Estate of
George Bush, dec'd
Probate Order Book C
Pages 501 & 502
August Term 1846
Now comes the said administrator and thereupon James M. Sleeth Esq is by the
Court appointed Guardian ad litem for
John Oliver Bush, James Bush and Elizabeth Ann Bush who are minors and Dependants to the petition of Joseph
Oldham Administrator of said estate, who files his answer here which reads in
the words following to wit (here insert) And Margaret Jane Bush and
W. Andrews the residue of the Defendants to said petition herein being
called three times comes not but fail to plead answer or demur to said petition
and it appears to the satisfaction of the Court by the Sheriff return that all
of said Defendants have been duly served with process issued in this behalf more
than twenty days before the present term of this Court. It is therefore ordered
adjudged and decreed by the Court that the said petition and the matters and
things therein contained as to the said Margaret Jane Bush and Jonathan W.
Andrews be taken and held as for confessed and true. And thereupon it is ordered
adjudged and decreed by the Court that the said Joseph Oldham administrator as
aforesaid and who is heretofore ordered directed and fully authorized to sell
either at public or private sale as he may think most to the interest of said
estate the said title bond of said Jonathan W. Andrews to said George Bush
together with all the interest claim and demand of the said George Bush dec'd
of in and to the South East quarter of the South West quarter of Section twenty
seven in Township fourteen North of Range Six East (except two and a half acres
off of the South West Corner thereof) as mentioned and described in said title
bond. So that he make such sale in all respects according to law, and of his
proceedings herein he is required to make report at the next term of this Court
until which time this cause is continued.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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