Guardianship of
the minor heirs of
Martin Hoy, dec'd
In the Matter of the Guardianship
Minor heirs of
Michael Hoy decd
Nov term 1870
Box 86
Examined & Confirmed
Guard Discharged
OB No 9 p 497
Filed Nov 11 1870
J.G. Wolf
Catherine Hoy Guardian of Michael Hoy aged 10 years
and Mary C Hoy age 8 years
Minor children of Martin Hoy deceased in account
currant for final Settlement.
Said Guardian charges herself with the
Sum following to wit:
To cash received from Ira Grover
Clerk of the Court of Common pleas
of Decatur County Indiana $150.65
and that said amount is all of the estate belonging to or
coming to said heirs from any source whatever.
And She claims Credit as follows to wit:
vouchers 1 J E McGuire Atty fee | 10.00 |
2 J G Wolf Clerks fee | 7.50 |
And She asks an allowance | 17.50 |
for covering the remainder
for boarding, clothing, and
and furnishing
School books to and
for Said wards for three
and six months, beginning
Apr 1857* and ending Nov 1st |
133.15 |
1870. | $150.65 |
And asks to be relieved from
any further duty as such guardian
being dismissed from her said
*The 1st date should be 1867 - plf
State of Indiana }
Shelby County } SS
Catherine Hoy Guardian of the
Estate of Michael Hoy and Mary
C Hoy Minor heirs of Martin Hoy
deceased Swears that the above
presented is corect and true
Catherine X Hoy
Subscribed and Sworn to before
me this 2nd day of November 1870
James C McGuire
Notary Public
Voucher no 1
Received of Catherine Hoye Guardian
of Michael Hoy and Mary Hoy minor
Children of Martin Hoy deceased
for Services rendered in C P C of
Decatur County. $10.00
J E McGuire
Voucher no 2
Guardianship of }
Michael H Hoy }
Mary E Hoy and }
Amanda L Hoy }
Cath Hoy Guard }
Recd of Guardian the
Sum of Seven dollars and fifty cents
in full fees in the above to date
Nov 9th 1870
J G Wolf Clerk
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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