Samuel Love, dec'd
Box 30
Samuel Love decd
John M. Love Admin.
Bond $1200 Nov 19 1849
Filed in Open Court February 12th 1848
J. Vernon Clk.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Know all men by these presents that we
John M. Love John M. Love John Cartmill,
Elzy Rucker & Mathias Floyd, all inhabitants of the State of Indiana, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Indiana in the sum of twelve hundred Dollars for the payment of which well and truly to be made and done we bind ourselves, our heirs executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 12th day of February AD 1848.
The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound John M. Love will and do faithfully and honestly discharge the duties and trust, committed to and required of him as administrator of the estate of Samuel Love deceased and will obey all orders and decrees of the Probate Court of Shelby County made pursuaint to law touching the administration of the estate entrusted to him, then the above obligation is to be null and void and of none effect, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue in law.
John M. Love (SEAL)
John Cartmill (SEAL)
Elzy Rucker (SEAL)
Matthias Floyd (SEAL)
Wesley Rucker Guardian of
Francis M. Love, Abraham C. Love, Samuel Love &
Emaline Love
Letters Box 30
I Jacob Vernon, Clerk of the Probate Court, in and for the County of Shelby, in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that Wesley Rucker duly appointed by the Probate Court of said County, Guardian of persons and Estate of Francis M. Love & Abraham C. Love and Emaline Love and Samuel Love, Minor heirs of Samuel Love deceased.
And the said Wesley Rucker having duly qualified and given bond as such Guardian is duly authorized to take upon himself the performance of the duties of the trusts such Guardianship according to law.
Witness my hand and Seal of said court, this day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.
J. Vernon P.C.S.C.
To the honorable probate Court of Shelby County Indiana if
Wesley Rucker resignes acting as our Guardian we wish John M. Love
appointed in his place May the 14th 1851.
Frances M. Love
Abraham C. Love
To the honorable probate Court of Shelby County Indiana if Wesley Rucker resignes acting as guardian for Emaline and Samuel Love I wish John M. Love appointed in his place May the 14th 1851.
Lucy Love
Wesley Rucker Guardian Resignation
Filed in Open Court May 14th 1851
J. Vernon Clk By J. W. Wlliott Dep.
To Mr. Right Judge of Probate Court
Mr. Judge Right & J. Vernon Sirs I hereby Certify that I cant possibly attend to this gardian business of the Mr. Loves therefore I hereby Resinge my gardianship by the consent of the Widow & minor heirs further I do say that John Love as I have told you before is as fiten a [torn] be put in that place according to my judge given under my hand this May the 14th 1851
2000 1000
Wesley Rucker
Inventory of the goods & chattels rights, credits, money and effects of John M. Love,
Admin of said estate with the assistance of Elzy Rucker and
Jodediah T. French. Samuel Love deceased taken by appraisers called and duly sworn for that purpose.
April the 10th 1848
1 Bureau valued at | | $3.50
One Cupboard - - - | | 6.00 |
One Bed and Bedding | | 10.00 |
One Trundle Bed Stead | | 2.00 |
One Bed and Stead | | 7.00 |
One Bureau | | 12.00 |
One folding Leaf table | 2.00 | 1.50 |
One Bed and 2 Bed Steads | | 4.00 |
Two Bed Steads | | 1.00 |
Eleven Chairs | | 5.50 |
Two Spinning wheels | | 1.50 |
Two Boxes | | .25 |
One loom loom four Reels one Set of Spools | | 4.00 |
One hammer & Smoothing Iron and wool Cardes | | .75 |
One Lot of P Casting | | 3.00 |
One A lot of Sundry Articles | | .75 |
One lot of Cupboard ware | | 1.15 |
One Stand Table | | .50 |
A part of the running gears of A four horse wagon | | 10.00 |
One windmill | | 5.00 |
Two horses @ $25 Each | | $50.00 |
Sundry Articles | | $ 1.25 |
One lot of tools | |
3.50 |
Total Amount | | $143.75 |
There is no money in hands belonging to the Estate
Elzy Rucker } Appraisers
Jedidiah T. French
John M. Love Administrator
State of Indiana Shelby county. Set this day personally appeared before me Andrew Jarrell a Justice of the peace of said County Jedidiah T. French and Elzy Rucker, the appraisers of the within named property of Samuel Love late of Shelby County Deceased who being by me duly sworn deposeth and saith that the within is a true inventory and appraisement of the property of Samuel Love deceased and further Saith not.
Sworn and Subscribed before me this 10th day of April 1848
Andrew Jarrell Justice of the peace (SEAL)
Before me Jacob Vernon Clerk of the Probate Court of Shelby county personally came John M. Love administrator of the Estate of Samuel Love, dec. and being before me duly sworn says the foregoing Inventory is in all respects is just and true and contains a full statement of all the property, Bonds, Mortgages Notes and accounts debts and other securities belonging to said Estate which has come to his knowledge and of all the Moneys Bank Bills and other Circulating Medium belonging to the Estate of said deceased which has come to his hands and further says not.
John M. Love Administrator
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 11th day of April 1848
J. Vernon Clk.
Know all men by these presents that I John M. Love Administrator of the estate of Samuel Love Dec'd. of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana have remised released and forever quit claimed and by these presents do remise release and forever quit claim unto the legal heirs of Samuel Love Dec'd. two hundred dollars of a Judgement I hold against said heirs for four hundred and eighteen 56/100 dollars obtained before the Probate Court of said County on the 19th day of November 1849
Witness my hand and seal this 26th day of April 1850
John M. Love (SEAL)
And we the undersigned legal heirs of Samuel Love Dec'd hereby agree to and with the said John M. Love that we will pay to said John M. Love our proportionable part of the above named Judgement after deducting the two hundred dollars and forever release the said John M. Love from all obligations claims of demands against him as Administrator of Samuel Love Decd and further that we are perfectly satisfied with the settlement of said estate and that we will never bring any suit or claim against the said John M. Love so far as relates to the personal estate of the said Samuel Love Decd or suffer any other person to do so on our account if we can prevent it.
Witness our hands and seals April 26th 1850
Katharine J. Love (SEAL)
Missouri Ann Love (SEAL)
Eli More (SEAL)
Martha Ann More (SEAL)
James Mings (SEAL)
Elizabeth Mings (SEAL)
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Personally came before me Samuel McTeer a Justice of the peace of said County John M. Love Katharine J. Love Missouri Ann Love Eli Moore and Martha Ann Moore his wife and James Mings & Elizabeth R. Mings his wife and acknowledged the foregoing instrument of writing to be their voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein mentioned. May 11th 1850
James McTeer (SEAL)
James Mings Pd $27.05 Justice of the peace
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
I John M. Love do hereby Certify swear that as Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Love deceased upon the Lands of Samuel Love deceased of Shelby County and State aforesaid, for the years 1846-47-48 I paid to the Treasurer of
Randolph County Illinois taxes and land owned by said Decedent to the amount of $5 per year - and received no receipt for the same.
Also on Bill of Dr. Parmorn against said Decedent for medical attendance and services rendered by same the sum of $5 for which no receipt was given.
To all of which said affiant doth solemnly swear and testify to and that he paid appraisers of the personal property one dollar without taking any receipt.
John M. Love
Sworn and subscribed before me this 19th day of November A.D. 1849
J. Vernon Clk.
The amount of John M. Love administrator of the Estate of Samuel Love late of Shelby County, Ind. deceased.
Said Admins, charges himself with the amounts of the personal property of said Estate per the inventory thereof on file $213.75
Said Admins claims the following Credits & charges in his favor-
For deficit of sale of personal property below appraisement |
15.25 |
No. 1 |
For Amts taken by the widow as her Statutory claim |
150.00 |
No. 2 |
Paid |
D. Thacher for advertising Sale & c |
2.50 |
No. 3 |
" |
J. Vernon on costs of Administration 9.14 |
9.14 |
No. 4 |
" |
Thos A. Hendricks Attys fee in Settlement 5.00 |
5.00 |
No. 5 |
Pd |
Admins claims for his services as such Admins 15.00 |
15.00 |
Said Admins shows that before he took out letters upon said Estate he paid the following sums of money on the debts and obligations of said Estate, & for which he claims credit & allowance, and claims the Sd. Payments as charges in his behalf Vs the Estate to
wit -
No. 6 |
Paid |
to Richard Robins on Medical Bill 123.85 |
136.30 |
No. 7 |
" " |
Samuel McTeer on account |
3.37 |
No. 8 |
" " |
G. W. Bless
" " |
18.37 |
No. 9 |
" " |
S. D. Day
Do Do |
5.00 |
No. 10 |
" " |
Henry K. Toler " " |
7.43 |
No. 11 |
" " |
Reason McNeily " " |
8.67 |
No. 12 |
" " |
D. Lovitt Note & Account |
7.77 |
No. 13 |
Treasurer of Shelby County on Taxes
for the lands of said Decedent for the
years 1843 - 44 - 46 - 47 |
16.04 |
No. 14 |
" " |
Treasurer of Randolph County, Illinois
on Taxes on lands in that County for
1845 Said lands owned by said Decedent |
4.34 |
No. 15 |
" " |
John Cartmill on Taxes for year 1845 |
3.38 |
No. 16 |
" " |
Taxes on lands in Illinois for year 1846 |
5.00 |
No. 17 |
Do Do
" "
1847 |
5.00 |
$477.46 |
$407.56 |
Recd Nov 19, 1849 of John M. Love of Eight Admins of the Estate of Saml. Love decd Eight dollars upon a windmill act. coming to Duvall & Fordyce.
J. Vernon Clk.
Recd. Of J. Vernon on the above Eight Dollars November the 29, 1849
Thos Devol
On or before the 6th day of Aprile 1843 for value received I promise to pay Devol & Fordice or bearer, Twenty dollars and ___ cents, with ten per cent interest after due, till paid. Witness my hand and seal this 6 day of Aprile 1843.
By Samuel Love L.S.
Recd. Nov 19 [18]49 of John M. Love Adminr of Estate of Saml Love decd. five dollars my fee for serving as Atty in the settlement of sd estate.
Thos. A. Hendricks
State of Illinois, Randolph County
Received of James John M. Love four dollars and 34 cents in full of his State and County Tax, on S W N E 9
& E 1/2 & N W N W & W 1/2 N E pr 10
T 7 S 6 W valued at $621, for the year 1845. John Campbell
Sheriff and Collector, R. Co. Ill.
No. 125 Liberty Township, Jan 18th 1849 $573
Received of John M. Love Admin of the Est. of S. Love deceased five Dollars, and seventy three cents in full for his State, County, and Road Tax, for the year 1848 on 80 acres of Land 400 dollars PersonalJohn Cartmill
Treasurer, S. C.
No 110 Liberty Township Dec 25th 1843 $452
Received of Samuel Love four dollars & 12 cents, in full of his State, County and Road tax, for the year 1843.W. Harker Dpty
Treasurer, Shelby County, In.
No. 115 Liberty Township Dec 25th 1843 $1.00
Received of John Love one Dollar in full of his State, County and Toad tax, for the year 1843.
W. Harker Dpty
Treasurer, Shelby County, In.
No 115 Liberty Township Jan 18th 1844 $280
Received of Samuel Love By John Love two Dollars and Eighty cents in full of his State, Deaf and Dumb Lunatic Asylum, County and Road Tax for the year of 1844 in said Township.
John Cartmill
Treasurer of S. C.
No 105 Liberty, Shelbyville February 20, 1847
Received of Samuel Love Four dollars and Sixty five cents, in full of State, County and Road tax, for the year 1846, on 200 personal property, also on 80 Acres paid.
Treasury |
Interest |
Par funds |
4.65 |
Elzy Rucker Depty
Treas'r S. Co.
No 128 Liberty Township, Feb the 3rd 1848 $407
Received of Samuel Loves Est by John Love four Dollars, and Seven Cents in full for his State, County and Road Tax for the year 1847 on 80 Acres 150 Personal.
John Cartmill
Treasurer S. Co.
St. Omer Dec. 16th 1843
Recd of John M. Love payment in full for a note Drawn by Samuel Love due July 15th 1840 bearing writerest date. Also book act of Samuel Love for the year 1843 Amounting to seven dollars seventy seven cents.D. Lovett
Received of John Love as Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Love decd. the sum of nine Dollars and fourteen Cents in full for Costs, taxes against said Estate due me November 19, 1849.
J. Vernon Clk.
Received of J. M. Love Eight Dollars and Sixty Seven Cents in full of my account against the Estate of Samuel Love Deceased.
Jan 1844
Reazon McNeely
Recd. Shelbyville Nov 13th 1869 of the Administrators of the Estate of Saml Love decd. Five Dollars in full of all account.J. D. Day
Dec the 21st 1847
Received of John Love Eighteen Dollars thirty seven cents in full of on account against Samuel Love Deceased.G. M. Bless
Received of J. M. Love Seven Dollars and forty three Cents in full of my account against the Estate of Samuel Love Deceased.January the
11th 1844
Henry K. Toler
Nov 14th 1849
Recd of John Love Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Love Dec'd three dollars and fifty cents.Samuel McTeer
Middletown, Shelby County, Ind. October 19th 1842
Samuel Love to R. Robbins Dr. to balance on Settlement |
$ 10.50 |
104.15 |
March 28th to April 21st 1844 |
8.85 |
& from then till 16th Sept. 1847 |
$123.85 |
Received Milroy Nov 15th 1849 of John M. Love |
12.45 |
Administrator of Samuel Love decd. the balance in full of the above bill as also $12.45 cts. the amount of & Note given by said S. Love to Joseph Cummins making $136.30
Which was paid at different times overangeing about the 25th December 1846.
Richard Robbins
Account of the sales of the personal property which were of Samuel Love late of the County of Shelby and State of Indian deceased, sold at Public Vendue at the late dwelling house of said decedent the 23rd day of April AD 1848.
One Bay horse to Benjamin F. Love |
$ 20.00 |
One Sorrell horse to Benjamin F. Love |
20.00 |
One wagon to Benjamin F. Love |
5.00 |
One Wheat plow Benjamin F. Love |
3.50 |
----- |
$48.50 |
The above Described property sold to Benjamin F. Love & secured by John M. Love Due Eight months after Date. Aprile the 29th 1848
Elzy Rucker Clerk
State of Indiana Shelby County this day personally appeared before me Andrew Jarrell a Justice of the peace of Liberty Township Elzy Rucker who being by me Sworn deposeth and saith that the above account is true given under my hand and Seal this May the 18th 1848.
Andrew Jarrell (SEAL)
Justice of the peace
Received of John M. Love Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Love Deceased, of Shelby County Indiana One hundred and fifty Dollars worth of Personal Property belonging to Said Estate at the appraised value as the Widow Share of the personally Personal Property of Said Estate Aprile the 11th 1848
Lucy Love
Received of John M. Love two dollars and fifty cents in full for advertising Notice of Administration and Sale in Estate of Samuel Love, deceased.
May 1848D. Thacher
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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