Estate of
Jesse Miller, dec'd
Box 3
Filed Probate Court Shelby County May Term 1834
S. B. Morris Clerk
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Before me Piercy Kitchel a Justice of the peace of said County personally came
Moses Blood and Joseph Clark who being Each duly sworn say that they will make a Just and true valuation and appraisment of the Goods Chattels and effects of
Jesse Miller late of said County deceased so far as the same shall come to their knowledge.
Sworn to before me the 10th April 1832
Piercy Kitchel J.P.
An Inventory of the Goods Chattels Effects of Jesse Miller late of Shelby County deceased taken by Ashbel Stone Executor of the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased with the assistance of Moses Blood and Joseph Clink appraisers called and duly sworn for that purpose.
One house appraised at
| $55.00
Two Cows $7 Each
| 14.00
One two year old heifer
| 4.00
One loom & appendages
| 8.00
| 81.00
One Spinning Wheel
| 1.00
One Reel
| 1.00
One large Iron kettle
| 1.50
One pot
| .75
One Bake Oven | .62 | 1/2
One Tea kettle | .75
One Skillet | .50
One pair fire dogs | .25
Three beds & bedding | 15.00
One looking glass | 1.00
Two Smoothing Irons | .75
Six Chairs | 1.50
One table | 1.50
Six Crocks | .50
One Tea pot & Canister | .50
Carried over | $27.12 |
Inventory Continued Brought Over | $27.12 | 1/2
Five Cups & Saucers | .50
One Copper pot | .121/4
| 1/4
Six knives & forks | 1.00
Six table plates | .50
One Salt Cellar | .06 | 1/4
One pair fire tongs | .25
One Trammel |
1.00 |
| $30.56 | 1/4
Add Amt first above specified | 81.00 |
Total | $111.56 | 1/4 |
Given under our hands this _____ day of _____ 183-
Joseph Clirk }}
Moses Blood}} Appraisers
Ashbel Stone Executor
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Personally appeared before me Piercy Kitchel a Justice of the peace of said County Ashbel Stone Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Jesse Miller late of said County deceased And Moses Blood and Joseph Clirk Appraisers of the Estate of said deceased who being duly sworn the said Moses Blood & Joseph Clirk say that the above Inventory and appraisment as signed by them is a Just and true Inventory and valuation of the Goods Chattels and effects of the said Jesse Miller deceased to the best of their Judgment. And the said Ashbel Stone say that the above is a true inventory of the personal Estate of the said Jesse Miller deceased so far as the same has come to his hands to be administered.
Sworn to before me this Seventh day of April 1834
Piercy Kitchel J.P.
The State of Indiana
Ashbel Stone Executor of Jesse Miller deceased
Returnable 2nd Monday February 1834
Shiff fees |
Serving writ |
.50 |
Mileage (9) travel |
.54 |
Return writ |
.10 |
1.14 |
J. Shank Shiff
Filed Janr 29th 1834
S. B. Morris Clerk
Received this writ this 16th day of Nov. 1833 and have Executed the same as within Commanded January 28th 1834
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Shelby County SCT to the Sheriff of Shelby County
You are hereby Commanded to Cite Ashbel Stone Executor of the last will and Testament of Jesse Miller late of said County deceased, that he be and appear before the Probate Court of Shelby County on the Second day of the next term to be holden at the Court house in Shelbyville on the Second Monday of February next then and there to Settle and pass the account of his administration of the said Estate and Make and file an account Exhibiting a perfect ex pase of the Receipts and disbursements and the amount of the Balance in his hands, that a final settlement of said estate may be had and then and there abide the order and desision of the said Court herein and have you then there this writ.
Witness Sylvan B. Morris Clerk of the Said Court and the Seal thereof hereunto affixed at Shelbyville the 16th day of Nove A.D. 1833.
Sylvan B. Morris Clerk
Ashbel Stone Exr Exhibit Jesse Miller deceased
Filed May 12th 1834 in open Court
S. B. Morris Clerk Probate Court Shelby County
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Probate Court of Said County May Term 1834
Exhibit of Ashbel Stone Executor of Jesse Miller deceased
The Executor charges himself with the amount of the Inventory in file in the Clerks Office
$111.56 1/4
The said Executor is entitled to a credit for the following disbursements &c To wit
Paid & delivered to Rachel Miller widow
of the said Jesse Miller decd all the household
furniture as directed by the will of decedent. |
$30.56 | 1/2 |
Paid S. B. Morris for medical services &c |
16.50 |
Paid Nathan Cole on account |
4.12 |
1/2 |
Paid John Kennedy on account |
4.81 |
1/4 |
Paid J. R. O Cull on account |
2.12 |
1/2 |
Paid Samuel Walker on note |
30.00 |
Paid expense of Administration |
11.32 |
Executors account |
6.00 |
105.44 |
1/2 |
The above is exclusive of the specific Legacies of two cows one to Mary Miller and the other to Sally Miller valued at $7.00 each which is included in the amount of the Inventory above given. The said two Cows by the terms of said Will are not yet deliverable to said Legatees all of which is respectfully submitted.
May 18th 1834
Ashbel Stone Executor
Stone Execr Miller Allowance
Filed May 12th 1834
S. B. Morris Clerk
Estate of Jesse Miller decd Dr. to Ashbel Stone Executor
Cash paid for advertising | $1.00 | |
1 day service taking one Letters | 1.00 | |
1 day service appraising property | 1.00 | |
1 day service attending Court at February Term 1834 | 1.00 | |
1 day service attending Court at May Term 1834 | 1.00 | |
Paid O. Butler Attorney fee | 1.00 | |
| $6.00 | |
May 12th 1834 | | Ashbel Stone Executor |
Sworn to and subscribed in open Court May 12th 1834 | | S. B. Morris Clerk |
Last Will & Testament
Jesse Miller decd Last Will & Testament
Filed in open Court the 5th January 1832 Ovid Butler Clerk pro tem
Recorded in the record of deeds for Shelby County Indiana, in Book C. page 462 & 463 on the 2nd day of February 1833.
Fee $1.00
Wm. H. Sleeth R. S.C. Index 121
In the name of God, Amen, I Jesse Miller
of Hanover in the County of Shelby and State of Indiana, Yeoman, being mindful of my Mortality, do this eighth day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and thirty one make and declare this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following:
First I resign my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God, hoping and believing in a remission of my Sins by the Merit and Mediation of Jesus Christ and my body I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my friends and executor herein after named: And my worldly Estate I give and devise as follows:
First I give and devise unto my wife Rachael Miller all my real estate it being the east half of the North East quarter of
Section number Thirty four in Township fourteen North of Range Seven east of Lands sold at Brookville together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the rents, issues and profits thereof during the time of her natural life; and from and after the decease of my said wife, I give and bequeath the said Land, tenements and hereditaments unto my son
Jesse F. Miller, his heirs and assigns Forever. Also I give and devise unto my son
William Miller the Sum of one dollar. Also I give and devise unto my son
Seymour Miller the sum of one dollar. Also I give and devise unto my son
David H. Miller the sum of one dollar. Also I give and devise to my Grand Children, they being the Children of my daughter
Polly Washburn deceased the sum of one dollar. Also I give to my aforesaid wife Rachael Miller during her natural life the use of all my plate and household goods, bedsteads, bedding and and other furniture and after her decease to be and remain the property of my two daughters (to wit)
Mercy Miller and Sally Miller. Also I give to my daughter Mercy Miller one Cow when she arrives at the age of eighteen years or may be married.
Also I give to my daughter Sally Miller one cow when she arrives at the age of Eighteen years of age or shall be married.
Also for the better Education of my said Children, Mercy Miller and Sally Miller, I do give and dispose of the tuition and custody of them unto my aforesaid wife Rachael Miller while they remain Unmarried and under the age of twenty one years.
And I do hereby appoint my trusty friend Ashbel Stone executor of this my last will and testament and my will is and I do expressly declare that my said executor shall not be charged or chargeable with, or accountable for, more of the aforesaid Monies or estates than he shall actually receive or Shall come to his hands by virtue of this my Will, or for any loss which may happen of the said monies and estates so the said loss happens without his willful default and neglect and also, it shall and may be awful for him my said executor in the first place out of the residue of my personal estate or out of the premises to deduct and remember himself all such costs, charges and expenses as he shall sustain, expend or be put unto for as by reason of the performance of this my will, or the management or execution thereof of or any other thing in any wise relating thereto.
Jesse Miller (SEAL)
Signed, Sealed, published, and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and testament in presence of us, who at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other Subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
Abel Cole |
Moses Blood |
Martin Stone |
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Personally came into the Probate Court of the said County of Shelby in Open Court Moses Blood and Martin Stone two of the Subscribing Witnesses to the within Will who being duly sworn depose and say that they saw Jesse Miller the Devisor named in the within instrument sign his name to the same and that they then deponents and Abel Cole whose name is also subscribed as a witness to the within Did attest and subscribe the within instrument as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Jesse Miller and at his request and also in the presence of each other.
Sworn to and subscribed in Open Court the 5th day of January 1832
Ovid Butler Clerk pro tem
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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