Shelby County, Indiana
Land Records
Township 13 North of Range 7 East
Section 9 T13N R7E
W1/2 of NW1/4 = 80a
Benjamin Williams
Franklin Co, INE1/2 of NW1/4 = 80a
David Fisher
Wayne Co, INW1/2 of NE1/4 = 80a
William Foutz
Wayne Co, INE1/2 of NE1/4 = 80a
William Foutz
Wayne Co, INsee above see above see above see above NW1/4 of SW1/4 = 40a
James Wilson
Franklin Co, INE1/2 of SW1/4 = 80a
David Fisher
Wayne Co, INsee above SE1/4 = 160a
Amos Higgins
Wayne Co, INSW1/4 of SW1/4 = 40a
see above see above see above
Maps of adjoining lands:
North: Township 13N - Range 7E - Section 4
East: Township 13N - Range 7E - Section 10
South: Township 13N - Range 7E - Section 16
West: Township 13N - Range 7E - Section 8
Return to the full plat map of Congressional township T13N R7E
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