Shelby  County,  Indiana
Courthouse  Records
Coroner's  Inquests



William A. Rudicel  
Liberty Township,
Shelby County, Indiana,
on the 28th day of
July, 1930
Clyde R. Underwood
Coroner Shelby County.

F  I  L  E  D
Jul 30 1930
Claude C. Cherry  /ss/
Clerk, Shelby Circuit Court

[page 1]

State of Indiana, County of Shelby
 Ind.,  July 28   19 30

C O R O N E R ' S   I N Q U E S T.

An inquisition taken  C.T. Fix  Funeral Homer  in  Addison  Township County of  Shelby on the 28th  day of  July,  in the year 1930,  before me,  Clyde R. Underwood, Coroner, upon view of the body of  William  A.  Rudicel,  then and there lying dead,  I,  Clyde R. Underwood  Coroner in and for said County of  Shelby  upon view of the body of the aforesaid  Wm A. Rudicel, and having the evidence (which is hereunto appended) do find he came to his death by

Cerebral Hemorrhage

Signed and sealed by me,  Clyde R. Underwood. /s/
Coroner,  Shelby  County
Per A.B. Cherry.

[page 2]

T E S T I M O N Y   O F   W I T N E S S E S

[page 3]


          Dr. S.B. Coulson, being duly sworn, makes the following statement relative to the death of   Wm A. Rudicel.

My name is S.B. Coulson. I live at Waldron. I was called to the home of Wm. A. Rudicel at about 7 P.M. on the evening of July 23, 1930.  and found him lying on the floor unconcious [sic].  We put him on the bed. and he never gain concious, I place him so he could breath freely and I left.
I returned about 8 P.M. July 23, 1930 and he was dead.
He died of a Cerebral Hemorrhage.

S.B. Coulson  M.D. /s/

[page 4]


          George C. Rudicel, being duly sworn, makes the following statement relative to the death of   Wm A. Rudicel.

My name is  George  C.  Rudicel.  I live on R.R. 2 Waldron.  On the evening of July 23, 1930  I was call about 7:15 P.M. by Mr. Dade to come over to Waldron that Willie was dying  We got there about 20 minutes before he died.  When I arrived he was laying on a cot.  he was gasping like he was choking.  They turn him over on his side he breath easer and then they turn him back he began choking they turn him back on his side he gasp a few times and was gone.
His left side of his face seem to be drawen.

The Doctor was called again and when he arrived he said he was Dead.  The Doctor adviced to call the Coroner.

Geo. C. Rudicel  /s/

[page 5]


          Mrs. Cora Dake, being duly sworn, makes the following statement relative to the death of   Wm A. Rudicel.

My name is  Cora Dake.  I live at Waldron.  I went over to Mr. Rudicel home about two P.M. and went back about 6 P.M. on July 23, 1930 to take his supper and he was a sleep.  I set his supper by his bed and went home lettinghim sleep.  I went back about 7 P.M.  I found him lying on the floor.  unconcious  I shook him and he did not answer he was still alive at that time.  I had a neighbor call a Doctor.  The Doctor came at once.  there was blood on the floor  The doctor washed his mouth out.  The doctor thought he had a stroke  he never gain concious.
          The Doctor and a neighbor put him back on the bed.
          The Doctor left about 7:15 to 7:20 P.M. and he died about 8. P.M.
          I called the Doctor at once.  and when he came the second trip he pronounce him dead.
          The Doctor advice to call the Coroner.  I & my son went over to his home every day. He has not been well all Spring, going to the Doctor now and then.
          On Monday morning July 21, 1930 he had a tooth extracted  it continue to bleed and he had bben to see the Doctor on the morning of July 23, 1930

Cora Dake  /s/

[inside front cover/back page]

D E S C R I P T I O N   OF   B O D Y

Age.......... 69        Aug. 26. 1860
Height......... 6 ft.
Weight..... 180
Hair ........ Grey

Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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