Alonzo Swain, decd
Filebox 103
Shelby County Courthouse, Shelbyville, IN
State of Indiana
Shelby County
In the Shelby Circuit Court
September Seven 1873
George W. Kennedy as
the administrator of the
Estate of Alonzo Swain decd
Rebecca Swain Petition
Mary Swain for order
Thomas F. Swain to sell
Caroline Swain lands to
Janett Swain pay debts
Burton F. Swain NO
Edward A. Swain
Hattie Swain Defendants
Now comes Scott Ray who is by the court appointed the guardian of & for the above named
defendants bel librim Caroline Swain, Jannett Swain, Burton F. Swain, Edward A. Swain &
Hattie Swain all of above are infants under twenty
to the defence of their interests in the above entitled case
one years of age /\ and for the answer of said infant defendants as such guardian bel Libium to the
petition in the above entitled cause of the above named George W. Kennedy as the administrator of the estate of the above named Alonzo Swain decd says that he for and on behalf of said infants
said infant defendants Specifically denies each and every material allegation contained in said petition
and demands proof thereof
W. Scott Ray
Guardian bel Librum
for Caroline Swain
Jannett Swain
Burton F. Swain
Edward A. Swain
& Hattie Swain
Transcribed by Janet Franklin

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