Shelby County, Indiana
Courthouse Records
Guardianship of
Montgomery heirs
following was found in the estate papers of J. Stroup, dec'd.
It had been used as a wrapping for Mr. Stroup's vouchers. It was common practice to use scrap paper of all sorts, many previously used as this one had been, to wrap vouchers
or receipts. I have not yet found the estate or common pleas papers from which this would have come; however, the
names are very familiar...
in the Probate Court of Shelby County in the State of Indiana, in a certain proceeding therein
pending on the application of James
Montgomery guardian of the Estate
of Mary Montgomery, Rebecca Montgomery, Martha Ellen
Montgomery, Elizabeth Montgomery, Annis Montgomery,
William M. Montgomery, John
C. Montgomery, David L. Montgomery and Emily
Ann Montgomery, who are minors under
the age of twenty one years to make Sale of the interest of Said Minors of and in Certain lands in Said proceeding
described, Said interest (besides other property) being the undivided One Twelfth (1/12) part of the tract or parcel
of land hereinafter mentioned and described, And in pursuance of the previous orders and decrees of Said Court
and of the proceedings and bargain and Sale of Said Guardian, to the Said Court duly reported, of the interest
of Said Minors in and to the said tract of land hereinafter mentioned --- At the August Term of said Court in the
year 1841 It was ordered adjudged and decreed that the Sale of the title and interes of the said
Minors of and in the said real estate to Robert
Maxwell Montgomery, as made and reported
by Said James Montgomery guardian as aforesaid
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~
The paper has been torn at this point. I cannot
tell if there was originally more to this specific document or not. I would think that at least there would have
been signature,s and at the most, a full description of the real estate.
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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