Shelby County Indiana
Courthouse Records
Nathaniel Kinney, dec'd
Box 55
Francis S. Kinney,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
Be it remembered, that on this 28th day of February 1863 personally came before the undersigned, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Shelby County, who being duly sworn by said Clerk, deposes and says that Nathaniel Kinney departed this life intestate at Shelby County, Indiana, on the 4th day of February 1863, that said decedent left a personal estate to be administered of the probable value of One Thousand Dollars, as he is informed and believes and further saith not.
Francis S. Kinney
Sworn to and Subscribed before me, this 28th day of February 1863
Alonzo Blair Clerk C.C.S.S.C.
State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
I, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the court of Common Pleas for the county of Shelby, in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that administration of the estate of Nathaniel Kinney, deceased, late of Shelby county, who died intestate, is granted to
Francis S. Kinney and the said Francis S. Kinney having qualified and given bond as such Administrator, he is duly authorized to take upon himself the administration of such estate, according to law.
Witness my hand, and the Seal of said Court, this 28th day of February 1863.
Alonzo Blair Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Shelby County
An Inventory of the personal Estate of Nathaniel Kinney deceased, taken by
Francis S. Kinney Administrator, and appraised by
George Goodrich and Joses Oldham
No. | Description of Property | Value of Property |
1 | 110 Bus corn | $44.00 |
2 | 1 Sorrel Horse | 60.00 |
3 | 1 Horse | 5.00 |
4 | 1 Wagon | 15.00 |
5 | 1 Sled | 2.50 |
6 | 1 Plow | 5.00 |
8 | 7 Hogs | 13.00 |
9 | Plow | 3.00 |
10 | 1 Lot Sundries | 2.00 |
11 | 1 Plow | 7.00 |
12 | 2 Hoes | .50 |
13 | 1 Molasses Bbl | 2.00 |
14 | 1 Bbl Pork | 16.00 |
16 | 1 can Lard | 3.00 |
17 | Sundries | 1.00 |
18 | 1 Kettle | 1.00 |
19 | 1 tub | .50 |
20 | 2 sets harness | 6.00 |
21 | 1 cook Stove | 1.00 |
22 | 1 safe | 1.00 |
23 | 1 Table | 1.00 |
24 | sundries | .50 |
25 | 1 Bed | 8.00 |
| [Torn] | 5.00 |
| [Torn] |
34 |
½ of 4 steers | 45.00 |
| And of Partnership hogs | 500.00 |
| “ “ “
Cattle Steer |
45.00 |
| | $ 545.00 |
| Amt Taken per Widow | 219.75 |
| | $ 764.75 |
Signed by us, this 4th day of March, 1863
George Goordrich Joses Oldham Appraisers
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th day of March 1863
Alonzo Blair Clerk
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Administrator's Intermin
Estate of Nathaniel Kinney
No 1 | T. A. McFarland | $15.68 |
No 2 | Wm. C. Judd | 3.75 |
No 3 | Wm. Wilson Alowed | 50.00 |
No 4 | Christena Berry | 25.00 |
No 5 | Tempa Howard | 11.50 |
No 6 | Thomas Goodrich | 10.00 |
& Interest |
No 7 | Thomas Goodrich | 9.00 |
No 8 | Jos. Levinson | 2.35 |
No 9 | Jos. Levinson | 20.00 |
No 10 | S. W. Morgan Allowed | 1.90 |
No 11 | S. W. Morgan Allowed | 3.60 |
No 12 | Wm. Croddy | 1.40 |
No 13 | Jacob Kinney | 79.01 |
No 14 | John Weise | 9.35 |
No 15 | Larkin Allen | 6.23 |
& Cost |
No 16 | Elliott & Majors | 50.00 |
No 17 | Elliott & Majors | 35.00 |
No 18 | Elliott & Majors | 25.00 |
No 19 | Samuel Hamilton | 55.14 |
No 20 | Alex Cary decd | 23.76 |
No 21 | Nicholas Howard | 128.00 |
No 22 | James A. Ewing |
26.50 |
| | 593.17 |
| | 26.00 |
| | 566.67 |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Shelbyville, Nov 11th 1863
Nathaniel Kinney TO Jacob Kinney Dr
To 5 Bushels corn @ 25 cts per Bu | $1.25 |
To 8 ½ Bushels corn @ 25 cts pr Bushel | 2.12 | ½ |
To 16 ½ Bushels corn @ 25 cts pr Bush | 4.12 | ½ |
To 3 Bushels Wheat @ $1.10 per Bushel | 3.30 |
To 2 Bushels Wheat @ $1.20 per Bushel | 2.40 |
To 3 ½ Bushels Wheat @ 90 cts pr Bushel | 3.15 |
To cash Lent | 6.50 |
To Cash paid Wise | 2.17 |
To Cash paid Richardson | .90 |
To 1 ½ Bushels corn @ 25 cts pr Bushel | .37 | ½ |
To Cash Lent | 9.00 |
To cash paid Victor | .80 |
To 4 Bushels potatoes | 1.60 |
To 2 Bushels Wheat @! 90 cts pr Bush | 1.80 |
To Cash Lent | 14.00 |
To 2 Bushels Wheat | 1.80 |
To 3 ½ Bushels Corn | .87 |
To 2 Bushels Wheat | 1.20 |
To 3 ½ Bushels Corn | .87 | ½ |
To 2 Bushels Wheat | 1.00 |
| $89.51 | over |
[new page] |
To 4 Bushels wheat | 2.40 |
To 5 ½ Bushels Wheat | 3.30 |
To 2 Bushels Wheat | 1.20 |
To 16 Bushels Wheat | 11.20 |
To 2 Bushels Wheat |
1.40 |
Total | 79.01 |
State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
Be it remembered, that on this 11 day of Nov 1863 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said county Jacob Kinney said claimant who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and further saith not.
Jacob Kinney A. Blair Clerk
Ben F. Davis | Paid | 10.00 |
T. A. McFarland | Paid | 7.05 |
Christiana Berry | | 14.00 |
Wm. S. Judd | | 1.75 |
Elliott & Majors | Paid | 60.88 |
Thomas Goodrich | | 11.52 |
S. W. Morgan | | 3.00 |
John Weise | | 5.89 |
Wm. Croddy | | .65 |
Larkin Allen | | 4.60 |
Joseph Levinson | | 13.00 |
Estate of Alex Cory decd | | 11.29 |
Samuel Hamilton | | 26.85 |
| | 170.40 |
| | 67.93 |
| | $712.62 | $102.47 |
| | 92.47 | 10.00 |
| | 620.15 | 92.47 |
Received of Francis S. Kinney Administrator of Nathaniel Kinney five dollars and sixty cents
September the 12 1863
Tempa Howard
$60.88 Rec’d of Francis S. Kinney Admr Estate of Nathaniel dec’d the sum of sixty dollars & eighty-eight cents our distribution on the respective claim filed against said Estate, as per his filed Report
March 17th 1865
Elliott & Majors
Samuel Hamilton Judgt in Shelby Court of Common Pleas
Jacob Kinney
Received of Francis S. Kinney Admr of Estate of Nathaniel Kinney dec’d Two Hundred Dollars on above named Judgment.
Dec 5 1863
Alonzo Blair Clerk
$500 Rec’d Shelbyville, Indiana June 2nd 1863
From Mr. Francis S. Kinney Administrator of the Estate of Nathaniel Kinney deceased Five Hundred dollars, The same as endorsed on Bill of Exchange due 15th April 1863 For one thousand dollars.
S. Hamilton
Rec’d of Francis S. Kinney Admr of the Estate of Nathaniel Kinney the sum of Seven dollars & 50 cents as the distributive share of
T. A. McFarland March 19 1865
J. Montgomery Admr Estate of T. A. McFarland
Shelbyville, Ind. March 20 1863
Mr. Francis S. Kinney Administrator of Estate Kinney, decd
March 5 1863
To notice of appointment & as administrator & sale of personal property | $
4.00 |
May 3 Notice heirs petition to sell real estate | 2.00 |
August 6 Notice of sale of real estate | 3.50 |
Rec’d Payment R. Spicer | $9.50 |
Rec’d of Francis S. Kinney as Admin of Estate of Nathaniel Kinney dec’d the sum of Fifty-three dollars & 25 cents, it being the residue of statutory allowance due me as the Widow of said decedent.
May 21st 1864
Mary A. Kinney her X mark
Rec’d Feby 27th 1864 of Francis S. Kinney as Admr of the Estate of Nathaniel Kinney dec’d, my late husband, Twenty seven Dollars, and also Two Hundred and Nineteen dollars and Seventy five cents, property taken by me as his widow at the Appraisment – Making in all $246.75 which I receive in full of the statutory allowance of Three Hundred Dollars, allow to widows of decedants.
Mrs. Mary Ann Kinney
Received of Francis S. Kinney Admr of Estate of Nathaniel Kinney, deceased Thirty Dollars, on account of a promissory note I hold by transfer from G. W. Wilson, against the Estate of said Nathaniel Kinney, dec’d.
November 12 1863
Wm. McClelan
Shelbyville Indiana Nov. 18th 1863
Received of Francis S. Kinney Administrator of the Estate of Nathaniel Kinney deceased the sum of ($3.00) three dollars for services in surveying said Estate.
Richard Norriss County
Shelbyville, Ind. April 23d 1863
Rec’d of F. S. Kinney the sum of Seventeen dollars for Coffin trimmings & attendance for burying Danile Kinney deceased it being full amt.
Conrey & Hand Undertakers
$67.25 Rec’d of Francis S. Kinney as administrator of the Estate of Nathaniel Kinney Dec’d the sum of Sixty seven dollars and 25 cents on claims due me as said Estate
Feby 1864
Jacob Kinney
Rec’d of Francis S. Kinney as admr of Estate of Nathaniel Kinney decd the sum of fifteen dollars for professional services in obtain order of sale of Lands Nov 20th 1863
Ben F. Davis
Estate of Nathaniel Kinney deceased
Rec’d of the Admr of said Estate Twenty Eight dollars & 93 cents in full of court costs to final settlement March 14th 1865
A. Blair Clerk
Rec’d of Francis S. Kinney administrator of Nathaniel Kinney Twenty Two dollars and forty cents per Buryeral Clothing
Shelbyville, Ind April 15 1863
Perry Hittel
Rec’d Shelbyville March 18th 1865 of Francis S. Kinney as Admr of the Estate of Nathaniel Kinney dec’d the sum of Ten dollars for services as Atty.
Ben F. Davis
Francis S. Kinney Admr &c
Sale of Real Estate
Mary A. Kinney et al
Rec’d of Admr Nineteen dollars & 83 cents in full of court costs March 14th 1865
A. Blair Clerk
No. 9 Treasurer’s Office, Shelbyville, Ind.
May 21 1864
Received of Nathaniel Kinney the sum of Nineteen dollars and 84 cents, in full for State, County, School, Special School, Township, Sinking Fund and Road Tax, including penalty and interest, delinquent for the year 1862 & 1863 on the following described property, poll and personal:
Description of Land | Section | Town | Range | Acres |
S nd W ½ SE | 23 | 13 | 6 | 37 |
Brandywine |
Will Phillips Treasurer of Shelby Co.
State of Indiana Shelby county SS: Note $5.75
Larkin Allen VS Nathaniel Kinney interest .48
Complaint $6.23
Sept 12, 1862 comes the plaintiff and filed his cause of action in the following words and figures towit:
April 23rd 1861 one day after date I promise to pay Larkin Allen the sum of five Dollars & Seventy five cents for value received of him Nathaniel Kinney Sept 13, 1862 at request of plaintiff summons issued to Storm Const. Returnable Sept 20 1862 at 10 o’clock A.M. who returned the same served by copy Sept 20 1862 the time set for trial the defendant though three times audably called comes not and it appearing that he was lawfully served with process wholly made default. It is therefore adjudged that said plaintiff recover of said defendant the sum of $6.23 Six dollars and twenty three cents with interest and costs and accruing costs James B. Holmes Justice
Justice fee | Execution issued to
Storm Const. | Sept 30 1862 |
Summons | .25 | Execution returned by order of plaintiff |
Docketing | .25 | March 3 of 63 to stand till further order |
Judgment | .25 |
Execution | .25 |
Transcript | .25 |
Certificate | .25 |
Storms fee Summons | $1.00 |
I the undersigned a Justice of the peace of Brandywine township Shelby County Indiana certify that foregoing is a true and complete transcript and copy from my Docket of the proceedings and Judgment before me in the above entitled Case.
Witness my hand and Seal this 30th day of January 1864
James B. Holmes Justice (SEAL)
State of Indiana Shelby County SS
Be it remembered that on this 1st day of Feb 1864 personally came before me Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said county Larkin Allen said claimant who being duly sworn says the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not. Larkin Allen
Subscribed and Sworn before me this 1st day of Feb 1864
A. Blair Clerk
Nathaniel Kinney To William C. Judd Dr
To Building 1 Brick Chimley September 16 1862 | $5.00 |
To Money loaned | .75 |
| $5.75 |
Credit by Cash | 2.00 |
Wm. C. Judd | $3.75 |
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Be it remembered that on this 31st day of March 1863 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County William C. Judd who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid: and that there are no offsets to the same, except as therein stated.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of March 1863 Alonzo Blair Clerk
Nathaniel Kinney To William Croddy Dr
To cost in a suit against Wilson Moore who Kinney Received the Judgment and Cost in full one Dollar and 40 cents which has never been paid and is Just of the Judgment the 13 day of November 1857
William Croddy
Justice (SEAL)
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Be it remembered, that on this 26 day of August 1863 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County, Wm. Croddy said claimant who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is due and wholly unpaid, and that are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not. William Croddy J.P.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 26 day of August 1863. A. Blair Clerk
March 25th 1860 On or before the first day of September next I promise to pay Nathaniel Kinney the sum of twenty Dollars for value received of him.
John M. Clark
State of Indiana Shelby County SS
Be it remembered, that on this 5th day of August 1863 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County
Jacob Levinson who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not. Joseph Levinson
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 5th day of August 1863
A. Blair Clerk
Shelbyville October 286th 1858
$1.90 One day after date I promise to pay to the order of
Hendricks & Morgan at Shelbyville Indiana One dollar and 90 cents Value received without any relief from valuation, appraisement or exemption laws
Nathaniel Kinney
State of Indiana Shelby County SS
Be it remembered that on this 18” day of August 1863 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of The Court of Common Pleas of said County
Robert Benjowsky, Agent of Stephen W. Morgan, who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of Note to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not.
Robert Benjowsky
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 18th day of August 1863
A. Blair Clerk
Nathaniel Kinney TO Estate Alexander Cory Dr
July 26 1862 | To Flour |
1.13 |
August 4 | To Flour | 1.13 |
August 16 | Cash | 3.00 |
August 31 | Cash | 5.00 |
July 11 | Flour | 1.13 |
August 28 | Flour | 2.25 |
Sept 12 | Order | 2.25 |
Oct 4 | Flour | 1.66 |
Oct 24 | Flour | 2.27 |
Jany 1 1863 | Flour | 1.88 |
Jany 22 | Flour | 2.06 |
| | $23.76 |
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it Remembered, that on this 19th day of July 1864
A. P. Stone Admr of said claimant who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not.
Ambrose P. Stone
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 19th day of July 1864
Alonzo Blair Clerk
Shelbyville February 3d 1863
Nathaniel Kinney TO Joseph Levinson Dr
February 10 Tobacco .20 |
May 10 Tobacco .20 |
May 21 Tobacco .20 |
June 16 Tobacco .35 |
August 7 Coffee .50 Sugar .50 1.00 |
August 30 Cheese .30 |
October 9 Tobacco .10 |
State of Indiana Shelby County SS
Be it Remembered that on this 5th day of August 1863 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County Joseph Levinson who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not.
Joseph Levinson
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 5th day of August 1863
A. Blair Clerk
Shelbyville June 8 1863
Nathaniel Kinney TO
Tempy Howard Dr
To Tempy Howard to Balance on sale of a Mare $10.00
Interest for 3 years & Eight Months 1.50
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered, that on this 8 day of June 1863 personally came before, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County Tempy Howard said claimant who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not.
Tempa Howard
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 8th day of June 1863
Alonzo Blair Clerk
Estate of Nathaniel Kinney Dec’d To
Thomas Goodrich Dr
To cash loaned him at sundry times from January 1861 to Jany 1863
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered, that on this 26” day of June 1863
Thomas Goodrich who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not.
Thomas Goodrich
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 26th day of June 1863
Alonzo Blair Clerk
September the 29 1860
One day after date we promise to pay Thomas Goodrich fifty dollars, for value received of him, without any relief from valuation or appraisement.
(Signed) William W. Rule
Nathaniel Kinney
The above note indorsed as follows:
Rec. of Wm. Rule $25.00, being his share of this note in full”
December 4th 1862, By Cash $15.00 dollars.”
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered, that on this 26” day of June 1863 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County Thomas Goodrich who being duly worn says that the foregoing statement of note, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, except as therein stated, to his knowledge, and further saith not.
Thomas Goodrich
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 26th day if June 1863
Alonzo Blair Clerk
December 28 1864
Received of
James A. Ewing twenty six dollars and fifty cents being the balance in full on a promissory note given to George W. Wilson
By Nathaniel Kinney and James A. Ewing
Surety $26.50 William McClelan
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered, that on this 11th day of January 1865 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County James Ewing who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, except as therein stated, to his knowledge and further saith not.
Jas. Ewing
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 11th day of January 1865
Alonzo Blair Clerk
Copy of Note
One day after date I promise to pay Christina Berry or order the sum of Twenty five Dollars for value received without any relief or appraisement laws.
Nathaniel Kinney
Shelbyville, Ind. Aug 14th 1863
Mr. Nathaniel Kinney Bought of
S. W. Morgan Druggist & Bookseller
April 9 1858 1 ¼ lb Shot .10 |
April 9 1 Gall Vinegar .20 |
May 5 ½ Gall Vinegar .10 |
May 15 1 Plug Tobacco .15 |
May 17 1 Box Caps, 2 Bars Lead .15 |
Pipes & Stems .05 |
May 23 Cash loaned promised to pay tomorrow .20 |
May 26 1 Bar Lead .05 |
July 3 Tobacco .10 |
July 26 1 Termifuge .20 |
October 25 1862 Powder & Caps .10 |
Lead .05 |
Tobacco .05 |
Nov 4 Tobacco .20 |
Cash loaned 2.00 |
$3.60 |
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered, that on this 18” day of August 1863 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County Robert Benjowsky Agent for Stephen W. Morgan, who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not.
Robert Benjowsky
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 18th day of August 1863
A. Blair Clerk
Copy of Notes
Shelbyville Ind. July 7 1860
Ninety days after date we promise to pay to the order of Elliott & Major at their Banking Office Fifty dollars value received without any relief from valuation or appraisement laws July 7 1861
(Signed) John N. Clark
Nathaniel Kinney
Shelbyville Ind December 22 1861
Ninety days after date we promise to pay to the order of Elliott & Major at their Banking House in Shelbyville thirty five dollars, value received without any relief from valuation or appraisement laws. Augs 22 1862
(Signed) Nathaniel Kinney
Jacob Kinney
Shelbyville Ind June 21 1862
Ninety days after date we promise to pay to the order of Elliott & Major at the Banking House of Elliott & Major in Shelbyville Ind. Twenty five dollars value received without any relief from valuation or appraisement laws
(Signed) Nathaniel Kinney
Thomas Goodrich
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered that on this 17th day of February 1864 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County Alfred Major one of the firm of Elliott & major who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of Notes, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, except as therein stated, to his knowledge and further saith not.
Alfred Major
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 17th day of February 1864
Alonzo Blair Clerk
Estate of Nathaniel Kinney deceased Dr to Nicholas Howard to $128.00 money paid on Judgment case of Samuel Hamilton, VS Howard et al See Judgment docket No. 4 page 93.
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered, that on this 26 day of October 1864 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County Nicholas Howard said claimant who being duly sworn says that the following statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid, and that there are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not. Nicholas Howard
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 26th day of October 1864 A. Blair Clerk
September the 24” 1862
Twelve months after date I promise to pay George W. Wilson or order fifty dollars without relief from valuation or appraisement laws of Indiana with ten per cent.
Nathaniel Kinney
John M. Blair and Jesse W. Elliott March 1855
VS Judgement Entered
Nathaniel Kinney Ninety Dollars 25 Cents
Nathaniel Kinney Dr
March 1864 To Above Judgement 9.02
July 12 Int on judgement to date, July 12th 1864 5.05
Nathaniel Kinney Cr
Mar 13 1856 By Cash 9.00 int. to date 4.50 = 13.50
April 12 1858 By Cash 8.00 int to date 3.95 11.95 |
Jany 4 1860 By Cash & Corn 25.50 int to date 9.95 35.45 |
Aug 13 By Cash 20.00 int. to date 4.70 24.70 85.60 |
Balance due 55.24
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered that on this 13 day of July 1864 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County Samuel Hamilton said Claimant who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and that there are no offsets to the same, except as therein stated, to his knowledge and further saith not. S. Hamilton
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 13 day of July 1864 Alonzo Blair Clerk
$9.38 Shelbyville Ind Oct 24th 1859
One day after date, I the Subscriber of Brandywine Township County of Shelby and State of Indiana do promise to pay to the order of John Weise Nine Dollars and Thirty eight cents, for Value Received; without any relief whatever from valuation or Appraisement Laws.
If not paid when due, interest to be charged from date. Nathaniel Kinney
State of Indiana Shelby County SS:
Be it remembered that on this 16th day of January 1864 personally came before me, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County John Weise said claimant who being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement of account, to which this is attached, is justly due and wholly unpaid and that there are no offsets to the same, to his knowledge, and further saith not. John Weise
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 16th day of January 1864 A. Blair Clerk
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In the Matter of Francis S. Kinney Admr of the Estate of Nathaniel Kinney Dec’d
Francis S. Kinney as administrator of the Estate of Nathaniel Kinney dec’d would respectfully show to the Court that the assets of said estate amount to but the sum of about Nine hundred and forty Dollars and that there are claims filed against said Estate Amounting to about Sixteen hundred Dollars, he therefore asks that said Estate be ordered to be settled as insolvent and that the same be continued for further administration. Francis S. Kinney
Subscribed and sworn to in open Court this 15 day of July 1864 A. Blair Clerk
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Administrator's Final Report
Estate of Nathaniel Kinney dec’d Final Report
Filed in Open Court March 18th 1865 A. Blair Clerk
In Matter of Estate of Nathaniel Kinney dec’d
Francis S. Kinney would respectfully show that he is Admr of the Estate of said decedent and as such makes the following final report of his doings therein:
He charges himself with the amount of the inventory to wit $219.75 |
Amt realized on sale of partnership |
Hogs & Cattle of N. Howard 542.72 |
Cash Realized on Sale of Real Estate 472.15 |
Total Amt received $1234.62 |
He shows to the Court that he has paid the following preferred claims and files his vouchers therefore, towit:
No 1 | Dr. Day Medical Bill of last sickness | 20.50 |
No 2 | R. Spicer Printer fee | 9.50 |
No 3 | Conrey & Hand Undertakers | 17.00 |
No 4 | R. Norris Surveyor | 3.00 |
No 5 | Tax | 19.84 |
No 6 | Mary A. Kinney Widow | 246.75 |
No 7 | Mary A. Kinney Widow | 53.25 |
No 8 | Perry Hittle Burial Clothes | 22.40 |
No 9 | Ben F. Davis | 15.00 |
No 10 | A. Blair Clerk fees | 28.93 |
No 11 | A. Blair Clerk | 19.83 |
| | $456.00 |
| Wm. McCleve on transfer of note from |
No 12 | G. W. Wilson | 30.00 |
No 13 | Tempa Howard | 5.60 |
No 14 | Jacob Kinney | 67.29 |
No 15 | Samuel Hamilton | 500.00 |
No 16 | Samuel Hamilton per Blair Clerk | 200.00 |
No 17 & 18 | Elliott & Majors & J. L. Montgomery Admr
of Estate of F. A. McFarland | 67.93 |
And he asks that the distribution as made in this report may be made accordingly and his trust fully determined and relieved from his said trust. Francis S. Kinney
Subscribed and Sworn to before me the 18th day of March 1865 A. Blair Clerk
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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