Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
Monday, June 3, 2002
Betty Joyce Sexton, 66, lifelong Shelbyville resident, died Friday, May 31, 2002, Indianapolis.
Born July 20, 1935, in Shelbyville, d/o Charles Dale and Martha (Tucker) VanScyoc. Married Cletus Sexton on July 26, 1952, and he survives.
Survivors include her mother of Waldron; two sons, Clete Allen Sexton and Mark Sexton ; four daughters, Melisa Harp, Michelle Snapp, Myra Johnson and Monique Jones; brother, Stephen Dale VanScyoc of Edinburgh; sisters, Joan Mason and Cheryl Diehl Laganauer; 15 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.
Member of Marietta United Methodist Church.
Rev. Curt Hunt officiating.
Burial Miller Cemetery.
Summarized by Gloria Jackson
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday, February 18, 1946
(daily paper)
Ray Sexton, 57, former Shelby county sheriff, passed away at the Rockville sanitarium, at 7:45 p.m. Saturday where he had been taken the previous day for emergency treatment. He had been ill for the past year. His home was on east Washington St. Born in Clinton county, September 15, 1888, he was the son of Elisha and Maggie Foster Sexton. His marriage to Marie Jones took place in 1914. Mrs. Sexton died on Jan. 25, 1940. Mr. Sexton attended the First Methodist Church but had been a member of the former Old Union Methodist Church near Prescott. He was also a member of the Protected Home Circle. Formerly Mr. Sexton owned and operated the Shelby Recreation alleys. Surviving are one son, Elisha, Jr., at home, and a brother, Roy Sexton, of Shelbyville. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday at the Loren H. Murphy funeral home with Dr. J. W. McFall officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 1:00 p.m. today. Pallbearers will be Millard Amos, Russell Kirby, Joe Barker, Elmer Amos, Monroe Yeager and Orpha Ash.
Contributed by Nancy Vance Glover
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday, January 26, 1940
(daily paper)
Mrs. Marie V. Sexton, wife of Ray Sexton, died at her home, 44 1/2 east Washington street, at 1:30 am.m Thursday. Death was due to complications. Although Mrs. Sexton had been in ill health for three years, her death was unexpected. She was born in Manilla on June 24, 1896, being at the time of death forty-three years old. She was the daughter of Marcus A. and Florence (Zike) Jones. In 1915 she was married to Ray Sexton and to this union was born one son, Elisha Sexton, Jr., who survives with the husband. Also surviving are the aged grandmother, Mrs. Cynthia Jones, at home; a sister, Mrs. Gladys Eschmeyer, of Phoenix, Ariz., a half-sister, Mrs. Mary Stine, of Indianapolis; two half-brothers, Clark Moberly, of Indianapolis, and Maurice Moberly, of this city, and several nieces and nephews. The deceased had been a resident of the county all her life, and was a member of the First Methodist church. Mrs. Sexton also was a member of the Protected Home Circle. The funeral service will be held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday in the First Methodist church. Dr. J. W. McFall, pastor of the church, will conduct the service. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery in charge of Charles M. Ewing, funeral director. Friends may call at the home, 44 1/2 east Washington street, at any time until 1:30 Saturday afternoon.
Contributed by Nancy
Vance Glover
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, February 9, 1933
Mrs. Mary Mitchell Sexton, widow of James Sexton, died Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Butz, 9329 north Tenth street, Terre Haute. Mrs. Sexton, resident of Shelby county the greater part of her life, had hundreds of friends throughout the community who deeply regret her death.
The body has been brought to the home of Mrs. Raymond Peters, 5312 west Mechanic street, and friends may call this evening and until the hour of the funeral, which will be at two o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Lewis Creek Baptist church.
Mrs. Sexton was an active member of the First Christian church and of the Woman's Relief Corps here.
Besides the daughter, Mrs. Fred Butz, she leaves a step-daughter, Mrs. Anna Spurgeon, and two brothers, Thomas Swanigan* of Kokomo, and John Swanigan*, of Rushville. She is also survived by the grandchildren, William and Mary MeDora Sexton, Ray and Ralph Koch, of Hollywood, Cal., and Mrs. Bessie Walton* of Indianapolis. There are several great grandchildren.
Submitted by Don T. Mitchell, great grand nephew of Mary (Mitchell) Sexton
Note: Mrs. Peters was the widow of Mary's son, Beecher Sexton.
For additional information, please see our family files.
* means corrected by DTM
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday July 8, 1929
Page 1 column 4
Mrs. Sarah A. Sexton of Van Buren Township
Died Following Operation
Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah A. Sexton, widow of Isaac Sexton, whose death occurred Saturday afternoon at the St. Vincent hospital in Indianapolis, were conducted at two o'clock this afternoon at the late home, ten miles north of this city in Van Buren township. Burial was made in the family lot at the Fairland cemetery in charge of Charles M. Ewing, funeral director.
Mrs. Sexton, who was well known in this county, had been a patient at St. Vincent hospital for several days following an operation for a goiter. She never regained consciousness after the operation.
She was born in Shelby county on October 11, 1855, being at the time of her death seventy-three years old. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. William Buckingham. In February 20, 1873 Mrs. Sexton was married to Isaac Sexton, to which five children were born, three of whom survive. Mr. Sexton's death occurred in 1915. For over fifty years Mrs. Sexton lived in the Fairview community where she was a devoted member of the Fairview Methodist Protestant church.
Surviving are one son, Waldo Sexton of Vero Beach, Florida; two daughters, Mrs. Will Sleeth, also of Vero Beach, and Mrs. Paul Blackford of Shelby county. She leaves one grandson, Glen Sexton of this city and a half-brother, Thad Rigdon of Arlington.
Contributed by Barb Huff
Note from Mary Harrell Sesniak: Waldo Sexton, son of Isaac & Sarah Ann (Buckingham) Sexton developed much of Vero Beach, Florida, including the Driftwood Inn & Ocean Grill.
The Shelbyville Democrat
Monday, September 5, 1927
Young Shelbyville Business Man
and Well Known Sportsman
Passed Away Today–
Beecher Sexton, well known business man of Shelbyville, and prominent in the sport and athletic circles of the city, died at seven-thirty o'clock this morning at his home, 862 south Tompkins street. His death followed an illness of two year's duration, during which he made a valiant fight for life with the assistance of skilled medical attention that could not save him.
Known widely throughout the community, Mr. Sexton was one of the most popular younger business men in the city. He had owned and operated the Alhambra Shining Shop in south Harrison street for a number of years. All athletic events attracted his interest and support and in his youth he was active in sports, particularly baseball. Mr. Sexton was considered an authority in practically all sporting circles because of his close study and interest. He was friendly to everyone and his passing removes a young man of high qualities, who will be missed by the community.
He was born in Frankfort, Ind., Aug 10, 1891 and was thirty-six years old at his death. His parents were James and Mary (Mitchell) Sexton, who located in Shelbyville a number of years ago. Mr. Sexton and Miss Esther Ives were married Dec. 12, 1912 and two children were born. The widow and children, Mary Medora Sexton and William Sexton, survive. He also leaves his mother, Mrs. Mary Sexton, two sisters, Mrs. Hazel Butz, of Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs Anna Spurgeon, of Kalamazoo, Mich.
Funeral services will be held at four o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the late home. Dr. L. O. Richmond, of the First Presbyterian church and the Rev. R. R. Cross, of the West Street M. E. church will officiate.
Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery.
Ralph H. Edwards is the undertaker in charge.”
Submitted by Don T. Mitchell, great grand nephew of Mary (Mitchell) Sexton
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday February 18, 1927
Page 1 column 4
Death Of Well Known Young Woman
Follows Illness Of Eight Months
Miss Lavonne Sexton, 25 years old, died at her home at 58 west Franklin street at 5:00 o'clock last evening, after an illness of more than eight months with chronic Bright's disease. For several months it has been known that there was little chance for her recovery, although everything possible had been done for her.
Miss Sexton was born in Hancock county March 20, 1901, the daughter of the late Bert and Lulu Sexton, and had lived in Shelbyville for several years. Since the death of her mother, about three years ago, Miss Sexton and her brother, Glen have kept house together. Besides her brother she is survived by her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Sexton of this county, but now of Vero, Florida.
Before her illness she had been employed at the Keith Furniture Store for about eight years.
Throughout her life in Shelbyville she has gained many friends, and has taken an active part in the various activities of the First Methodist church of which she was a member. She was a young woman of high ideals and admirable character.
Funeral services will be held at the home at 3:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon with the Rev. L. T. Freeland officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery with Morris Sleeth, funeral director in charge.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday January 26, 1925
Page 1 column 1
Dilatation Of The Heart Caused Death
Of Mrs. Lulu Sexton This Morning
Mrs. Lulu M. Sexton died this morning at nine o'clock at her home, 113 west Franklin street, of acute dilatation of the heart. The announcement of the death will come as a shock to her many friends because she had been ill only since Saturday evening.
She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Williams of near Fountaintown, and was born there, January 4, 1878. She was 47 years and 22 days old at the time of her death. On October 14, 1896, she was married to the late Enoch E. Sexton and they had three children, two of whom are living, Miss Lavonne and Glenn, both at home. The deceased is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Frank Linville, of near Fairland. She was a member of the First Methodist church in this city.
Funeral services will be held on Wednesday afternoon at the late home at two o'clock, Dr. L. T. Freeland officiating.
Interment will be made in the Forest Hill cemetery with Morris H. Sleeth in charge.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday October 13, 1924
Page 1 column 1
Enoch Elbert Sexton Committed Suicide
By Hanging At Mother's House
Body Was Found on Floor of His Room
by His Mother, Mrs. Sarah Sexton
Enoch Elbert Sexton, age forty-nine, committed suicide by hanging Sunday morning, at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Sarah Sexton, in Moral township, ten miles northwest of Shelbyville. The act is believed to have been caused by despondency over ill health.
Mr. Sexton had been ill for about six weeks, and had suffered from a nervous breakdown. He had been employed as a tractor salesman in and about Chicago, and had his headquarters at Greenwich, Ohio. About six weeks ago he returned to his mother's home, hoping to recover his health.
The body of Mr. Sexton was found about nine o'clock Sunday morning, by his mother. He had tied a sheet of the bed into a rope. One end of the sheet was tied to the bed and the other had been fashioned into a noose which he had put about his neck. Mr. Sexton appeared to have gotten on the floor, and placing his weight against the loop, to have drawn it tight against his throat.
Death was caused by strangulation.
Dr. G. I. Inlow, of Blue Ridge, Shelby county coroner, who was called, filed his verdict in the case with the clerk of the circuit court today. Dr. Inlow found that death had been caused by strangulation from hanging. Several witnesses were questioned by the coroner. Squire Parker, who is a tenant on the Sexton farm, stated that Mr. Sexton had seemed to be worried over his health, and at times did not appear to be rational. Mrs. William Sleeth, a sister of Mr. Sexton, testified that her brother had not been in good health for some time.
Mr. Sexton was a native of Shelby county, and was born October 9, 1875 in Moral township. His father Isaac Sexton, died in 1915. Mr. Sexton was married October 14, 1896 to Miss Lulu Williams, of Fountaintown.
He was a member of the Masonic lodge at Greenwich, Ohio; of the Odd Fellows, at Greenfield, and was a member of the Moose lodge in this city.
Besides the mother, Mr. Sexton is survived by one son, Glen Sexton, of this city; one daughter, Miss Lavonne Sexton, of Shelbyville; one brother, Waldo Sexton, of Vero Beach, Florida, and two sisters, Mrs. William Sleeth, of the Flat Rock Cave community, and Mrs. Paul Blackford of South Bend.
Funeral services will be conducted at the home in Moral township, Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. J. S. Barclay, pastor of the Fairview church officiating. Burial will be made in the Fairland cemetery, Morris H. Sleeth in charge.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday February 5, 1915
Page 1 column 4
Died Suddenly At His Home Near Fairland
Isaac Sexton, aged sixty-nine years, died suddenly this morning at eight-thirty o'clock at his home, five miles south of Fountaintown. His death was caused by heart trouble. Mr. Sexton had been suffering with the grippe for several days and was lying down when death came.
He was a well known and prominent resident of Van Buren township. For the past thirty-five years he had lived in that township. He was a member of the Fairview M.P. church. He was also a charter member of the Knights of Pythias lodge at Fountaintown.
Mr. Sexton was a son of the late Enoch and Phoebe Sexton. He was born in Noble township near Waldron March 25, 1845. When quite young his parents moved to Van Buren township. He remained with his father and mother until he was twenty-seven years old. He then took charge of a farm. At his death he owned one hundred and sixty acres of fine land.
He was married in February 20, 1873 to Miss Sarah Buckingham, who survives him. He also leaves two daughters, Miss Rhoda, at home, and Mrs. Will Sleeth, of Van Buren township; two sons, Bert and Waldo Sexton, of Zero, Florida; one brother, David Sexton, of Morristown, and one sister, Mrs. Simon Miller. One son, William, was drowned in the flood at Columbus, Ohio about two years ago.
[Buried Fairland Cemetery]
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Saturday March 29, 1913
Page 1 column 4
Drowned While Heroically Assisting
In Rescuing The Flood Sufferers
Former Van Buren Township Boy
William Sexton, brother of Orlando and Waldo Sexton, sons of Isaac Sexton, of VanBuren township, was drowned in Columbus, Ohio, this week. William was a police Sergeant and was engaged in rescue work during the flood there. The boat capsized, and, being unable to swim, was drowned and carried away in the current. His wife, who was Miss Gertrude Harrell, of Fairland, is now at that place waiting on her mother, who is seriously ill. Mr. Waldo Sexton has gone to Columbus, Ohio, to recover the body of his brother and return with it to this county. Mr. Sexton was a fine young man, large, strong, robust, and his untimely death will be mourned by many relatives and sympathizing friends.
Tuesday April 1, 1913
Page 3 column 4
The funeral services of the late Will Sexton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sexton, of Moral township, will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Fairland M. E. church, the Rev. F. A. Guthrie, of Connersville, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Jones, of Fairland. Interment will be made in the Fairland cemetery in charge of Stewart & Fix. The body was brought to the home in Moral township this morning at 8 o'clock.
It will be remembered that young Sexton, who was a member of the police force in Columbus, Ohio, was drowned while engaged in the rescue work during the recent flood in that city.
Fairland Cemetery
William Avery Sexton 1878 - 1913
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Republican
Thursday, April 2, 1874.
Whole No. 422. Page 1
DIED, in this city, on Tuesday night, March 31st, 1874, Mrs. F. C. Sexton, after a long and lingering illness of Consumption. Funeral services at the M. E. Church, on Wednesday, by Rev. G. P. Jenkins.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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