Fined $9.10 11-Oct-08
Inman John Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by his mother 28-Apr-04
Inman John Assorting Fined $18.80 27-Sep-04
Irvin Jack Drunk Fined $8.40 stayed by Bill Clark 05-Apr-08
Irvine Jack Drunk Fined $9.50 stayed by Len Williams 30-Jun-08
Ites Travis Wife desertion Fined $10.00 paid 22-Jan-08
Itze Dona Associating No trial 25-May-09
Ivy Harry Frequenting a gambling room Not guilty 10-Dec-05
Ivy Roselle Assualt & battery on Mrs Frank Pettit Fined $7.00 paid 16-Jun-08
Ivy Russell Assualt & battery on Harry Jameson Fined $9.00 stayed 6-Sep-09
Ivy Sherman Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week 15-Jun-06
Ivy Wes Assualting Harley Lawhorn Dismissed 8-Mar-04
Ivy Wes Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 29-Sep-05
Ivy Wesley Profanity Fined $8.80 16-Nov-07
Ivy Weslie Drunk Fined $9.45 went to jail 24-Dec-06
Ivy Will Drunk Fined $7.80 17-Apr-05
Jackson Andrew Assualt & battery on Leslie Patterson Fined $ $9.45 negro 11-Jul-08
Jackson Elane Forgery Sentenced to Michigan City 2 to 14 years 28-Jan-08
Jackson Hershel Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00 27-Apr-08
Jackson Manuel Shooting with intent to kill Stephan Marshall 27-Feb-09
Jackson Manuel Killing Luther Marshall 27-Feb-09
Jackson Merit Drunk Fined $9.80 17-Sep-03
Jaco Jim Drunk Fined $9.80 Jail 27-Feb-07
James John Associating fined $18.50 4-Sep-03
James William Drunk Fined $9.00 pay by week 30-Jun-09
Jefferson Robert Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed by Robt Stewart 27-Apr-07
Jenkins Henry Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed 12-Oct-07
Jerguson Albert Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 28-Jul-06
Johnson A S Larceny home St Louis Dismissed 11-Jul-09
Johnson Daniel Larceny Dismissed 04-Feb-07
Johnson Earnest Fighting negro Fined $10.50 stayed by Jim Morris 28-Jun-06
Johnson George Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail paid later 14-Aug-08
Johnson James Lee Larceny Sent to Pen 1-3 years 04-Feb-07
Johnson Joseph Drunk Fined $$8.90 paid 21-Nov-07
Johnson Leonard Wife desertion in Indianapolis 14-Nov-06
Johnston Charles Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Johnston George Stealing eggs (negro) Dismissed 6-Jan-04
Johnston Leonard Stealing eggs (negro) Dismissed 6-Jan-04
Johnston William Gambling Fined $13.55 19-Feb-05
Johnston Wright Visiting a house of illfame Fined $20.00 09-Aug-07
Joliff Samuel Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed 07-Sep-07
Jones Charles Assualt & battery on his wife Bound over to court Guilty 13-Sep-07
Jones Charles Drunk Fined $10.25 went to jail 02-May-08
Jones Charles Drunk Fined $10.00 16-Apr-09
Jones Clarah Living in a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 & 30days in jail suspended 31-May-08
Jones Ida Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 & 30days in jail 30-May-08
Jones mary Living in a house of ill Fame Dismissed 13-Apr-03
Joyce Henry Whipping his wife Fined $13.05 stayed by John Sieferts 26-Dec-03
Joyce Henry Drunk Fined $9.75 05-Mar-05
Joyce Henry Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 01-Jun-07
Joyce Henry Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 21-Dec-07
Joyce Jim Shot and kille Jesse Harper 01-Jul-05
Kating Pat Drunk Fined $13.50 went to jail 10-Jun-08
Kating Patrick Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 02-Jun-08
Kawai T. J. Disturbing peace with a machine Dismissed 14-Feb-07
Keeling John Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00 05-Oct-08
Keith Charles Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail 20-Dec-03
Keith Charles Assualt & battery on John Howard Fined $8.80 went to jail 05-Sep-07
Keith Charles Drunk Fined $9.50 paid 28-Jun-09
Keller Adolf Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 went to jail 14-May-09
Kendell Otto Assualt & Battery on his father-in-law Fined $8.80 20-Jun-07
Kendell Otto Surety of peace Dismissed 20-Jun-07
Kennedy Gib Drunk Fined $33.00 went to jail 8-Apr-04
Kennedy Gilbert Intoxication Fined $18.80 17-Oct-03
Kennedy Sam Mandate Went to jail 5-Oct-09
Kennedy Sammy Riding on the sidewalk Fined $8.50 pay by week 15-Sep-09
Kennerly Dallas Drunk Fined $8.40 stayed 26-Mar-08
Kenstridge Sam J Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 08-Jan-07
Kent Ben Petty larceny Not guilty 07-Sep-06
Kern Harry Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John Butler 20-Mar-09
Killoren Arnie? Violating the Nicholson law Fined $20.00 and his licensce revoked 02-Oct-06
Kincade Anna Visiting a house of illfame Fined$15.00 10days in jail 03-Jun-08
Kincade Anna Prositute Fined $30.00 30days jail or suspend sentence & leave county 21-Jul-08
Kincade Martha E Shoplifting Fined $10.00 went to jail 30 days 11-Mar-08
Kincade Miss Lina Shoplifting Fined $10.00 suspended jail 11-Mar-08
King Ben Abstructing a public highway Fined $2.85 8-Sep-04
King Joe Disturbing religious meeting Fined $13.15 stayed by his father 12-Apr-04
King Mike Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 28-Dec-06
Kinney Bob Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 31-Dec-03
Kinney Bob Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail 6-Jan-04
Kinney Bob Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 19-Oct-08
Kinney John Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 05-Jun-07
Kiser Harrold Stealing watch of John Seifert Bound over to court 17-Jul-07
Kline Harry Assault & battery with intent to commit murder on ____ Clayton 30-Apr-04
Kline Harry Drunk Fined $8.00 went to jail 06-Dec-07
Kline Harry Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail 16-Mar-09
Kline Harry Loitering Made to leave town 3-Jul-09
Kline Harry Mandate Jail 115 days 11-Jul-09
Knapp John Provoaking Not Guilty 19-May-05
Knight Walter Wife desertion Dismissed 12-Jun-08
Knoot Ephraim Assualt & battery on Phillip Miller Not Guilty 03-Feb-08
Knufman Samuel Assualt & battery on Phillip Miller Dismissed 03-Feb-08
Kolie Thomas Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 10-Feb-04
Krebs Fred Running a gambling house Fined $100.00 27-Apr-08
Krigler Rhet Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Henry Friday 10-Apr-09
Krisand Theodore Drunk Left town 30-Jan-08
Kritser George Jumping board bill Paid 20-Nov-07
Krutz Kooney Gambling Not Guilty 25-Jan-08
Labarbera Sam Selling tobacco to boys Fined $20.00 05-Oct-08
Laird L.J. Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 26-Jun-08
LaLain Bill Drunk Fined $9.80 10-May-09
Lane Harry Assualting Marion Byland Fined $10.05 took an appeal 30-Sep-04
Lane Harry Giving away beer Fined $37.80 stayed by H___ DePrez 25-Jun-05
Lane Roxie Drunk Not guilty 31-Jul-05
Lane Roxie Profanity Fined $11.80 01-Aug-05
Lane Starry Associating Fined $9.50 29-Dec-03
Lane William Profanity Dismissed 25-Nov-03
Lange Earl Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele 15-Jan-05
Lange Fred Loitering Fined $50.00 16-Aug-07
Lanksford Alvine Breaking parole Sent back to prison 09-Jan-07
Lawrence Bessie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 24-May-05
Laws Elsie Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 went to jail 19-Oct-08
Lealman Elmer Assualt & Battery on Rollie Davis Fined $8.40 went to jail 05-Aug-07
Lealman Elmer Profanity Fined $8.80 stayed by Harry Spiegel 14-Aug-07
Leasenden Harry Frequenting house of ill fame Dismissed 20-Nov-04
LeClare Will Drunk Fined 05-Mar-05
Lee Emma Living in adultry Not Guilty 19-Jan-08
Lee John Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed by Rob Dubaun 13-Aug-08
Lee Odell Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 29-Aug-09
Leigh Jessie Assault on Charlie Whipple Fined $9.00 pay by week 19-Jan-09
Leigh John Assault on Charlie Whipple Fined $9.00 pay by week 18-Jan-09
Lemasters N_____ Loitering Given a talk and made to go home 24-Jul-09
Lewis Harry For not paying Elsie Woodford 28-Dec-04
Lewis Harry For debt to Elsie Woodford 29-Dec-04
Lewis Robert Cruelty to animals Fined $13.80 went to jail 28-May-05
Lightfoot Col Drunk Fined $9.55 11-Aug-06
Lind John Drunk Fined $9.80 Jail 02-Mar-07
Lingenholm Albert Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 17-May-09
Lingo Dan Cruelty to animals Fined $8.05 stayed 14-Sep-07
Lingo Dan Profanity Dismissed 01-Oct-08
Lingo Dan Assualt & battery on Ed Fleming Fined $9.00 stayed by Isaac Cox 13-Sep-09
Lingo Willie Out on parole Sent back to Plainfield (penitentiary) 19-Nov-05
Lingo Willis Assualting Charlie Ray Fined $9.80 17-Sep-04
Lions William Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 21-Jun-07
Lions William Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 08-Nov-07
Lisom Frank Maintaning a nusiance Dismissed 13-Jun-03
Little Clarah Profanity Fined 20-Jun-03
Little William Perjury Bound ovet to Grand Jurry 1 to 8 years 18-Feb-07
Logan Bill Drunk Fined $10.00 stayed by Wes Sandefur 9-Aug-09
Logan Carl Assualt & battery on wife Dismissed 12-Sep-08
Logan Carl Profanity Left town 23-Dec-08
Logan Carl Surety of peace 24-Dec-08
Logan Carol Assualting his wife Dismissed 02-Nov-08
Logan Will Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Sandifur 18-Mar-09
Logan James Tresspass 10-Sep-04
Long Harry Drunk Fined $9.50 stayed by Elmer Hurst 3-Jul-09
Long Harry Drunk Fined $25.00 went to jail 10-Oct-09
Louden David Intoxication Fined $8.35 stayed by his brother 9-Sep-04
Louden David Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 01-Dec-06
Loued Elmer Intoxication Fined $9.80 stayed by Claud Curtis 4-Sep-03
Lowery Joseph Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Luther Andrew Assualt & battery on Alonzo Talbert Fined $9.00 later stayed 8-Jun-09
Luther Cecil Jumping board bill Paid 22-Sep-07
Luther Francis Provoke Fined $8.80 stayed 15-May-07
Luther Theodore Assault on Douglass Wood Fined $12.80 27-Dec-03
Lynch George Wife desertion Not Guilty 24-Feb-09
Lyons Harry Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.00 stayed 5-Jul-09
Lyons John Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Frank Rambush 24-May-05
Lyons Lloyd Drunk Fined $15.00 went to jail 01-Jul-07
Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 24-Aug-06
Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.80 jail 04-Mar-07
Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 20-Mar-07
Lyons William Drunk Fined $8.80 jail 09-Nov-07
Lyons William Drunk Fined $8.60 went to jail 08-Jul-08
Lyons William Drunk Fined $10.00 stayed 30-Aug-08
Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 17-Jun-09
Lyons William Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail 30-Jun-09
Lyons William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed 25-Sep-09
Mahan James Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed 13-Apr-08
Mahan John Insane Jail 01-Jun-07
Mahley Jacob Assualt & battery on Ina Humphries Fined $9.80 08-Jul-08
Mahley Jacob Profanity Fined $9.80 08-Jul-08
Mahley John Assualt & battery on Ina Humphries Fined $9.80 08-Jul-08
Mahley John Profanity Fined $9.80 08-Jul-08
Mahoney Thomas Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 05-Jan-07
Maily Pat Drunk Fined $10.05 2-Feb-04
Mallery Pete Assualt & battery on William Hogue Fined $8.80 stayed 05-Sep-07
Mallory Roy Provoking Elsworth Miles 11-Jun-03
Maloney James Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 24-Oct-08
Maloney James Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail 27-Feb-09
Maloney Jim Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 18-Feb-07
Maloney Jim Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 04-May-07
Manning Edward Drunk Fined $9.75 07-Mar-07
Manson William Carrying a concealed wepon Fined $8.75 06-Jul-08
Maple Delbert Drunk Fined $9.75 07-Mar-07
Maple Delbert Assualt & Battery Fined $9.75 07-Mar-07
Maple Millard Assualt & battery on Paul Vanarsdal Fined $9.00 stayed 12-Sep-08
Marks Frank Drunk Went to jail paid later 04-Sep-05
Marks James Playing ball in the streets Fined $14.05 stayed by John Vanoy 23-Jul-03
Marks James Drunk Fined $12.50 went to jail stayed it later 24-Aug-03
Marsh James Malicious trespass Dismissed 29-Aug-08
Marsh John J Elected Marshal of the city of Shelbyville by a majority of 33 votes over Alexander Fox 3-May-04
Marshall George Asaulting Charles Enis 7-Feb-03
Marshall James Assualting Officer Staskey Fined $25.00 jail 04-Sep-07
Marshall James Whipping his wife Fined $9.80 went to jail 13-Jan-08
Marshall James Mandate 21-Apr-08
Marshall James Assualt & battery on James Bailey Fined $8.50 08-Sep-08
Marshall Rob Assualt & battery on T Burton & Dan Staskey Fined $25.00 stayed by Will Kennedy 23-Sep-07
Marshall Samuel Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 25-May-07
Marshall Stephan Assualting Dan Staskey Fined $25.00 jail 04-Sep-07
Marshall Stephan Shooting with intent to kill Manuel Jackson 27-Feb-09
Marshall Stephen Negro for assualt & battery on Clarence Ship Fined $9.80 stayed by Vernon Randell 08-Mar-05
Martin Branch Assualt & battery on his wife Fined $9.00 jail, negro later stayed by Warren Good 23-May-08
Matlock George Stealing horse & buggy from Chet Fox caught in Columbus Guilty 2 to 14years 03-Sep-07
Mayhew T______ Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 14-Dec-05
Mayrv Henry Drunk Fined $10.80 went to jail 1-Oct-03
McAlley Fred Drunk Fined $8.75 2-Jan-10
McAsley Henry Running Gambling house Fined $100.00 25-Jul-08
McBride George Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele 15-Jan-05
McBride Jim Associating Fined $18.55 stayed by Crebs? 4-Sep-03
McCalip Charles Intoxication Fined $10.30 16-Aug-03
McCasity Ed Assualt & battery on Morton Bailey 16-Jun-08
McDaniels Frank Drunk Fined $7.90 21-May-07
McGibben Charles Drunk Fined $10.80 pay Saturday 30-Sep-07
McGibbins Charles Drunk Fined $8.50 02-Nov-07
McGibbins Charles Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail 09-Nov-08
McGibbon Charles Drunk Fined $8.75 went to jail paid later 15-Aug-08
McGibbon Charles Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 25-Mar-09
McGibbons Charles Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 03-Jan-08
McGill James Carrying concealed wepons Fined $12.15 stayed by his father 21-Nov-03
McGill James Frequenting a gambling room Not guilty 10-Dec-05
McGill James Drunk Fined $8.05 pay by the week 14-Sep-07
McGinnis Flora Living in a house of ill fame Not guilty 15-May-06
McGinnis Flora Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 took appeal 28-Jul-06
McGinnis Wesley Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John Butler 01-Nov-08
McGlothlin Edward Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 11-May-07
McGual William Drunk Fined $8.80 15-Nov-06
Mckiln Sam Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 28-Dec-06
McKinney Bert Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
McKinney Frank Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
McKinney John Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail 22-Nov-09
McKinney Julia Assualt & battery on Nan Valentine Fined $9.00 31-Aug-08
McKinney Roy Loitering Fined $50.00 16-Aug-07
McLaine Tom Search warrant $.55 subpeona 3 witnesses $1.05 total $1.60 13-Mar-06
McMamnan Frank Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 took appeal 27-Jul-06
McNealy George Drunk Fined $8.05 stayed by EE Barton 26-Sep-07
McNealy George Wife desertion Dismissed 14-Oct-07
McNealy Morgan Smoking a cigarett Fined $33.80 stayed by his uncle John McNeely took appeal found to be unconstitutional 04-Jun-05
McNealy Associating Fined $18.50 stayed by Claud Curtis 4-Sep-03
McWilliams Charlie Larceny Dismissed paid cost 23-Feb-07
Means Ethel Assualt & battery on Tony Wilson Not Guilty 02-Oct-07
Means Neil Selling whiskey on Sunday to William Tally 13-Feb-07
Meer Alderich Breaking into A L Means store Went to Plainfield penn 22-Feb-08
Meer Aldrich Stealing watch of John Oldfield Out on bond 18-Jul-07
Meer Charles Drunk Sent to jail 6-Oct-04
Meloney Jim Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail 12-Sep-09
Messersmith Charles Jumping Board Bill Fined $8.80 stayed by Melllisa Bassett 29-May-07
Metsan Fred Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 07-Dec-08
Metz Thomas Fighting John Runche Fined $9.80 went to jail 17-Jul-05
Mickelson John Riding on sidewalk fined $9.50 26-Nov-03
Mickelson William Forgery & Embezlement, warrant from Ft Wayne IN Dismissed 19-Jan-06
Miles Elsworth Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Lewis Todd 25-Dec-04
Mill Charles Drunk Fined $9.00 paid later 27-Sep-08
Miller Bill Drunk Stayed by Dunn 05-Sep-06
Miller Ed Visiting a gambling house Fined $20.00 27-Apr-08
Miller Elmer H Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 1-Jan-09
Miller George Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 16-Sep-09
Miller Louis Assualting Henry Friday Dismissed 30-May-06
Miller Louis Assualt & battery on Ben Whaley JR Not guilty 10-Jun-09
Miller Minnie Visiting a house of ill fame Jailed to appear 07-Jan-08
Miller Phillip Assualting Henry Friday Dismissed 30-May-06
Miller Phillip Trespass Fined $9.80 31-Jan-08
Miller Phillip Profanity Dismissed 08-Feb-08
Miller Phillip Assualt & battery on Ben Whaley JR Not guilty 10-Jun-09
Miller Thomas Assualt & battery on Will Ash Fined $9.00 stayed by William Nue 12-Mar-09
Miller William Drunk Fined $12.80 went to jail pay by week 11-Jan-07
Miller William Drunk Fined $15.00 jail 22-Feb-07
Miller William Forgery Not Guilty 13-Nov-08
Miller William Drunk Fined $8.50 9-Jan-09
Miller William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Sam Oldfield 12-Sep-09
Mitchell Jim Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.05 stayed by Henry Shelch 16-Dec-03
Molder Bill Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00 27-Apr-08
Monroe Harry Obtaining money under false pretences Dismissed 29-Oct-09
Monroe Harry Petty Larcency 5-Nov-09
Montrose Bessie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 24-May-05
Moonan Frank Blocking public highway Fined $11.00 12-Jul-08
Moore Anna Living in a house of ill Fame Fined $13.05 stayed Kate Hoyt 16-Mar-03
Moore Anna Living in a house of ill fame Case was annuled 4-Sep-03
Moore Anna Living in a house of ill fame Fined $18.80 stayed by Kate 24-May-05
Moore Anna Living in a house of ill fame Fined $15.75 paid 22-Oct-06
Moore Charles Gambling Fined $15.00 stayed by John Butler 01-May-08
Moore Frank VEG (assume vagrancy) negro Fined $16.00 03-Jun-05
Moore Jessie VEG (assume vagrancy) negro Fined $16.00 03-Jun-05
Moore Nora Larceny Dismissed 21-Oct-09
Moore Sug jr Conducting a gambling room Fined $18.80 30-Jan-05
Moore Wiley Wife Desertion Fined $20.80 stayed by grandmother 27-Feb-04
Moore William Drunk from Cannady Fined $8.55 went to jail 11-Feb-07
Moran Joe Assualt & battery with intent to kill James Goldey 17-Oct-08
Morgan Earl Larceny 1 to 8 years in Pen 23-Jul-08
Morgan Earnie Stealing not Guilty 26-Aug-07
Morris Harold Profanity Fined $54.00 10-Apr-08
Morris Harold Assualt & battery on Amos Sparks Fined $9.80 10-Apr-08
Morris John H Loitering Fined $5.00 made leave town 07-Aug-07
Morrow Fred Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 27-Jul-08
Morton Ballard Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 27-Jul-08
Morton Ballard Carrying a concealed wepon Fined $23.00 went to jail later stayed by Butler 04-Aug-08
Morton Ballard Mandate Jail negro 05-Nov-08
Moss John Drawing a gun on Joe Hill Fined $1905 12-Dec-04
Moss John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Charels Chenney 16-Mar-05
Moss John Associating Fined $18.90 11-Aug-06
Moss Martin Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Jim Fleming 25-Jul-06
Motley James Keeping a dog that killed chickens Fined $17.50 stayed by his father 12-Dec-07
Mountz Nora Drunk Fined $15.00 19-Apr-08
Mull Oliver Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by V Bandall 8-Sep-03
Muller Earnest Selling whiskey to Bill Miller habitual drunk not Guilty 16-Jan-07
Mullery Gene Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 06-Sep-06
Mullery William Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 10-Aug-07
Murray George Jumping board bill Fined $9.00 negro 14-Aug-09
Murry George Stealing eggs (negro) Dismissed 6-Jan-04
Murry George Carrying concealed wepons Fined $18.60 stayed by his father 28-Jun-05
Murry George Provoke Fined $10.00 jail 15-Dec-07
Murry George Drawing dangerous and deadly weapon Fined $9.80 stayed by Maud Estis 24-Dec-07
Mussell Will Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Butler 24-May-05
Myer Joseph Drunk Fined $9.85 county commissioner 15-Dec-05
Myers Dan Loitering Fined $18.00 went to jail 20-Oct-03
Nail Martin Violating election law Not guilty 6-Mar-09
Nash Rusty Assualt & Battery on Tom Smith Jr not Guilty 10-Jul-07
Nash William Playing ball in the streets Fined $7.80 23-Jul-03
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $13.20 went to jail 12-Jul-06
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $9.55 went to jail 02-Nov-06
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 17-May-07
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $15.00 suspended sentence 06-Sep-07
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $10.85 went to jail 22-Oct-07
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 26-Feb-08
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $17.80 went to jail 26-Mar-08
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $13.30 went to jail 05-May-08
Neal Ed Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail 2-Aug-09
Neal George Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 03-Aug-07
Neal George Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week 04-Aug-07
Neal James Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed by Val Schoelch 13-Sep-08
Neal John Drunk Fined $9.00 4-Sep-09
Neal Margaret Insanity case Cost 1/05 02-Jan-06
Neal Mrs Lean Profanity Dismissed 12-Oct-09
Neal William Drunk Fined $8.05 stayed 06-Sep-07
Neal William A Provoke Fined $9.80 stayed by John C______ 12-Oct-09
Neeb Ennis Malissous tresspass Fined $9.80 14-Sep-05
Neil Ed Intoxication Fined $11.00 went to jail 31-Jul-03
Nelson Flow Profanity 10-Aug-03
Nelson Rose Living in adultry with Joel Watson Fined $10.30 went to jail 19-Oct-06
Nevel Anna Assualt on Rosco Hitchcock Fined &8.50 24-Mar-03
Nicely Ben Drunk Fined $9.80 20-Sep-05
Nickels Mont House rent 1-Nov-04
Nickelson Will Gambling Fined $20.05 8-Apr-04
Nickles Frank Drunk Not Guilty 14-Nov-07
Nisel Sam Drunk Fined $9.00 paid 21-Dec-08
Nixon Romeo Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 04-Dec-05
Obrien James Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 06-Sep-06
Ohl Emma Living in adultry Fined $10.55 09-Aug-06
Ohlein James Jumping board bill Paid 15-Oct-09
Oldfield John Profanity Fined $10.40 stayed by Judge Hoard 18-Jul-08
Oldfield John Assualt & battery on George Richmond Dismissed 20-Jul-08
Olmstead Ed Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 16-Sep-09
Orbaugh Ono L__ting Fined $100 and 95days in jail, jail suspended sentence 21-Jun-07
Palmer Jasper Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail paid later 10-Aug-07
Palmer Marshall Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 21-Sep-07
Palmer Marshall Larceny Not Guilty 11-Oct-07
Pardon Bertha Living in adultery Fined $33.00 went to jail 24-Feb-09
Parker Frank Whipping his wife Fined $18.80 08-Mar-05
Parker Frank Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed 06-Aug-08
Parker Newton D Passing fraudulant checks Waved Preliminary 20-Feb-08
Parrish Charles House breaking not Guilty 13-Jul-07
Parrish Charles Provoke Dismissed 22-Jul-08
Parrish Charlie Assualt & battery on Russell Maple Dismissed 20-Jul-08
Parrish Clarence Breaking into Frank Grays saloon Turned over to Juvenil court 16-Aug-08
Parrish Combs Drunk Fined $8.60 10-Dec-04
Parrish Combs Drunk Fined $8.55 went to jail 20-Jan-06
Parrish Combs Dinimiting fish in Big Blue river out on $5.00 fined $2.50 and $7.50 cost 25-Jan-06
Parrish Comes for Franklin man an old fine 06-Sep-07
Parrish Edman Assualting Orval Fisher 17ov1904
Parrish George Intoxication fined $9.80 17noc1903
Partlow Jack Maintaining a nuicense Dismissed 24-Apr-09
Paten Walter Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 8-Apr-04
Paton Mary Living in a house of illfame Fined $11.00 25-Aug-07
Paton Walter Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by oscar Druman 17-Oct-03
Patrick Ganville V Practicing medicine without a license Fined $10.00 stayed by Mr King 16-Sep-08
Patterson Leslie Assualt & battery on Andrew Jackson 20-Jul-08
Patton Bert Gambling Fined $13.55 19-Feb-05
Patton Sarah J Assualt & battery on Goldie Patton Fined $10.00 2-Jun-09
Patton Walt Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 29-Apr-04
Patton Walt A mandate Jail 07-Feb-05
Patton Walter Burgulary 1 to 8 years suspended sentence 18-Aug-08
Paugh Charles Intoxication Fined $9.30 stayed Theodore Luther 16-Oct-03
Paxton Burt Frequenting a gambling room Fined $13.80 10-Dec-05
Payne Edna Living in adultery Dismissed 5-Feb-09
Payne Holland Living in adultery Dismissed 5-Feb-09
Peed Orvill Drunk Fined $9.80 07-Feb-07
Pendelton Leslie Associating Fined $5.00 stayed 24-Nov-07
Penn Willis Drunk Fined $17.80 negro 19-Mar-08
Penworth Hugh Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 4-Sep-09
Perkins Jerry Drunk Fined $9.50 later stayed 11-Nov-09
Perkins Red Drunk Fined $12.60 went to jail 28-Oct-05
Petit Bob Gambling Fined $15.00 pay by week 18-Sep-06
Petit Frank Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 02-Sep-06
Petit Robert Stealing and Comfort Dismissed 5-Mar-03
Pettit Bob Provoked Fined $8.80 stayed by ____ 11-Apr-07
Pettit Bob Assualt & battery on Mabel Nugent Fined $10.00 suspended 13-Nov-08
Phillips Charles Petty larceny Fined $9.00 went to jail 21-Dec-08
Phillips Clark Jumping board bill Fined $9.80 stayed by Claud Fix 24-Nov-08
Phillips Ed Drunk Fined $10.30 went to jail 09-Jan-06
Phillips Frank Drunk Fined $8.51 went to jail 24-Feb-06
Phillips Frank Fighting Fined $8.80 stayed by Harry Nails 21-May-07
Phillips Frank L__ting Fined $100 and 95days in jail, jail suspended sentence 21-Jun-07
Phillips Garret Hopping trains Fined $8.30 stayed bySturley 27-Feb-08
Phillips George Gambling Fined $15.00 27-Apr-08
Phillips Grant Drunk Fined $8.75 2-Jan-10
Phillips Victor Drunk Fined $8.80 20-Jan-08
Phillips Drunk Fined $8.50 25-Jul-08
Piatt Nettice E Neglecting her children Fined $15.00 left town 16-Mar-08
Pickway Hershel Drunk Fined $18.00 went to jail paid later 30-Sep-08
Pinkins Jim Living in adultry with Emma Ohl Fined $10.55 09-Aug-06
Pitcher Johline Profanity 24-Nov-05
Pitcher John Stealing brass at Rushville 13-Jul-09
Platt Mrs Lou Malicious trespass Dismissed 13-Jun-08
Plummer Charles Jr Profanity Fined $10.05 stayed Andy Ensminger 9-May-03
Polen John Drunk Fined $10.00 took appeal 05-Jul-07
Polin H Fined $9.05 stayed by his mother 19-Aug-06
Polin John Intoxication Fined $9.50 stayed by his mother 10-Mar-03
Polin John Drunk Fined $13.50 15-Mar-04
Polin John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by John Cheney 25-Oct-04
Polin John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Elmer Bassett 02-Jun-07
Polin John Henry Profanity Fined $8.75 stayed by L____ Williams 08-Aug-06
Polland George Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 26-Jul-07
Pollard Henry Provoke Dismissed 19-Dec-08
Pollard William Assualt & Battery on Harry Golding Fined $9.00 stayed by his father 12-Dec-08
Pollard Willis Assualt & Battery on Harry Golding Fined $9.00 paid 12-Dec-08
Pool Charles Drunk Fined $9.05 10-Dec-03
Pool Charles Assualting Fred Miller Fined $10.80 marshalls cost $6.10 31-Aug-05
Pool Charlie Assualting Fred Miller Guilty stayed by his father 01-Sep-05
Porteni Bill Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by John Gordon 13-Mar-04
Porterfield Bill Gambling Not Guilty 19-Feb-05
Porterfield Bill Gambling Dismissed 31-Mar-06
Porterfield Bill Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail 04-Oct-08
Porterfield Ed Intoxication Fined $9.50 stayed by John Henry 10-Mar-03
Porterfield Ed Drunk Fined $10.05 15-Nov-03
Potts Onnen Loitering Fined $50.00 16-Aug-07
Price Willard Gambling Fined $15.00 27-Apr-08
Prilasky Phillip Buying junk without a liscence Fined $9.55 went to jail 04-Oct-06
Pruit Elmer Running gambling device at fair grounds Dismissed 04-Sep-08
Purvis Carl Petty Larceny 60 days in jail 27-Feb-08
Quashe Peter Drunk Fined $ 9.05 24-Aug-06
Quigley John Drunk Fined $9.05 went to jail 26-Sep-07
Quigley Patrick Drunk Fined $9.80 20-Dec-06
Ramer Forest Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 26-May-07
Ran__ Forrest Living in adultry Dismissed 01-Sep-05
Randall Bryse Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 stayed by father 01-Aug-06
Randall Burell Associating Fined $14.00 stayed by George Ensminger 06-May-05
Randall Burl Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his father 07-Aug-07
Randall Buryl Dinimiting fish in Big Blue river out on $5.00 fined $2.50 and $7.50 cost 25-Jan-06
Rapp John Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 25-Jul-06
Rapp John Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by John Rinton 10-May-07
Ray Albert Drunk Fined $8.50 19-Jan-09
Ray James Drunk Fined $10.80 went to jail paid later 24-Aug-03
Ray James A Intoxication Fined $9.80 16-Nov-03
Raymond Frank Drunk Fined $8.75 went to jail 16-Jul-08
Reading George Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail pay by the week 25-Oct-06
Redine George Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Jim Henry 13-Nov-08
Reding George Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail pay by week 08-Jan-07
Reding George On Mandate Fined $10.85 went to jail 22-Oct-07
Reding Lillie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $16.50 went to jail 4-Sep-03
Reed Abraham Jumping trains Fined $9.05 went to jail 18-Oct-06
Reed Clark Drunk Fined $8.50 stayed by his father 23-Oct-07
Reed Dock Drunk Fined $8.80 19-May-06
Reed Dock Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail 13-Jul-07
Reed John Drunk Fined $9.80 01-Oct-05
Reed Ralph Assualt & battery on Russell Maple Fined $8.00 20-Jul-08
Reed Ralph Provoke Fined $11.00 22-Jul-08
Reed Walter S Drunk Fined $8.75 12-Mar-09
Rhinehart Ed Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by John Burk 15-Feb-07
Rhoads Earl Drunk Fined $9.75 22-Nov-09
Rhodes Earl Stealing Fined $25.00 out on floater 16-Nov-04
Rice Abner Mandate Jail 06-May-08
Rice Abner Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Rice Abner Mandate Settled 13-Nov-09
Rice Allie Fighting - negro girl 14-Jul-05
Rice Alonzo Drunk Fined $8.80 29-Jul-08
Rice Anthony Drunk Fined $15.00 went to jail 19-Apr-08
Rice Charlie Stealing an overcoat from Russell Henshaw Bound over to court fined $10.00 and 10 day jail 23-Dec-07
Rice Frank Drunk Fined $8.05 stayed Paid 24-Aug-07
Rice Henry Drunk Fined $8.50 Stayed BY Val Welsh 11-Jul-08
Rice Anthony Drunk Fined $8.55 04-Nov-06
Rice Bub Drunk Stayed by George Hupp 17-Aug-07
Ricer Charles Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 14-Nov-06
Ricer Charles Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 02-Jun-07
Ricer Charlie Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 29-Sep-06
Richardson Bill Cruelty to animals Fined $9.00 went back to prision 01-May-05
Richardson Bill Assualt & battery on Charles Anderson Fined $8.80 went to jail 21-Sep-07
Richardson Bill Mandate Jail 17-Apr-08
Richardson Jeff Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail 16-Nov-03
Richardson Lewis Surity of the peace 08-Apr-05
Richardson Louis Assualting Tom steffy Fined $9.80 stayed by Bill Landen 22-Mar-07
Richardson Will Highway Robbery Dismissed 06-Jul-07
Richardson Will Provoke Dismissed 23-Mar-07
Richardson Will Whipping his wife Dismissed 09-Mar-08
Richardson William Drawing a dangerous and deadly weapon Fined $11.00 pay by week 05-May-08
Richey Anna Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 24-May-05
Rickets Jack Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Cate Sherman 21-Dec-08
Rigby Frank Drunk from Greensburg Fined $9.80 left watch for security 09-Sep-05
Right Bob Violating election law Not guilty 6-Mar-09
Riley Jacob Drunk Fined $8.05 went to jail 07-Oct-07
Riley Jared Drunk Fined $9.35 31-Dec-03
Rincon Paul Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Albert Griffey 30-Sep-08
Rinehart Ed Intoxication Fined $8.50 stayed by John Henry 14-Mar-03
Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by his father 12-Nov-04
Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $12.80 went to jail stayed by Mrs thurston 01-Jun-07
Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $15.00 stayed by his brother 16-Nov-07
Rinehart Ed Assualt & battery on Charles Cotton Fined $15.00 stayed by his father 17-Nov-07
Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $15.00 10days jail 30-Nov-07
Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $12.65 went to jail 18-Feb-08
Rinehart Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 10-Oct-09
Rinehart Edward Arrested in mandate 11-Jul-05
Rines Buck Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail 14-Nov-03
Rines Frank Whipping his wife Dismissed 18-Feb-08
Roach George Larceny not Guilty 04-Feb-07
Roach John Larceny Sent to Pen 1-3 years 04-Feb-07
Roberts Frank Assualt & battery on Dan Beckman Not Guilty 8-Jul-09
Roberts George Violating city ordinance 22-Jul-05
Robertson Frank Assualt & battery on Russell Maple Fined $8.80 20-Jul-08
Robertson Frank Provoke Dismissed 22-Jul-08
Robertson Wash Drunk Fined $8.80 03-Jan-08
Robertson Washington Drunk Fined $12.60 went to jail 18-Apr-08
Robins Will Assualt & battery Fined $8.50 stayed 15-Sep-08
Robinson Otho Public indecency 22-Jul-08
Robison Charlie VEG (assume vagrancy) negro Fined $16.00 03-Jun-05
Romerat Harry Profanity 26-Dec-08
Roomerstine M buying junk without licensce Fined $9.80 14-Jul-05
Rose LL Assualt & Battery on Lafayette Williams Fined $8.80 27-Jul-07
Ross George Gambling Dismissed 31-Mar-06
Ross James Drunk Fined $11.80 went to jail 14-Dec-06
Ross John Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Clint Penser 21-Oct-08
Roth Harry Selling on a Sunday Dismissed 27-Dec-04
Roth Harry Selling on a Sunday Found not guilty 27-Dec-04
Rubin Samuel Assualt & battery on Phillip Miller Dismissed 03-Feb-08
Runche Jack Drunk Fined $9.00 30-Jul-09
Runche John Drunk Fined $9.80 Jail 27-Feb-07
Runche John Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 10-May-07
Runche John Drunk Fined $12.60 went to jail 05-Jun-07
Runche John Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Chris Runche 6-Sep-09
Runchie John Drunk Fined $16.50 stayed by George Snepp 21-Mar-04
Runchie John Drunk Fined $9.55 went to jail 19-Jan-06
Runchie John Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 12-Apr-06
Runchie Katie Living in a house of ill fame Dismissed 20-Nov-04
Runshe Lis Carrying a concealed wepon Fined $9.00 stayed by Kate Hoyt 27-Jul-08
Runtz Louis Allowing bartender in his saloon on Sunday Fined Took appeal 06-May-06
Runyon Theodore Gambling not Guilty 22-Dec-07
Russ James Drunk Fined $9.55 went to jail 09-Sep-06
Russ James Drunk Fined $9.45 24-Dec-06
Russell Ella Living in adultry Dismissed 01-Sep-05
Ryan Edward Drunk Fined $8.80 13-Sep-06
Ryland Me_____ Assualting Geo Keuile runaway 16-Nov-06
Sadler Alvin Hunting without permit Fined $17.80 stayed 23-Dec-07
Sanders William Murder sentenced to penn 14 years on march 21 1904 6-Sep-03
Sandifur Harry Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his father 07-Sep-07
Sawyer Wade Loitering Dismissed 06-Sep-07
Sawyer William Drunk Fined $9.00 14-Apr-09
Schmoor Harry Assualt & battery on Russell Maple Dismissed 20-Jul-08
Schmoor Harry Provoke Dismissed 22-Jul-08
Schmore Charlie Employing young person in factory Fined $9.80 14-May-09
Schmore Charlie Interfering with factory inspection Fined $9.80 14-May-09
Schnobel May Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $18.00 11-May-03
Schnoble George Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 24-May-05
Schnoble May Keeping a house of Ill fame 24-May-05
Schooler Charles Intoxication Fined $9.80 17-Sep-03
Schueden Al Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 04-Sep-07
Scott Homer Bastardy Complemised 07-Jun-08
Scott John Provoking Thomas Swafford Fined $9.80 1-May-09
Scott Robert Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 30-Jan-07
Scripture Newt Wife desertion Dismissed 20-Jan-08
Sealeman Elmer Assualting Albert Giger Fined $9.80 stayed by Harry Spiegel 20-Sep-05
Sealeman Elmer Assualting Albert Giger Fined $10.10 29-Sep-05
Sealeman Elmer Profanity Fined $11.10 29-Sep-05
Sealeman Perry Concealing _____ 20-Sep-05
Seals Bud Jumping board bill Fined $9.80 went to jail 21-Jul-09
Seeleman Elmer Shooting Vernon Parker died Proved to be accidental 4-Nov-04
Sexton Oliver Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed 31-Aug-07
Sexton Oliver Drunk Fined $8.25 stayed by George Leggett 23-Apr-08
Shafer Frank Jumping board bill Fined $8.80 went to jail 20-Feb-08
Shafer Frank Drunk Fined $8.65 went to jail 11-Mar-08
Shafer Frank Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail 10-Nov-08
Shafer Fred Drunk Fined $8.05 jail 02-Oct-07
Shafer Fred Drunk Fined $8.50 pay by week 30-Oct-07
Shaw Cliffy Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.60 stayed by Doug Moore 04-Jul-05
Shaw James Violating city ordinances Dismissed 29-Jul-07
Shaw Jesse Assualting Gordon Thruston Fined $9.55 26-Aug-05
Shaw Samuel Drunk Fined $7.90 left watch for security 21-May-07
Shaw William Drunk Fined $9.85 19-May-06
Shaw William Drunk Fined $9.80 17-Jun-09
Sheals John Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 28-Oct-06
Shedon Albert Associating Fined $9.80 20-Dec-03
Shedon Hussman Associating Fined $9.80 20-Dec-03
Sheppard Vennie Assualt & battery on James Howell Fined $10.00 28-Jul-09
Sheppell Vinnie Bastardy Guilty took appeal, later settled 12-Aug-08
Sherman Silas Intoxication Fined $9.05 7-Jul-03
Shermann Charlie Selling whiskey to minors Not guilty 02-Mar-06
Sherwood John Running gambling device at fair grounds Dismissed 04-Sep-08
Shields Daisy Living in a house of ill fame Fined$15.00 stayed 08-Jun-08
Shine Burt Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele 15-Jan-05
Shines Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 06-Sep-06
Ship Clarence Assualt & battery on Stephen Marshall Jail 08-Mar-05
Ship Noah Drunk Fined $8.80 19-Aug-05
Ship Noah Striking his wife Stayed by John Dobbins 26-Aug-03
Ship William Assualt & battery on Mamie Ingesham not Guilty 07-Sep-07
Shipp Harry Drunk Fined $9.35 stayed by Sam harding 13-May-06
Shite May Living in a house of ill fame Dismissed 20-Nov-04
Shorman William Drunk Fined $9.80 13-Jul-05
Shueden Allen Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $20.00 10 days in jail 07-Jan-08
Shuler William Drunk Fined $9.00 25-Mar-09
Shuler William Drunk Fined $9.00 3-Aug-09
Shull William Drunk Fined $9.00 paid 07-May-08
Shuman William Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 07-Dec-08
Sidlinger Charles Violating the health law Fined $20.00 took appeal 21-Jan-08
Silson William Assualting AnnaReed Fined $8.90 12-Jun-03
Simpson Allen Drunk Fined $7.90 25-May-07
Skotski Abe Violating city ordinance 22-Jul-05
Skotski Flora Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $50.25 13-Apr-03
Skotski Flora Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $93.25 paid $2.40 23-Jun-03
Skotski Flora Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $21.80 stayed by Dan DePrez 10-Mar-04
Skotski Flory Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $20.05 stayed 23-Mar-03
Slucher Frank Drunk Fined $8.50 went to jail 08-Jul-08
Slusher Frank Intoxication Fined $12.00 and went to jail 22-Jun-03
Slusser Frank Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 02-Sep-05
Smith Abner Drunk Fined $8.05 jail later stayed by his mother 02-Oct-07
Smith Bessie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 24-May-05
Smith Bill Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed by Lou Ballard 3-Oct-09
Smith Charles VEG (assume vagrancy) negro Fined $16.00 03-Jun-05
Smith Ed Intoxication Fined $7.50 6-Feb-03
Smith Ed Gambling Fined $20.05 8-Apr-04
Smith Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 17-Sep-05
Smith Ed Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Gus Hurchel 8-Jun-09
Smith Elijah Assualt & battery Dismissed 18-May-09
Smith Gashani Violating election law Not guilty 6-Mar-09
Smith George Profanity Fined $9.80 16-Aug-05
Smith Hoke Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed 14-Feb-08
Smith John Gambling Fined $15.00 and 10 days in jail - pay by week 18-Sep-06
Smith John Drunk negro Fined $9.05 went to jail 28-Jan-07
Smith John Associating Fined $20.00 25-May-09
Smith Maud Assualting Jennie Wallace - negro Fined $8.80 25-Oct-06
Smith Poke Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed 23-Jun-09
Smith Polk Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Val Schoelch 14-Aug-08
Smith Robert Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Bruce 10-Dec-03
Smith Robert Jumping trains Fined $9.80 stayed by his father 29-Nov-05
Smith Sam Drunk Fined $8.80 took mortgage on goods 02-Aug-06
Smith Sam Drunk Fined $8.80 paid part put up watch 03-Aug-06
Smith W.C. Drunk Fined $8.75 watch marker 05-Mar-07
Smith Walter Drunk - negro Fined $9.55 to jail 17-Aug-06
Smith William Forgery Went to Pen 2 to 14 years 10-Oct-07
Smith William Drunk Fined $9.00 16-Dec-08
Smith William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Lou Ballard 2-Aug-09
Smith Willis Drunk Fined $9.00 5-Jan-09
Snapp Lewis Living in adultry with Mollie VanCleave Fined $17.80 stayed by H McCarty 27-Sep-06
Snepp Cal Assualting Dan Callahan Fined $9.05 stayed by William Meloy 14-Feb-04
Snepp Walter Embezlement Dismissed 2-Oct-03
Snider Charles Shooting craps Fined $15.00 stayed 14-Oct-06
Snodgrass John N Drunk Fined $9.00 9-Feb-09
Snyder Ralph Gambling Fined $20.05 8-Apr-04
Sor??? George Intoxication Fined $9.50 10-Jan-03
Sorden Martin Abstructing street Fined $8.50 8-Sep-03
Spark Amos Assualt & battery on James Morrison Fined $9.00 stayed by father 19-Sep-08
Sparks Amos Assualt & battery on Harry Morris Fined $8.80 09-Apr-08
Sparks Clancy Carrying concealed wepons Fined $9.55 stayed by Vernon Randall 16-Mar-03
Sparks Henry Associating Not guilty 4-May-09
Sparks John Living in adultry from Estill CO KY Fined $14.50 06-Feb-06
Spaulding Warren Assualt & battery on Ed McCasity Fined $9.50 went to jail 16-Jun-08
Spenser Flossie Living in a house of ill repute Fined $20.05 stayed by Kate Hoyt 27-Sep-04
Spicer George Associating Dismissed 21-Jul-08
Spiegel Ella Assualting Elizabeth Giger Fined $10.10 29-Sep-05
Spoteski Mrs Abe Assualting Fined $12.50 28-Dec-04
Sprague John Dinimiting fish in Big Blue river Cant furnish bond, fined $2.50 and $7.50 cost went to jail 25-Jan-06
Springer Sturbert Robbery Pleaded not guilty, bound over to court, acquited 10-Feb-03
Spurlin Clarence Drunk Fined $8.51 went to jail 24-Feb-06
Spurlin Clarence Carrying concealed weapons Fined $9.80 went to jail 28-Jun-06
Spurlin Clarence Drunk Fined $8.80 went to jail 01-Jun-07
Spurlin Clarence Assualt & battery on JohnStewart Fined $8.80 stayed 31-Aug-07
Spurlin Clarence Profanity 12-Sep-09
Spurlin Rose Assualting Mary Perkins Fined $8.80 2-Mar-03
Spurlin Roy Drunk Stayed by John Rhinehart 19-Nov-04
Spurling Clarence Arrested for bound Fined $9.80 13-Sep-05
Stafford Albert Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Wilber Stafford 11-May-08
Stafford Charles Wife desertion Dismissed 02-May-07
Stahl Andrew Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Not Guilty 06-Jul-08
Stanley Marie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt 06-May-05
Stednick Carl Assualt on Dan Becker 2-Apr-03
Steffey Arthur Frequenting house of ill fame Dismissed 20-Nov-04
Steffy Arthur Gambling Fined $13.05 stayed by George Rhiele 15-Jan-05
Stephens Floyd Board bill Fined $8.50 20-Apr-09
Stephens Floyd Embezzlement 1 - 8 years Jeffersonville Prison suspended 23-May-09
Stevens George Stealing an overcoat from Russell Henshaw Bound over to court fined $10.00 and 10 day jail 23-Dec-07
Stevens James Drunk Fined $8.50 24-Jan-07
Stevens James Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail 26-Jan-07
Stevens Walter Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Jim Smith 06-Nov-08
Stevens John Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 21-Jun-07
Stevenson Jim Drunk Fined $9.80 14-Mar-07
Stewart Dock Intoxication Fined $8.05 18-Aug-03
Stewart Dock Assualting Flow Skotski Fined $9.80 went to jail 20-Aug-03
Stewart James E Getting money under false pretences Not guilty 09-Nov-06
Stewart Joe Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Steven Morse 14-Mar-09
Stewart Joe Drunk Fined $9.00 2-Aug-09
Stewart John Assualt & battery on Clarence Spurlin Fined $8.80 paid 04-Sep-07
Stewart Joseph Drunk Fined $8.75 15-Aug-08
Stilwell Frank House breaking Guilty 10 to 20 years sentence 7oct1907 13-Jul-07
Stites David Provoke Not Guilty 08-Jul-08
Stites William Drunk Fined $8.60 went to jail 08-Jul-08
Stockhaw Lillie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.40 went to jail 09-May-06
Stohl Andrew Drunk Fined $8,75 stayed by his father 07-Jul-08
Stohl Andrew Assualt & battery on Kate Hoyt Fined $20.00 stayed by his father 07-Jul-08
Strugle Joseph Profanity Fined $9.85 28-Aug-03
Strugle Joseph Intoxication Fined $9.80 4-Nov-03
Stuart Andrew Gambling Dismissed 31-Mar-06
Sullivan Ed Drunk Fined $18.00 went to jail 30-Sep-08
Sullivan Edward Passing fraudulent checks Dismissed 22-Feb-09
Sullivan Hershel Assualting Bob Miles Fined @1.50 15-Mar-04
Sullivan Hershel went to Pennitenary 9-14 years 22-Oct-05
Sullivan Hershell Shooting John James with intent to commit murder 31-Oct-03
Sullivan Hurshell Intoxication Fined $9.30 stayed Dick xxxx 28-Mar-03
Sullivan Owen Drunk Fined $8.35 went to jail 11-Jun-08
Sullivan Sid Assualting Bob Miles Dismissed 16-Mar-04
Sullivan Sid For cutting Ed Wiskill with intent to kill Bind over to wait acting on grandjury - dismissed 08-Apr-05
Sullivan Sid Assault and battery with intent to kill and rob Phillip Miller of Rushville Sent to Jeffersonville 2 to 14 years 18-Mar-06
Sw____ William Buying votes Fairland Not guilty 05-Nov-06
Swanagan Tom Drunk Fined $11.00 went to jail 04-Sep-08
Swange Minnie Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $17.50 22-Sep-03
Swanigan Thomas Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by brother in law 18-May-04
Swanigan Tom Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by John Soliman 24-Feb-06
Swanigan Tom Drunk Fined $9.55 stayed by John S________ 07-Aug-06
Swanigan Tom Drunk Fined $9.00 09-Feb-07
Swart Levin Drunk Fined $8.55 25-Dec-04
Swartstapher George Drunk 19-Jun-05
Swartstrober Ida Assaulting Mrs Jamie Petit Guilty $16.60 stayed by Hamilton 5-Nov-03
Swartzberg George Stealing a watch 13-Jun-08
Sweet James Drunk Pay $1.50 per week 07-Sep-05
Sweet Joe Drunk Fined $8.55 went to jail 20-Jan-06
Sweet Joe Drunk Fined $8.80 04-Oct-06
Swit Michael Assualt & battery on Paul Craig Fined $9.80 paid 25-May-08
Taggart Ben Jumping board bill Fined $5.80 went to jail 01-Sep-08
Talbert Frank Gambling Fined $13.55 stayed by John Gordon 19-Feb-05
Talbert Hattie Murder Founf guilty, sent to pen 2 to 21 years 6-Sep-03
Talbert James Robbery Pleaded guilty, brought over to court- sent to pen 1 to 3 yrs 10-Feb-03
Talbert James Assualting Mrs Charles Bell Fined $6.30 to pay 12 Sep 8-Sep-03
Talbert James Intoxication Dismissed 6-Nov-03
Talbert James Daughter swore life against him Out on Bond 8-Nov-03
Talbert James Frequenting a gambling room Fined $13.80 10-Dec-05
Talbert James Drunk Fined $8.55 stayed by Clint Wasson 09-Feb-07
Talbert James Assualt & battery on Dud Ensley Fined $8.75 paid 11-May-08
Talbert James Assualt & battery on Hattie Hogan Fined $30.00 stayed by his father 08-Jul-08
Talbert James Drunk Fined $8.00 08-Jul-08
Talbert James Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail 25-Jan-09
Talbert Jay Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Talley William Assualt & battery on Mrs Nancy Jax Not guilty 12-Dec-09
Tanney Pat Drunk Fined $8.50 13-Aug-08
Tanney Pat Drunk Fined $10.50 left town 12-Nov-07
Taylor Albert Assualt & Battery on Walter Faulkner Fined $9.00 25-Dec-08
Taylor Dollie Associating Fined $10.00 24-Nov-07
Taylor Dollie Associating Turned over to juvenile court 02-Jun-08
Taylor Dollie Drunk Fined $10.00 went to jail 26-Oct-09
Taylor Dolly Visiting a house of ill fame Fined $10.00 30 days in jail 3-Jun-09
Taylor Harry Assualt & Battery on Harry Golding Fined $9.00 went to jail 12-Dec-08
Taylor Ora Tresspass Fined $13.50 9-Nov-04
Taylor Starvy Intoxication Fined $13.80 15-Nov-03
Taylor Walter Drunk Fined $8.40 went to jail 27-Jan-08
Taylor William Whipping his wife Dismissed 13-Jun-08
Teleini Sam Drunk Fined $9.05 paid 28-Jan-07
Terrell Miles Board Fined $13.05 stayed by John Bbutler 6-May-04
Tharp Frank Profanity Fined $8.80 went to jail 20-Jul-08
Thawley Charles Wife desertion Not Guilty 23-Oct-08
Theibold Julius Asaulting Frank Petitt Fined $9.55 stayed by Kate Hoyt 16-Mar-06
Thompson Albert Assualt & Battery on Martha Thompson Fined $9.80 stayed 24-Nov-07
Thompson Albert Profanity Dismissed 24-Nov-07
Thompson Charles Fighting Fined $9.60 07-Sep-05
Thompson Charles Assualt on James Fowler Fined $9.50 stayed by Harry Griffy 26-Nov-09
Thompson George Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Thompson John Provoke Fined $20.00 paid 28-May-08
Thompson Srella Adultry Fined $8.80 went to jail 30-May-07
Thrakes Charles Selling whisky to minors Fined $20.00 01-Jan-08
Thrasher John Assualting Ben Whaley Policeman Fined $10.00 10days in jails took appeal 24-Nov-06
Thrasher Walter Associating Fined $20.50 stayed by Will Thrasher 02-Jun-08
Throp Albert Illegal voting bad affidavid 08-Nov-05
Thurston Melvin Drunk Fined $9.25 went to jail 10-Jun-08
Thurston Sam Profanity Fined $8.80 02-May-05
Tolbert Jim Stealing whisky Not Guilty 19-Apr-08
Tolen Unis Visiting a gambling house Dismissed 31-Oct-05
Torrance Andrew Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 13-Apr-08
Traylor William Jumping Board Bill Paid 08-Jun-07
Traylor William Jumping board bill Fined $8.50 stayed by Ed Limpus 24-Sep-08
Traylor William Deserting wife & children Dismissed 24-Sep-08
Tucker Ben Intoxication Fined $13.30 Stayed by George Shopfell 16-Aug-03
Tucker Ben Malicouis tresspass Fined $13.30 Stayed by George Shopfell 16-Aug-03
Tucker Joe Profanity Fined $9.30 stayed George Shopfell 16-Aug-03
Tucker Joe Drunk Fined $10.30 stayed by George Shopfell 16-Aug-03
Turner James Malicious trespass Dismissed 29-Aug-08
Valentine Bill Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Joe Thomas 21-Feb-09
Valentine Nan Assualt & battery on Mrs McKinney Not Guilty 31-Aug-08
Vanandoll Roy Selling whisky without liscence Fined $50.00 02-Dec-07
VanCleave Mollie Living in adultry with Lewis Snapp Fined $17.80 27-Sep-06
VanHook James Drunk Fined $9.50 went to jail 27-Feb-09
VanHook James Drunk Fined $34.00 went to jail 19-Oct-09
Vanpelt Ben Drunk Fined $9.80 14-Dec-06
Vanway Harry Selling tobacco to boys Not Guilty 05-Oct-08
Veach Charles Drunk Fined $9.05 stayed by Herb Springer 23-Mar-04
Veach Charles Assualt & battery on Ed Gaines Fined $8.80 Took appeal & dismissed 06-Jul-08
Victor Charlie Drunk Fined $15.00 went to jail 01-Jul-07
Vogt John Bastardy Settled Paid $100 21-Nov-07
Vrick Frank Assaulting Evert Comstock Fined $8.80 25-Feb-03
Vrick Lillie Living in a house of ill fame Fined $13.80 stayed by Kate Hoyt 06-May-05
Wagner Orban Loosening brakes of freight car in P_____ RR Fined $5.00 went to jail 03-Feb-06
Wagner Orbin Jumping trains Fined $9.05 went to jail 18-Oct-06
Wagoner Blanch Living in a house of ill fame Fined $16.50 went to jail 4-Sep-03
Wainscott Basal Stealing wheel Fined $25.00 went to jail 1-Sep-09
Walker Cary Stealing chickens Guilty 1 to 8 years Jeffersonville prison 21-Feb-09
Walker Charles Drunk Fined $9.00 Stayed father 20-Mar-09
Walker John Intoxication Fined $18.80 wentr to jail 4-Apr-03
Walker John Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by Mr Compton 16-Aug-07
Wallace Evertt Jumping board bill Fined $15.55 22-Apr-06
Wallace Isiah Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by his father 01-Jan-08
Wallace Isiah Mandate Jail negro 02-May-08
Wallace Isiah Stopping trains Fined $11.00 23-Jul-08
Wallace Jennie Assualting Maud Smith - negor Not guilty 25-Oct-06
Walton Virgil Non payment of fog tax 28-Mar-06
Walton Virgilis Beating board bill Fined $9.50 23-Sep-08
Walton Virgillis Beating board Bill settled 05-May-06
Walton Virgillis Jumping board bill 04-Jun-06
Washburn Earl Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00 27-Apr-08
Watson Joel Living in adultry with Rose Nelson Fined $10.30 went to jail 19-Oct-06
Weakley Ed Malicious trespass Dismissed 29-Aug-08
Wealch John Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by his mother 17-Sep-04
Wealch John Drunk Fined $9.55 went to jail 11-Nov-06
Weaver Allen Having worthless checks (a negro) not Guilty 12-Apr-07
Weaver Harry Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Len Ballard 12-Sep-06
Weber Edward Conducting a gambling room Dismissed 30-Jan-05
Webster Belle Keeping a house of Ill fame 24-May-05
Weed Clark Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by his father 14-Jun-07
Weeks Tom Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 7-Oct-04
Wells Lucinda Assualt & battery Dismissed 18-May-09
Wells Thomas Drunk went to jail 10-Dec-03
Wendleboe John Assualt & battery on Mrs Fred Moss Not Guilty 14-Feb-08
Wertrie William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by John Schoelch 4-Sep-09
Westmore Isaac Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed 06-Sep-07
Westsick Bill Visiting a gambling house Fined $15.00 27-Apr-08
White Frank Profanity Fined $9.80 25-Sep-03
White Jacob Carrying concealed wepons - Negro from Indianapolis Fined $19.90 08-May-05
Whitelaw Joseph M Larceny - stole gold watch, diamond ring, band ring from James L Hennesy of Columbus. Whitlaw was with the show troop Dollar Dimple To prison from 1-8 years 25-Apr-07
Wicker John Riding on the sidewalk Fined $10.00 stayed 6-Sep-09
Wigley Arthur Drunk Fined $9.00 26-Apr-09
Wiley Thomas Profanity 28-Aug-07
Wilkeson George Jumping trains Fined $9.00 stayed 05-Jan-07
Wilkeson Jennie Drunk Fined $8.65 09-May-07
Wilkins Gurtie Associating Fined $9.80 10-Dec-05
Williams Alonzo Wife desertion Dismissed - back together 18-Feb-07
Williams Bob Gambling Dismissed 29-Jul-08
Williams Carl Drunk Fined $8.51 stayed by his mother 24-Feb-06
Williams Charles Drunk & Profanity Fined $19.05 31-Dec-03
Williams Charles Obstructing the public highway 13-Apr-08
Williams Charles Visiting a house of ill fame 30 days in jail suspended 3-Jun-09
Williams Clyde Forgery on the Williams Post bank 26-Jan-06
Williams Earl Carrying concealed wepons Fined $13.55 05-Jun-05
Williams Earl Hunting without permit Fined $17.80 stayed 23-Dec-07
Williams Earl Whipping his wife Fined $9.00 stayed by his mother 28-Apr-09
Williams Fay Keeping a house of ill fame Fined $90.00 30 day jail suspended 3-Jun-09
Williams John House breaking 22-Jul-09
Williams John A Drunk Fined $9.50 20-Sep-03
Williams Lafeyette Assualt & Battery on LL Rose Fined $8.80 27-Jul-07
Williams Orlando Gambling Fined $15.00 25-Jul-08
Williams Oscar Running a slot machine 10-Aug-03
Williams Oscar Renting rooms for gambling 28-Oct-05
Williams Oscar Allowing bartender, Oscar Heihler in his saloon on Democratic primary election day Fined $13.80 31-Aug-06
Williams Oscar Permitting gambling Fined $20.00 25-Jul-08
Williams Seth Drunk Fined $12.80 went to jail pay by week 17-May-07
Willis Harrold Exceeding the speed limit auto Dismissed 11-Oct-08
Wills Fred Whipping his wife Dismissed 27-Jul-08
Wills George Wife desertion 25-Oct-09
Willson Charles Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by Will Warden 9n0v1904
Willson May Drunk Fined $8.60 6-Dec-04
Willson William Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by his father 23-Aug-09
Willson Worth Drunk Fined $8.80 pay by week 09-Nov-07
Wilson Bill Drunk Fined $11.00 stayed 10-Apr-08
Wilson Bill Drunk Dismissed 4-Feb-09
Wilson Bryant Drunk Fined $8.80 16-Mar-07
Wilson Clarence Drawing a knife on June Cone Dismissed 28-Aug-05
Wilson Isaac Drunk Fined $20.00 went to jail 01-Jul-07
Wilson Isaac Carrying concealed weapon Fined $100 went to jail 19-Jul-07
Wilson Issac Profanity Fined $11.00 went to jail 03-Apr-08
Wilson Issac Breaking jail Reward $25.00 10-Jun-08
Wilson John Drunk Fined $9.80 pay by week 26-Jul-06
Wilson Otto Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 29-Apr-06
Wilson Otto Drunk Fined $25.00 07-Aug-07
Wilson Otto Drunk Fined $11.00 suspended sentence 10-Apr-08
Wilson Thomas Drunk Fined $10.05 went to jail 17-Nov-03
Wilson Thomas Drunk Fined $9.80 went to jail 26-Jul-06
Wilson Thomas Drunk Fined $9.65 paid 27-Apr-08
Wilson Wirth Drunk Fined $9.80 stayed by Cill Bassett 15-Jun-06
Wilson Worth Drunk Fined $15.00 suspended sentence 06-Sep-07
Winkles Edger Carrying a concealed wepon Fined $8.90 14-Oct-08
Winkles Edger Drunk Fined $9.00 14-Oct-08
Winkles Edger Drunk Fined $9.80 21-Oct-09
Wise John Drunk Fined $8.50 paid 28-Oct-07
Wolfingners O.B. Intoxication Fined $8.51 stayed by A Endsminger 8-Sep-03
Wood Douglas Jr Intoxication Fined $9.40 stayed by John Rhinehart 27-Dec-03
Wood Douglas Jr Assault on Lora Berry Fined $18.50 27-Dec-03
Woodman Vennie Burgulary 10 - 20 years real name Bert Waterford 4-Sep-09
Woodrough Jerry Cutting Ruben Sc______ Sent to prison 2 to 14 years 15-Nov-06
Worland George Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Arno Haehl 25-Jul-08
Worland James Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by George Hupp 30-Dec-06
Worland James Drunk Fined $8.80 17-Aug-07
Worland James Drunk Fined $9.00 4-Sep-09
Worland Jerry Drunk Fined $9.00 went to jail 04-Nov-08
Worland Jerry Surety of peace Gave bond 05-Dec-08
Worland Jim Drunk Fined $8.80 stayed by George Hupp 26-May-07
Worland Jim Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Clint Penser 21-Oct-08
Worland Jim Drunk Fined $9.00 stayed by Clint Penser 22-Oct-08
Worland Joseph Hoping trains Fined $9.00 stayed by Sarah Cassidy 25-Oct-08
Worland Nathan Whipping his wife Fined $9.00 jail suspended 6-Jun-09
Worth Elmer Drunk Fined $9.00 27-May-09
Yager Charles Drunk Fined $8.75 stayed by E Slifer 30-Apr-07
Yager Charles Carrying concealed weapon Fined $10.00 stayed by E Slifer 30-Apr-07

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