Commencing at the North West corner of the Southeast quarter of Section four (4), Township twelve (12) North of Range eight (8) east and running south eleven rods, one foot (11 rod, 1 ft) to a place of beginning. Thence east ten rods, nine feet (10 rod, 9 feet), thence south seventeen rods, four and one-half feet (17 rods, 4 ½ feet), thence west ten rods, nine feet (10 rods, 9 feet), and thence north seventeen rods, four and one-half feet (17 rods, 4 ½ feet), to a place of beginning and containing one and one fourth acres (1 ¼ acre) more or less.
Signed: S. H. Yager
State of Indiana §
Shelby County §
Before me, Geo. W. Connor a Justice of the Peace in and for said County, this 21st day of June 1905, the above named S. H. Yager acknowledged the execution of the within and foregoing conveyance.
In testimony whereof ,I hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st day of June 1905.
Signed: Geo. W. Connor, J. P. (seal)
Recorded June 20th 1905 at 9 A.M.
Geo. W. VanLue, R.S.C.
Map and legal description copied by Melinda Moore Weaver
(* This has to be a typo. I don't know how it can be recorded the day before it was actually signed and

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