of Andrew Jackson Pitcher
Andrew J. Pitcher TO John Means
Received May 15th 1845 at 10 o’clock A.M.
In the office of the Recorder of Shelby County Indiana
Recorded in Deed Book L Page 28 Index 5
John S. Campbell Recorder
This Indenture made the fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord
Eighteen Hundred and forty five between Wm. A. Doble and James B. Holmes
Overseers of the Poor of Moral Township in the county of Shelby and state of
Indiana of the one part and John Means of the county aforesaid of the
other part witnesseth that the said Overseers have put placed and bound and do
by these presents put place and bind Andrew Jackson Pitcher a poor boy
age thirteen years the thirtieth day of September Last as an apprentice farmer
to the said John Means to be taught the occupation of a farmer which he the
said John Means now uses and to live with and serve him the said John Means as
a farmer until he the said Andrew Jackson Pitcher shall arrive at the age of
twenty one years of age which will be September the thirtieth Eighteen Hundred
and fifty two if the said John Means shall so long live and the said Overseers
do by these presents give unto the said John Means all the right power and
authority over the said Andrew Jackson Pitcher and his service during the said
term which by the laws of this State a Master has in and over a lawfully
indentured apprentice. And the said John Means in consideration thereof doth
on his part covenant promise and agree to and with the said Overseers and
their Successors in office and each and every of them and with the said Andrew
Jackson Pitcher that he will teach and instruct the said Andrew Jackson
Pitcher as a farmer or cause him to be well and sufficiently taught and
instructed in the art and occupation of a farmer, and also to teach and
instruct the said Andrew J. Pitcher or cause him to be taught and instructed
to read and write and to be instructed in the general rules of Arethmatick at
least to the duble rule of three inclusive, and train him to habits of
industry and morality, and during the term of his apprenticeship to provide
and allow to him sufficient meate drink washing lodging and apparel and all
other things necessary for an apprentice during his said term of
apprenticeship, and the said John Means further covenants and agrees to
furnish and give the said A.J. Pitcher at the expiration of his aforesaid term
of service, two new suits of cloths worth at least fifty dollars exclusive of
his common waring cloths, and a horse sadel and bridle worth at least fifty
In Witness whare of the said parties have here unto set their hands and
seals the day and year above written
Wm. A. Doble James B. Holmes
John Means (SEAL)
Signed sealed and delivered in the preasants of
Winston Joyce John Gatewood
his X mark
State of Indiana
Shelby County
This day persally came John Means before the undersigned A Justice of the
Peace within and for said County and Acknowledged the Above Indenture to be
Just and True for the purposes therein Mentioned giving under my hand and seal
this 7th day of April 1845.
Lewis J. Reeves (SEAL)
Justice of the Peace
Transcribed by Barb Huff
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