Estate  of

Gersham  Lee,  dec'd

Box 18

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


G. Lee Dec’d Inventory
Filed Jan 1st 1842 S. B. Morris Clerk

Bill of appraissment of the personal Estate of Gershom Lee of Noble Township Shelby County decd. Appraised on the 8th day of December 1841

One Horse 10.00      One Sed .50
One Cow 10.00 One lot of Corn supposed
One Calf 2.50 to 75 bushels at 15 cents 
One White Sow and 5 pigs 3.00 per bushel 11.35
1 spoted Sow and 9 shoats 6.00 30 barrels of Corn 
1 barrow hog 2.00 20 Cents per bus. 30.00
1 plow 2.50 one lot of Toabcor supposed
one set of double and single trees 1.50 to be four hundred at $2 50 cents
one set of gears 2.00              per hundred 57.85
harness and truss 1.00
one Iron wedge .75
Frow and square .75
One drawing knife .62 ½ 
One grind stone .25
One Kettle 2.50
One lot of barrels 1.00
1 pot oven skillet & 2 Skillets 3.00
Shovel and [---?] 1.50
1 pair of Stillards .75 
hand saw .75
1 meat tub and other Articles 1.00
2 flat irons .75
tin sugar .25
one Table 1.00
siter and Coffee Mill .62 ½
[------------------?] 2.00
one Cubboard .50
one spinning Wheel 1.50
one set of Chairs 1.00
Washing tub and Reel 1.00
One bed and beding 12.00
Do do do 8.00 William Brooks George Means
One Meat bag .25 Robert Pearson
One Sow and 8 pigs & 6 shoats 5.00
Potatoes 6 bushels 1.20

personally appeared the above named George Means & Robert Pearson appraisers of the property of the Late Gersham Lee and took the oath required by law.
Wm. Major (SEAL)

Gersham Lee dec’d Inventory
Dennis Morgan Admr De bonis non
Filed September 15th 1843 J. Vernon Clerk

Inventory of the effects of Gersham Lee dec. which came into my hands as administrator de bonis non
One joint note on James B. Smith and Green B. McCarty    2.00
One on John Lee and Nathan Bullock 1.44
One on Thos. Major and Stephen Major 2.77
One on Wm. Coleman and Green B. McCarty 5.03
One on Wyatt H. Richardson & Nathan Bullock 1.52
A receipt from Thos. Thompson a justice of the peace to 
Jonathan Lee Sale administrator for Notes put into said 
Thompson’s hands for collection
Dennis Morgan Adm 86.53
Error in Statement     2.37

State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Before me Jacob Vernon Clerk of the Probate Court of Shelby County personally came the above named Dennis Morgan Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Gersham Lee dec’d, and been by me duly sworn says the above Inventory is a full true and correct Inventory of the effects of the said Gersham Lee deceased as far as the same has come to his knowledge, and further saith not.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th day of September 1843.         J. Vernon Clerk

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sale Bill

Sale bill of the personal property of Gersham Lee, decd it being on the 31st day of December 1841

Nancyan Lee 1 bed and beding .50
Nancyann Lee 1 Box and dishes and coffey mill .25
Malinda James 1 Skilet .12 ½
Wyatt Richeson 1 log chain 1.52
James Lee 1 Set double trees 1.56
Enoch Lee 1 Sled and clevis .75
Petter D. Remer 1 Lot of barrels .76
James Lee 1 plough 2.00
James McCarty 1 Shood plough .88
Enoch Lee 1 Shovel and tongs 2.07
Ephraim Pearson 1 rack clevis 1.00
Nancyann Lee 1 tub and Reel .50 
William Coleman 1 kittle 2.78
Thomas Major 1 Iron wedge 1.00
James McCarty 1 hand saw 1.00
Greenup Lee 2 Smoothing Irons 1.20
Greenup Lee 1 meat bag .30
Greenup Lee one oven and leard 1.19
Rebecka McCarty 1 pot and hooks .56
Nancyan Lee 1 tea kettle .12 ½ 
Rebecka Lee 1 Lot kegs 1.00
Malinda James 1 churn .26
Thomas Major 1 Cask .77
Nancyan Lee one spining Wheel .62 ½
James Smith 1 Set of split bottomed Chairs 2.00
Misses James 1 cubboard .12 ½
Dito “ 1 cask and lard .06 ¼
James McCarty 1 Sow and pigs 1.77
George [--?] 6 shoats 3.75
John Lee 1 meat tub .80
Greenup Lee 1 pair stillards .37
Greenup Lee 1 bed and beding 1.00
Greenup Lee 5 yardes of [panes?] 80 pr yd 4.00
Eli Green 1 Sow and pigs 7.70
James Lee 1 fat hog     3.37

One Sow and nine shoats
Nathan Bullock 1 Sow and nine shoats 8.25
Greenup Lee 1 Lot of tobacco 14.00
Wilson Favours 3 Sheep 5.00
Ebenezer Ridlin 25 bushels Corn 20 cts pr 5.00
Enoch Lee 25 bushels ditto [corn] 5.00
Samuel Richeson 25 bushels ditto [corn] 5.00
Ephraim Pearson 25 at 21 ½ pr bushel 5.35
Philander Campfield 1 Cow 12.00
James Lee 1 Calf 3.37
Jesse McMahan 1 Calf 2.25
Ephraim Pearson 51 bushels corn 23 ½ 11.62 ½
James Lee 50 bushel corn 24 ½ 12.00
James Bennett 25 dito 25 ½ 5.81 ½
George McMahan 1 horse 16.00
Robert Pearson 3 drawing Chairs 1.25
Thomas Major 1 Collar and harness 1.00
John Lee 1 pair haims and draw line .62 ½
George Hewett 1 Lot potatoes .23
Nathan Bullock 6 hogs 3.35
Ephraim Pearson one Siv .12
Ephraim Pearson one grin Stone .25
Melinda James one Shugar box .12
One drawing knife to Jonathan Lee .62
Enoch Lee one table 1.00
Green B. McCarty two Sheep       2.50
Green B. McCarty Clerk of Sale 134.15
Of the above Cover Sold as stated above Seventy five Bushels belonged to Greenup Lee, and he is entitled to so much of the proceeds of the Corn.

State of Indiana Shelby county SS 
Personally appeared before me the undersigned a Justice of the peace for said County Green B. McCarty, who being by me duly sworn on his oath says that the foregoing is a true and full statement of the Sale of the property of Gersham Lee deceased and taken by me on the 31st December 1841
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 19th day of Dec. 1841
Thomas Major (SEAL)
Justice of the peace

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Reports and Receipts

Estate of Gersham Lee decs’d
Dennis Morgan Admr Report of Admr
Box 18 Filed in Open Court May 12th 1845 J. Vernon Clk

To the Honorable the Judge of the Probate Court of Shelby County in the State of Indiana 
Your memorallist Dennis Morgan Admr of the Estate of Gersham Lee decs would represent to your Honor that he is and has been utterly unable to make collection of the claims due said Estate and is utterly unable to make settlement of the same that he has no money or bonds, that some thing near sixty dollars yet owing to collect, and that under the present laws for collection of debts, nothing can be done, unless by transferring claims to creditors, he therefore prays further time to make settlement of said Estate and as is duty bound &c
Denis Morgan Adme
Sworn to and Subscribed in Open Court before me this 12 day of May 1845. 
J. Vernon Clerk
Gersham Lee Decs’d Exhibit &c Filed in Open Court February 12th 1846 J. Vernon Clk
6th day next Term 16 May

Received of Mr. Jonathan Lee Administrator of the Estate of Gersham Lee (deceased), nine dollars 12 ½ Cents on Book account March 25th 1843 L. Shafer
The above amount is in full for Shrouding L. Shafer
Rec’d of Jonathan Lee Administrator of the estate of Gersham Lee Deceased three dollars in full for making a coffin for said deceased February 11th 1843 Evan Lewis
No. 5 entitled to its proportion of credit for Jonathan Lee 
W. W. Richardson’s Recpt & obligation & refund
Recd of Jonathan Lee Administrator of the Estate of Gashum Lee deced the sum in of fifteen dollars in full of all accounts against said Deceased to this date and I do hereby undertake and promise in consideration thereof to refund to the said Administrator so much of the said sum as may be neseracey to Equalize the said Estate among the several Creditors thereof and to repay the same upon the claim of the Administrator so that of the aforesaid sum I shall only retain so much as derives to my proper portion with the other creditors of said Estate this 7th January 1843. Wm. H. Richardson
Rec’d of Dennis Morgan Admr of the Estate of Gersham Lee dec’d the sum of ten dollars on account of fees in the Probate Court of Shelby county. 
June 4th 1845 J. Vernon Clerk

Rec’d of Dennis Morgan administrator of the Estate of Gersham Lee deceased five dollars for my services as attorney in and about said Estate.
Novr 13 1845 Cyrus Wright Atty

Rec’d of Mr. Morgan an order for a transfer of Judgment in favour of the Estate of the late Gersham Lee Calling for five dollars which I authorize him as administrator on said Estate to have Credited on my Acct in the Clerk’s Office.
Dated this 9th day of Oct 1845 Geo. F. Major
November 21st 1845
Rec’d of Dennis Morgan Administrator De bonis Non of the estate of Gersham Lee, deceased the sum of eight Dollars be credited on the Act of George F. Major in the Clerk’s office of Shelbyville on said against the above named estate. Thomas Major Agent
June 3rd 1845 Received of Dennis Morgan Admr D.B.N. of the estate of Gersham Lee dec the sum of Seventy eight cents it being a dividend of twenty cents to the dollar on three dollars ninety two cents the claim of Robert Pearson now deceased against said estate.
Ebenezer P. Ridlen Admr.
State of Indiana Decatur County Sct
Before me Erwin W. Madison a Justice of the Peace of Sd. County personally came Almira Lee who being by me duly sworn says that the within account is Just and unpaid and further saith not. Almira Lee her X mark
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 11th day of May 1844 Erwin W. Madison J.P.
No. 6 Almira Lee’s $6.00

The Estate of Gashum Lee To Almira Lee Dr.
To attending to and feeding hogs Cattle & horse from the 16th day of November 1841 Till Jan. 1st 1842 and furnishing corn for 15 hogs during said time $6.00

Jany 12th 1846 Recd of Dennis Morgan adm D.B.N of the estate of Girsham Lee dec six dollars in full of the above account Almira Lee now Almira Wyatt her X mark
Rec’d of D. Morgan Adm of G. Lee dec’d two dollars and seventy seven Cents with interest from 31 Dec 1842 In part payt of the claims of Martha Major against said Lee this 4 March 1844 Amount $3.13 Martha Major Thomas Major

January 12th 1846 Rec’d of Dennis Morgan admr DBN. Of Girsham Lee dec. the sum of seven dollars and seven cents to be credited on the account of Martha Major in the Clerk’s office of the Probate Court in Shelbyville. Thomas Major Agent
Received of Dennis Morgan Admr of the Estate of Gersham Lee decd the sum of four dollars and twenty five cents of the money belonging to said Estate to her hereafter disposed of as circumstances may require. Feby 11 1846 J. Vernon Clerk
Account of Abraham Ogdon amount $3.00
December 15th 1841 on the Estate of Gashem Lee To Abraham Ogdon To making Coffin three dollars. Abraham Ogdon
Dec 11th 1843 Received of Dennis Morgan adm in full of the within accts. 
Abraham Ogdon

State of Indiana Shelby County SS
Before me William Hacker a Justice of the Peace of said County this day personally came Christopher C. Green & being by me duly sworn on oath saith that the within account is just and true remaining unpaid in whole or any part thereof Except in the way & manner as follows that the Said Jonathan M. Lee as administrator of the Estate of Girsham Lee dec in his life time agreed with this deponent that the within account should stand for & offset a certain amount on the sale bill of the said Jonathan M. Lee as administrator of the Estate of Girsham Lee decd, where the sum of four dollars & seven cents is charged to Eli Green (a minor son of the deponent) for the purchase of sow & pigs which said Sow & pigs were purchased by said Eli for this deponent & by his special orders. And further saith not. 
Christopher C. Green
Subscribed & sworn to before me this 23d day of April 1845
William Hacker Justice of the Peace (SEAL)

Jonathan M. Lee Dr.
            To making five pair Shoes $1.07
            To 1 ½ days hawling with 2 horses 1.50
            To Cash Paid Delivering 1.00
            To one day Scoreing timber .50

Rec’d Shelbyville Indiana April 23d 1845 of Dennis Morgan as Administrator of the Estate of Jonathan M. Lee dec’d the sum of four dollars & seven cents in full of the above amount which is also in full of all accounts or demands what so ever against said Estate
. Christopher C. Green
George McMahan
G. Lee Thompsons
Cost .57 ½
Ephraim Pearson Robert Pearson .75
Isaac McCarty Joseph Means .25
Robert Pearson Allen Major .62 ½
James McCarty Rebecca McCarty .50
February 19th 1846 Received of Dennis Morgan Adm DBN in full of the within amount of Costs from the docket now in the hands of E.M. Ridlon Thomas Thompson
Novr 12th 1845 Rec’d of Dennis Morgan Admr of Girsham Lee and Jonathan Lee dec in full of all claims against said the Estates of said decedents. G. B. McCarty
One dollar of the within receipt was received on the estate of G. Lee estate and the balance two dollars & fifty cts on account of Jonathan Lee estate.
Feby 17th 1845 Received in full of the within amount of Dennis Morgan adm D.B. N. 
John Lee
David Juett John Raynes for the use of______ Judgement on E. W. Madison
VS Docket for $5.90
John Lee Cash paid David Jewett on Settlement .50
The Estate of Gershem Lee To John Lee Dr. to the above account
State of Indiana Decatur County Sct
Before me Erwin W. Madison a Justice of the Peace of said County personally came John Lee who being by me sworn says the above account is true & just and unpaid.
John Lee
Sworn to and Susbcribed before me this 18th day of March 1844 Erwin W. Madison J.P.
Received of Dennis Morgan Administrator De Bonis of the Estate of Garshum Lee deceased late of Shelby County Pd one Dollar sixty two cents in full of the within account September the 14th 1843. James B. Smith
Gashum Lee To James B. Smith Dr.
Jan 22 1841 To mending curricomb .12 ½
Feb 16 To lock chain .12 ½
March 17 To Making one pair shoes .50
“ 25 To ironing singletree .12 ½
April 8th To making one ring .12 ½
To Sharpening a plow .12 ½
April 24 To sharpening cary plow .12 ½
“ 30 To putting leg in a pot .25
July 1 to sharpening a plow .12 ½
$1.62 ½ 
State of Indiana Shelby county Sct
Personnaly appeared before me Austin Coleman a Justice of the peace in and for said County James B. Smith and being by me duly sworn saith that the above account against the estate of Garshum Lee deceased is just and true September the 13 1843
James B. Smith
Subscribed and sworn to this the 13th day of September 1843 before me Austin Coleman Justice of the Peace (SEAL)
Rec’d of Dennis Morgan Admr of G. Lee decd the sum of 37 cents in case of said Admr VS Enoch Lee February 17 1847 Jacob Paynter J.P.
August the 31st 1846 Recd of Denis Morgan Ninety cents in full of the Constable costs on the case of Samuel Richardson and Joseph Drake Defendants Thomas Lewis J.P.

Febr 13th 
Sep 19th 1843 Received of Dennis Morgan adm DBN of Gersham Lee dec the sum of two dollars in full of all demands against the estate of said deceased and the above said Dennis Morgan adm DBN is hereby authorized to [---?] my account in the Clerks’ office of the Shelby Probate Court the above sum being my proportionable part as one of the creditors. William Coleman his X mark
Recd of Dennis Morgan Admr of Gashum Lee one Dollar & seventy five Cts in full of my account against said Estate on file in Clerk’s office Aug 24 1846 J. Q. Knight
No. 19 Filed in Open Court May 15th 1847 J. Vernon Clk

Jonathan Lee
Isaac McCarty
In assumpsit by Note Caling for $1.71 Due December 31st 1842 Judgment Confessed on the above cause of action February the first 1843

Jonathan Lee 
James McCarty Rebecca McCarty
In assumpsit by Note Caling for $3.69 Due December 1842
Judgment Confesed March 14th 1843
This accountant Dennis Morgan Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Gersham Lee deceased is enable to make the following Exhibit of the administration of the late Jonathan Lee Administrator of the Estate of said Gersham Lee, from the papers, receipts vouchers &c on file in the office of the Clerk of this Court, and in his possession to wit-
1841 Dr
The said Jonathan Lee is chargeable with the amount of the Inventory on file $140.30
154.37 ½ 
Jonathan Lees Credit 14.07 ½
Paid the widow 5.00
9.77 ½ 
1841 Cr
Said Jonathan Lee is entitled to the following credits towit
To deficiency in sale bill 6.15
To cash paid for a coffin as per receipt 3.00
To cash paid L. Hafer for shrouding 9.12 ½
To error in sale bill as per Judgement of Justin Paynter on file 14.00
To cash paid W. H. Richardson as per receipt
By amount transferred to successor as per inventory filed by him 4.21
Said Jonathan Lee was entitled to the following charges
for his services in and about said estate to wit --
To stripping tobacco 5 days 2.50
To gathering corn 175 bushels for self and term of 8 days 6.50
Collecting property for the sale preparatory thereto 6 days 3.60
For services in the administration of said Estate 6.00
To amount paid successor by May for (widow) 12.00
To amount of judgment VS Enoch Lee & which cannot be collected 13.82
To amt offset by [--?] as per receipt of [---?] C. Morgan 4.07
$154.37 ½

The account of Dennis Morgan administrator de bonis non of the estate of Gersham Lee late of the County of Shelby and state of Indiana deceased
The said adm. charges himself with the amount which came to his hands from the first administrator 84.21
To this sum from S. Vanpelt on account 1.00
To this sum rec’d from Widow to make up deficincy in the said J. Lee’s account 12.00
$ 1.53 
Cr 95.68
The said adminr de bonis non claims credit for the following disbursements, to wit
Nov 13 1845 No. 1 paid J. Vernon as per receipt 7.75
June 4 1845 No. 2 paid J. Vernon as per receipt 10.00
Oct 9 1845 No. 3 paid Geo. Major as per receipt 5.00
Nov 21 1845 No. 4 paid Thom. Major as per receipt 8.00
June 3 1845 No. 5 paid E. W. Ridlin as per receipt .78
Jan 12 1846 No. 6 paid Almira Wyatt as per receipt 6.00
Nov 13 1845 No. 7 paid C. Wright as per receipt 3.00
Feb 11 1846 No. 8 paid J. Vernon as per receipt 4.25
Jan 12 1846 No. 9 paid T. Major as per receipt 7.07
March 4 1844 No. 10 paid M. Major as per receipt 3.75
Dec 11 1843 No. 11 paid A. Ogden as per receipt 3.00
Feby 9 1846 No. 12 paid T. Thompson as per receipt 2.50
Nov 12 1845 No. 13 paid G. B. McCarty as per receipt 1.00
Feby 17 1845 No. 14 paid J. Lee as per receipt 6.40
Sept 4 1845 No. 15 paid J. B. Smith as per receipt 1.62
Sept 19 1843 No. 16 paid W. Coleman as per receipt 2.00
Aug 24 1846 No. 17 paid J. Q. Knight 1.75
Aug 31 1846 No. 18 paid Thos Lewis .90
No. 19 to Transcript of two judges on file
& which cannot be collected 5.40
No. 20 to Transcript of balance of bad claim .06
No. 21 To seven dollars & 55 cents paid by
Elmyra Lee to Geo. Major in discharge of account 
Of sd Major on file 7.55
No. 22 To 37 cents paid J. E. Paynter .37
Paid to widow of Jonathan Lee deceased the sum of 5.00 
Allowed administrator for services 25.00
Dennis Morgan Admir $95.68
Sworn to and subscribed in Open Court before me May 15th 1847 J. Vernon Clk

State of Indiana Shelby County SS
I, Thomas Lewis a justice of the peace the County aforesaid do hereby certify that the two foregoing schedules are correct as appears in the docket of Thomas Thompson Who was a justice of the peace at the time judgment was rendered against the above named defendants which docket is Now in my han deposited in my hand by Ebenezer W. Ridlin a justice of the peace for said County Given under my hand and seal this 7th day of May 1847. Thomas Lewis Justice of the Peace (SEAL)

State of Indiana Shelby County SS
I Dennis Morgan admr de bonis non of the Estate of Gersham Lee dec’d being duly sworn upon oath, say that the above claims or judgments were a part of the Estate of said Gersham Lee decd and that said judgments were entered in favour of Jonathan Lee by the Justice of the peace and should have been entered so as to have been in favor of said G. Lee, and that the right to said claims is in said Gersham Lee’s Estate, and further says not.
Dennis Morgan Admrt
Sworn to and subscribed in Open Court before me May 15th 1847 J. Vernon Clk

Jonathan Lee
James Lee
E. W. Ridlin
In assumpsit by Note Caling for $18.78
Credit for 2.37
Received by G. F. Major 7.50
Received by Alymira Lee 6.00
Received by A. Ogden 3.00
$ .06
Balance remaining Exclusion of Interest six cents
Geo F. Major 
Gars. Lea dec’d
Filed June 26th 1842 Sylvan B. Morris Clerk

Rec’d on the within acct from Elmyra Lee the sum of seven dollars and fifty five cents. Dated this 25th day of February 1844 Geo. F. Major

Jonathan Lee late of Shelby County Indiana deceased Dr To George F. Major
Oct 19 To 1 Visit as Physician in attending said Lee in last sickness 1.00
Oct 20 To I visit 1.00
Oct 21 To 1 visit 1.00
Oct 24 To 1 visit 1.00
Oct 25 To 1 visit 1.00
Oct 27 To 2 visits 2.00
Oct 28 To 2 visits 2.00
Oct 29 To 2 visits 2.00
Oct 30 To 1 visit 1.00
Nov 1 To 2 visits 2.00
Nov 2 To 2 visits 2.00
Nov 3 To 2 visits 2.00
Nov 4 To 2 visits 2.00
Nov 5 To 2 visits 2.00
Nov 6 To 1 visit 1.00

State of Indiana
Shelby County
Personally appeared before me William Major a Justice of the Peace for said County the above named George F. Major who being duly sworn on his oath says that the above account is Just and true and that the same remaining due and unpaid and further saith not.
Geo. F. Major
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 24 fourth day of February [torn] two.
Wm. Major Justice of the Peace (SEAL) 

G. B. McCarty Rep $1.00
August 1841 Gashum Lee Dr to Green B. McCarty To Sugar and Coffee $1.00
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Personally appeared before me Austin Coleman a Justice of the Peace for said County, Green B. McCarty who being duly sworn saith that the above account is just and true. Green B. McCarty
Subscribed & sworn to this 12th day of October 1843 before me
Austin Coleman Justice of the Peace (SEAL)
Estate of G. Lee Act with the Estate of U. Jones
Filed August 19th 1843 J. Vernon Clk

The Estate of Gersham Lee Deceased In account with the Estate of Uriah Jones deceased Dr
Decr 5th 1841 One hundred bushels of Corn horse Sold and delivered by Said Uriah Jones in his lifetime, to the said Gersham Lee in his lifetime, on request to bargain in one hundred bushels of corn 20 cents per bushel Amount $20.00
Cr By fifty Bushels of said Corn 10.00
Balance due 10.00
Dennis Morgan Admr of the Estate of Gersham Lee dec’d
Petition of Insolvency Filed in Open Court February 12” 1844 J. Vernon Clk

To the honorable Wm. H. Sleeth Judge of the Probate Court of Shelby County in the State of Indiana The memorial of David Dennis Morgan administrator de bonis of the Estate of Garsham Lee deceased respectfully shewith: That the amounts of the personal Estate of the said deceased which has come to his hands to be administered including debts due the Estate as per inventory & sale bill thereof now on file in this Court which said Inventory and Sale bill were filed in said Court by Jonathan Lee the former administrator of said Estate amounting to $134.15 The following is a list claims filed in the Clerks office of this Court towit
To Hallack Vanpelt by Ac 8.15 ½
To Geo. F. Major (preferred) 23.00
To Martha Major 37.93 ¼
To Costs in Circuit Courts 2.37 ½ 
To William Coleman 5.75
To Dr. Depew 15.50
To Uriah Jones dec’d 10.00
To Robert Pearson 3.92
To Shelhorn 4.01
To Jas. Knight (preferred) 1.75
To Corwins 15.00
To James B. Smith 2.00
To Ichabod Palmerton 7.00
To Abraham Ogden (preferred) 3.00
To Evan Lewis (preferred) 3.00
To Greenup Lee 4.75
To G. B. McCarty (preferred) 1.00
To Stephen Major for atty fee 5.00
Clerks fees for Probate &c & administrators fees 18.99
Such is the Condition of the Estate of the deceased for personal property (there being no real Estate nor claims in favour of said decedent) and the Amounts of debts outstand against it so far as the same have came to the hands or knowledge of your memorialist From the above statement it clearly appears that the whole property of this deceased which has been made assets in the hands of your memorialist to be administered is insufficient to satisfy the debts and demands outstanding against it.
Your memorialist therefore prays that he may be allowed to settle the said Estate as insolvent in conforming with the statute in such cases provided that the condition of said estate may be rectified accordingly and that he may have such other and further relief as may be consistent with Justice and equity And your memoralist will pray &c
12 Feb 1844 Dennis Morgan Amdr D.B.N

G. Lee Decd Depews account
Filed Sept 10th 1842 S. B. Morris Clerk
Dr Morris Clk of C.C. Shelby County Indiana

Gasham Lee To Richard J. Depew Dr. Sept 20th to Oct 5th 1841
Fifteen dollars & fifty cts $15.50
State of Indiana
Decatur County SS
Before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace within and for said County personally appeared Richard J. Depew who being by me duly sworn upon his oath saith that the above account is Just and unpaid.
Given under may hand and Seal this 7th day of September 1842 John Devall J.P. (SEAL) 
Gersham Lee Dec’d 
Wm. Colemans Acct.
Filed Decr 23rd 1842 S. B. Morris Clk

March the 20th 1841 Gashem Lee deceased
Dr to William Coleman For one saw and seven pegs $4.50
To one Ham of Baker .50
To one Bushel and half of Wheat .75
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Be it remembered that on the tenth day of November in the year 1842 personally came William Coleman before me Thomas Thompson A justice of the peace of Noble township in said County deposeth and saith on oath that the within and account Against the Estate of Gashem Lee lately deceased is just and true as carried out on the within account.
Thomas Thompson JP
S. B. Morris Acct $2.50
Filed Jany 8 1846 J. Vernon Clk
Estate of Gersham Lee dec’d To Estate of S. B. Morris Dr
To Fees in case of N. A Lee VS McCarty in the Shelby Circuit Court Fee Book D pages 166 & 167 $2.50
G. Lea Dec’d Leas Account Amt $1.75
Filed Oct 25th 1842 S. B. Morris Clk

Flat Rock 12th Oct 1842
The Estate of Gashim Lea to James Q. Knight Dr
To Wheat $ .75
To Cash order on Harve Vanpelt .50
To Leather .50
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Be it remembered that on this day of ____ in the year 1842 personally appeared before me ______ a Justice of the Peace in and for said County James Q. Knight who being by me duly sworn on his oath says that the above account against the Estate of Said Lea dec’d is Just and true that the same is due and unpaid and every part thereof
Sworn to & Subscribed before me this 29 day of October 1842
William Hacker Justice of the Peace (SEAL)
Gersham Lee Decd
Cost in Circuit Court
Filed February 6th 1842 S. B. Morris Clerk

State of Indiana Shelby Circuit Court
Shelby County SS August Term 1840

Cr. Lee by Girsham Lee
VS Slander
Green B. McCarty
Clerks fee towit
June 10th Filing precipe issuing Writ & filing $ .62 ½
Ent on Court & Bar Docket .25
Ent actions Ent fees .06 ¼
Filing Declaration & paper .12 ½
Discontinuance .12 ½
$1.18 ¾ 
Vs Trespass Assault & Battery
Same Clerks fees same as above $1.18 ¾ 

I, Sylvan B. Morris Clerk of the said Court Certify the above to be a True Bill of the plaintiffs fees in the above entitled case as the same remains of Record in said Court and wholly unpaid.
Witness Sylvan B. Morris, Clerk of the Shelby Circuit Court and the Seal thereof the 3rd day of February 1842 Sylvan B. Morris Clerk

Girsham Lee decd
The Estate of G. Lee Deceast Pd H. Vanpelt Dr $8.15
Filed April 25th 1842 S. B. Morris Clerk

The Estate of Gurshum Lee To Hallack Vanpelt Dr 
Sept 3 1839 To 6 ½ lb Sole Leather at 31 ¼ lb 2.03
Jany 9 1840 To ½ hip skin 1.25 and 5 lb sole Leather at 31 ¼ 1.50 ¼ 2.81
March 25 To 6 lb Sole Leather at 31 ¼ lb 1.87 ½
March 25 To ½ side upper Leather 1.25
July 16 To ½ side upper leather 1.12 ½
Sept 12 to 5 lb Sole leather at 31 ¼ 1.56 ¼
Sept 12 To ½ side upper leather 1.37 ½
Jany 23 1841 To one Pore Bridle Leather .62 ½
Cr By 8 Bushells Corn .25 12.65 ½
Cr By 5 do do .25 deduct 4.50
Cr by Robert Pierson 8.15 ½

State of Indiana Shelby county SS
Be it remembered that on the 24th day of April 1842 Personally appeared Before me William Major A Justice of the Peace for said County Hallack Vanpelt and Being by me dewly sworn Deposeth and sayeth that the above Account as is stated and set fourth is True and Correct and that the Balance of said Account after Deducting the Credit has never been paid to me or settled in anyway Whatsoever and further sayeth not. 
Hallack Vanpelt (SEAL)
Sworn to and subscribed to before me this 24th day of April AD 1842 
W. Major JP (SEAL)

State of Indiana
Shelby County Ss
Be it remembered that on the twenty seventh day of January 1843 Personally Came Robert Pierson before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace of said County and being duly sworn saith upon oath that the within account against Gaessham Lee desseased is just and true as [--?] on the within account. Thomas Thompson A Justice of the Peace (SEAL)

November 1840
Goersham Lee to Robt Pierson Dr
To 6 lb Tallow at 8 cts per lb $ .48
To 19 lb beef at 3 ½ cts per lb .66 ½
To 9 bushl Oats at 16 2/3 cts per bushl 1.50 
To 10 bushl Corn at 15 cts per bushl 3.00
To 41 lb pork at 3 cts per lb 1.23
Appraising property 6.87 ½ 

Goersham Lee Cr
By half soleing 3 pair shoes .37 ½
By 5 days work at 50 cts per day 2.50
To ½ bushel Corn at 16 2/3 per bushl .08
2.95 ½
Martha Major
Garsham Lee dec’d
Filed March 1st 1843 S. B. Morris Clerk

Garsham Lee late of Shelby County Indiana Deceased
Dr To Martha Major
To Rent of farm near St. Omar in Decatur County for the year 1838 containing about seventeen one half acres at thirteen Bushels of corn per acre = worth in that year thirty seven one half cents per Bushel amounting to $85.31 ¼
Cr By one hundred Bushels of corn at 37 ½ cts pr Bushel = $37.50
By rails made by said decedent in that year said decedent told this affiant $11.00 & putting up Rails for resetting at 6.87 ½
By resetting fences in 1838 which this affiant believes to be worth not more than $3.00
25th Feb. 1843 Balance due $37.93 ¾

State of Indiana
Shelby County
Be it remembered that on this 25th day of February 1843 personally appeared before me William Hacker a Justice of the peace in and for said County Thomas Major who being by me duly sworn on his oath says that the above account is just and true in Substance and facts that the above balance of thirty seven 93/100 dollars above state is due and unpaid as this affiant verily believes and that in the above matter he this affiant acted as agent for the said Martha Major and further saith not. Thomas Major
Sworn to & subscribed before me this 25th day of February 1843
William Hacker Justice of the peace (SEAL)
Gersham Lee dec’d Admr Report
Filed in Open Court November 12th 1844 J. Vernon Clerk

Probate Court of Shelby County Indiana November Term 1844
The undersigned Admr of the Estate of Gersham Lee dec’d would represent that on account of not being able to make collection he is not prepared to make settlement with the court and asks a continuance. Dennis Morgan
Sworn to and subscribed before me in open Court this 12th day of November 1844
J. Vernon Clerk
G. Lee $14.75
Filed January 13th AD 1845
J. Vernon Clk by P. Bakee Dpty

$14.75 One day after date I promise to pay Richard Corwin, or order, the Sum of fourteen dollars and 75 cents, with Ten percent, Interest thereon from date until paid; for value received witness my hand and seal this 27th day of December 1838
Gersham Lee (L.S.)

Greenup Lee acct
Dennis Morgan Admr of Jonathan Lee dec’d Transcript
Filed October 24th 1845 J. Vernon Clk
Justice Paynters Fees Transcript .25

Denis Morgan Administrator of the Estate of Gasham Lee deceased
Greenup Lee on assumpsit for $22.06 1/3
Be it remembered that on the Seventeenth day of November Eighteen hundred and forty three, Denis Morgan filed the following as a cause of action against Greenup Lee, on which the following proceedings were had, Towit On the same day a warrant was issued directed to William Shadley, Constable. Returned on the 28th as directed, Executed as commanded by bringing the defendant and also a Subpoena for four witnesses was issued and the trial set the 25th of the present month at ten o’clock A.M. on said day and the parties met & agree to go into trial and after hearing the witnesses upon their oaths one fourth of the corn belonged to Greenup Lee which was Seventy bushels which $16.50 cents, and also one third of the tobacco which 9.33 1/3 cts, and also that Jonathan Lee and Greenup Lee were partners. It is therefore considered that the said Greenup Lee recover of Denis Morgan administrator of Gashum Lee Deceased the sum of four dollars and Seventy six cents with six per centum until paid & all costs & the plaintiff in mercy. John Lemasters Justice Peace
Justice fee $1.00
Constable fee .68
Witness Joseph Wood .25
Samuel Vincent .25

State of Indiana Shelby County
I, Jacob R. Paynter a Justice of the peace of said County Certify this to be a correct copy of the Judgment rendered by John Lemasters, in the cause aforesaid, whose docket is now legally in my possession as his successor in office
Given under my hand and seal this 24th day of October 1845
Jacob R. Paynter Justice of the Peace (SEAL)

It appears that Morgan sued for $22.06 ½ which was charged to J. Lee as Admr & there was a judgt VS him for $4.76. Does not J. Lee as Admr have a right to the whole as a credit.
Rec’d of Dennis Morgan Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Gersham Lee dec’d the sum of seven dollars and seventy five cents in full for the within transcript Interest and costs this 13th day of November 1845. J. Vernon Clk

Denis Morgan Admr of G. Lee
VS Transcript
Enoch Lee
Filed February 25th 1847 J. Vernon Clk

Denis Morgan Admtr of the Estate of J. Lee Deceased
VS In Assumpset
Enock Lee $3.82 cts
On the third day of November 1843 comes the defendant and confesses the above demand Just it is therefore considered that said plaintiff recover of said defendant the sum of three dollars and eighty two cents as confessed with six per cent interest together with costs of suit taxed at ___ and the defendant in money John Lemasters J.P.

State of Indiana Shelby County Sct
I, Jacob R. Paynter A Justice of the Peace within and for Adison Township of said County do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true correct and complete coppy of the proceedings and judgement in this case from the docket of the said Jacob Lemasters, Justice of the Peace of said County, which said docket has been legally delivered over to me and is at this date legally in my possession as the successor of the said John Lemasters Justice as aforesaid.
Given under my hand and seal this 17th day of February 1847 
Jacob R. Paynter Justice of the Peace (SEAL)

Transcribed by Barb Huff

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