Shelby  County,  Indiana
Courthouse  Records

Estate  of
Lewis  Lemasters,


Order Book 24 Box 348 No. 395
September 1882

State of Indiana
Shelby County SS:

In the matter of the Estate of Lewis Lemasters deceased
William Lemasters Admir.

To the Honorable K.M. Hord Judge of the Shelby Circuit Court:

          The undersigned Administrator of the Estate of said decedent  Lewis Lemasters  would represent and show to the court That said Lewis Lemasters left him surviving as his only heirs at law his two children  William H. Lemasters  and  Susan A. Lemasters  who are minors and of whom your petitioner is the Guardian by appointment of this court.  That in the spring of 1882 and in the life time of said decedent he leased and rented to one  Casey  eighteen acres of Real Estate in Shelby County Indiana for the purpose of raising a corn crop thereon in the year 1882.  That he rented the same to said Casey upon the following terms.  That said Lemasters was to furnish him a team, plow and other farming implements and that said Casey should put and tend said in corn and deliver to said Lemasters at gathering time in the crib two thirds of the corn raised on said land during said year. said Casey to deliver up for said season of said land March 1st 1883  That at the time of said renting said Real Estate was owned by the said two children of said Lewis subject to a life Estate there in said Lewis.  And that said children are not owners of said Real Estate.  That corn gathering time for said crop will be about the middle of November 1882.  That there is at this time about sixteen acres of corn growing upon said premises so rented to Casey

That this Administrator has made out an Inventory of the personal Estate of said decedent and caused the same to be appraised except said decedents interest in said corn crop which he has been unable to inventory or have appraised as yet because he s unable to determine hat proportion of said rent belongs to said decedents Estate and what is to his said wards.  And he files this his petition and asks an order of this Court instructing him what proportion of said rent he shall Inventory assets of said Estate all of which is respectfully submitted.
William Lemasters

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of September 1882
Harry C. Morrison
Master Commissioner of Shelby County, Ind

Order Book 26   page 217

Lewis Lemasters Estate
William Lemasters   Administrator
Filed Oct 11 1882

1. one bay horse 50.00
2. one Mare 30.00
3. one wagon 20.00
4. one spring wagon 15.00
5. one reaper 10.00
6. one watch and chain 8.00
7. one set wagon harness 5.00
8. one wheat fan 5.00
9. Two brakeing plows 4.00
10.   one single plow 1.00
11. one dobel shovel plow 2.00
12. three pitch forks .50
13. one saddel and bridel .50
14. one double harrow 6.00
15. one cultivator plow 1.00
16. one lot of old Harness 2.00
17. one croscut saw .25
18. one ladder .75
19. one log chain 1.50
20. one pare strechers .50
21. one log slead .50
22. five wagon bows .50
23. two blankets 2.00
24. two coverlet 4.00
25. five quilts 8.00
26. five sheets 1.00
27. four pillows and slips 2.00
28. one table cloth .25
29. one comfort and 2 towels 1.00
30. one rocking chair 2.00
31. on valis .50
32. one can and ax .25
33. one wagon ladder .50
34. one diner bell 2.00
35. one kettle and oven .50
36. two hous and shovel .50
37. one lot of old irne .50
38. one churn .50
39. one tub and bucket .25
40. one trough .25
41. too tables .50
42. one safe .25
43. one set of chairs 2.00
44. three chairs .50
45. one handsaw .50
46. one side sadle 2.00
47. one lot of jugs and jars .50
48. one rocking chair 1.00
49. one clock 1.00
50. five crocks .25
51. nivs forks and spoons .25
52. one lot of diches 2.00
53. one shot gun 5.00
54. one bed and stead 10.00
55. one bed and stead 10.00
56. one bureau 8.00
57. one wash stan 2.00
58. one looking glass .50
59. two comfort and one tick .50
60. three blanket 2.00
61. twenty yds of carpet 2.00
62. one lard can .50
63. one bed stead .50
64. one corn drill 5.00
65. one cloths line .50
thirteen fruit cans 1.00
66. two smothing irns .50
67. one half bushel and barel .25
68. one wheat drill 15.00
69. two single trees .50
interest about 14 acres growing    
corn in field

Total Appraised Value of Goods           $304.30

                              Signed by us, this 26' day of September 1882
                                        William Lemasters   Administrator
                                        Elston Green & G. W. Wilson   Appraisers

Transcribed by Barb Huff

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