Shelby County, Indiana
Recorder's Office
Deed Index Books
"S" Surnames
SCI = Shelby County Indiana
Last updated 15 December 2016
Surname Given Name To/
FrSurname Given Name Type Deed Date Amount Description
of LotsLot
#Name of
of LandSec Twp Rng Acres Date Recorded Book Page Remarks Stout
fr Young John of Bartholomew County, Ind w 9 Feb 1824 100.00 w/2 se/4 2 12 6 80 17 Mar 1826 A 56 * William Hamner, Joshua McQueen of Bartholomew County, Ind Smith Milo of Chautauqua County, New York to Fowler * Bartholomew w 18 Feb 1824 e nw 30 13 6 77 .20 A 130 * of Hamilton County, Ohio Stone Ashbel to Reed Abraham w 1826 100.00 s pt e/2 sw/4 26 14 7 40 2 Feb 1826 A 171 Stone Ashbel to Davis Varner w 1 Nov 1827 125.00 se/4 nw/4 26 14 7 40 A 362 Stone Simon of town of Hanover to Stone Alfred of Shelby County, Ind w 20 Mar 1825 62.00 ne cor 28 14 7 52 24 Jan 1829 A 447 witnesses: Israel Stone, Fedelia P Stone Stone Simon of Shelby County, Ind to Stone Israel of Shelby County, Ind w 2 Aug 1827 pt e/2 28 14 7 52 9 Mar 1829 A 467 witnesses: Alfred Stone, Moses Blood Stone Simon of town of Hanover to Stone Israel of Shelby County, Ind w 28 Mar 1825 62.00 50 9 Mar 1829 A 468 witness: Alfred Stone Seaney Hemsley fr Smith
HarsonWilliam & Elizabeth/hw
Joshua & Mercy/hw
James B. & Polly/hw
Albert G. & Fanny/hw
Ira & Susannah/hw
John & Katharine/hww 10 Oct 1828 175.00 sw 10 13 6 A 481 all parties of Shelby County, Indiana Stone Ashbel fr Reed Abraham & Nancy w 6 Apr 1829 40.00 n pt w/2 se/4* 26 14 7 20 16 Nov 1829 A 593 *east of the "distillery lot" School Comm'rs B 9 School Comm'rs B 10 School Comm'rs B 34 Stone Ashbel B 71 Stone Ashbel B 72 School Comm'rs B 78 School Comm'rs B 146 Shank Jacob to Indiana State of b* 5000.00 B 176 * bond Stone Israel B 201 School Comm'rs B 409 School Comm'rs B 436 School Comm'rs B 530 School Comm'rs B 552 Stone Ashbel C 42 Shank Jacob fr Little William 3 Apr 1831 140.00 Franklin St Shelbyville C 133 Deed
Book Dentries are recorded here Stone Israel to Burch Asa w 4 Aug 1834 500.00 nw/4 sw/4 14 13 6 40 8 Oct 1834 E 28 Stone Isaac fr Stone Israel w 1 Jan 1831 330.00 pt e ne & pt e se 28 14 7 52 15 Oct 1834 E 56 Sleeth Evaline fr United States p 1834 -- e/2 sw/4 3 13 7 80 1834 E 244 Stone Ashbel fr United States p 1822 -- w/2 ne/4 26 14 7 80 1835 E 245 Stewart heirs of Stephen fr Baker Elijah 1834 4 12 8 1835 E 303 Stone Cyrus H Last Will & Testament 1835 E 346 Stone Cyrus H to Stone Nancy w 1835 1/2 w/2 ne/4 23 14 7 ng 1835 E 346 Swain [Sawin] B. W. to Harvey Stephen w 26 Nov 1835 150. land in the state of New York 26 Nov 1835 E 584 Rachel Sawin, wife Stone Ashbel & Almina* to Stone Alfred * w 8 Feb 1836 e/2 sw/4:
se/4 nw/426;
401836 F 145 * of Shelby County, Indiana Stone Martin fr Montgomery Sidoni exe 1836 24 14 7 1836 F 294 Stone B. F. fr United States p 1834 ne/2 se/4 26 14 7 40 1836 F 485 Stone Martin ?? Dyer Darwin w 7 Feb 1837 325. G 100 Stone A.P. fr United States p 5 Aug 1834 -- G 149 Swain Elihu fr Coffman?? Moses w 1837 G 281
282Stone Enoch P to Thacher D w 1837 1/5pt e/2 se/4 & 1/5pt e/2 sw/4 14 13 6 1837 G 376 Stone Martin fr McCormick John w 13 Dec 1837 18. 4 Freeport G 706 Stone Nathaniel fr Cory Shubal w 1837 ne/2 se/4 21 14 7 40 1838 H 227 Stewart John to State bond 1838 $5000. H 292 Stone Ashbel fr Clerk * 1838 See Book B page 72 1838 H 459 certificate Stone Ashbel fr Stone B. F. w 1839 ne/2 se/4 26 14 7 40 1839 H 502 Stone Ashbel fr Cole Calvin * 1839 personal property H 793 bill of sale Stone B. F. fr Holding Joshua w 1838 325.00 24 & 1B Morristown 1839 I 133 Sherwood Thomas to Thomas John w 27 Dec 1839 900.00 28 14 8 80 31 Dec 1839 I 232 Stewart John fr Surber A 1840 26 14 6 1840 I 484 Stewart John H. to State $5000 I 559 Stone Benjamin F. to Kitchel M w 1841 275.00 24 & 1B Morristown 1841 I 750 Stewart Martha to Peak R B inden 1841 J 136 Stewart John to Bickman Jesse 26 14 6 1842 J 642 Stewart Jacob fr Simmons A 1842 11 11 7 1842 J 636 Stewart M & E to Umphri P B 1842 4 12 8 1843 J 758 Stone Ashbel to Bower Jacob w 1844 250.00 ne/4 se/4 26 14 7 40 1844 K 234 Staf Milton to Cory Alex w 1843 400.00 21,22,23,
2,3,4Morristown 1844 K 313 Stone Martin to Cory Alex w 1843 50.00 4 Freeport 1844 K 315 Stone Alfred to Houry W w 1843 n pt e/2 ne/4 28 14 7 48 1844 K 369 Stone Alfred fr Huntington H. D. w 1843 2/3 w/2 se/4 &
ne/4 sw/428 14 7 80
401844 K 370 Stone Frederick fr Record Laban w 1844 17 11 6 2a 1844 K 399 Stewart* &
Garner*James V &
George & Martha Wto Baker Elias pt w/2 ne/4 4 12 8 1845 L 218 20 shares; sellers residing in Wabash County Indiana Stoner Casper to Bolander C.C. 7 Feb 1843 NE1/4 5 13 6 93 4 Feb 1846 L 395 Stoner Casper to Bolander C.C. 7 Feb 1843 E1/2of NW1/4 5 13 6 47 4 Feb 1846 L 395 Stone Nathaniel to Jenkins D w 1847 1000.00 pt e/2 ne/4,
pt e/2 se/4 &
e/2 se/4
2114 7
801847 N 20 Stone Nathaniel fr Stone Isaac w 1845 1000.00 pt e/2 ne/4,
pt e/2 se/4 &
se/4 se/4
2114 7
801847 N 38 Sargent A.K. fr Bolander C.C. 2 Aug 1847 ptNE1/4 5 13 6 23 23 Nov 1847 N 312 Stone Alfred to Silcox J. L. w 1847 600.00 2/3 w/2 se/4 &
ne/4 sw/428 14 7 80
401848 N 503 Stone Alfred to Myer C. W. w 1847 400.00 pt e/2 sw/4 & se/4 nw/4 26 14 7 40 1848 O 70 Stone Martin to Henry Buck w 1848 300.00 pt w/2 se/4 24 14 7 60 1848 O 106 Sherwood & Stone Samuel* & Alamander to Silcox Joseph L w 16 Dec 1847 72.00 subject to life estate of Martha Ferris 1/9 part w/2 of se/4 & n/2 of e/2 of sw/4 28 14 7 18 Jul 1848 O 237 Samuel and his wife Maria lived in Franklin Co Stone A to Bolibaugh W w 1848 1900.00 w/2 ne/4 & n/2 nw/4 se/4 & ne cor w/2 se/4 26 14 7 1848 O 294 out of order in the index -- check Book O Stone Alfred f Huntington H. D. w 1848 700.00 s side se/4 27 14 7 1849 O 502 Stone Isaac to School District g 1849 gift 28 14 7 1849 P 4 Stone A. P. to Bollibaugh W w 1849 1700.00 e/2 ne/4 &
w/2 nw/425 14 7 80
801849 P 127 Stewart James to Rickets Lewis 1849 25 12 7 1849 P 337 Spitzfaden Peter fr Kent E w 3 Feb 1852 350 Washington pt 13 & pt 11 Shelbyville 12 Feb 1852 T 74 Spitzfaden Peter fr Wingate S. w 21 Feb 1852 500 Washington pt 13 Shelbyville 1 Mar 1852 T 128 Spitzfaden Peter fr Bennett J. w 7 Apr 1852 35 pt NE 5 12 7 20 May 1852 T 289 Stewart William fr Goff J G 7 13 6 1853 U 400 Seward John 15 11 7 1853 U 432 Stewart James fr Peak William 1848 25 12 7 U 474 Stewart J K fr Bennett I 1853 Shelbyville V 252 Stewart Edward to Jonas Joseph 11 13 6 1853 V 440 Stewart John fr Bird Elisha 14 13 6 1854 W 138 Spitzfadden Peter fr Wingate E. B. w 28 Feb 1854 400 Washington pt 13 Shelbyville 1 Mar 1854 W 267 Stewart Jacob to Legg Arthur 1854 11 11 7 1854 W 434 Spitzfadden Peter & Elizabeth to Dunkelbihler John w 8 Jan 1854 500 Washington pt 11 Shelbyville 15 Jun 1854 W 496 Stewart Jacob fr Albirght J M 2 14 5 1854 W 506 Seward John 11 11 7 1854 X 122 Stewart M etal to Howard H Z 431 Stuard John fr Norville James 1856 s/pt e nw 11 13 6 30 AA 121 Spitzfadden Peter fr McElwee Wm M w 16 Aug 1856 230 Harrison pt 1 Shelbyville 21 Aug 1856 AA 386 Stewart J fr Armstrong J 1856 sw sw 2 14 5 1856 AA 429 Stewart GH fr Hamilton S 1856 Shelbyville 1856 BB 23 Stewart Jacob & Isabelle* to Hart J W 1856 n sw nw 2 14 5 20 1856 26 *his wife Stewart Jacob to Leonard Ab 1856 s sw nw 2 14 5 20 1856 BB 27 Stewart,
Sheriff*John K to Mayhew Royal 10 Jul 1839 se ne 27 13 7 40 1856 BB 63 litigation Samuel Walker & Thomas S Gatewood Spitzfadden P fr Rees J w 28 Jan 1857 800 Washington pt 11 Shelbyville 26 Jan 1857 BB 262 Stewart BF* fr Odell, as
administratorI 1857 se/cor e ne 8 13 6 5.75 1857 CC 248 *no spouse listed Stewart Jacob fr Hart JW 1857 n sw nw 2 14 5 20 1857 CC 306 Stewart AA fr Inlow
1857 Shelbyville 1857 CC 354 Stewart AA fr Hook MM 1857 Shelbyville 1857 CC 358 Spitzfadden fr Lefever D w 17 Apr 1858 800 Washington pt 24 Shelbyville 19 Apr 1858 DD 364 Stewart Jonathan fr Gibson W 1858 Fairland 1858 DD 448 Stewart William fr Stewart J 1858 nw nw 14 13 6 40 1858 DD 449 Stewart BF* to Pope JH 1857 pt/e ne 8 13 6 5.75 1858 DD 521 *no spouse listed Spitzfadden P to Wabnetz L w 4 Jan 1859 200 Harrison St out lot 1 Shelbyville 4 Jan 1859 EE 275 Stewart William fr Romerill J 1859 Fairland 1859 EE 292 Stewart J fr Robins J 1859 s/end w se 25 14 7 40 1859 EE 405 Seward J fr Smith P 1857 nw sw 11 11 7 1859 EE 408 Stewart &
Solomonfr Oldham JL 1858 sw se 34 14 6 40 1859 FF 109 Stewart John nmi &
Eliza J, his wifeto Robbins JW 1859 s/pt se 34 14 7 40 1859 FF 187 Stewart Catharine fr Toner Edward &
Susan,his wifequit* 1857 se se 8 13 6 40 1859 FF 298 "their interest in" Stewart Joseph R &
Arthissa, his wifeto Apple Cyrus 1859 Shelbyville 1860 GG 124 all parties of SCI Stewart Lucia fr Johnston Simeon M* 1860 pt 29 13 6 3/8 1860 GG 152 *no spouse; all parties of SCI Stewart Artelissa A fr Sprague Jasper H &
Dulcena C, his wife1860 Shelbyville 1860 GG 467 all parties of SCI Steward G H to Hamilton S 1859 5 12 7 0.84 1861 HH 77 Stewart Solomon to Harrell H H 1860 24 14 6 40 1861 HH 456 Stewart J R to Williamson J G 1862 Franklin St Shelbyville 1862 JJ 142 Stewart Edmund to Davidson M E 1861 11 13 6 20 1862 JJ 412 Stewart Edmund to Harrell H H 1863? 2 13 6 40 1862 JJ 415 Seward John*
of Shelby Coto Snyder
Jasper**1863? 1,600. nw sw 11 11 7 40 19 Feb 1863 JJ 419 *no spouse
**of Boone Co KYStewart John et al to Stewart William 1863 14 13 6 20 1863 KK 40 Stewart John to Stewart Solomon 1863 14
101863 KK 41 Stewart Jackson et al to Stewart J & Chris lease 1863 14
301863 KK 42 Stewart Jacob & Isabell*
of Shelby Coto Hart John William 1863 2 14 5 39.32 1863 KK 66 *spouse Stewart John to Stewart Jackson 1863 11 13 6 20 1863 KK 110 Stewart Edmund to Williams Matthew 1863 2 13 6 24 1863 KK 202 Steward John to Amsterdam Stewart 1863 14 13 6 40 1863 KK 291 Steward Solomon to Henricks Thomas 1863 block 1, 2, 3 Brandywine 1864 LL 426 Stewart J. R. to Hamilton S. 1864 Hendricks St 3 Shelbyville 1864 LL 446 Steward Solomon to Alexander Franklin 1864 sq 4 1, 4 Brandywine 1864 MM 48 Steward John to Davidson Mary E. 1863 2/3 sq 6
sq 7
2, 3Brandywine ng MM 77 Steward Lucinda to Davidson Mary E. 1862 1/3 sq 6
sq 7
2, 3Brandywine ng MM 78 Stewart J. R. to S & C Turnpike quit 1864 6 12 7 1864 MM 82 Stewart Tazewell to Odell Isaac 1864 undiv 1/7 e se 8 12 6 80 1864 MM 112 Stewart Benjamin F. to Holmes George W. 1864 8 12 6 80 1864 MM 113 Stewart Horace to Holmes George W. 1864 undiv 1/7 e se 8 12 6 80 1864 MM 113 Steward Edmund to Jonas Joseph 1864 pt n w/4 2 13 6 .ng 1864 MM 158 Stewart W. A. to Holmes George W. 1864 undiv 1/7 e se 8 12 6 80 1864 MM 377 Stanton Martha J. to Vance Benjamin F. 1864 pt e ne 4 12 8 33 1864 MM 385 Stewart Tazewell to Croddy Mary 1864 undiv 1/4 of 2/3 w nw 17 13 6 1864 MM 412 Seward James to Wiles Robert 1864 pt w se 4 14 7 .42.5 1864 MM 422 Seward James to Davis George W. 1864 pt w se 4 14 7 37 1864 MM 423 Stewart Lucia to Johnson Eli 1865 pt w sw
pt w sw19 13 6 1865 MM 514 Stewart John M to Stewart Robert A. 1864 pt e ne 6 12 7 1 1865 NN 57 Stewart John M. to Brown William H. 1865 pt e ne 6 12 7 1865 1 NN 58 Stewart Anna J. to Perry Sarah 1865 22,23 Marietta NN 393 Seward James to Floyd Mathias 1864 1/3 pt e nw 11 11 7 25 1865 NN 432 Stewart Horace to Wilson George W. 1864 Jackson St 18 Fairland 1865 OO 165 Stewart Mary et al to Tull Moses G. 1865 pt se 12 13 5 117 1865 OO 267 Seward John to Floyd Mathias 1866 w se 11 11 7 80 1866 PP 89 - .
Transcribed from the original bound volumes at the courthouse by Phyllis Miller Fleming.
Copies of microfilmed deeds are available for $1 per page.