Indenture  of

Louisa  Houser
Lewis  Cook

Received for record June 16th 1856 
12 O’clock P.M.

Recorded in Book No. 2 page 15

James Milleson         
                    Recorder for Shelby County

            This indenture witnesseth that  Byrum Harrell,  Lewis Fesenbec Joseph D. Lacy, Township Trustees, and Overseers of the Poor, in and for Brandywine Township in the County of Shelby and State of Indiana hath put and placed and by these presents doth put and bind out  Louisa Houser (infant daughter of  Peter Houser) aged seven years and two months whose parents have abandoned, neglected and are unable to support her, to  Lewis Cook. The said Louisa Houser to dwell with and serve the said Louis Cook, after the manner of a female apprentice, from the day of the date hereof until the first day of March in the year Eighteen hundred and sixty seven, at which time the said Louisa if she still be living, will be eighteen years of age. During all which time the said Louisa shall well and faithfully serve her said master and his wife; keep their secrets, and every where at all times readily obey their lawful commands; she shall do no damage to her said master nor to his wife or family, nor wilfully suffer any to be done by others, and if any to her knowledge be intended, she shall give them reasonable notice thereof, she shall not waste the goods of her said master nor his wife, or unlawfully lend them to others; but shall in all things, and at all times conduct herself in a proper and becoming manner during the whole term aforesaid. And the said Louis Cook, on his part, doth hereby covenant and agree to teach and instruct the said Louisa, or cause her to be taught and instructed to read and write and cypher as far as the double rule of three inclusive, if practicable, and well and faithfully to find and provide for the said Louisa, good and sufficient meat, drink and clothing and lodging, and other necessaries fit and convenient for the said Louisa, during the time aforesaid. In testimony whereof the said parties have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the ___ day of 1856
Ludwig Cook         Ludwig Fessenbec         J.D. Lacey         Byrum Harrell    (SEAL)    

State of Indiana
Shelby County SS

            Personally appeared before me the undersigned a justice of the peace in and for said County, Byrum Harrell, Lewis Fesenbec & Joseph D. Lacy Overseers of the poor in and for Brandywine Township in said County, and Louis Cook above named, and severally acknowledged the foregoing indenture to be their Voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein mentioned. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of June 1856.
James B. Holmes     Justice (SEAL)    

Transcribed by Barb Huff

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