Sampson Meiks
Sampson Meiks is a native of Union Township, was born August 9, 1837, being the next eldest in a family
of eleven children, born to Jacob and Nancy (Webb) Meiks, who were native of Pennsylvania and Virginia, respectively,
and they came to and settled in this vicinity, but in Rush County, with their parents in a very early day, about
1831, and came to Shelby County in 1836, and remained residents of the county until their deaths. Our immediate
subject remained at home, and assisted his parents on the farm until he attained the age of twenty-two years, receiving
a common school education. March 22, 1860, his marriage with Barbara J. Halbrook
was solemnized, and to their union six children have been born, these four now living, John W., Maggie J., George H.
and Thomas S. January, 1864, he realized the necessity of the preservation
of our Union and enlisted in Company H, Sixteenth Indiana Volunteer Mounted Infantry, where he served nearly two
years; was honorably discharged at Indianapolis, on account of the close of the war. Mr. Meiks has always made
farming his occupation, and he has been quite successful. He now owns 120 acres of well improved land, all the
accumulation of his own industry and economy. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. In politics he is
a Democrat, and was honored with an election to the position of Justice of Peace, two terms.
History of Shelby Count, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, pg 707-708.
Submitted by Dave Richey
Obituary, listed in newspaper as "Samuel".

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