Shelby County Indiana
Cotton Cemetery
Location: West half of the southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 13 North, Range 8 East (Union Township, Shelby Co, IN). The cemetery is on the north side of the road. At one time, there was a section of the cemetery on the south side of the road, but there is no sign of this section now. This information comes from the Indiana State Library Gpf 9977.201, and is submitted by Wanda.
Elisa Cotton, born Feb. 1769, died Feb. 7 1813; age 44
Elizabeth Cotton, born 1731, died Oct. 10, 1817; age 86
William Cotton, born 1758, died July 3, 1831; age 73
Thomas Cotton, born 1805, died Mar. 22, 1853
William Cotton, born 1792, died Feb. 22, 1864; age 71 yrs. 11 mos. 17 days
Mary w/o William, born 1793, died Mar. 11, 1830; age 37 yrs. 11 mos . 7 days
Thomas Cotton, born June 7, 1797, died Mar. 22, 1853
Ann Cotton w/o Wm, born July 28, 1798; age 76 yrs. 8 mos. 6 days
William H. Cotton s/o Wm & Mary, born June 15, 1832; 5 yrs. 10 mos. 9 days
Margaret Ann Smith , d/o Rev. J. M. & M. E. Smith, born August 4, ?, died Oct. 9, 1843
Ida ?, born Feb. 6, 1865, died April 1, 1874
Theodore, born August 11, 1850, died March 2, 1865
Elijah Cotton, born Feb 6, 1769, died Feb. 7, 1818; 44yrs.
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