Indenture  of

Mary  Butler
Abraham  Ogden

            Indenture of Apprenticeship between J. H. Wilson Trustee of Addison Township Shelby County State of Indiana, and Abraham Ogden of Shelby County state of Indiana. That the said Trustee of Addison Township hath and does by these presents hereby bind Mary Butler aged Eight years, to Abraham Ogden until the nineteenth day of May 1869 from the date hereof to learn domestic and household affairs. And the said J. H. Wilson Trustee of the Township aforesaid covenants that the said Mary Butler shall faithfully serve the said Abraham Ogden as such an apprentice, during the said term; and the said Abraham Ogden covenants with the said Trustee and his successors in office, that he will teach the said Mary Butler the Science of domestic housekeeping, and provide her with necessaries proper to her condition and age, during said apprenticeship, and cause her to be taught to read well, write legibly, as well as the rules of Arithmetic as far as the Double Rule of Three, and Interest inclusive if practicable; And at the Expiration of said term to furnish to her, the said Mary Butler; One Bed, Bedstead and Perquisites, One young Cow, and one good dress for an outfit.

            In testimony whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this 8th day of August 1859.
J. H. Wilson Abraham Ogden     (SEAL)
Assented to James M. Sleeth        

State of Indiana
Shelby County SS

            Before me the undersigned a Judge of Court of Common Pleas within and for Shelby County this the Eighth day of August A.D. 1859 J. H. Wilson and Abraham Ogden acknowledged the annexed Indenture.
James M. Sleeth     Judge Court C.P.S.C.     (SEAL)    

Transcribed by Barb Huff
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