Shelby County, Indiana
Historical Articles
The Grand Army of the Republic
The Indianapolis Star
Tuesday, May 20, 1919
Albert J. Ball, Robert W. McBride and Ira Hinchman
of Indianapolis Given Places.----------CAMBRIDGE CITY, Ind., May 19 --- Appointments of the G.A.R. state staff of officers and recommendations for the observance of Memorial day are contained in the first general orders of William F. Medsker of this city, state department commander of the G.A.R., which were made public tonight.
Department Commander Also Calls
for Observance of Memorial
Day in Indiana.
[Special to The Indianapolis Star.]
Albert J. Ball, George H. Thomas Post No. 17, Indianapolis, whe was Medsker's chief opponent for the honor of departmental commander, was made assistant adjutant general and assistant quartermaster general. Other appointments are David Strouse, post No. 9, Rockville, department inspecot, Robert W. McBride, post No. 17, Indianapolis, judge advocate, R. H. Tyner, Newcastle, chief mustering officer, William H. Hickman, Montpelier, patriotic instructor, Eugene B. Smith, post No. 271, Fort Wayne, chief of staff, Henry B. Sharks, Rising Sun, Color bearer, Ira Hinchman, Indianapolis, banner bearer, and A. A. Jone, Battleground, is chief bugler.
Recruiting officers are, First District, Matthew Geiser, Post 120, Woodville, Second District, T. B. Springer, post No. 433, Sullivan, Third District, A. H. McQuiddy, post No. 191, New Albany, Fourth District, Lewis King, post No. 127, Vernon, Fifth District, George W. Scearce, post No. 164, Danville, Sixth District, A. J. Ensminger, post No. 16, Shelbyville, Seventh District, T. C. Clapp, post No. 17, Indianapolis, Eighth District, M. M. Justus, post No. 33, Bluffton, Ninth District, A. N. Grant, post No. 30, Indianapolis, Tenth District, Daniel White, post No. 3, Lafayette, Eleventh District, E. C. Hansel, Post 121, Medaryville, Twelfth District, Isaac C. Spear, post No.57, Waterloo, Thirteenth District, V. Marx, post No. 37, Elkhart.Flowers for All Heroes.An invitation to the soldiers of all wars to assist those of the civil war to decorate soldiers' graves is contained in the Memorial day communications, General Order No. 2.
"It should be the duty and privilege of the comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic and the members of its allied organizations," says the order, "to see that the graves of soildiers of all wars, including the revolutionary war, the war of 1812, the Indian wars, the Indian wars, the Mexican war, the war of the rebellion, the Spanish American war and the world war just closed should be decorated on this, our Memorial day.
"We would ask all surviving soldiers of all wars to join with us in memorial service and assist in decorating the graves of all soldiers."
Contributed by Marsha Ensminger
The Indianapolis Star SHELBYVILLE, Ind., May 17 -- Dumont Post No. 18, G. A. R., of this city, through its commander, Robert W. Wood, sent a resolution to the President today, expressing confidence in the nation's chief executive during the present crisis with Germany. The message said: "Dumont Post, G. A. R., extends to you, as chief executive of the nation, our appreciation of and confidence in your ability and efforts to guide our glorious nation through a serious crisis, and pledge our sincere support as civil war veterans."
May 18, 1915
Page 4 Column 3
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming and Virginia Latta Curulla
The Shelby RepublicanThe members of Dumont Post, G. A. R. held their annual election of officers on Saturday afternoon at their hall in the west side of the public square. Following are the newly elected officers: Commander, T. F. Chafee; Senior Vice Commander, Elijah Vanarsdall; Junior Vice Commander, James K. Bowers; Officer of the Day, A. J. Winterrowd; Surgeon, W. H. Norris; Chaplain, C. J. Limpus; Officer of the Guard, McCall Lightfoot; Quartermaster, S. B. Morris.
Thursday, December 25, 1913
Page 1
Contributed by Phyllis Fleming
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Ladies' Auxiliary
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Officers of Relief Corps Dumont No. 51
Picture from Boetker's "Picturesque Shelbyville" c 1909
Back row: Mrs. M. Gillespie, Malinda Heistand, Alice Wilkes
Third row: Mellie Harvey, Ibbie Brown, Sarah Mings
Second row: Hariott Weakly, Martha Limpus, Sarah Romeril, Ann Haymond, Elizabeth Byers, Mary Gatewood
Front row: Sarah Speigle, Emma Hinehart, Cora Dobbins, Dorth Dobbins, Margaret Barget, Nora Cage
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Dumont Post No. 18
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Picture from Boetker's "Picturesque Shelbyville" c 1909
Back row: William Morgan, S. B. Morris, James Neeves, King Alexander, Joe Hock, J. F. Kinney
Second row: John C. Edwards, Mont Mahan, Theodore Wilkes, Henry Montgomery, Theo Wilson, James Nail
Front row: John Hardbeck, Angelo Springer, James L. Capp, J. B. Randall, G. M. Wright, C. J. Lympas
The Shelbyville Daily DemocratThere will be a called meeting of Dumont Post No. 18, G. A. R. to-night to make arrangements to attend the funeral of Comrade Coats.
Thursday, April 14, 1887
----------0---------- The members of Dumont Post, No. 18, G. A. R., are requested to meet at Post Headquarters Friday, April 15, at one o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late comrade, John P. Coats. By order of Commander.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming