James Judge's
Absalom Green
This Indenture Witnesseth thatn Absalom Green and Mary Green
his wife of Shelby
County in the State of Indiana Convey and Warrant to James Judge
in Shelby County in the State of Indiana for the sum of two hundred and fifty
dollars the following Real Estate in Shelby County in the State of Indiana
to--wit: Commencing on the North side of Hendricks street in the City of
Shelbyville as laid out by Samuel Hamilton at a point
Eight-(8) rods East of Pike street running thence East on and along the North
side of Hendricks street-- Four rods thence North seven rods: thence West
- Four rods: thence South Seven rods to the place of beginning.
In Witness
whereof the said Absalom Green and Mary Green his wife have hereunto set their
hands and seals this tenth day of April A.D. 1866.
USS 50cts
Absalom Green {{}}
Mary Green {{}}
State of Indiana }}}
Shelby County }} SS
Before me David Louden Recorder in and for siad County this
tenth day of April AD 1866 came Absalom Green and Mary Green his wife and
acknowledged the execution of the annexed deed.
Witness myhand and Official
{{{ L.S.}}} David Louden R.S.C.
I certify that the deed of which the above and forgoing is a true copy was duly
stamped as provided by act of Congress and Recorded April24th 1866 at 9 O Clock
David Louden R S C
No 4637
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming for Mary Jane Goss
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