B. Mulroy
Anthony B. Mulroy, a substantial citizen and business man of Decatur County, Indiana, and a resident of St. Paul, was born in 1859, in this town, the son of
Richard and Bridget (Barrett) Mulroy, the former of whom was a native of County Mayo, Ireland,
born in 1825.
On the day that Richard Mulroy was twenty-two years old, he took passage on a sailing boat "Star of the North," for America, landing in New York City after an eventful voyage in 1847.
When the ship on which he came to America was three days out of port, a terrific storm was encountered and the experiences of all on board was something to be remembered, during their entire lives.
For three days the ship was completely lost, and at times those on board almost gave up hope of ever seeing land.
However, the "Star of the North" was a good, seafaring boat and successfully withstood the severe storm.
When Richard Mulroy landed in New York City, he was without funds or friends.
Starting out in life in the new world, he obtained employment on a farm in New York state, and after working a year removed to Pennsylvania, where he remained for three years.
He made three unsuccessful attempts to enlist as a soldier in the Mexican War.
After three years in Pennsylvania, Richard Mulroy left Pittsburgh and came to Lawrenceburg, Indiana by boat.
From Lawrenceburg he walked to Indianapolis where he remained for four or five years, during which time he was engaged in railroad construction, making Indianapolis his headquarters.
In 1857 Richard Mulroy was married to Bridgett
Barrett, who was born in 1823 in Ireland in County May within forty miles of the birthplace of her future husband.
Born on the west coast of Ireland, she came alone to America in 1856 and after landing in this country, she came direct of Greensburg, Decatur County, Indiana, where she had a sister living,
Mrs. John Riley, with whom she made her home until her marriage in 1858.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mulroy came to St. Paul in 1858, where her husband lived until her death in 1906.
He died on June 2, 1915, at the age of ninety years. During his entire active life he had been engaged in railroad construction work and in stone quarries.
He had been retired only five years. In fact, in 1914, at the age of eighty-nine, he planted and cultivated a large garden.
He was a staunch Democrat in politics, and a member of the Catholic Church, as was his good wife also.
They had four children: Anthony B., the subject of this sketch, of St. Paul;
Edward of St. Paul; Anna who lives at home, and
Margaret who died in infancy.
Anthony B. Mulroy, who was born in St. Paul, one year after his parents removed to this town, was educated in the common schools and when he was thirty-two years old, engaged in stone quarry work.
At this time he was married to Henrietta Avery, the daughter of
Daniel Wilson and Melissa (Pence) Avery, native of Shelby county, Indiana, an old, well-established and highly respected citizens of this section.
As late as 1914, Anthony B. Mulroy was engaged in railroad construction and stone quarry work.
In October of 1914 he purchased the grocery and mercantile business of William
Kelso, of St. Paul, and is today engaged in business for himself. He handles a complete line of dry goods and general merchandise. Within a comparatively short time he has built up a large trade in this community.
Mr. Mulroy is a popular citizen and one with whom the people of this community naturally like to trade.
He has been honorable and upright in all his relations with the public, and upon this basis his business has grown since he took possession.
Mr. and Mrs. Mulroy have had one son, John A. Mulroy, who was born on January 1, 1899.
He was born on Sunday morning, the first day of the week and the first day of the year.
Luck seems to have been with him, as he has never been sick a day since his birth.
He is a young man of rare promise and is popular in this community. Having graduated from the common schools in 1914, he is now a student in the freshman year at the high school in St. Paul.
History of Decatur County, Indiana, Lewis A. Harding, Editor.
B. F. Bowen & Co, Inc, Indianapolis, 1915.
Contributed by Barb Huff


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