for Adoption
Dorothy Law,
Flora McPherson,
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
In the Shelby Circuit Court May Term 1920
In The Matter of the Petition of Adoption of Dorothy Law, a minor
Flora McPherson Petitioner
The undersigned, your petitioner, Flora McPherson, respectfully
represents and shows to the Court that she is desirous of adopting as her child
and heir at law, Dorothy Law, a female infant child who was four years of
age on the 4th day of December 1919.
That said infant child is now a resident of Shelby County, Indiana and is not
the owner of any property real or personal.
That Lillie Law the mother of said infant child is dead, and that her
father Arthur D. Law is now living and resides in Washington Township,
Shelby County, Indiana and his Post Office address is Flat Rock, Indiana R.R.#1;
and that said father is consenting to such adoption.
Your petitioner further shows that she is a resident of Shelby County,
Indiana and her Post Office address is Flat Rock, Indiana R.R.#1; that said
petitioner has property of her own and also has an interest in real estate in
Shelby County, Indiana and that she is able to properly care for, support and
educate said child and furnish her a good home. That petitioner has no other
children and is able to afford the best of care to said child. That the father
of said child is the brother of this petitioner and is in poor health and is the
father of other children and that he is poor and financially unable to properly
care for all of his said children, and therefore willingly consenting to have
this petitioner to adopt the said child Dorothy Law.
Wherefore Petitioner prays the Court that such order of adoption of said
infant child may be made and that after said adoption the said child shall take
the name of Dorothy McPherson according to law. Flora McPherson
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of June 1920
Albert F. Wray
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
I, Arthur D. Law, being duly sworn upon my oath say that I am the father and
only surviving parent of Dorothy Law mentioned in the foregoing petition, and
that I have read the foregoing petition and being fully informed of the contents
and purpose thereof hereby consent that the said Dorothy Law, my child, may be
legally adopted by the petitioner Flora McPherson by the order of the Shelby
Circuit Court as the child and heir at law of the said Flora McPherson and that
said Court shall make said order of adoption as provided by law. Arthur D. Law
Subscribed and sworn to before me t his 4th day of June 1920
Albert F. Wray
Contributed by Barb Huff

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