1850  Agricultural  Census
x  Township
Shelby  County,  Indiana
Page No.  **
Supervisor's Dist:  No. **
Enumeration Dist:  No. **

SCHEDULE  2. -- Productions of Agriculture in ** in the County of **, State of Indiana
                                   enumerated by me on the ** day of June, 1880.   **,


The Name
1.  of the Person Who Conducts This Farm.
2.  Owner. 
3.  Rents for fixed money rental.
4.  Rents for shares of products. 
Acres of Land.   
5.  Tilled, including fallow and grass in rotation (whether pasture 
               or meadow).
6.  Permanent meadows, permanent pastures, orchards, vineyards.
7.  Woodland and forest.
8.  Other unimproved, including "old fields" not growing wood.
Farm Values, in dollars.
9.  Of farm, including land, fences and buildings.
10.  Of farming implements and machinery.
11.  Of Live Stock.
12.  Fences, cost of building and repairing.
13.  Cost of  fertilizers purchased in 1879.
14.  Amount paid for wages for farm labor during 1879, 
               including value of board.
15.  Weeks hired labor in 1879 upon farm (and dairy) 
               excluding housework.
16.  Estimated value of all farm productions (sold, consumed, or 
               on hand) for 1879.
Grass Lands.
17.  Mown acreage 1879.
18.  Unmown acreage 1879.
19.  Hay harvested in 1879, tons.
20.  Clover seed harvested in 1879, bushels.
21.  Grass seed harvested in 1879, bushels.
22.  Horses of all ages on hand June 1, 1880.
23.  Mules and Asses, all ages, on hand June 1, 1880.
Neat Cattle and Their Products.
24.   Working oxen on hand June 1, 1880.
25.  Milch cows on hand June 1, 1880.
26.  Other on hand June 1, 1880.
27.  Calves dropped during 1879.
28.  Cattle of all ages purchased during 1879.
29.  Cattle of all ages sold living during 1879.
30.  Cattle of all ages slaughtered during 1879.
31.  Cattle of all ages died, strayed and stolen and not recovered 
               during 1879.
32.  Gallons of milk sold or sent to gutter and cheese factories 
               in 1879.
33.  Pounds of butter made on the farm in 1879.
34.  Pounds of cheese made on the farm in 1879.
35.  On hand June 1, 1880.
36.  Lambs dropped.
37.  Sheep and lambs purchased in 1879.
38.  Sheep and lambs sold living in 1879.
39.  Sheep and lambs slaughtered in 1879.
40.  Sheep and lambs killed by dogs in 1879.
41.  Sheep and lambs died of disease in 1879.
42.  Sheep and lambs died of stress of weather in 1879.
43.  Number of fleeces clip, spring 1880, shorn and to be shorn.
44.  Weight of clip, spring 1880, shorn and to be shorn.
45.  On hand June 1, 1880.
Poultry on hand June 1st, 1880, exclusive of spring hatching.
46.  Number in barn-yard.
47.  Number of other.
48.  Dozens of eggs produced in 1879.
49.  Barley, acres of, 1879.
50.  Barley, bushels of crop, 1879.
51.  Buckwheat, acres of, 1879.
52.  Buckwheat, bushels of crop, 1879.
53.  Indian Corn, acres of, 1879.
54.  Indian Corn, bushels of crop, 1879.
55.  Oats, acres of, 1879.
56.  Oats, bushels of crop, 1879.
57.  Rye, acres of, 1879.
58.  Rye, bushels of crop, 1879.
59.  Wheat, acres of, 1879.
60.  Wheat, bushels of crop, 1879.
61.  Bushels of Canada peas, dry, in 1879.
62.  Bushels of Beans, dry, in 1879.
63.  Flax, acres in crop, 1879.
64.  Flax, bushels of seed in 1879.
65.  Flax, tons of straw in 1879.
66.  Flax, pounds of fiber in 1879.   
67.  Hemp, acres.
68.  Hemp, tons.
69.  Sorghum--1879, acres in crop.
70.  Sorghum--1879, pounds of sugar.
71.  Sorghum--1879, gallons of molasses.
72.  Maple--1879, pounds of sugar.
73.  Maple--1879, gallons of molasses.
Broom Corn.
74.  Acres in 1879.
75.  Pounds in 1879.
Hops, 1879.
76.  Acres.
77.  Pounds of crop.
Potatoes (Irish), 1879.
78.  Acres.
79.  Bushels of crop.
Potatoes (Sweet), 1879.
80.  Acres.
81.  Bushels of crop.
Tobacco, 1879.
82.  Acres.
83.  Pounds of crop.
84.  Apple, number of acres.
85.  Apple, number of bearing trees.
86.  Apple, bushels harvested
87.  Peach, number of acres.
88.  Peach, number of bearing trees.
89.  Peach, bushels harvested
90.  Total dollar value of orchard products of all kinds 
               sold or consumed.
91.  Acres.
92.  Dollar value of produce sold in 1879.
93.  Acres.
94.  Pounds of grapes sold in 1879.
95.  Gallons of wine made in 1879.
Market Gardens.
96.  Dollar value of produce sold in 1879.
97.  Pounds of honey.
98.  Pounds of wax.
Forest Products.
99.  Cords of wood cut in 1879.
100.   Dollar value of all forest products sold or consumed in 1879.

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.  
1 John Doe James Doe George Doe               1
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