The  Shelbyville  Democrat
Shelbyville, Ind., November 2, 1911
Page 1
Miss Hazel Jaco Thinks Life 
Holds Nothing More For Her
Said Hell Beyond Could Be No Worse 
Than One She Had Been Forced
to Live in Here ---- Life Saved by Physician

          Despondent on account of troubles that had come to her and her two younger sisters,  Miss  Hazel  Jaco,  aged 19 years, tried to end her life yesterday at the residence of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Ballard,  of north Hamilton street, with whom she had been making her home for several months.  The unhappy girl took twenty cents' worth of morphine, and the dose would easily have proven fatal but for the prompt work of a physician who was called to wait on the sufferer about an hour after she had swallowed the drug.  By the use of emetics he soon had the girl out of danger and had exacted a promise that she would not make such an attempt again.
          The promise, however, was hardly necessary under the circumstances as the sufferings of the girl were such that she will not care to run the risk of being tortured so again.  She became ill shortly after taking the poison and her condition attracted the attention of Mrs. Ballard, who accused her of having made an attempt at suicide. She finally admitted that such was the case and Mrs. Ballard called a doctor, who arrived before the girl had lapsed into unconsciousness.  The would-be suicide told where she had purchased the poison, but requested the physician to refrain from making any public statement about the matter.
          Miss Jaco is a daughter of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  Jaco,  east of the city.  It is said she was driven from home last spring by her father following a quarrel and that she has never returned there.  Tuesday, two of her sisters,  Emma  and  Ethel,  were ordered sent to the Indiana School for Girls at Clermont and they were taken there today as incorrigibles by Officer  George  Tolen  and wife.  The attempt at suicide seems to have resulted from brooding over the troubles of herself and sisters. That the girl was in earnest is shown by a letter that was found in her stocking at the time the physician was called.  In the letter, which was intended to be a farewell one to her relatives and friends, the girl said her troubles had become so serious that she had reached the conclusion that the hell to which the rash act would send her could be no worse than the one she was in here.  She said she had been trying to hold up her character, but that it seemed the people were trying to drag her down and that she had nothing further to live for, as she felt she had no friends. She concluded the note by making the statement that there was nothing for her in this life but trouble and that she did not want any one to shed any tears because she was going away.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville  Republican
Tuesday, September 15, 1908
Page 1
Alleged Hewitt Was Going
to Cut Jaco With Knife
          Alonzo Hewitt  committed an assault on  James Jaco,  according to an affidavit filed by  Andrew Fox, in the court of  Squire James Webb  this ...[the article continues]..
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelby  Republican
Thursday, February 23, 1893
The Bride of a Week on the War Path.
Annie Ford new Worland uses a Club with Dangerous Effect
Upon the Head of her Husband Tobias Ford.
          On Tuesday February 14, in the year of our Lord 1893 the clerk of the Shelby circuit court issued a marriage license to  Tobe Ford  and  Annie Worland  and by virtue of the authority thus granted, on the next day they were joined in wedlock, promising to love and live together as husband and wife so long as they each should live. The gentle Miss Anna had been making her home at the residence of  Theodore Jaco, three miles east of town, and it was there the nuptial knot was tied and there tey took up their temporary residence; but oh, how short a time lasted that honey moon and how soon love was turned into licks.
          William Ford, father of  Tobias lives but a short distance from Mr. Jaco's and on Friday just as he was passing, the newly wedded pair were engaged in a war of words.  Tobe seeing his father went out and got in the buggy intending to go home with him.  Seeing this the gentle (?) loving (?) wife followed him to the buggy, her eyes bathed in tears and her heart filled with a sweet forgiving feeling.  She admitted that she had been in the wrong and pleaded earnestly and eloquently for Tobias not to leave her thus heartbroken and desolate.  Tobe yielded to her loving entreaties, got out of the buggy and went into the house with her.  It was but a few minutes until hositilities were resumed and Anna seizing a club swinging it over her head after the most approved style of Indian warfare and struck the husband under one ear, another whirl and the club lit square on Tobe's kisser making his lip look like a well pounded beefsteak.
          Tobe got to his fathers where he has since been a raving maniac and once tried to commit suicide.  He seemed for a day or two to get better but was taken worse Tuesday.  It is now feared that the lick under the ear may have fractured the skull or caused an injury that may result fatally.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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