Estate of
George Oldham, deceased
Box 74
Filed April 17th 1837
S. B. Morris Clk
May 14th, 1837
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham dec’d
Citation Filed January Term 1830 Hiram Alldredge Clerk P.C.S.C.
Returnable on the 1st day of January Term 1830
Rec’d process December 15th 1829 John Walker Shff S.C.
Indiana Towit
Shelby County
The State of Indiana
To the Sheriff of Shelby County, Greeting
You are hereby Commanded that you Cite William Oldham (if he may be found in
your bailiwick) that he be and appear before the Judge of our Probate Court, on
the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the Court house in
Shelbyville on the first Monday of January next, then and there to make
Settlement with said Court as Executor of the Estate of George Oldham deceased.
And this he will not omit at his peril—And have you then there this Citation.
Witness Erasmus Powell
Judge of our Probate Court and the Seal of our said Court hereunto affixed at
Shelbyville the 14th day of December 1829. Hiram Alldredge Clerk P.C.S.C.
William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham
Filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Shelby Circuit Court on the
24th day of September 1828 Hiram Alldredge Clerk
Know all men by these presents that we William Oldham and
Abraham Bollabaugh,
of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana, are held and firmly bound unto the
State of Indiana in the penal sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars, good and Lawful
money of the United States to the payment of which well and truly to be made we
bind ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators jointly and firmly by
these presents sealed with our Seals and dated this 24th day of September 1828
The Condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the above bounded
William Oldham (Executor of the Last will and testament of George Oldham,
deceased) has on the above date taken out Letters testamentary with the Last
will and testament thereto, of all the goods and Chattles and Credits of the
Estate of George Oldham Deceased.
Now should the said William Oldham, make or Cause to be made a true and
perfect Inventory of all and Singular goods chattels and Credits of the Said
Deceased, which have or shall come to the hands or possession or Knowledge of
him the said William Oldham or into the hands of any other person or persons for
him, And the same so made, to Exhibit or Cause to be Exhibited to the said
Judges or our said County, in Session, on the fourth Monday of March next, and
the Same goods and chattels of the said deceased at the time of his death, which
at any time there after shall come to the hands or possession of the said
William Oldham, or in to the hands of any other person for him, Do well and
truly Administer according to Law. And further do make or Cause to be made a
true and Just account of his administrations at or before the said fourth Monday
of March next. And all the rest and residue of said gods chattels and Credits
which shall be found upon the Administration account and deliver and pay unto
such person or persons respectively as the Judges in their respective County, by
their decree or sentence pursuant to the true intent and meaning of Law shall
limit and appoint then and in that case the above obligation, to be void Else to
be and remain in full force and virtue.
William Oldham (SEAL)
Abraham Bolabaugh his x mark
Inventory of the Personal Estate of George Oldham Deceased
Filed November 20th 1828 Hiram Alldredge Clerk P.C.S.C.
We Balser Fox
and Jonas Sleeth being called on and duly sworn to value the
property of George Oldham Deceased do accordingly appraise a still and its
apparatuses at $69, a brick kiln at one dollar and seventy five cents per
thousand, one wagon and cuchen $35.
Balser Fox Jonas Sleeth
William Oldham Executor of the Last will and testament of George Oldham do
certify the above to be the appraised Inventory of the personal property o the
said Deceased this 20th Nov 1828.
William Oldham
Additional Inventory
Filed January 5th 1830 Hiram Alldredge Clerk P.C.S.C.
Further Inventory of the Personal Estate of George Oldham dec’d Towit:
From Benjamin Cottell
$ 10
43 ¾
From M. C. Rodgers
From Sanford Allen
From the Estate of James Oldham dec’d
From M. C. Rodgers
From Edward Blevin
From Sanford Allen
From the Estate of James Oldham dec’d
From Moses Oldham
Wm. Oldham Executor
Sworn to in open Court on the 5th day if January 1830
Hiram Alldredge C.P.C.S.C.
$281.72 | ¼ |
Sale Bill brought forward |
107.53 | ¼ |
$389.25 | ½ |
Sale Bill
Sale Bill of the Personal Estate of George Oldham Deceased
Filed January 6th 1829 Hiram Alldredge Clerk S.C.
Sale Bill of the property of Geo. Oldham Dec’d Sold at
publick vandue on
the 21st day of Nov. 1828
Purchasers Names
Price $
Balsor Fox
7000 Brick at 106 ½ cts pr 100 0
$ 7
43 ¾
James T. Kaster
4000 Brick at the same
Abraham Copple
5000 Brick at 100 pr 1000
Benj. Hodges
4000 Brick at 75 per 1000
Wm. Oldham
The balance of the kiln at 78 cts
supposed to be 24,000
Wm. Oldham
Waggon & Geers
Daniel Michail
One Still and Tubs &c
12 ½
Receipts and Vouchers
Received of
William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Dec’d
one hundred dollars agreeable to the last will of the said George Oldham We say
Rec’d by us this 29th day of December 1829
Jasper Moor Mary Moor her X mark
Teste John Moor
State of Tennessee
Sevier County
Personally appeared Thomas Maples before me Joseph Clark an acting Justice of
the peace in and for said County and being sworn in due form of Law Saith on his
oath that George Oldham is justly indebted to him for two wool hats the sum of
to dollars and fifty cents sworn and subscribed to before me this 11th day of
October 1828.
Joseph Clark J.P.
Thomas Maples
October the 11th 1828
Received of William Oldham Executor of George Oldham Dec’d two dollars and
fifty cents in full of the within proven account.
Thomas Maples
State of Tennessee
Sevier County
George Oldham Sen.
DR in Acct with M. C. Rogers
14 March 1826 For your order as commanded to J. A. K. Smith $3.50
Mr. M. C. Rogers Sir please to let J. A. K. Smith have three dollars an half
in dry goods which pay to my account this 14th day of March 1826
George Oldham
This day personally came M. C. Rogers before William C. Maples an acting
Justice of the peace and being duly sworn maketh oath that the above account is
Just and true after having given all Just credits.
Subscribed before me this 1st day of Oct 1829
M. C. Rogers Wm. C. Maples J.P.
Received of George Oldham $2.48 cents This State and County Tax for the year
J. W. Walker C.S.C.
Received of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
by the hands of Moses Oldham one dollar & fifty cents & say Rec’d by
me this 1st day of October 1828.
Zadock Plummer
Received of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
fifty six and a fourth Cents I say Rec’d by the this 17th day of November
Daniel Hill his X mark
Hanover November 5th 1828
Received of William Oldham Executor of the estate of George Oldham deceased
fifty five cents in full of my school bill.
Elvira Huntington
Rec’d of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
too dollars and fifty cents I say Rec’d by me this 13th day of November 1828.
Moses Oldham
Rec’d of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased by
the hand of Aaron Oldham seventy five cents. I say rec’d by me this 28 day of
September 1828.
Robert Oldham
Rec’d of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
four dollar twelve and a half Cents in full of all debts or demand against said
Estate. I say Rec’d by me this 4th day of November 1828.
Thomas Hill
Received of William and Sarah Oldham Eight dollars in full of a subscription
paper. I say rec’d by me this 23rd day of December 1828.
Nymphas Bassett
Received of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Dec.
twenty two dollars for moulding and burning brick it being in full of all debts
or demands against the said Estate. I say Rec’d by me this 27th day of
December 1828.
Jacob Parker
Received of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Dec. fifty
Cents. I say Rec’d by me this 6th day of December 1828.
John Ginsey [?]
Rec’d of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Dec’d
three dollars and fourty three Cents in full of all debts or demands against the
said Estate of George Oldham Dec’d. I say Rec’d by me this 7th day of
November 1828.
Alexander Burtch his X mark
Rec’d of William Oldham Executor of the Estate of George Oldham Dec’d too
dollars I say Rec’d by me this 29th day of december 1829.
Sarah Oldham her X mark
Rec’d of William Oldham deceased four dollars for a Coffen. I say Rec’d
by me this 5th day of november 1828.
John Whited
Rec’d Dec 22 1828 of William Oldham the Sum of $2.21 Cents in full of Geo.
Oldhams Acct up to this date
By Wright Williams for
N. Prine
Rec’d of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham deceased
one dollar and thirty seven and a half Cents in full of all debts dues or demand
against the said Estate I say Rec’d by me this 4th day of november 1828
John Oldham
Rec’d of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham deceased
two dollar twelve and a half Cents I say Rec’d by me this 12th day of November
Aaron Oldham his X mark
Received of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham deceased
two dollars twenty five Cents I say rec’d by me this 17th day of November
James Oldham
George Oldham to
Jas. P. Ripper DR
Visit 2 miles
$ 1
6 T Powders
Visit 2 miles
$ 2
This day came Jas. P. Ripper and made oath that the above accounts are Just
and that the
services & medicines charges above was rendered & given by
him given under my hand
this 23 day of Sept 1828.
Jas. P. Ripper John Kennedy
George Oldham DR to Isaac Fox May 20 1828
To sharping shovel & Scooter
18 ¾
To mending chains & 2 clips & 2 laprings & 6 Spikes
To 4 waggontire nails
6 ¼
To putting on one waggontire
To one Stirrup Band
$ 1
tate of Indiana
Shelby County SS
I John Kennedy a Justice of the Peace in and for said County do hereby
Certify that Jacob Fox presented the above account and was qualified to the same
according to Law given under my hand and seal this 10 day of January 1829.
John Kennedy a Justice of The Peace (SEAL)
May 1828 George Oldham DR to Samuel Coppel
To the leason of Three Mares Four dollars in Cash or Six Dollars in Traid
I do hereby Certify that Samuel Coppel was qualified according to Law to the
above account given under my hand and seal this 16th day of July 1829
John Kennedy a Justice of the Peace
Rec’d of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
four dollars and fifty Cents of the sale money I say Rec’d by me this 1st day
of december 1828
Sarah Oldham her X mark
Received of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham deceased
two dollars in full of my account I say Rec’d by me this 16th day of November 1828
Rosanna Booher
Rec’d of the Estate of George Oldham Dec’d three dollars I say Rec’d by
me this 9th day of October 1829 Wm Oldham
Received of William Oldham one dollar in full for publishing in the
Indianapolis Gazette, an Executors notice on the estate of George Oldham,
deceased Dec. 4 1828
Smith & Bolton
Rec’d of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased $17 for haling dirt I say Rec’d
by me William Oldham this 4th day of November 1828
William Oldham
Received of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
one dollar in full of all debts dues and demands against the Said Estate I say
Rec’d by me this 1st day of november 1828
James Whited
Received of George Oldham Executer of the Estate of James Oldham Dec’d $1.7
½ I say Rec’d by me this 1st day of September 1828
John Whited
Rec’d of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
sixty too and a half Cents I say rec’d by me this 6th day of November 1828.
Robert Oldham
Rec’d of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham Dec’d one
dollar fifty Cents due me for pork I say Rec’d by me this 7th day of November
James T. Kaster
Received of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased a
fifty dollar horse Creature agreeable to the last will of said George Oldham I
say Rec’d by me this 29 day of September 1829.
Moses Oldham
Received of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
by the hand of Sarah Oldham Sixty too two and a half cents I
say Rec’d by me this 18th day of September 1828
Joel Hill
March 19th 1829 Received of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George
Oldham Deceased one Dollar and fifty Cents for proving the will and Crying the
sale and praising the property of the said Deceased I say Rec’d by me this day
and date above mentioned.
Jonas Sleeth
Rec’d of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
Sixty two and a half Cents by the hand of Robert Oldham I say Rec’d by me this
26th day of September 1828
Abraham Bolabaugh
Rec’d of William Oldham Executer of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased
one dollar and twenty five cents I say Rec’d by me this 13th day of October
Abraham Bolibaugh his X mark
Rec’d of the Estate of George Oldham Deceased three dollars I say Rec’d
by me this 1 day of October 1829.
William Oldham
To loss on Brick Kiln 9000 by William Oldham Executer of the last will and
testament of George Oldham dec’d Remainder of said Brick $15000 Making a loss
of $7 ½
Wm Oldham
September the 30th 1829
This is to Certify that I Daniel Duggan of the State of Tennessee and County
of Sevier did in the year 1826 purchase a tract of Land of George Oldham and
that Mr. Oldham did sell me a Spring and a Small peace of Land that was not in
the Survey I was for my own Saffity compelled to Enter the said Spring and Land
which Cost me Six Dollars to get a grant I do also Certify that William Oldham
the executer of George Oldham has paid me the aforesaid Six Dollars
Daniel Duggan
State of Tennessee
Sevier County SS
This day Being the 30th day of September 1829 Came before me Robert Duggan
one of the acting Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid Daniel
Duggan and made oath that the facts stated in the above Certifycat is Justs and
true Sworn to and Subscribed the day and Date first above written before me
Robert Duggan
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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