Shelby County Indiana
Bible Records
Davisson Bible Records
This bible was found at the Shelbyville library in February of 1999. It was published in Philadelphia by William W. Harding; 1860. There are three handwriting styles:
(1) Script reminscent of the early-mid 1800s;
(2) A much more contemporary longhand;
(3) The least perfected style of all three, which becomes increasingly "shaky" with the age of the
Elizabeth Davisson died October the 29th 1862 (1)
James H. Davisson died October 31st 1897. (1)
Sarah A. Davisson died May 18th 1908. (2)
Carey Davisson, died Feb 11th 1908. (2)
Kate Davisson Hacker died March, 14th. 1929 (3)
Charles R. Davisson died Oct. 13, 1929 (3)
Anna Belle Davisson Boger died July, 14, 1930 (3)
Albert Davisson, died May, 8, 1939. (3)
Lucy Davisson, died Sept 14, 1943. (3)
Roella Davisson Hacker died Oct,. 3rd 1948 (3)
Caroline Davisson Clayton died Aug 29th 1950 (3)
Effie Davisson Colvin Died March 19th 1956 (3)
Ida Davisson McCainen (sp?) Died Nov 9 . 1954 (3)
Ruth E. Hacker borned April 30th 1892. died June 23th 1964 (3)
Mabel C. Hacker was borned Dec the 30 1896 (3)
Hazel E. Hacker Sparks - Born - Jan 3, 1898 (2)
William A. Hacker - Born - Jan 31, 1899
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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