Shelby  County, Indiana
Recorder's  Office
Deed  Index  Books

"Y"  Surnames

Updated 04 May 2014
SCI = Shelby County, Indiana

To From Twp Rng Sec Aliquot Acres Recorded* Book Page
Solomon Stout John Young for $100 in 1824 12 6 2 w/2 se/4 80 1824 A 56
John M Young County Agent in 1825 for $100 Washington St Shelbyville 1825 A 132
John Conyell Levi & Lucinda Young 14 7 15 Pt NE1/4 SE1/4     0.967 10 Apr 1826     A 195-6
Levi Young Joseph Huitt 14 7 15 Pt E1/2 SE1/4 76.67 11 Jan 1826 A 241-2
C A Ogden Levi & Lucinda Young 14 7 15 Pt E1/2 SE1/4 20 25 Jan 1827 A 282-3
A B Cole Levi & Lucinda Young 14 7 15 Pt E1/2 SE1/4 0.78 1828 A 420-1
John McCormick Levi & Lucinda Young 14 7 15 Pt E1/2 SE1/4 0.67 1829 B 162-3
Robert Wilkinson Levi & Lucinda Young 14 7 15 Pt E1/2 SE1/4 19 1832 C 136-7
N Prime Levi & Lucinda Young 14 7 15 Pt E1/2 SE1/4 18.3 1831 C 220-2
James Patterson Jr Levi Young & Lucinda3 14 7 22 Pt W1/2 SW1/4 10 22 Feb 1832 D 143-4
Levi Young Abel R Blood 14 7 22 W1/2 SW1/4 80 22 Feb 1833 D 442-3
George L Morrison     Levi & Lucinda Young 14 7 22 Pt W1/2 SW1/4 ng2 2 May 1834 E 184-5
W Thornberry Philip Young in 1835 for $50 14 8 30 se/2 se/4 40 1835 E 471
Levi Young Moses Kitchell1 14 7 18 SE1/4  SW1/4 38.535 16 May 1836 F 234
Jeremiah Young Hugh Woster in 1835 for $200 14 8 30 w/2 se/4 80 1836 F 435
Philip Young US Government 14 8 30 se/2 se/4 40 1837 G 268
Leven Young US Government4 14 7 18 SW1/4 SW1/4 38.53 15 Mar 1837  ?? ??
Nathan Young W Montgomery in 1834 for $200     14 8 29 e/2 sw/4 80 1836 G 348
James Young, Sr. Last Will & Test.         27 Jul 1837 G 407
Philip Young Ira Cook in 1837 for $300 14
se/2 se/4 and
ne/2 ne/4
1838 G 713
Jesse Talbert Philip Young in 1837 for $300 14
se/2 se/4 and
ne/2 ne/4
1838 G 714
Philip Young Isaac Asher in 1837 for $226 14 6 9 e/2 se/4 80 1838 H 388
W Thornberry J & P Young in 1837 for $500 14
w/2 ne/4
e/2 nw/4
1839 H 644
John & P Young James Stephens in 1837 for $400 14 8 29 w ne & e nw/4 160 1839 H 713
Philip Young John Booher in 1839 for $200 14 8 31 e/2 nw/4 53.72 1839 I 158
David Young Philip Young in 1839 for $200 14 8 31 e/2 nw/4 53.72 1840 I 346
Sch Dist No 10 Nathan Young in 1840 as gift 14 8 29 sw cor sw/4 0.25 1841 J 50
Samuel Young Nathan Young in 1841 for $400 14 8 29 e/2 sw/4 80 1842 J 371
Alex Rittenhouse Leven Young in 1842 for $200 14 7 18 s/2 sw/4 77.065 42 J 619
James M Young Conrad Ash in 1845 for $300 14 8 29 nw ne & ne nw/4 80 1846 L 377
William & Mary*
David B & Emily*
Amelia Y
to Talbert P C of SCI w 11 Aug 1860 2400 w/2 sw/4 36 14 7 80 9 Oct 1860 GG 387 *his wife; all parties of SCI

1 This land was originally owned by Larkin Justus
2 The acreage is not listed in the index or the actual book entry. Unless Levi passed some of the land on to his heirs, one would assume this parcel was 70 acres.  The cost was $200.
3 The written record is "Levi Yound Young and Lucinda his wife". 
I did not find this deed recorded in the Shelby Co Recorder's Office in books 1822-1852.  This information is from the Bureau of Land Management.

Transcribed from the original bound volumes at the courthouse by Phyllis Miller Fleming.
Last updated 25 February 2014.

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