Estate of
John Rice, dec'd
Box 7
Amended Petition for Final
Thomas Cotton Admr Estate of John Rice deceased
Amended Petition for final Settlement
Filed in Open court May Term 1837 S. B. Morris Clk
The 2d Petition of Thomas Cotton administrator of the Estate of
John Rice late of Shelby County deceased for final settlement and the said Administrator further represents that the following persons towit;
David Rice of the State of Ky Eve Smith wife of
George Smith dec’d late Eve Rice of Shelby County
Eusophrosena Rice a minor of Shelby county Indiana David Smith
and Lucy Smith his wife of the State of Ky. Maddison Keller,
John Keller, Sally Keller, Nancy Keller, Patsy Keller, and
Elizabeth Keller of Ky, children and heirs of Magdalene Keller
formerly Magdalene Rice daughter of John Rice
deceased, of the State of Kentucky, Elizabeth Chriswell late
Elizabeth Rice daughter of said John Rice deceased and her husband
Elijah Chriswell of Floyd County Indiana, Mary Farrow late
Mary Rice daughter of the said John Rice deceased, Esther Wood
late Esther Rice daughter of the said John Rice
deceased and her husband Richard Wood of the state of Ky and
Michael Rice, Nancy Funk and her husband John Funk
of the State of Ky are the legal heirs of said estate and that on the final settlement of said estate with this honorable Court will be entitled to their distributive shares of the estate after the payment of all debts against the estate and as it appears from accounts kept by the said John Rice in his lifetime that advances have been made to all of said heirs
The said Administrator hereby prays this honorable Court to order the said Resident heirs to be Summoned to appear on the 2 day of the next Term of this honorable Court to answer under Oath any advances which they may have received in their lifetime of the said John Rice deceased and that the said heirs who are not residents of this State be notified by publication of said final settlement and distribution.
Thomas Cotton
Transcribed by Barb Huff
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