Samuel Murphy, dec'd
No. 124
George S. Murphy, Admin of the Estate of Samuel Murphy dec
Order Book 20 page 532
Petition to sell wheat & oats at private sale
Filed 1880 Fred H. Chueden Clerk
State of Indiana
Shelby County
To the Hon, the Judge of the Circuit Court of Shelby County, Indiana
The undersigned George S. Murphy administrator of the Estate of Samuel Murphy
late of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana deceased would respectfully
ask of said Court to grant him an order to sell at private sale Nine Hundred and
twelve bushels of wheat, belonging to said Estate, the undersigned believing,
that a higher price can be obtained therefore at private sale rather than to
sell the same at public outcry.
And the undersigned would further ask and order to sell at
private sale Two Hundred and twenty three bushels and twenty three
fifteen (15) pounds of oats, believing that he can make a better sale than at
public outcry and more to the interest of said estate and he will ever pray.
Geo. S. Murphy Administrator
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of October 1880
Witness my
hand and notarial seal.
Chas. Major Notary Public
No 124
George S. Murphy Admin Estate of Samuel Murphy dec’d
Report of Sale of Wheat and Oats
Order Book 20 page 532
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
To the Honorable the Judge of the Circuit Court of Shelby County Indiana
The undersigned George S. Murphy administrator of the Estate of Samuel Murphy
late of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana deceased would respectfully
show to said Court that by virtue of an order granted at the October Term 1880
of said Shelby Circuit Court to sell at private sale Nine Hundred and Twelve
bushels of wheat and Two hundred and Twenty three 15 pounds bushels of oats, the
undersigned would show that said wheat
was appraised at | $ 427.00 |
And sold for | 820.80
$ 393.80 | |
Showing an excess of $393.80 over and above the appraisement and that the
oats were
Appraised at | $ 45.00 |
And sold for | 67.04
$ 22.04 | |
Showing an excess of $22.04 over and above the appraisement. The undersigned
would therefore respectfully ask said Court to receive this report and he will
ever pray.
Geo. S. Murphy
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16" day of October 1880.
Witness my hand and Notarial seal.
Chas. Major Notary Public
Contributed by Barb Huff

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