Estate of
Robert E. Leonard, dec'd
Waiver of Widow
July 19 1920
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court
State of Indiana,
Circuit Court,
Shelby County, SS. May Term, 1920.
in Re Estate of Robert E. Leonard, deceased.
Robert E. Leonard [should read “ Jessie L. Leonard ”-cj]
says that she is the widow of said decedent and that she waives her right to
administer on the estate of said decedent and asks the court to appoint
George Bassett as administrator of said estate.
Dated this July 19, 1920.
Jessie L. Leonard /s/
State of Indiana, Shelby county, ss:
Notice is hereby given, that on the 19th day of July, 1920, George Bassett was by the
Shelby circuit court appointed administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard, deceased,
and that said estate is probably insolvent.
Clerk Shelby Circuit Court.
This 19th day of July, 1920.
July 19-26-Aug. 2.
No. _________
In the Matter of the Estate of
Robert E. Leonard, deceased.
Application for Letters of
July 19 1920
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court
State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:
George Bassett being duly sworn upon his oath says that Robert E. Leonard departed
this life, intestate, at _ [left blank on form-cj] _ in Shelby County Indiana, on the 11th day of
July, 1920, without leaving any last will and testament to his knowledge and belief; that said
decedent was at, or immediately previous to, his death a resident of Shelby County, Indiana,
and that he left a personal estate of the probable value of Sixteen Hundred dollars, and Real
Estate of the estimated value of no dollars, and that said decedent left surviving him as his sole
and only heirs at law as far as known to the affiant as follows:
Jessie E. Leonard | 37 | Wife | Shelbyville, Ind.
Gilbert L. Leonard | 14 | Son | “
Robert C. Leonard | 12 | Son |
Dorothy L. Leonard | 11 | Daughter |
Harold R. Leonard | 6 | Son |
Ruby L. Leonard | 5 | Daughter |
Marie E. Leonard | 2 | Daughter |
Eugene L. Leonard | 10 mos. | Daughter [should be “Son”-cj] |
Therefore, your affiant asks that letters of administration of the estate of said decedent be
granted to George Bassett in Shelby County, Indiana, signature of George Bassett.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th day of July, 1920.
Elmer Bassett /s/
Notary Public
Know All Men, That we, George Bassett, Curtis Bassett and Carl A.
Tindall are bound unto the State of Indiana, in the penal sum of Thirty-five
Hundred Dollars, for the payment of which we jointly and severally bind ourselves,
our heirs, executors, and administrators.
Sealed and dated this 19th day of July, 1920.
The Condition of the above Obligation is, That if the above bound
George Bassett shall faithfully discharge the duties of his trust as
Administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased, according to
law, then the above obligation is to be void, else to remain in full force.
George Bassett /s/ (Seal)
Curtis Bassett /s/ (Seal)
Carl A. Tindall /s/ (Seal)
Approved by me, the 19th day of July, 1920.
Alonzo Blair signature
Seal Judge Shelby Circuit Court
State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:
I George Bassett, swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of
my trust as Administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased,
according to law; so help me God.
George Bassett /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me, the 19th day of July, 1920.
Elmer Bassett /s/
Notary Public
Commissioned to May 1st, 1923.
75-72 283
Robert E. Leonard Estate
Box 866
July 19 1920
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court
State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:
I, Curtis Bassett swear that I am worth, over and above my
indebtedness, Ten Thousand Dollars, as I believe; so help me God.
Curtis Bassett /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me, the 19th day of July, 1920.
Elmer Bassett /s/
Notary Public
Commissioned to May 1st, 1923.
State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:
I, Carl A. Tindall swear that I am worth, over and above my
indebtedness, Five Thousand Dollars, as I believe; so help me God.
Carl A. Tindall /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me, the 19th day of July, 1920.
Elmer Bassett /s/
Notary Public
Commissioned to May 1st, 1923.
75-77 [cover]
In Re Estate of
Robert E. Leonard, deceased
Geo. Bassett, Admin.
Box 866
Petition to sell Personal Property
at private sale etc.
Petition granted as prayed.
July 21/1920,
Alonzo Blair
July 21 1920
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court
Elmer Bassett
Atty. for Admin.
State of Indiana, Circuit Court,
Shelby County, SS. May Term, 1920.
In Re Estate of Robert E. Leonard, deceased,
George Bassett, Administrator.
George Bassett administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard, deceased, represents
and shows to the court that said decedent in his lifetime entered into a written contract with
one Nancy Stewart by the terms of which he rented a farm from said Stewart for grain rent;
that he was residing on said farm at the time of his death; that he had sown 30 acres of wheat
on said farm in the fall of 1919 and had the same cut and in the shock at the time of his death;
that said Stewart holds a mortgage on said decedent’s share of said wheat for the sum of
$100.00 with 8% interest and due August 1st, 1920; that said decedent has growing on said
lands 18 acres of sugar corn of which he is to receive the one half of said landlord the other
half; that there is on said farm about 10 acres of English clover to be cut for seed of which
said decedent is to have the one half and he was to cut and hull said clover seed and give to said
landlord the one half and was also to give to said landlord the one half of said wheat and the one
half of all crops grown on said farm.
He further shows to the court that said estate is the owner of two horses and two mules
on which one Robert Bush holds a valid mortgage for the sum of $200.00 with 8% interest due
December 25th, 1920; and that one Willis G. Pollard holds a valid mortgage on two cows
and one heifer calf owned by said estate which mortgage is for the sum of $100.00 and due July
1st, 1920.
He shows to the court that the widow of said decedent takes one of said cows as a part
of her statutory allowance. That there is not sufficient pasture on said farm for the following
stock owned by said estate: three horses, two mules, one cow and three calves; that said stock
is not fat and in proper condition for sale; that it will be for the best interest of said estate
that this administrator hire pasture for said stock and pasture same and prepare same for sale
and that he make sale of said stock at public auction about September 1st, 1920 at which time
the field corn on said farm can be sold to good advantage. That it will be to the best interest
of said estate that this administrator thresh and market said wheat; that he gather and
market said sugar corn including the share of said landlady and that he cut and hull said clover
seed and carry out the terms of said contract for the rent of said farm including the cutting of
weeds as provided in said rental contract; that said wheat be sold freed from said mortgage lien
and that the said lien attach to the funds derived from the sale of said wheat in the hands of
this administrator and that he pay said mortgage in full; that the other property so mortgaged
to said Bush and Pollard be sold at said sale except that said cow taken by said widow as
aforesaid be not sold and that said stock be sold at public auction about September 1st, 1920
freed from liens and that said liens attach to the funds derived from the sale of said property
so mortgaged in the hands of this administrator and that he pay said mortgages in full out of
said funds derived from the sale of said mortgaged property provided the same shall sell for
sums sufficient to pay the said mortgages and in the event said property so mortgaged shall not
sell for sufficient sums to pay said mortgages then that all of said selling price shall be applied
on said mortgages. He shows that he may not be able to rent pasture for said stock from other
persons but that he has pasture lands of his own on which he can pasture said stock and in the
event he can not find suitable pasture for said stock from other persons then that he shall be
allowed the reasonable value for said pasture so furnished by him for said stock.
Wherefore he asks the court that he be authorized and ordered by the court to thresh
and sell said wheat at private sale freed from liens and pay said mortgage on said wheat in full
out of the funds derived from the sale of said wheat; that he gather and market said sugar
corn and sell same at private sale; that he cut and hull said clover seed and sell same at private
sale and that he shall secure or furnish pasture for said stock, the horses, mules, cows and
calves as above set out and that he sell said mortgaged stock at public sale of said mortgaged
property be used in paying said liens so far as the same may be sufficient; that he cause the
weeks on said farm to be cut as provided in said rental contract and that said rental contract
be carried out by this administrator.
George Bassett /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of July, 1920.
Elmer Bassett /s/
Commissioned to May 1st, 1923. Notary Public.
The undersigned, printer and publisher of THE SHELBYVILLE
REPUBLICAN, a newspaper
of general circulation printed and published in the city of Shelbyville, county of Shelby and
state of Indiana being duly sworn, says that the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto and
made a part of this affidavit, was printed and published in said paper on the 23rd day of
August, 1920.
T. E. Goodrich /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of September 1920.
Ila G. Harding /s/
My Commission Expires Oct. 2, 1923
Notary Public
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Robert E.
Leonard, deceased, will offer for sale at public auction, at the late residence of said decedent,
in Addison township, in Shelby county, Indiana, and one-half mile east of Walser’s crossing, on
the traction line, and two miles northwest of Shelbyville, Indiana, on
Tuesday, September 14, 1920.
the personal property of said estate, consisting of one span of mules, three horses, two milk
cows, three calves, one-half interest in 24 acres of growing corn, harness, binder, disc harrow,
gang plow, corn cultivators, corn planter, wagon, hay bed, gravel bed, chicken coops, two
five-disc wheat drills and other articles to numerous to mention.
The sale to begin at 10 o’clock a.m.
All sums of ten dollars and less, cash in hand, and all sums of more than ten dollars a
credit of nine months will be given, the purchaser giving his note therefore, with approved
freehold security. No property will be removed from the premises until settlement for same is
JOHN HOGUE, Auctioneer.
The undersigned, printer and publisher of THE SHELBYVILLE REPUBLICAN, a newspaper
of general circulation printed and published in the city of Shelbyville, county of Shelby and
state of Indiana being duly sworn, says that the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto and
made a part of this affidavit, was printed and published in said paper on the 9th day of Sept,
1920; the 10th day of Sept, 1920; the 11th day of Sept, 1920; the 13th day of Sept, 1920.
T. E. Goodrich /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of September 1920.
Ila G. Harding /s/
My Commission Expires Oct. 2, 1923
Notary Public
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator the estate of Robert E.
Leonard, will sell at public auction, at the late resident of said decedent one half mile East of
Walsers’s Crossing, on Tuesday Sept. 14th at 10 o’clock a.m., one span of mules, three horses,
two milk cows, three calves, one half interest in 24 acres of growing corn, binder, disc, harrow,
gang plow, corn cultivator, planter, wagon, drills, harness and many other articles.
4td Administrator
[hand-written receipt-cj]
$24 Oct.
17 - 1921.
Received of George Bassett
Administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard,
deceased, the sum of Twenty four and 30/100 ------------Dollars, for costs in said trust. [Inflation calculator]
Gordon Thurston, Clerk /s/
[the following receipts are on pre-printed forms with the blanks filled in and
$10 75/100 Sept.
27 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of R.
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Ten 75/100 Dollars, for Taxes.
No. 2 Geo. R. Carlisle /s/
$5 00 Sept.
14 - 1920
Received of Geo
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Five------------------- Dollars, for Clerking
No. 3 Robert H. Shaw /s/
$46 50 July
29 1920
Received of George Bassett Administrator of the estate of W. D. Lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Forty Six --------------50/100 Dollars, for Thrashing Wheat.
No. 4 Harvey Beall /s/
$35 00/100 Au
[sic] 3 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of W.
E. lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Thirty Five-------------00/100 Dollars,
for Thrashing Wheat Work.
No. 5
Chas Shaner
$103 00 Aug.
5 - 1920
Received of George Bassett
Administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard
deceased, the sum of One Hundred three Dollars, for note payable to Nancy
No. 6 M. A. Harris [?-cj] /s/ A Cashier
$202 50/100 Au
[sic] 20 1920
Received of George Bassett
Administrator of the estate of R. E. lenard [sic]
deceased, the sum of Too [sic] Hundred Too [sic]-----------50/100 Dollars, for Funeral Expenses in full.
No. 7 Max Herlich & Son /s/
$30 00 Sep
[sic] 14 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of C.
E. Leonard [sic] deceased, the sum of Thirty Dollars, for Horse Mule &
Cow Pasture.
No. 8 Chas E. Gray signature
$4 18 Sep
[sic] 20 1920
Received of George Bassett Administrator of the estate of R. E. lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Four ------------18 Dollars, for Advertising.
No. 9 Dem.
Pub. Co.
read signature-cj]
$106 71/100 Sep
[sic] 25 1920
Received of George Bassett
Administrator of the estate of R. E. lenard [sic]
deceased, the sum of One Hundred Six -------71/100 Dollars, for W. G. Pollard Mortgage Note.
No. 10
L. E. Goodrich /s/
$5 00 Sep
[sic] 30 1920
Received of George Bassett
Administrator of the estate of R. E. lenard [sic]
deceased, the sum of Five Dollars, for Sale Bills.
No. 11 Powell
Press - Per C. Kennedy /s/
$6 50 Sep[sic]
30 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of R.
E. lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Six -------50/100 Dollars, for Advertising.
G. Harding /s/
$37 00/100 Nov
26 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of R.
E. lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Thirty Seven -------00/100 Dollars,
for Cemetery lot at Philadelphia O E Staut.
No. 13 O. E. Staut signature
of Ass’n
$2 90 Nov
27 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of R.
E. lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Two-------- 90/100 Dollars, for Meat
for Thrashing.
No. 14 Chas. P. Sindlinger signature
$36 00 Nov
27 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of R.
E. lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Thirty Six ------00/100 Dollars, for
pulling Sweet Corn & Halling [sic].
No. 15 Rosco Wells signature
$2 25 Dec
11 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of R.
E. lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Two-----------25 Dollars, for Rope Hawlters [sic].
No. 16 J. W. Worden
$216 00 July
26 - 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Two Hundred sixteen ---------- Dollars, for
mortgaged note.
No. 17 G R Bush /s/
$42 00/100 July
16 - 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Forty Too [sic]--------00/100 Dollars, for
medical services rendered said decedent during his last sickness.
No. 18 W. C. McFadden per L.A.W. signature
$10 00 July
26 - 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars, for medical services
rendered said decedent during his last sickness.
No. 19 F. E. Ray, MD /s/
$11 July
26 - 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Eleven ------00/100 Dollars, for coal furnished
to thrash decedents wheat in 1921.
No. 20 ____ E. Hicks signature
$125 00 Oct.
10 - 1921
Received of Geo. Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased, the sum of One Hundred twenty-five Dollars, for services and charges as administrator
of said estate.
No. 21 George Bassett /s/
$125 00 Oct.
10 - 1921
Received of Geo.
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of One Hundred twenty-five Dollars, for legal
services rendered said Admin.
No. 22
Elmer Bassett /s/
$11 25 Sept.
18 - 1920
Received of Geo
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Eleven & 25/100 Dollars, for services
as auctioneer.
No. 23 John M. Hogue /s/
$55 35 Sept.
14 - 1920
Received of George Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Fifty five and 35/100 Dollars, for part of my statutory allowance.
No. 24 Jessie L. Leonard /s/
$35 00/100 Sep
[sic] 30 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of R.
E. lenard [sic] deceased, the sum of Thirty-five ------Dollars, for part
of my statutory allowance as widow of said decedent.
No. 25 Jessie L. Leonard /s/
$25 00 Dec.
15 - 1920
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Twenty-five ----------- Dollars, for part
of my statutory allowance.
No. 25 Jessie Leonard /s/
$25 00 Jan
18 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robbert
E. leonard [sic] deceased, the sum of Twenty Five------00/100 Dollars, for
Part of My Statutory Allowance.
No. 25 Jessie Leonard /s/
$25 00 Mar
14 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robbert
E. leonard [sic] deceased, the sum of Twenty Five------00/100 Dollars, for
Part of My Statutory Allowance.
No. 25 Jessie Leonard /s/
$25 00 July
13 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robbert
E. leonard [sic] deceased, the sum of Twenty Five------00/100 Dollars, for
Part of My Statutory Allowance.
No. 25 Jessie L. Leonard /s/
$25 00 Sept.
1 - 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Twenty Five------Dollars, for part of my
statutory allowance as widow.
No. 26 Jessie Leonard /s/
$96 15 Sept.
17 - 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Ninety-six & 15/100 Dollars, for balance
due me as a part of my statutory allowance.
No. 26 Jessie Leonard /s/
$5 00 April
1 - 1921
Received of George
Bassett Administrator of the estate of Robert
E. Leonard deceased, the sum of Five------ Dollars, for hauling rest corn
as per rental contract.
No. 28 Rosco Welles [sic] signature
Robert E. Leonard
Geo. Bassett
Approved Dec 21/20
Alonzo Blair
Dec 13 1920
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court
No. 10 Page 101-104
Belonging to the Estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased, late of Shelby County, Indiana, sold at Public Sale by George
Bassett Administrator of said Estate, on the 14th day of Sept. 1920, at Shelby
County, Indiana, the terms of such sale being as follows: $10.00 and under cash and for sums for more than $10.
Nine months credit. The account of such sale taken and kept by Robert Shaw as Clerk.
Account of Sale.
Total appraised value of unsold articles $ 0 [Inflation calculator]
Total amount of sales $993.23
Total amount of cash paid $156.35
Appraised value of unsold articles $ 0
Signed, Robert H. Shaw signature Clerk
of Sale.
Shelby County
I, Robert H. Shaw, Clerk of the Sale
of the Personal Property belonging to the Estate of Robert E. Leonard, deceased, late of said County and State, and not being interested in said Estate, or related
to the administrator thereof, do so swear that the foregoing Sale Bill contains a true and complete account of
the Sale of the Personal Property of the Estate of said decedent by the administrator thereof, at the time and
place and on the terms in said Bill of Sale set forth; and that the list following the account of such Sale is
a true and complete statement of the articles belonging to said Estate, subject to sale, and remaining unsold,
and of the appraised value thereof, as shown by the Inventory of said Estate.
Robert H. Shaw /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of December 1920.
Elmer Bassett /s/
Notary Public
My Com. ex May 1-1923.
) sct:
Shelby County
The undersigned, Administrator of the said Estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased, swears that the foregoing Sale Bill contains a true and complete account of the
Sale of the Personal Property belonging to the Estate of said decedent, had at the time and place, and on the terms
in said Bill of Sale set forth; and that the list of property subject to sale and remaining unsold, subjoined to
said Bill of Sale, and of the appraised value of the same, is a complete and correct statement thereof, as appears
from the Inventory of said Estate.
George Bassett /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day of December, 1920.
Elmer Bassett, Notary Public
My Com. ex. May 1-1923.
Appraised value of Debts, etc.
| $
Appraised value of Goods, etc.
| $1402.00
Total appraised value of Personal Estate,
| $1402.00
Total amount of personal Estate taken by Widow, as shown by Inventory,
and her receipt hereto attached,
$188.50 |
Signed by us this 20 day of July 1920.
Charles E. Hicks /s/
Chas. Shaner /s/ )
State of Indiana Shelby County, Sct:
We, Chas.
E. Hicks and Chas. Shaner
swear that we will honestly and impartially appraise all the personal estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased, late of said County and
State, that may be exhibited to us, at its fair cash value.
Charles E. Hicks /s/
Chas. Shaner /s/
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th day of July 1920.
George Bassett /s/
State of Indiana Shelby County, Sct:
The undersigned, Administrator of the said estate
of Robert E. Leonard deceased, late
of said County and State, swears that the foregoing Inventory contains a complete statement of all the personal
estate of said decedent which has come to his knowledge, as well as a complete statement of the property taken
by the widow of said decedent, and the appraisement thereof.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19 day of July 1920.
signature visable-cj]
Commissioned to May 1st, 1923.
RECEIVED OF George Bassett
Administrator of the estate of my deceased husband, Robert E. Leonard the items and articles mentioned in the foregoing
Inventory as charged to and selected by me, and the appraised value of which, as shown by said Inventory, amounts
in the aggregate to the sum of One Hundred Eighty-eight Dollars and fifty Cents.
Dated July 19 1920
L. Leonard /signature/
No. 1
Francis M. Sanford
Robert E. Leonard, Deceased
Hough & Offutt, Atty’s.
for Claimant
Greenfield, Indiana.
Jan 17 1921
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court
Estate of Robert E. Leonard Deceased,
To Francis M. Sanford Dr.
On a certain promissory note given to this claimant by said decedent as principal
and Jacob Leonard as surety, which note
is in the words and figures following, to-wit:-
"$100.00 Mohawk, Ind. Jan 31st, 1917.
One Year after date, for value received, we, or either of us promise to pay
to the order of F. M. Sanford Mohawk
Bank, Mohawk, Ind., without any relief from valuation or appraisement laws, with interest at seven per cent per
annum from date, until paid, and ten per cent for attorney’s fees. The drawers and endorsers severally waive presentment
for payment, protest and notice of protest and non-payment of this note.
P.O. Address of Payer
R. E. Leonard
New Palestine, Ind.
Jacob Leonard."
That the following credits are on said note: -
"Interest paid to date January 31, 1918,
dollars $7.00.
Interest paid to date January 31,
dollars $7.00."
Before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County and State personally
appeared Francis M. Sanford, who being by me duly sworn, says that the above account, in favor of himself against the
estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased,
is correct; that no payments have been made thereon except the credits thereon given; that there are no set-offs
against the same to his knowledge; that the balance shown in said account, to-wit:
One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and also interest thereon from January 31, 1919.
is now justly due and owing to himself all of which he verily believes.
M. Sanford signature
Subscribed and sworn to before me, on the 7th day of
January, 1921.
Samuel J. Offutt /s/
Seal Notary Public
My Commission
expires Sept. 26, 1923. (Hough & Offutt, Attys. for
claimant, Greenfield,
No. 2
The Citizens’ Bank, Greenfield, Indiana.
Robert E. Leonard, Deceased
Mar 1 1921
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court
Estate of Robert E. Leonard Deceased,
To The Citizens’ Bank, Greenfield, Indiana, Dr.
On a certain promissory note described as follows, to-wit:
"$580.00 Greenfield,
Ind., March 29, 1919.
Ninety days after date, we, or either of
us promise to pay to the order of
The Citizens’ Bank, Greenfield, Indiana, Five Hundred eighty Dollars. And Attorney’s
Fees. Value received without any relief whatever from Valuation or Appraisement Laws, with interest at Eight Per
Cent Per Annum from date until due. The drawers and endorsers severally waive presentment for payment, protest
and notice of protest, and non-payment of this note. All unpaid amounts to bear eight per cent. interest from maturity
until paid. Negotiable and Payable at The Citizens’ Bank, Greenfield, Indiana.
R. E. Leonard
Jacob Leonard."
On said note is the following credit:
"December 1, 1919, Int. to this
date $31.46."
Also a credit on principal
of $68.54.
Before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County and
State personally appeared George H. Cooper,
Cashier of The Citizens’ Bank, Greenfield, Indiana, and as said Cashier and for said Bank, being by me duly sworn,
says that the above account, in favor of The Citizens’ Bank, Greenfield, Indiana, against the estate of Robert E. Leonard deceased, is correct; that no payments
have been made thereon except the credits thereon given; that there are no set-offs against the same to his knowledge;
that the balance shown in said account, to-wit:
Five Hundred and Eleven and 46/100 ($511.46) -------------Dollars and interest thereon at eight per cent from December
1, 1919, is now justly due and owing to The Citizens’ Bank, Greenfield, Indiana, all of which he verily believes.
Geo. H. Cooper, Cashier signature
Subscribed and sworn to before me,
on the 19 day of February, 1921.
Robert Williamson signature
Notary Public
My Commission expires Aug. 23, 1922.
No. 3
New Palestine Bank
Ed Leonard
Bassett Administrator
Mar 4 1921
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court
Estate of Ed Leonard, Deceased,
To New Palestine Bank, New Palestine, Ind. Dr.
To principal & interest on note as per copy thereof filed herewith & marked
Exhibit "A." $348.98
(attach copy here)
Exact Copy
$325.00 No.
Palestine, Ind., Mar 30 1920
Ninety days after date I or either of us promise to pay to THE NEW PALESTINE BANK, or order, Negotiable and payable
at the office of The New Palestine Bank, of New Palestine, Hancock Co., Ind. Three Hundred twenty five Dollars
And ________[left blank on form-cj] Attorney’s fees, value received, without any relief whatever from Valuation
or Appraisement Laws, with interest at eight per cent per annum from date until paid. The makers and endorsers
severally waive presentment for payment, protest and notice of protest, and non-payment of this note, and all defenses
on the ground of any extension of the time of its payment that may be given by the holder or holders to them or
either of them.
Due June 30, 1920
R. E. Leonard signature
P. O. Shelbyville R R 10 Ind Jacob Leonard signature
I do solemnly swear that this Claim, after deducting all credits,
set offs and deductions to which the estate is entitled, is justly due and wholly unpaid, to the best of my knowledge
and belief; so help me God.
Palestine Bank
Edward Fink, Cashier signature
Palestine Bank
New Palestine Ind.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 2nd day of March, 1921.
Charles J. Schuh [unsure of last
name-cj] signature
Seal Notary
My commission expires May 1, 1924
No. 5708
In the Matter of the Estate of Robert E. Leonard, deceased, George Bassett, Administrator
Petition to Settle Estate as Insolvent
Mar 14 1921
Gordon Thurston
Shelby Cir. Court
Elmer Bassett, Attorney.
3 notices of Insolvency
SHLBY COUNTY, SS March Term, 1921
In the Matter of the Estate
of Robert E. Leonard, Petition to Settle Estate as Insolvent.
George Bassett, Administrator.
The undersigned, administrator of the estate of Robert E. Leonard, deceased, represents and shows to the Court that the amount of personal property left by said decedent which has come to the knowledge and possession of this administrator amounts to about $1,861.23; that there is no real estate belonging to said decedent or said estate; that the amount of unsecured claims filed against said estate and those owing by said estate and not filed amounts to the sum of about $948.73; that there are claims owing by said estate which are secured by mortgages on certain articles of personal property in the sum of $400 with interest; that there are claims amounting to $912.62 secured by personal security owing by said estate and filed against the same and that the total of said claims amounts to about $2,261. That the preferred claims against said estate including the widow’s statutory allowance amount to more than $700.00. That the property of said estate is not sufficient to pay the debts and that there is a deficit of more than $400.00.
WHEREFORE, this administrator prays an order of said Court directing that said estate be settled as insolvent, and that notice of such insolvency be given the creditors of said estate.
George Bassett signature
Signed and sworn to before me this 9th day of March, 1921.
Elmer Bassett signature
Prosecuting Attorney
Transcribed by Cindy Jones

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