This is a transcription of a letter written on February 9, 1891 by  Josephine Moore Urey  to her sister,  Katherine Moore Sherlock  (Missouri Kansas), regarding the death and burial of their father, Roderick Hamilton Moore.  Josephine lived in Indianapolis, Kate lived in Aurora, Nebraska.  Transcription done by  Sue Kurtz,  gggrand-daughter of Roderick Moore, on 12/14/2001 from a copy of the original letter.

Indianapolis, Ind
February 9, 1891


          I write you a letter this morning with a sad heart. I am not able to be up. I took cold in my chest and neck and I can't move my head. Little Sister is not very well the rest is tolerable well. I hope when this reaches you that  Josie and Eddie  will be well. Dear Sister I wish I was were I could throw my arms around you and talk.  I thought it was hard when mother died but it was nothing to compare with this.  I am so sorry I didn't have him with me when he died.  I was going to bring him home next morning.  He died happy.  He fully put his trust in God.  He had such a sweet smile on his face that made him look so peaceable.  He closed his eyes so pretty.  Brother Braslton preached his funeral.  Yesterday was his first term on this year.
His text was the 12 chapter and the 11 verse of Hebrews.
Scripture Lesson
15 chapter of 1 Corinthians commencing with 12 verse and down to the 23 verse inclusive.
          The song was  Nearer My God to Thee.  We went down on the Saturday evening train.  There was me and  Will  and  Ettie  and  Sue  and  Cora.  We stayed all night at  Sarah's  house and Will walked out to Mt.  He stayed all night at  George Tindles.  We got the hearse and hack and went out Sunday morning.
          Sarah and  Eve  went with us.  He had such a pretty casket it was all black.  They was a large funeral.  The pallbearers are  Henry Sist,  Henry Dunkle,  George Tindle,  Abe Cutsinger,  Will Cooper,  I forget the other mans name.  Everybody that he knowed was there.  Mr. Allen died this winter.  We came back on the night train and it was raining awful hard.  Aunt Ann Smith  is awful feeble.
          We will get a list of everything and send you.
          He was buried right at the side of mother.  Dear Sister, Father can never come to see us but we can go to him.  I wish you was here and I could [talk] to you so much better.
          I will close now, please write as soon as you get this for I want to know how you are.

Your Sister,
I am going to dress in black and I want you to.

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