Elijah Franklin Fleming
Deed From
Edward Miller heirs
This Indenture made this twenty eighth day of January A.D. One thousand eight hundred and thirty nine between William Miller Jacob Hepler and Christina his wife Late Christina Miller Catharine Runner Late Catharine Miller of the county of Lawrence and State of Ohio, Henry Miller of the county of Cable and State of Virginia, John Bumgarner and Polly his wife Late Polly Miller John Miller Jacob Miller Alexander Miller, Andrew Miller Reuben Davison and Rebecca his wife Late Rebecca Miller Edward Miller Isaac Miller of the county of Shelby and state of Indiana and Leroy Gregory and Elizabeth his wife Late Elizabeth Miller of the county of Montgomery and State of Indiana of the first part and Elijah Franklin Fleming of the county of Shelby and State of Indiana of the Second part. Witnesseth that the said party of the first part inconsideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell and convey unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assignees forever a certain tract or parcel of Land situate Lying and being in the county of Shelby and State of Indiana and designated as West half of the South East Quarter of Section twenty six in township twelve North of range six East in the distric of Lands sold at Indianapolis containing eighty acres.
Together will all and Singular the appertunances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to the only proper use and behalf of him the said party of the second part his heirs and assignees forever and further that the said party of the first part for themselves their heirs executors & will Warrant and forever defend the aforesaid premises with the appertunances unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assignees forever against all claims of every person whomsoever. In Witness whereof, the said party of the first part by their agent William H. Fleming signed sealed and delivered the date first above written
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| William H. Fleming {{seal}}
Alexander Miller
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| agent for all the heirs of
Benjamin Lemaster
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| Edward Miller Deceased.
State of Indiana Shelby County SS,
Before me Alexander Miller a Justice of the Peace within and for said County personally Came William Fleming and acknowledged the foregoing deed of Conveyance to be his act and deed for the purposes herein mentioned.
Given under my hand and seal this 28th day of January 1839.
Alexander Miller
Justice of the peace
Recorded Sept 28th 1839
Milton Robins Recorder
Transcribed by Mary Harrell Sesniak
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