Lucy A Wingate
Deed from
Thomas S. Caughey
This Indenture Witnesseth that
Thomas S. Caughey and Keziah Caughey his wife, of Shelby County in the State of Indiana Convey and
Warrant to Lucy A Wingate of Shelby County in the State of
Indiana for the sum of two hundred and twenty dollars the following Real Estate
in Shelby County in the State of Indiana,
Commencing fourteen rods West and four rods North of the North East corner of
Section Six in township twelve and Range seven East and running thence West
three rods thence North to the Mechanic Street in the City of Shelbyville
Indiana: thence East three rods thence South to the place of beginning
In Witness
whereof the said Thomas S Caughey and Keziah Caughey have
hereunto set their hands and seals this 25th day of February 1867.
U.S.S. 50 cts
Thomas S Caughey {{seal}}
Keziah Caughey {{seal}}
State of Indiana
Shelby County Sct:
Before me, James B. McFadden, a Notary Public in and for said County this
twenty fifth
day of February 1867, Thomas S Caughey and Keziah Caughey acknowledged the
execution of the annexed Deed.
Witness my hand and Notarial seal
James B McFadden N.P.
I certify that the Deed of which the above and foregoing is a true copy , was
duly stamped, as provided by act of Congress and Recorded July 11th 1867 at 2
o'clock P.M.
David Louden R.S.C.
No 5601
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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