Estate of Mary A.
Ary H. Oldham, Adm.
Box 775
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
Ary H. Oldham
being duly sworn before the undersigned Notary Public of the County aforesaid, states that
Mary A. Crow departed this life in said county, intestate, as he believes, on the 27th day of March 1911; that said Mary A. Crow left a Personal Estate to be administered, of the probable value, as he is informed and believes, of Three hundred and twenty dollars; and further sayeth not.
Ary H. Oldham
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 1st day of April 1911
Everet E. Stroup Notary Public
My Commission Expires Jany 21” 1913
Affidavit of Non Residence of part of Defendants
Ary H. Oldham, Admir &c
Grandville S. Oldham et al
Filed June 4 1912 Otto L. Coyle Clerk of Circuit Court Shelby County
State of Indiana Shelby County
In the Shelby Circuit Court May Term 1912
Ary H. Oldham, Administrator of the Estate of Mary A. Crow, Dec’d
Grandville S. Oldham, Gideon Oldham, Milton Oldham, Robert Oldham,
James Oldham, Samuel Oldham, Anna B. Travis, Mary Ann Hayman,
Rosella Harris, Maggie J. McClintic, John M. Crow, Wilburn C. Crow,
Milton L. Crow, Ruth E. Young, John W. Carr, Joseph H. Carr,
Douglas Carr, Charles H. Carr, George Carr, Susan M. MacLennon
and Maggie Halser.
Comes now Ary H. Oldham, Administrator of the Estate of Mary A. Crow, Dec’d who being duly sworn on his oath says that the defendants named as follows in the above entitled cause are non residents of the State of Indiana, and that their respective residences are set opposite their respective names, as he is informed and believes.
Milton Oldham | Seely, Kansas | | Rosella Harris | Red Oak, Iowa |
Mary Ann Hayman | St. Charles, Iowa | | Maggie J. McClintic | Lebanon, Oregon |
John M. Crow | Grant, Iowa | | William C. Crow | Valley Junction, Iowa |
Milton L. Crow | Red Oak, Iowa | | Ruth E. Young | South Ottumwa, Iowa |
John W. Carr | South Ottumwa, Iowa | | Joseph H. Carr | South Ottumwa, Iowa |
Douglas Carr | Hutchinson, Kansas | | Charles H. Carr | Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Susan M. MacLennon
| East St. Louis, Illinois
| and
| George Carr
whose residence is
unknown and further
deponent sayeth not. |
Ary H. Oldham
Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 4” 1912
Everet E. Stroup Notary Public
My Commission Expires Jany 21” 1913
Final Report & Notes
Estate of Mary A. Crow dec’d
Grandville S. Oldham | Shelby Co. |
Gideon Oldham | Shelby Co. |
Milton Oldham | Seeley, Kansas |
Robert Oldham | Indianapolis |
Maggie Hasler | Shelby Co. |
James Oldham | Terre Haute |
Samuel Oldham | Terre Haute |
Anna B. Travis | Indianapolis |
Mary Ann Hayman Wayman | Red Oak, Iowa |
Rosella Harris | Red Oak, Iowa |
Maggie J. McClintic | Lebanon, Oregon |
John M. Crow | Grant, Iowa |
Wilburn C. Crow | Valley Junction, Iowa |
Milton L. Crow | Red Oak, Iowa |
Ruth E. Young | Ottumwa, Iowa |
Sadie McClintic (not made diff) | Lebanon, Oregon |
John W. Carr | Ottumwa, Iowa |
Joseph H. Carr | Rutledge, Iowa |
Douglas Carr | St. Louis, Missouri |
Charles H. Carr | Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Susan McLennon | Sioux Falls, South Dakota |
Estate Mary A. Crow, Dec’d
Final Report
Charges |
Received from sale of Real Estate |
$ 435 |
00 |
Received from Rents of property |
76 |
00 |
Total Charges |
$ 511 |
00 |
Credits |
Executors credits last report |
$ 2 |
14 |
T. B. Carey, Notary Fees |
1 |
00 |
J. B. Plymate Insurance |
5 |
00 |
Postage & R.R. Expenses |
9 |
00 |
W. A. McDonald Treas. Tax |
5 |
74 |
E. E. Stroup Atty. |
20 |
00 |
O. L. Coyle Clerk cost |
41 |
50 |
Admin for services |
40 |
00 |
$ 124 |
28 |
Balance |
$ 386 |
62 |
Leaving a balance for distribution among the heirs of said decedent of $386.62
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Administrator shows the following:
˝ Brothers & sister of Mary A. Crow
Grandville S. Oldham | Gideon Oldham | Milton Oldham | Robert Oldham | Maggie Hasler |
Children of John M. Oldham dec’d who was a ˝ Brother of Mary A. Crow
James Oldham | Samuel Oldham | Anna B. Travis |
Children of Samuel Crow dec’d who was an own brother of Mary A. Crow Dec’d
Mary Ann Hayman | Rosella Harris | Maggie J. McClintic | John M. Crow |
Wilburn C. Crow
| Milton L. Crow
| Sadie McClintic
Lebanon, Oregon |
Children of Eliza Carr dec’d a sister of Mary A. Crow
Ruth E. Young | John W. Carr | Joseph H. Carr | Douglas Carr |
Charles H. Carr | George Carr | Susan M. McLennon |
Transcribed by Barb Huff for Mary
Harrell Sesniak

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