Gustave G.
Gustave G. Winter, Doctor of
Philosophy, is a native of Germany, born at Leimbach, August 22, 1841. His father was
Rev. Carl G. Winter, born at Bueschdorf, Germany, in 1796. He
was a minister in the Lutheran Church for more than fifty years. The mother of the subject here treated, was
Wilhelmine Winter, whose maiden name was Kaiser,
a native of Leimbach, Germany,
born in 1817, and died in her native town, in 1849. His early education of Dr. Winter was acquired at the common schools at
Leimbach. Later, he received private instructions, which was sufficient to admit him to the fourth class in the
Gymnasium at
Eisleben (the famous place where Martin Luther was born and
died), in 1854, and from which he graduated in 1863. Subsequently. Dr. Winter entered the University at Halle, and prepared
himself for the ministry, and was ordained in 1868. During 1866, he was an Acting Lieutenant in the German Army, and was in the
Prussian Austrian conflict. Since 1868, Dr. Winter has been
preaching; came to Shelbyville, Januaryn3, 1869. For seventeen
years he has been Pastor of St. Zion's Church, in Union Township, this county, and since
1880, Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Shelbyville. Since 1873, he has been connected
with the Shelbyville High School as teacher of languages, and for
two years past, has been Principal of Building No. 1, Shelbyville
High School. Without question, he is one of the most efficient
teachers of languages in Indiana. The marriage of Dr. Winter
took place in 1872, to Miss Rosa Theobald, a native of Shelby
County, born in 1856. To this marriage are three children, in
this order: Carl G., born September 28, 1873; Paul
G., born September 22, 1880, and Emil G., born October 3,
1885. Dr. Winter
was made a Mason in 1879; a member of the Chapter, Council,
and a Knight Templar in 1880. He is a forcible preacher, a leading teacher and a true Christian gentleman.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Shelbyville
Sketches," page 549-550, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

Mrs. G. G. Winter

Rev. Dr. G. G. Winter
Pictures from Boetcker's Picturesque Shelbyville

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