Mitchell  Family  Album
Page 4

Can you identify the students in this photo taken about 1892?

Hand-written on the margin is
"Standing with mustache - Wm. Mitchell, trustee
Seated left Bertha Mitchell, right Mary Jane Mitchell"

William A. Mitchell (1852-1924) was Noble Twp. trustee 1890-95.  Other photos of him verify this identity.  Bertha Mitchell (b. 1885, later Mrs. Elmer Amos), daughter of William, was only 7 in 1892.  Her sister, Mary Jane 'Jenny' Mitchell (b. 1876, later Mrs. J. E. Keeling) was 16 in 1892.  From other family photos, I'm inclined to believe that the girl seated left is Aunt 'Jenny', and the girl seated right is her cousin, Huldah Mitchell (b. 1874, later Mrs. Harry Howard).

Submitted by Don T. Mitchell

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