Estate of
Jacob Reed
Box 154
~ ~ ~
Shelby Circuit Court Probate
Filed October 5, 1875
Thomas J. Jones Administrator John Elliott Clerk
Estate of Jacob Reed, Decd. Report
Es. Approved & contd. K. M. Hord Judge
Order Book 16 page 152
Filed Oct 5 1877 B. S. Sutton Clerk
In The Estate of Jacob Reed, Deceased
Thomas J. Jones Administrator of said Estate now shows to the Court that at the time he made his last report, October 3 1877, he had a balance in his hands, as shown thereof $420.76
| 379.24 |
Interest Collected | 30.37 |
Recd from 2nd Sale of Real Estate | 400.00 |
Amount of charges | $859.93 809.61 |
And he asks credit for the following sums paid out on account of said Trust:
No. 1. | Paid S.J. Thompson as per rect. | $ 2.00 |
No. 2 | J.S. Winchester | 14.00 |
No. 3. | W. Brown | 500.00 |
No. 4. | C.F. Webster | 7.50 |
No. 5. | B.S. Sutton | 23.36 |
No. 6. | W. T. Barton | 4.67 |
No. 7. | M.A. Lefler | 2.40 |
No. 8. | W. Forsythe | 175.00 |
No. 9. | | 43.95 |
No.10. | B.S. Sutton | 8.77 |
No.11. | Wright & Wright | 10.00 |
| Total Credits |
$791.65 |
| Balance on hand | $1017.96 |
And he shows that said balance consists of Notes not yet due, and he asks his trust continued.
Thomas J. Jones
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5 day of October 1877. Bellamy S. Sutton Clk
May 12, 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Admin. Of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased to for
money loned ten Dollars $10.00 John Miller his X mark
Greensburg Aprile 29 1876 Jacob Reed Dr
July 23rd 1875 | to iron & Bolts | 2.70 |
| 700 feet pine Lumber | 12.60 |
July 29 | one plow | 21.00 |
| 10 Bus Wheat @ 1.35 | 13.50 |
Aug 21 | 1 pair Gloves | .15 |
| Shingles at St. Paul | 1.10 |
| | $51.05 |
April 13th 1876 |
Balance | 24.81 |
Apr 29th 1876 | | 26.24 |
| Cash T.J. Jones | 26.24 |
April 29th 1876 Received of Thomas J. Jones Administrator of Jacob Reed $26.24
in full of all accounts to date $26.24
Reed & Brath
Jacob Reed (decd) To Mitchell and Son
| 1875 |
Aug 14th | | To 1 Cravat | .40 |
| | 10 yds alpaca | 5.50 |
| | 2 yds P. Muslin | .25 |
| | 1 yd Drill | .20 |
| | 2 spools thread | .17 |
| |
Total | $6.52 |
Received of Thomas J. Jones administrator of the Estate of Jacob Reed (decd) the Sum of Six .52 Dollars in full of the above bill this 4th day of May 1876.
Mitchell and Son pr Mandlove
Jacob Reed to N. Bailey Dr
May 1875 To Act for work | $1.00 |
The Estate of Jacob Reed Dr
To N. Bailey for appraising Real Estate Feb 1876 |
1.50 |
| $2.50 |
May the 30th 1876
Recd of Thomas J. Jones Admir of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased Two .50 Dollars in full of the above account. N. Bailey
St Paul Ind April 24 1876
Jacob Reed Deceased Bought of Hinkle & Dickey
March 19th 1875 | To 5 lb of 8d nails | .25 |
| 2 lb of 2d fins nails | .18 |
April 7 | 1 No. 6 Plow | 18.10 |
24 1876 | Interest on the plow 6 per cent | .08 |
15 1875 | 5 lbs nails | .30 |
June 4 | 1 Yoke 1.00 1 Skimmer.10 Bolt .10 | 1.20 |
5 | Powder & shot | .30 |
| | $22.14 |
| | 21.41 |
State of Ind Decatur County SS
I George S. Dickey Solomoly swear that the above account is just due and wholy unpaid and there is no set off to the same to my knowledge so help me God. George S. Dickey
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of April 1876
Thomas J. Jones Admins
St. Paul April 25 1876
Jacob Reed | Dr | Cr |
| To Green Woodard |
1875 Apr 24 | To 1 Pare Boots | $5.00 |
21 | To Balon Riban | .15 |
Oct 23 | To Balon goods | 2.54 |
| | $7.69 |
| Interest |
.40 |
| | 8.09 |
April the 24th 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Admir of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased Eight 8.09 dollars in full of the above account $8.09 Green Woodard
State of Indiana Decatur County
I Green Woodard do Solomly Swear that the within act is Just due and wholy unpaid and that there is no Set off to the Same to my knowledge so help me God. Green Woodard
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 24th day of April 1876 Thomas J. Jones Admir
Recd April 13th 1876 of Thos. J. Jones Admir of the Estate of Jacob Reed decd
Seven dollars in full of acct against said estate (for attd to decd during last illness) J.L. Wooden
St. Paul Ind April 14th 1876
Jacob Reed Dr to O. T. Stribling on account as follows
Sep 26 1874 | Rep halter | .10 |
Dec 18 | Rep Collar | .20 |
May 23 1875 | One pr trace Chains | 1.25 |
| One Backband | 1.25 |
July 8 | Rep Collar | .10 |
Aug 8 | One pr Harness & Straps | 1.50 |
| | 4.40 | O.T Stribling |
St Paul Apr 14th 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Admir of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased four & .40 Dollars in full of the above account $4.40 O.T. Stribling
Greensburg, Ind., April 13, 1876
Rec Jacob Reed Est Dr
Bought of W. & G. Shultz Furniture Dealers and Undertakers
South Side Public Square
To 1 Cofen and Hurse Hire $42.00
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased
the above account in full.
William Schultz
Shelbyville, Ind. Apr 10, 1876
Mr. Thos. J. Jones Adm Est of Jacob Reed
In Account with S.J. Thompson Prporietor Shelby Republican Job Printing Office
Oct 7 | Appointment Notice | 2.00 |
| Notice to Non-Residents | 7.00 |
| Petition to sell Real Estate | 5.00 |
Mar 9 | Notice to sell Real Estate | 7.50 |
| Sale bills | 2.00 |
| | 23.50 | Rec Payment S. J. Thompson |
Greensburg, Ind. Dec 4, 1874
Twelve months after date we or either of us promise to pay to the order of Walter Braden Five Hundred Dollars, Negotiable and Payable at _____ National Bank of Greensburg, Indiana.
Jacob Reed Jas B. F. Reed
April 13 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones Admir of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased Two Hundred Twenty six & .65 Dollars in full of the within Note and interest. Wm. Braden
August the 25th 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Admir of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased for going on bond for Sale of land one & .50 Dollars. $1.50 F.W. Jones
his X mark
June the 4th 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Admir of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased for brick Sold deceased in his lifetime Three .50 Dollars $3.50
George W. Carlisle
Recd of Thomas J. Jones as Admr with the Will annexed of the Estate of Jacob Reed, decd Twenty five Dollars on account of fees in the Estate of said decedent. April 25 1876
G. M. & J. T. Wright
| Reed | to James Corwin | Dr |
June | 1873 | To Cash | 3.00 |
| | one days harvesting | 2.50 |
Sep 23 | | one day Sowing wheat | 1.00 |
24 | | | 1.00 |
Nov 7 | | one day husking corn | 1.00 |
10 | | | 1.00 |
11 | | | 1.00 |
22 | | Ύ of one day husking corn | .75 |
Jan 29th | 1874 | To mending shoes | .50 |
Apr 5 | | Splitting rails | 1.00 |
| | Hay making 1 ½ day | 2.25 |
| | Stacking wheat 1 day | 1.50 |
Aug 24th | | Threshing wheat 1 day | 1.50 |
27th | | Sowing ½ day | .50 |
28th | | one day | 1.00 |
29th | | Ό day | .25 |
Apr 6 | 1875 | Splitting Rails one day | 1.00 |
8 | | | 1.00 |
9-10 | | 1 Ύ | 1.75 |
| | One calf | 3.50 |
| | Ό day diging potatoes | .25 |
| | ballance on threshing |
.50 |
| | | $27.75 |
June the
21st | 1876 | Cr on Settlement | 15.30 |
| | ballance due on Settlement | 12.45 |
I James Corwin being duly sworn on oath say that the above account is Just and that there is due and wholy unpaid on the Same the sum of Twelve & .43 Dollars and there is no Set off to the Same to my knowledge so help me God.
James Corwin
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 21st day of June 1876.
Thomas J. Jones Justice
June the 21st 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Admrs of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased Twelve Dollars and 45 cents in full of the within account.
$12.45 James Corwin
Estate of Jacob Reed, Decd
Settlement Order Book 17 page 406
Ex approved & Admr discharged
K. M. Hord Judge
In the Estate of Jacob Reed, deceased
Thomas J. Jones Admr of said Estate, shows to the Court that at his last report he had a
balance on hand to account for as shown thereby of | $1017.96 |
Interest Collected |
108.69 |
Total Charges | $1126.65 |
And said Administrator is entitled to the following credits on account of said trust, viz:
No. | 1 | Paid M. Miller as per rect | 62.88 |
No. | 2 | | 124.75 |
No. | 3 | A. R. Forsythe | 100.00 |
No. | 4 | W. Braden | 193.30 |
No. | 5 | | 335.00 |
No. | 6 | B. Jenkins | 3.40 |
No. | 7 | W.H.R. Reed | 20.00 |
No. | 8 | D. L. Wilson | 5.00 |
No. | 9 | L.J. Hackney | 5.00 |
| | Judgt in favor of Self | 150.35 |
No. | 10 | B. S. Sutton as per rect | 3.38 |
No. | 11 | G. M. Wright | 5.00 |
No. | 12 | Admrs charge | 87.75 |
No. | 13 | Eliza Reed Widow |
30.84 |
| | Total Credits | $1126.65 |
And said Administrator shows that he has fully settled said Estate by paying all Just claims against the same, and by collecting all Just claims due the Same.
Wherefore he asks to be discharged from said trust. Thomas J. Jones
Subscribed & sworn to before me
October 2 1878
G.M. Wrignt N.P.S.C.
$50.00 March 13, 1871
Twelve Months after date I promise to pay to the order of Mary Thornesburg the sum of Fifty Dollars, with interest at ten percent per annum. Value received. Jacob Reed
March 13, 1872 received five dollars on the within
March the 10th 1874 received ten dollars as interest on the within note
The interest paid on the within note up until March 15, 1875 = $5.00
Oct the 10th 1877 Received of Thomas J. Jones Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased Sixty
two & .88 Dollars in full of the within note.
Mary Miller
St. Paul April 19, 1870
Twelve months after date I promise to pay to Mary Thornsburg or order One Hundred Dollars.
Interest after maturity at ten per cent per annum from date. Value received, with out any relief whatever
from valuation or appraisement laws.
Jacob Reed
Oct 1871 received ten dollars on the within note
April 19, 1872 received ten dollars on the within note
March the tenth 1873 received ten dollars as the interest on the within note
March 10 1874 received ten dollars as interest on the within note
The interest paid on the within note up untill April the 19, 1875 Amounting $10
Oct 10th 1877
Received of Thomas J. Jones Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased One Hundred twenty
four & .75 Dollars in full of the Note hereunto attached.
Mary Miller
Greensburg Ind July 22d 1875
Sixty days after date we promise to pay to the order of First National Bank One Hundred Dollars. Value Received, without any relief from Valuation Laws of the State of Indiana with interest at ten per cent from Maturity until paid. If this note be collected by suit, the judgment shall include the reasonable fee for Plaintiffs Attorney.
No. 8190 Due Sep 20/23
Jacob Reed W.H.R. Reed
James B.F. Reed
Recd the within of Thomas J. Jones administrator on the estate of Jacob Reed dec.
A.R. Forsythe Pres 1st Nat Bank Greensburg Ind
Greensburg Oct 13, 1877
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased three Hundred thirty five
Dollars to be credited on a Note that I hold against Jacob Reed, J.B.F. Reed for $800.00
dated July the 22d 1873. W. Braden
Decr 27th 1877
Received of Thomas J. Jones Admsr &c Jacob Reed decd the sum of one hundred ninety three and 30 Dollars in full of note of decd hereto attached. $193.30 Walter Braden
Greensburg Ind July22, 1873
Twenty four months after date we promise to pay to the order of Walter Braden Eight Hundred
Dollars. Value Received, without relief from Valuation and Appraisement Laws. Interest at ten per cent,
per annum from date until paid.
Jacob Reed
J.B.F. Reed
Jacob Read $800 interest Paid till the first of Sept 1874 Decr 29, 1876 $500.
Oct the 13, 1877 Recd on the within note three hundred and thirty five dollars
Jacob Reed |
| to Benj Jenkins | Dr |
1874 |
Oct 5 |
| 1 fourth Reader | 1.10 |
| 1 Spelling Book | .20 |
10 |
| 1 W. Resin | .10 |
1875 |
Feb 8 |
| 1 ½ pt Caster oil | .45 |
July 6 |
| 1 qt lard oil | .40 |
14 |
| 1 oz camphor Gum | .10 |
| to Sweet oil | .05 |
Aug 3 |
| 1 Bot wards linement | 1.00 |
| | $3.40 |
St. Paul |
| Feb the 9th 1878 |
Received Thomas J. Jones Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased, Three & .40 Dollars in full
of the within account $3.40
Benj. Jenkins
Recd of Thomas J. Jones Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed decd twenty dollars in full of the interest due and
paid by me on a note of decedent made to the 1st National Bank of Greensburg, Ind. and for the payment
of which I was surety. Dec 15, 1877 W.H.R. Reed
Shelbyville Ind Oct 2nd 1878
Received of Thomas J. Jones Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased,
in the sum of Five Dollars in full
D.L. Wilson (per J.W.T.)
Estate of Jacob Reed
October Term, 1878
Thomas J. Jones Administrator
Received of the above name Administrator the sum of $3.38 in full of the Costs accrued in the administration of the above entitled estate.
Shelbyville, Ind, October 2, 1878 B.S. Sutton Clerk
Recd of Thomas J. Jones Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed, decd the sum of Five Dollars in full for making a report and settlement of said trust.
October 2, 1878 Wright & Wright
The Estate of Jacob Reed, Decd | To Thomas J. Jones | Dr |
For services as Administrator | 25 days at $3.00 per day | $75.00 |
Cash paid and Expenses | |
12.75 |
Total | $87.75 |
State of Indiana
Shelby County
Before me came Thomas J. Jones Admr and being duly sworn on his oath says the foregoing account is just & correct and should be allowed therein. Thomas J. Jones
Subscribed & sworn to this 2 day of October 1878
G.M. Wright Notary Public
Oct the 4th 1878
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased twenty nine & .84 Dollars the amount Remaining upon final Settlement of said Estate
Eliza Reed, Widow of Jacob Reed Deceased
Estate of Jacob Reed, Decd Report
Approved Order Book 15 Page 142
Filed Oct 16, 1875 B.S. Sutton
In the Estate of Jacob Reed, Deceased
The following gave the accounts of Thomas J. Jones as Administrator with the will annexed of the Estate of said decedent to this date, to wit
Recd from sales of Land $1800.00
And he has paid out the following sums on account
of said trust for which he asks credit
No. 1 | Paid | John Miller as per rect | $10.00 |
No. 2 | " | Reed & Bros | 26.24 |
No. 3 | " | Mitchell & Son | 6.52 |
No. 4 | " | M. Bailey | 2.50 |
No. 5 | " | G.S. Dickey | 21.41 |
No. 6 | " | Green Woodard | 8.09 |
No. 7 | " | O.T. Stribling | 4.40 |
No. 8 | " | Wm. Shultz | 42.00 |
No. 9 | " | Jno. L. Wooden | 7.00 |
No. 10 | " | W. Braden | 226.65 |
No. 11 | " | S. J. Thompson | 23.50 |
No. 12 | " | Jas. Corwin | 12.45 |
No. 13 | " | G.M. & J. Wright | 25.00 |
| | Amount carried over | $415.76
| | [ new page ]
| | Amount brought over | 415.76 |
No. 14 | Paid | Geo. W. Carlisle as per rect | 3.50 |
No. 15 | " | F.W. Jones | 1.50 |
| | Amount paid out | $420.76 |
| | Balance to account for | $1379.24 |
And said Administrator shows that said balance to account for consists of Money due on Notes yet uncollected. Wherefore he asks said trust Continued until the October term of this Court 1877.
Thomas J. Jones
Subscribed & sworn to before me this October 3 1876
Bellamy S. Sutton Clerk
Recd of Thomas J. Jones Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed, Decd Ten Dollars in full of fees to date including making partial report in said Estate October 5 1877 Wright & Wright
Estate of Jacob Reed
October Term, 1877
Thomas J. Jones Administrator
Received of the above named Administrator the sum of $8.77 in full of the Costs in the administration of the above entitled estate to date.
Shelbyville, Ind., October 5, 1877
B.S. Sutton Clerk
September 1st 1874
Twelve months after date we promise to pay to the Order of Wesley Forsyth the sum of one Hundred & ninety five two & .19 Dollars at ten persent Intrest per anum
Jacob Reed
W.H.R. Reed
September 1st 1875 Recd as intrist on the within note fifteen dollars
nineteend dollars & twenty cents
December 27, 1876 Recd on the within note one hundred & seventy five dollars
Greensburg Dec. 29 1876
Recd of Thomas J. Jones as Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased
One Hundred and Seventy five Dollars to be credited on a note dated Sept 1st 1874
for $192.20 Given by Jacob Reed and W.H.R. Reed
Wesley Forsyth
Jacob Reed to Michael A. Leffler | Dr |
1873 To black smithing | $2.00 |
interest | .40 |
| $2.40 |
I Michael A. Leffler do Solomely Swear that the above amount is just and due and wholy unpaid and there is no Set off to the Same to my Knowledge so help me God. M.A. Leffler
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 11th day of May 1877
Thomas J. Jones Admr
St. Paul May the 11th 1877 Recd of Thomas J. Jones as Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased two & .40 Dollars in full of the above account $2.40 M.A. Leffler
St. Paul Ind Feb 18th 1877
Jacob Reed Dr to Barton & Lefler the following Bill, for work done in the year 1872
To 1 sharp & fix cutter | .20 |
Repairs Doubletree | .25 |
Cr by wood per Mike | 2.25 |
1 Remove | .20 |
2 Removes | .40 |
1 Sharp | .20 |
1 point & sharp | .75 |
1 sharp | .20 |
fix fork | .25 |
1 sharp | .20 |
1 sharp | .15 |
1 sharp | .20 |
2 sharp | .20 |
1 plow | .25 |
Iron Handle | .50 |
4 Removes | .80 |
1 sharp | .15 |
2 Removes | .40 |
1 sharp | .15 |
| $5.50 |
interest | 1.32 |
| 6.92 |
cr by Wood | 2.25 |
Balance | $4.67 |
I William T. Barton Solomly sweat that the within ballance of $4.67 cents is Just due and wholy unpaid and there is no Set off to the Same to my knowledge So help me God.
Wm. T. Barton
St. Paul Feb the 17th 1877
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Admr of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased $4.67 in full of the within account.
Wm. T. Barton
-Estate of Jacob Reed decd
October Term, 1876
Thomas J. Jones Administrator Executor
Received of the above named Administrator the sum of $23.36 in full of the Costs accrued in the Administration of the above entitled estate to date.
Shelbyville, Ind., January 4 1877 Bellamy S. Sutton Clerk
Shelbyville Ind Oct 17th 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Reed Seven Dollars and fifty cents, for Surveying land in Sec 16 T. 11 R. 8 E.
Chas. F. Webster Surveyor
Dec the 29 1876
Received of Thomas J. Jones as Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased Five Hundred Dollars to be credeted on a note given by Jacob Reed & James B.F. Reed for Eight Hundred Dollars dated July 22nd 1873 and due twenty four months after date.
W. Braden
County of Decatur Indiana
As a thank offering to Almighty God for his blessings upon the labors of the Ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church one year after date I promise to pay to the Preachers Aid Society of the South Eastern Indiana Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, on order the sum of ten dollars, for the benefit of the Superanuated Preachers and the Widow and Orphans of Preachers as prescribed by the Constitution of said Preachers Aid Society, with out relief from Valuation or Appraisement Laws, with ten percent Interest from date.
Jacob Reed
Greensburg Dec 28th 1876
Recd of Thomas J. Jones as Admrs of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased fourteen Dollars in full of principal and interest on the within note
J.S. Winchester Agent
Shelbyville, Ind, Aug 6, 1877
Thos. J. Jones, Adm. Est Jacob Reed
In Account with S.J. Thompson, Proprietor of Shelby Republican Job Printing Office
June 28 To Sale Bills $2.00
Rec payment S. J. Thompson
In the Estate of Jacob Reed, Decd Proof of posting Notices
Filed April 11, 1876 B.S. Sutton Clerk
State of Indiana
Shelby County
On this day before me came Thomas J. Jones, who being duly sworn upon his oath says that he
heretofore on or about the 8 day of March 1876, he posted up Notices a copy of which is hereto
attached in five Public places in said County, three of which were in the Township where said land is
situate that is described therein:
Thomas J. Jones
Subscribed & Sworn to in Open court April 11 1876
B.S. Sutton Clerk
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, as Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Reed, deceased, will sell at private sale, on or after, FRIDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL 1876
The following described Real Estate, situate in Shelby County, Indiana to-wit:
Beginning at the south-west corner of the south-west quarter of Section Sixteen, in Township Eleven north, Range Eight east, and running east to the south-east corner of said quarter Section: thence north 40 rods; thence west 40 rods; thence north 13 and 1-3 rods; thence west 120 rods to the west line of said quarter Section and thence south to the place of beginning; containing 50 acres, more or less.
TERMS OF SALE: One-fourth of the purchase money to be paid cash in hand, and the residue in two equal payments, due Nine and Eighteen months from day of sale, with interest from date, waiving valuation and appraisement laws, and the purchaser executing his notes therefore with approved freehold surety. March, 8th 1876
Thomas J. Jones, Administrator
In the Estate of Jacob Reed, deceased
Thomas J. Jones Administrator with the Will annexed of the Estate of Jacob Reed, late of Shelby County, deceased, now shows to the County, that said decedent died the owner of personal property, exclusive of certain Notes, of the probable value of $1000.00; that by his last will which was duly proven and admitted to probate, and is now of record, and in Item Second of said Will, a copy of which is filed herewith, he devised to his wife, Eliza Reed the use of all said personal property, except
a sum so much thereof as might be required for the payment of debts; that said decedent left certain Notes amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $1700.00 made by one Samuel Reed but which Notes by reason of the inability of the Maker thereof to make payment and his release of the consideration therefore to said Estate, were under and order of said Court Made at the December Term thereof for the year 1875, cancelled and delivered up to said Samuel Reed; that
said the indebtedness of said Estate so far as the same has come to his knowledge amounts to about $2000.00 showing an insufficiency of personal property to pay said indebtedness of $1000.00.
And he further shows that said Decedent died the owner in fee simple of the South West quarter of Section 16, in Township 11, North Range 8 East, containing 160 acres, and which is of the probable value of $8000.00 all of which except the South half of the South half of said quarter Section was intended to be devised to said Eliza Reed, as his widow for her life; that said 40 acres last described was intended to have been sold for said sum of $1700.00 before mentioned, but the order of this Court was not so conveyed but the Contract therefore was annulled, and held void:
That said decedent left him surviving his widow Eliza Reed and the following named children
Sarah E. Widener aged about 40 years
Joseph A. Reed aged about 38 years
Thomas M N. Reed aged about 36 years
Margaret Reed aged about 32 years
William J. Reed aged about 25 years
Nancy J. Reed aged about 22 years
Alice M. Hendrickson aged about 20 years
James L. Reed aged about 17 years
Hattie Reed aged about 15 years
Armina Reed aged about 12 years
Augustus E. Reed aged about 10 years
And he further shows that said Alice M. Hendrickson, James L. Reed, Hattie Reed, Armina Reed and Augustus E. Reed, are infants under the age of twenty one years.
Wherefore he asks for an order to sell
*said South half of the South half of the South West quarter of said Section 16, containing 40 acres more or
less, and so much of the residue of said lands as may be necessary hereafter to pay the indebtedness of said Estate, and for all proper relief.
Thomas J. Jones
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 3 day of January 1876
B.S. Sutton Clerk
*the following described portion of said Real Estate viz: beginning at the South west corner of said quarter Section and running East to the South East corner thereof; thence north 40 rods; thence west 40 rods; thence 13 1/3 rods; thence west 120 rods to the west line of said quarter Section and south to the place of beginning, containing 50 acres more or less.
State of Indiana
Shelby County
Before me B. S. Sutton Clerk of the Shelby Circuit Court came Thomas J. Jones and being duly sworn, says the within named Sarah E. Widener, Joseph A. Reed, Thomas N. Reed and Margaret Reed are non-Residents of the State of Indiana, as he verily believes.
Thomas J. Jones
Subscribed & sworn to before me this 3 day of January 1876 B.S. Sutton Clerk
Item 2. I give and devise to my beloved wife Eliza Reed in lieu of her interest in my land, the use of all my land, being the farm on which I now reside, containing One Hundred and Twenty Acres, during her natural life, and all the stock household goods, furniture, provisions, and other goods and chattels which may be thereon at the time of my decease, together with all moneys which I may have on hand at the time of my death, to be used by her for her support during her life.
(She however selling so much of my personal property as will pay my debts) and at the death of my said wife, all of the property of which she may be seized, as above bequeathed both Real and personal, is to be divided equally among my children who may outlive my said wife, and should any of my children be dead at the time of the death of my wife, leaving a child or children which will be my Grandchild or Grandchildren and in that case, said grandchild or grandchildren are to have the proportion of my said Estate which would have fell to the share of their deceased parent, that he or she (as the case may be)been living at the time of the death of my said wife.
Dated May 14 1875
Estate of Jacob Reed Decd
Appraisement of Real Estate
Filed March 8, 1876 B. S. Sutton Clerk
The following is an appraisement of the Real Estate herein described, as taken and appraised by Nicholas Bailey and Francis W. Jones, two free holders residing in Shelby County to wit:
Beginning at the South West corner of the South West quarter of the South West quarter of Section 16, Township 11, North Range 8 East to the South East corner of said quarter section; thence North 40 rods; thence West 40 rods; thence North 13 1/3 rods; thence west 120 rods to the west line of said quarter Section; and thence South to the place of beginning containing 50 acres more or less, appraised at $1750.00
State of Indiana
Shelby County
We Nicholas Bailey and Francis W. Jones, being duly sworn upon our oaths say the foregoing is the fair cash value of the Real Estate therein described, as we verily believe so help us God.
Nicholas Bailey F. W. Jones
Subscribed & sworn to this 7 day of March 1876
B. S. Sutton Clerk
In the matter of the Petition to Sell Real Estate
In the Estate of Jacob Reed
Thomas J. Jones as Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Reed deceased, now shows to the Shelby Circuit Court that by virtue of an order thereof heretofore made at the present term of said Court, he proceeded to advertise for sale the following described portion of the Real Estate of said decedent; to wit:
Beginning at the South West corner of the South west quarter of Section 16 in Township 11 North Range 8 East, and running thence East to the South East corner of said quarter section; thence North on the East line thereof 40 rods; thence west 40 rods; thence North 13 1/3 rods; thence west 120 rods to the West line of said quarter section, and thence South to the place of beginning Containing 50 acres more or less, by giving notice of said sale, by posting up Notices thereof in Five public places in said County, three of which were in the Township where said land is situated, and also publishing Notice thereof for four weeks successfully before the day of such sale in the Shelby Republican, a weekly Newspaper printed and published in said County, and of general Circulation therein, proof of which posting Notices and publication thereof, is filed herewith; And having so advertised said land for sale, and having used due diligence to make a sale thereof, he did on the 11 day of April 1876, sell said land at private sale to Mary Thornburg for the price and sum of $1800.00 that being the highest and best price that could be obtained therefore and more than the full appraised value thereof; And said purchaser thereupon paid in Cash the sum of $450.00 and Executed her note for the residue in two equal payments, to become due in Nine and Eighteen Months from the day of such sale, with Six per cent interest thereon, for value received, waiving valuation and appraisement laws, and with Thomas Thornburg as security therefore.
Wherefore he asks said sale may be confirmed and he be ordered to make said purchaser a good and sufficient deed for said premises, and for all proper relief.
Thomas J. Jones
Subscribed & sworn to in open Court April 11 1876
Bellamy S. Sutton Clerk
Estate of Jacob Reed, Decd
Answer of Guardian ad-litem
Filed March 8, 1876
In the Estate of Jacob Reed Deceased
Now comes Alfred Major who is by the Court appointed Guardian ad-litem for Alice M. Hendrickson, James L. Reed, Hattie Reed, Armina Reed and Augustus E. Reed, who are infants within the age of twenty one years. And for answer to said Administrators petition herein says he specifically denies Each and Every Material allegation therein Contained.
Alfred Major Guardian ad-litem
Jacob Reed Deceased
Relinquishment of Executrix
St. Paul Oct the 4th 1875
Mr. John Elliott Clerk of the Circuit Court of Shelby County
I have been appointed Executrix of the Will of Jacob Reed my deceased Husband and not wishing to act as Such I hereby Relinquish my Right to act as Executrix and Request you to appoint Thomas J. Jones as Administrator of Said Estate.
Eliza Reed
William J. Reed
Estate of Jacob Reed Decd
Petition to rescind Contract
Order Book 14 page 351 Box 125
Filed Jan 4 1876 B.S. Sutton Clerk
In the Estate of Jacob Reed Deceased
Thomas J. Jones Administrator wit the Will annexed of the Estate of Jacob Reed late of Shelby county, Indiana, deceased, and Samuel Reed of said County, would respectfully represent and show to the
Courts Circuit Court of said County, that heretofore on the 23 day of March 1875, the said Jacob Reed then in life, and your petitioner Samuel Reed, made and entered into a certain Contract for the Sale and Conveyance of the South half of the South half of the South West quarter of Section 16, in Township 11, North of Range 8 East containing 40 acres more or less, upon the following terms and conditions to wit: The said Samuel Reed agreed to pay to said Jacob Reed therefore the sum of one thousand dollars on the 1st day of September 1875, and the
1st day further sum of $700.00 in two equal payments, of $350.00 each, due and payable on the 1st day of September 1876, and the 1st day of September 1877, with six per cent interest from date for value received, waiving valuation appraisement laws; that it was further agreed between said parties, that upon the payment of said $1000.00 and the execution of a Mortgage in due form to secure said deferred payments that the said Jacob Reed, was to execute to said Samuel Reed a deed in fee simple for said tract of land, viz; deed of general Warranty;*
*for the performance of which agreement by said Jacob, he then and there Executed his Bond in the sum of $3000.00 Conditioned upon such performance.
And your petitioners further show that the said Samuel Reed was wholly unable to comply with said Contract by paying said sum of $1000.00 at the Maturity thereof, and that said deed of conveyance was never delivered to him.
And your petitioners further show that heretofore on the 14: day of August 1875, the said Jacob Reed, died testate, and appointing his wife Eliza Reed as the Executrix of his lat will and Testament; that said Eliza Reed failed and refused to be appointed and qualified as such Executrix, and that your petitioner Thomas J. Jones was duly qualified in her stead; That by reason of the premises said deed conveyance was never delivered to said Samuel Reed; and they further show that said Samuel Reed is still unable to perform his part of said Contract and asks to be allowed to rescind said Contract, and he hereby released all claim of any kind whatsoever upon said land.
Wherefore your petitioners ask that they be allowed to Mutually rescind said Contract; that said Bond so executed by said Jacob Reed be declared null and of no effect and that the Notes so given by said Samuel Reed, be cancelled, and said Contract be in all things annulled and made Void and for all further proper relief.
Thomas J. Jones
Samuel Reed
Subscribed & sworn to in open Court January 3 1876 B.S. Sutton Clerk
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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