Joseph Allen, dec'd
Box 74
of Administration
Joseph Allen, dec'd
Be it remembered that on the twenty fourth day of September one
thousand Eight hundred and twenty five the following Letter of
Administration was issued by me, Hiram Aldridge, Clerk of the Shelby
Circuit Court to wit: The State of Indiana, to wit Shelby County.
To Moses Blood of Shelby County Greetings.
Whereas Joseph Allen, as is alleged, Deceased of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana,
having while living and at the time of his death, Goods Chattels and
Credits, within this State. By means whereof the ordering and granting
Administration of all and Singular the said Goods Chattels and Credits
Doth appertain unto me in vacation by the Statute of the State of
Indiana and being desirous that the Goods Chattels and Credits of the
said deceased shall be well and truly and faithfully Administered
applyed and disposed of Do grant unto you the said Moses Blood full
power by these presents to administer and faithfully to dispose of all
and Singular the said goods Chattels and Credits to ask and demand,
receive and recover the debts which unto the said deceased whilst living
and at the time of his death did belong and to pay the debts which the
said deceased did owe so far as such goods Chattels and Credits will
thereunto Extend and the Law require. Hereby requiring you to make or
cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the
said goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased which have or shall
come into your hands, possession or knowledge and the same so made to
Exhibit or Cause to be Exhibited in the Probate Court of our said County
upon the first Monday of March next at the house of Benjamin Williams
in the town of Shelbyville in the County aforesaid and also to render a
full and true account of said administration where thereunto required.
Know ye that we do by these presents Depute Constitute and appoint you
the Said Moses Blood Administrator of all and Singular the Goods
Chattels or Credits which was of the Estate of the Said Joseph Allen
Deceased. And the said Moses Blood having Entered into Bond and
Security according to Law. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and the Seal of our Said Court hereunto affixed at Shelbyville the
24th day of September one thousand Eight hundred and twenty five.
/s/ Hiram Aldridge Clerk
Whereupon Moses Blood the aforesaid Administrator of the Estate of
Joseph Allen Deceased took an Oath that Joseph Allen Deceased, Died
without any will, as far as he knew or believes and that he would well
and truly administer all and Singular the goods and Chattels of the said
Deceased And pay his debts, as far as his assets will Extend and the Law
require him. And that he would make a true and perfect Inventory of all
the said goods, Chattels and Credits, as also, a just account thereof
when thereunto required.
And afterwards, to wit, on the third day of October, one thousand
Eight hundred and twenty five, Moses Blood the aforesaid Administrator
of the Estate of Joseph Allen deceased Filed the following Inventory in
the Clerk's office of the Shelby Circuit Court, to wit, "Inventory of
the goods, Chattels and Credits of Joseph Allen Deceased."
Appraisment Appriasment
| Appraisment
| $
| Cents
| [Item]
| Cents
One Bed
| 1 Sow and 6 pigs
| 75
| 5 shoats
| 75
One Coverlet
| 1 Ox Yoke
| 37-1/2
One Bed quilt
| Chain
| 50
Three Sheets
| 1 Plough
| 75
One pair pillows
| 1 Ax
| 75
and cases
| 50
One Bed Stead
| 37-1/2
Three Chairs
| 37-1/2
| 1 Hoe
| 25
One Chest
| "
| 1 Stack Wheat
| "
4 knives & 3 forks
| 25
| 2 Acres Wheat Growing
| "
Three plates
| 24
| 4 Acres Corn
| "
2 cups & sausers
| 15
1 Spinning Wheel
| 3-1/2
3 Crocks
| 18-3/4
| 2 Acres Corn and
4 Tins
| 25
| Pumpkins
| "
2 Spoons
| 12-1/2
| 5 Acres Corn North of house
| "
1 tea kettle
| 50
| Improvement of 8
1 Dinner Pot
| 50
| Acres 3 years
| "
1 Kettle
| 87-1/2
| Improvement of 4
1 Large Do [ditto]
| 75
| Acres & House
1 Fire tongs
| 25
| 3 years
| 50
2 Bb wool Roles
| "
1 meat tub
| "
| 2 Cows
| "
| 2 Heifers
| "
| 2 Yearling Stears
| 50
This Inventory appraised and Sworn to by us this 1st day of October 1825.
Rezin. Davis, Apprais /s/
Cyrus H. Stone, Sers. /s/
Moses Blood, Administrator /s/
And afterwards, to wit, on the 20th day of March 1826, Moses Blood the
aforesaid Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Allen Deceased filed the
following instrument To wit, Sale of the property of Joseph Allen.
| Sold to
| $
| Cents
Clevice plough chain
| David Tracy
| 10
| 12
Cow & Corn
| Thomas Gadd
| 15
| 62-1/2
| George Sanford
| 4
| 25
| Ebez Lucas
| 4
| 50
For lease of Land
| Do [ditto]
| 40
| "
| Thomas Phillips
| 33
| 50
| Edward Blevin
| 19
| 93-3/4
| George F. Hopkins
| 10
| 12-1/2
| Ebenezer Cross Com.
| 14
| 12-1/2
| 161
| 98-1/4
Moses Blood, Administrator
Administrator's Report
Probate Book A. Page 10.March Term 1827At a term of the probate court of Shelby County, met and held at the
house of Benjamin Williams in the town of Shelbyville on monday the
nineteenth day of March, one thousand Eight hundred and twenty Seven.
Present: The Honourable John Sleeth and Joseph Dawson, Associate
Judges of Shelby County and Judges of this our probate court.
Comes now Moses Blood Administrator of the estate of Joseph Allen
deceased, and makes the following report (which is ordered to be
recorded) to wit: Accounts of money paid the Estate of J. Allen. Paid
Widow Allen $122.68 3/4
Clerks fees........................................ 2.00
Taxes.............................................. 1.12 1/2
To Joseph Hand................................... 0.03 1/2
To Dr. David Tracy................................ 9.19
To Ebenezer Cross................................ 1.00
To Edward Bliven................................. 3.80
To John McCormick................................ 6.49
Lathrop Francis................................ 0.50
Advertizing..................................... 1.00
To Eber Lucas.................................... 15.00
$163.14 3/4
Added by Sale...................................... 33.83 3/4
242.28 3/4
Paid over.......................................... 162.51 3/4
Balance due the estate............................. 79.77
It is ordered by the Court that Moses Blood, Administrator of the Estate
of Joseph Allen deceased, be allowed the Sum of Seven dollars and fifty
cents for his Services as Such.
Page 11
It is ordered by the Court, that Mary Allen widow of Joseph Allen
deceased, be allowed her thirds of the Estate of the said Joseph Allen
deceased. And it is further ordered that Moses Blood, Administrator of
the Estate of Joseph Allen deceased pay to the said Mary Allen widow of
the said Joseph Allen deceased, the sum of two dollars and ninety nine
cents for Services rendered in Schooling the infant heirs of the said
Joseph Allen deceased.
(The court then adjourned)
PROBATE BOOK A, page 17. March Term A.D. 1828
At a term of the probate Court of Shelby County met at the Court house
in Shelbyville on the 24th day of March one thousand Eight hundred and
twenty Eight. Present: The Honourable John Sleeth and Joseph Dawson,
Judges of said Court.
(The first paragraph records Moses Blood making a settlement with the
court in the estate of Isaac Benjamin, and to David Tracy in regard to
support of the infant heirs of Isaac Benjamin.)
Moses Blood, Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Allen deceased,
presents now here a receipt from Mary Allen widow of the said deceased,
of his having paid her thirds of the said Estate and also all allowances
made to the said Widow by this Court.
(The Court then adjourned Sine Die.)
I would be pleased to hear from the descendants of any of these men named in the
Inventory or Sale. Kathryn Jennings.
The above information was copied from the Probate Order Book at the Shelby Co IN courthouse.
I have been unable to locate the actual estate papers. [Phyllis Fleming]

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