Conrad Heifner
Appointment of Administrator
Probate Order Book B
page 336
October 16, 1840
Thomas Cotton Administrator of the Estate of
Conrad Heifner deceased
Be it remembered that on the Sixteenth day of October AD One thousand Eight
Hundred and forty Administration of All and Singular the goods Chattles right,
credits moneys and effects which were of Conrad Heifner deceased late of the
county of Shelby and state of Indiana who died Intestate is here now in due form
of Law granted unto Thomas Cotton of said County by the Clerk of the Probate
Court having first filed bond in the penal sum of Three Hundred Dollars with
Royal Mayhew as security and takes the oath as required by the State in such
case made and provided as Administrator as aforesaid.
Sylvan B. Morris, Clerk
P.C. S.C.
Complete Record Probate
Page 319
Conrad Heifenr deceased
Thomas Cotton Administrator of the Estate of
Conrad Heifner dec’d
Be it remembered that on the sixteenth day of October AD one thousand Eight
hundred and forty, Administration of all and singular the goods chattels rights
credits moneys and effect which were of Conrad Heifner deceased late of the
County of Shelby and State of Indiana who died intestate is here now in due form
of law granted unto Thomas Cotton of said County by the Clerk of the Probate
Court of Shelby in vacation. The said Thomas Cotton having first filed Bond in
the penal sum of three hundred dollars with Royal Mayhew as security and takes
the oath as required by the Statute in such case made and provided as
administrator as aforesaid. Sylvan B. Morris Clerk
And afterwards towit on the twentieth day of October in the year Eighteen
hundred and forty an Inventory was filed in the office of the Clerk of the
Probate Court of Shelby County which is in the words and figured as follow to
wit: An Inventory of the goods chattels, and effects of Conrad Heifner, late of
Shelby county and State of Indian deceased taken by Thomas Cotton, Administrator
of the Estate of the said deceased with the assistance of William Smith and
Israel Cotton appraisers called for that purpose.
Weeding hoe 2 skillets & 1 oven
Auger 1 chisel 1 hammer & trowel
Large Kettle
Little Wheel & 1 Reel
Table & 2 chairs
43 ¾
Sett Horse Geers & 1 Blind Bridle
Axe 1 sprouting hoe 1 double tree clevis & hames
Iron wedge & 1 hemp hackle
Cary plough Clevis & Single tree
Sett of Tea cups & saucers & 6 plates
56 ¼
Bed Bedding & Bed Stead
Amount Brot forw’d
Tin Bucket
Piece of Log chain & drawing chain
Spotted Barrows
Black Mare
Gray Colt
Lot of Hay & Blades in the Shed
Lot of Hay & Blades in the Mow
Lot of Tobacco in the Crib
Lot of Wheat in the Stack
8 Acres of Corn Standing
Given under our hands this 17" day of October 1840,
Israel Cotton William Smith Appraisers
Given under my hand this 17th day of October 1840 Thomas Cotton
To which said Inventory is attached an affidavit which is in the word and
figures following towit: State of Indiana Shelby county towit, personally
appeared before me James M. Baxter a Justice of the peace in and for said County
Thomas Cotton administrator of the Estate of Conrad Heifner deceased, and
William Smith & Israel Cotton appraisers of said Estate, and being duly
sworn the said William Smith and Israel Cotton say that the above Inventory and
appraisement as signed by them is a just and true Inventory and valuation of the
goods chattels and effects of the said Conrad Heifner to the best of their
judgment. And the said Thomas Cotton says that the above is a true Inventory of
the personal estate of the said Conrad Heifner so far as the same has come to
his hands to be administered.
James M. Baxter J.P. (SEAL)
To which said Inventory is also annexed as Certificate or (receipt) in the
words following towit I Sarah Heifner widow of Conrad Heifner deceased do hereby
Certify that I take the within named personal property at the valuation. Given
under my hand this 17" day of October 1840.
Sarah Heifner her X mark
And afterwards to wit On the second Judicial day of the November term of the
Court aforesaid in the year Eighteen hundred and forty, held as aforesaid before
the Honorable Jacob Kennerly Judge of said Court, towit on Tuesday the tenth day
of November in the year last aforesaid.
Comes now the said Administrator aforesaid and on due inspection of the
premises It is ordered adjudged and decreed that the grant of administration
herein to the said Thomas Cotton as aforesaid ,made by the Clerk of this Court
in vacation is fully approved and confirmed and this cause is continued without
And afterwards towit on the fifth judicial day of the February Term of the
Court aforesaid held as aforesaid before the Honorable William H. Sleeth Judge
of said Court first aforesaid towit, on Friday the third day of March in the
year first aforesaid.
Comes now the said Administrator and filed his account Current of his said
Administration herein in the words and figures following towit. The account of
Thomas Cotton administrator of all and singular the goods and Chattels rights
and credits which were of Conrad Heifner late of Shelby county deceased. The
said Administrator charges himself with the amount of the personal Estate of the
deceased as per Inventory on file in the Clerks office
The said Administrator Claims Credit of the following disbursement towit:
Receipt as on Inventory by widow
And the premises being seen the Court now here fix and set apart the first
day of the next term for the final examination and settlement of the said
accounts of which the Clerk of this Court will cause public Notice to be given
according to law.
And afterwards towit on the second judicial day of the Term of the Court
first aforesaid held as aforesaid before the Honorable Judge first aforesaid
towit On Tuesday the Ninth day of May in the year first aforesaid.
Comes now the said administrator and moves the Court to take up his said
account Current and vouchers decree a final settlement of his said
administration thereon. And the premises being seen Inspected and fully
understood, and it appears that full administration has been had, And that
public Notice of the pending of this settlement having been given, and the said
Exhibit and vouchers therein being severally examined and compared. It appearing
to the satisfaction of the Court that the said decedent died seized of only one
hundred dollars worth of personal property and that his widow claims that by law
as her dower. It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that the
said Exhibit and proceedings of the said Administrator herein be taken as a
final settlement of his said Administration herein.
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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