Thomas E. Trackwell
Thomas E. Trackwell, was born in Liberty Township, this county, February 5, 1850, a son of John and
Frances (Ballard) Trackwell, natives of Virginia. John Trackwell was born July 15,
1809. In his early life he was a pilot on the Ohio River. In 1834, he married a Miss Ballard, who was born July
20, 1816. In 1838, he left the river and located in this county, where he remained until his death January 14,
1873. His wife died March 3, 1865. Thomas Trackwell was reared a farmer and had a good common school education.
When twenty years of age he began teaching school and has taught school several winters, twice in this county
and Rush County. He followed farming during the summer season. He moved to his present home in March, 1887, where
he runs a general store. He is a staunch Democrat and is now Postmaster of
Meltzer, this county. He was married
January 31, 1883, to Miss Josephine
Higgins, of this township. By
this marriage two children were born, Jennie, born December 12, 1884, and
Jessie, born
December 7, 1886. Mrs. Trackwell is a member of the Catholic Church.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, "Liberty Sketches",
page 693.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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