Estate of John
State of Indiana Shelby County Ss
To The Honorable David D Banta Sole Judge of the Shelby Circuit Court State of Indiana
Your Petitioner Garrett F Conover Upon his Oath represents that his Grandfather John B Conover late of Shelby County Indiana deceased by the Terms of his Will among Other things bequeathed to Your Petitioner and to Sarah A Conover now Sarah A Cowels Your Petitioners Sister One hundred dollars each to be paid to them after the death of Eliza Conover wife of the deceased Who was the Grandmother of your Petitioner and the Said Sarah now the wife of Joseph Cowels all of which Will the more fully be Seen by reference to Said Will a copy of which is filed herewith and made part of the petition that the Said Eliza Conover Widow of decedant and Your Petitioners Said Grandmother is now dead that Nelson S Conover who was the chosen Executor of Said Will duly Qualified as such and took upon himself the Administration of Said Estate after the death of the Said John B Conover but during the Life of Said Eliza Conover Widow of Said John B Conover and your petitioner represents that before Said Executor had finally Settled Said Estate according to the Terms of Said Will and during the life of Said Eliza Said Executor departed this life leaving Said Eliza Conover him surviving that the Estate of Said John B Conover has been without Administration Ever since the death of the Said Executor and the the Same is still without Administration in consequence of which your Petitioner Says that the bequest of One Hundred dollars to him and the one Hundred dollars to his Sister Sarah A is now due and remains Wholy Unpaid to them Wherefore your Petitioner asks that your Honor appoint India Conover as Administrator Dobonas non with the Will annexed of the Estate of John B Conover deceased that she qualify as such and that he proceed to Complete the settlement of Said estate according to the terms of his Said Will All of which is verified and respectfully Submitted
G F Conover /s/
Subscribed and Sworn to before me on this 4 day of October AD 1878
John Elliott Clk /s/
Shelby C C
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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