William W. Willson
Reuben Barnard
Received for Record Nov. 5th 1858 at 9 O’clock A.M
Recorded in Book No. 2 page 33 J. Milleson Recorder for Shelby Co
of apprentice Between William Willson (the name of the Father of
the Miner) of Shelby County, Indiana; and Ruben Barnard of
Hancock County Indiana (the name of the Master) witnesseth
and William W. Wilson (the name of the apprentice)
Witnesseth the said William W. Wilson (the apprentice) aged Eight years on the
20th day of June 1858 by and with the consent of Said William Wilson his Father
hath and doth hereby Bind himself as an apprentice into the said Ruben Barnard
until the 20th day of June 1871 from the date hereof to learn the Buisness of
farming, and the said William W. Wilson Covenants faithfully to serve said Ruben
Barnard as such apprentice during said Term, and the said Ruben Barnard
Covenants with William W. Wilson to teach him the said occupation of Farming,
and to provide him during said Apprenticeship all Necessaries proper to his age
and Condition and to cause him to be taught to Read and write and the Rules of
arithmatic to the Double Rule of three if practicable, and at the Experation of
said term to furnis to him, the Said William W. Willson as follows to wit One
Good Horse Saddle and Bridle, a good Suit of freedom Clothes full; and one
Hundred dollars in Cash.
Witness our hands and Seals this 31st day of July 1858
William Willson
Reuben Barnard Wm. W. Willson
Contributed by Barb Huff
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