Adoption of
Myra H. Goodwin
Shelby Circuit Court Probate Docket
March Term 1891
In the Matter of the Adoption of Myra H. Goodwin, a female infant child
Petitioners Thomas Keaton & wife
E. H. Chadwick for Petitioners
State of Indiana | Shelby Circuit Court |
County of Shelby SS |
March Term A.D. 1891 |
In the Matter of the Adoption of Myra H. Goodwin
Thomas Keaton & wife Petitioners
We, the undersigned Thomas Keaton and Nannie Keaton
his wife, respectfully show to the Court that we are desirous of adopting pursuant to the laws of the State of Indiana one
Myra H. Goodwin, a female child born October 13th 1889 in Portland, Oregon.
We further show that the Mother of said child, Alice M. Goodwin, on the 9th day of September A.D. 1890 by her deed in writing, duly acknowledged, relinquished said child to the Indianapolis Orphan’s Asylum of Marion County, Indiana, giving said Asylum power to bind said child out, or to cause said child to be adopted by any suitable person or persons.
We further show that said Asylum has duly relinquished said child to us, the petitioners herein, giving us the right to adopt said child as our own.
We further show that said child has no property of any nature, that has come to our knowledge, that we do not know the residence or whereabouts of either of said child’s parents at this time, that the father of said child very early abandoned his offspring, and that said child took the name of her Mother and that we can not with reasonable diligence ascertain the residence of whereabouts of either of said child’s parents, or whether they be now living or not.
Wherefore we ask the Court for an order for the adoption of said child, and that child take our name as
Myra Leona Keaton, and for all other orders proper in the premises.
Thomas Keaton Nannie Keaton
Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public this 3rd day of April A.D. 1891
Edward H. Chadwick Notary Public
In the Matter of the petition of Thomas Keaton and Nannie Keaton his wife
For the Adoption of Myra H. Goodwin
No. 1260
Comes now Thomas Keaton and Nannie Keaton his wife and file their petition for the adoption of Myra H. Goodwin as their heir at law, which petition is as follows towit
(here insert) And it appearing that the parents of said child are unknown, and that the residence of said parents is unknown, and that the same can not with reasonable diligence be discovered.
And it appearing further that the Mother of said child, did on the 9th day of September 1890, by her deed in writing, surrender, relinquish and abandon said child to the Indianapolis Orphan Asylum of Marion County, Indiana, to be by said Asylum reared, and giving to said Asylum authority to consent to the adoption of said Child as an heir, and it appearing further that said Asylum has Executed to consent in writing to the adoption of said child by said petitioners as their heir at law.
And the Court having heard the evidence and being fully advised in the premises, finds that the allegations of the petition herein are true, and that it is for the best interest of said child that she be adopted by said petitioners as their heir at law.
It is therefore Ordered by the Court that
Myra H. Goodwin be and she is hereby adopted as the heir at law of Thomas Keaton and
Nannie Keaton his wife, and that her name be changed to that of Myra Leona Keaton.
It is further ordered that said petitioners pay the costs of this proceeding.
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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