Miranda  L.  Burr's
Bill  of  Sale

Joseph  Bush

                    Know all men by these presents that I  Joseph Bush  of Shelby County and State of Indiana for and in consideration of the sum of thirty eight dollars and Nine cents to me in hand paid by  Miranda L. Burr  of the same place the receipts of which is hereby acknowledged have bargained sold and delivered and do by these presents, bargain sell and deliver unto the said Miranda L. Burr the following property  ToWit:  One Black Mare, To have and to hold the said Black Mare so bargained and sold to the said Miranda L. Burr his executors administrators and assigns to his and their only proper use benefit and behoof forever.  And I the said Joseph Bush do hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said Miranda L. Burr that I and my heirs executors and administrators will Warrant and forever defend the said Black Mare so Bargained sold and delivered to the said Miranda L. Burr from and against the rightful claims of all persons whomever  Of which Black mare of the said Joseph Bush have put the said Miranda L. Burr in full possession by delivering to him the said Black Mare at the time of the sealing and delivering of these presents.
                    In Witness whereof  I  the said Joseph Bush have hereunto set my hand and seal this 28th day of December 1839.
Joseph Bush   {{ seal }}

                    The above bill of sale was this day sealed and delivered and the Black mare therein mentioned was delivered by the said Joseph Bush to the said Miranda L. Burr and full possession thereof given, in presence of us
Samuel Moore        
Wiatt Ellis        

                             Recorded December 7th  1840
Milton Robins   Recorder

Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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