Julian Ensminger,
Jane Ensminger,
Application for
Filed September 4" 1880
Fred. H. Chueden
The State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:
The undersigned,
applicant for letters of Guardianship on the persons and estates of
Margaret E. Ensminger, aged 14 years, March 5, 1880
Mary L. Ensminger, aged 13 years, Aug 25, 1880
John H. Ensminger, aged 11 years, April 27, 1880
Delilah E. Ensminger, aged 8 years, Nov 25, 1879
Catharine I. Ensminger, aged 6 years, Oct 1st, 1879
Gracie Ensminger, aged 5 years, March 9, 1880
Annie Ensminger, aged 5 years, March 9, 1880
Phillip N. Ensminger, aged 2 years, Oct 25, 1879
Robert S. Ensminger, aged 9 months
minor heirs of Julian Ensminger, late of Shelby County, Indiana: said
minors reside in Shelby County, in the State of Indiana, and are the joint
owners of Real Estate situate in said County of the probable value of fourteen
Hundred Dollars, which will rent annually for about the sum of Ninety Dollars,
Said Wards also owned personal property of the value of no personal property that will come to the hands of said
guardian as such. She shows that said Margaret has chosen this applicant as her guardian.
State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:
Jane Ensminger, being duly
sworn, says that the material facts contained in the above statement and
aplpication for letters of Guardianship on the persons and estates of the persons
therein named are correct and true, as she verily believes, and further saith
/s/ Jane Ensminger
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4" day of September 1880
Fred. H. Chueden Clerk,
Circuit Court, Shelby County.
State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
Ensminger being duly sworn, says that the material facts contained in the above
statement and application for Letters of Guardianship on the persons and estates
of the persons therein named are correct and true, as she verily believes, and
further saith not.
Jane Ensminger
and sworn to before me this 4th day of September 1880.
Fred. H. Chueden Clerk
Circuit Court Shelby County
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In the matter of the Guardianship of Margaret Ensminger and others
Minor heirs of Julian Ensminger
Jane Ensminger Guardian
Ensminger as Guardian of said minors shows to the Court that she was appointed
to said trust by this Court on the 4th day of September 1880.
And She
submits to the Court the following report of her said trust.
She charges
herself with amount received for said wards from their grandfather Philip
Ensminger Estate.
She charges
herself with amount received for corn & wheat in year 1881
And she charges herself with amount received for wheat raised on wards land in
1882 73.80
Total Charges
And said Guardian shows that at the time of her appointment there were nine of
her said wards towit: Margaret, Mary, John, Delila,
Catherine, Gracie, Annie, Philip and Robert
Ensminger. That since her appointment her said last two wards have
died. That said wards are her own children and live with her. That
said guardian and her said wards own as tenants in common 67 ½ acres of Real
Estate in Shelby County, Indiana of which she owns eleven twenty sevenths part
and said children the residue. That said wards have no other income than
the rents of said Real Estate. That there can be realized out of said
rents about $125.00 per year. That she has received for said wards since
her appointment as above shown $264.20. That she has expended for said
wards in cash $230.00 since her appointment for clothing, books, taxes,
improvements on land and other necessary expenses not taking into consideration
what expense she has been at for boarding said wards. That she has taken a
large number of receipts therefore which she now exhibits on proof of her
statements herein. That this Guardian has no income except the rents from
her said interest in said land and that she is unable to board and support said
wards without using the rents of their interest in said land for that purpose.
That she is entitled to an allowance for boarding said wards for two years which
would exceed the amount she has received for them. That she is willing to
board and cloth said wards for the rents of their Real Estate. That she
can make enough out of said 67 acres of land to keep herself and said wards and
she asks that she be permitted so to do. That this her report be approved
and her trust continued and that she be not required to make any report of her
said trust except as said wards arrive at age, and that her trust be now
continued until the oldest of said wards becomes 21 years of age or is married
to a man 21 years of age.
And said
guardian Exhibits the receipt of the Clerk of this Court for all the costs in
said Guardianship.
Jane Ensminger
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October 1882.
Harry C. Morrison
Commissioner of Shelby Co., Ind.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Order Book 24 page 453
Guardianship of Margaret Ensminger and others
Jane Ensminger Guardian
Examined and
approved and Trust continued until the arrival at age or marriage with person of
full age of each ward, and upon arrival at age or marriage of each ward Guardian
to make final report.
Oct. 24, 1882.
A. F. Wray
Master Commissioner
Report & Master Commissioner Report examined and approved and ordered
K. M. Hord, Judge
Filed Oct 20, 1882 Fred H. Chueden Clk.
Transcribed by Barb Huff for Bob

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