Estate of
~ ~ ~
Received of James Titus Administrator of the estate of
Samuel Morgan, Deceast, the sum of nine dollars seventy one cents 1/2 in full of my part of the estate now in the hands of said Administrator this 13th day of February 1833.
Thompson Greshan his X
Witness E. Baker
Received of James Titus Administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan deceast the sum of nine dollars and seventy one cents and 3/4, It being in full of the amount coming to the ayers of
William Morgan deceast now in the hands of said administrator this 14 day of February 1833.
Mary Morgan her X mark
Received of James Titus Administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan, deceast, the sum nine dollars and seventy one cents 1/2 in full of my part of the estate of now in the hands of said administrator this 13th day of February 1833.
Samuel Morgan
Received of James Titus administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan deceast the sum of seven dollars and twenty cents in full of my part of said estate now in the hands of said estate administrator, this 1st day of May 1837.
Samuel Morgan
Received of James Titus administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan deceast the sum of seven dollars and twenty cents in full of my part of said estat now in the hands of said administrator this 1st day of May 1837.
Thompson Grishan his X mark
Received ShelbyVille March 3rd A.D. 1830 of James Titus and Samuel Morgan administrators of the estate of Samuel Morgan deceased two dollars & fifty cents in full of my account against said Estate.
Henry Gatewood
2.50 and Received by me
Received of James Titus Administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan Deceast the sum of nine dollars and seventy one cents 1/2 in full of my part of the estate now in the hands of said Administrator this 13th day of February 1833.
John Morgan
Received of James Titus Administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan deceast the sum of seven dollars and twenty cents in full of my part of said estate now in the hands of said administrator this 1st day of May 1837.
John Morgan
Received of James Titus administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan decease the sum of twenty five dollars and twenty thirty seven cents in full of my thirds of said estate now in the hands of said estate administrator this 1st day of May 1837
Eleazar Morgan his X mark
Received of James Titus administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan decease the sum of seven dollars and twenty cents in full of my part of said estate now in the hands of said administrator this first day of May 1837.
David S. Morgan
Received of James Titus administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan the sum of seven dollars and twenty cents in full of my part of said estate now in the hands of said administrator.
Polly Morgan her X mark
November the 4, 1825
One cow and calf appraised to
| $ 7.50
Do one Red cow to
| 7.00
Do one cow
| 6.50
Do one cow
| 6.00
Do one heifer earling
| 2.50
Do one gray mare
| 40.00
Do to one gray Sorrel mare
| 12.00
Do 3 hogs
| 3.00
Do to 11 hogs
| 8.75
Do to 18 shoats and hogs
| 8.00
To one field of corn supposed to be 7 acres
| 35.00
Do to one field of corn
| 8.00
Do 1 loom and what is in stack thereto
| 4.50
Do canoe
| 1.00
One cupboard
| 4.00
One bed and beding
| 1.00
Do one bed and close
| 30.00
One bed stid
| 2.00
One Rifle gun
| 4.50
One flaxed hatchet
| 1.50
One looking glass
| 0.37
| 1/2
3 water vessels
| 0.75
1 wire sifter
| 1.00
do one cover lid and 37 lbs of wool Rolls
| 20.00
do one lot of iron tools
| 0.37
| 1/2
do 2 chairs
| 0.37
| 1/2
do 4 vessels of castings
| 7.00
do 2 pair pot hooks
| 0.62
| 1/2
do 1 wash tub and bucket
| 1.00
do 4 choping axes
| 7.00
Taking out letters one day - 1 -
| .75
To one day getting up the property - 1-
| .75
To one day praising the property - 1 -
| .75
To one day making out report -1 -
| .75
And filing in Clerks office - 1-
| .75
One day of sale - 1-
| .75
One day making out report
| .75
Of sale and filing in office - 1 -
| .75
One day taking notes - 1 -
| .75
One day setting off the widow part of the personal property
And taking notes - 1 -
| .75
For advertising in three of the mos public places in the township - 1-
| .75
For collecting one hundred and sixty four dollars 43 3/4 cents }
For settling with the creditors of the estate and paying off their }
Demands according to the receipts filed in Clerks office }
| 5.00
To two day tending court at September term with petition for
Sale of real estate - 2-
| 1.50
1 1/2 day praisen the land and making out report and filing in office - 1 1/2
| 1.25
1/2 advertising the land for sale - 1/2 -
| .50
one day making out report
| $15.00
one day tending court at March term - 1-
| .75
| $15.75
The above and the particulars of the services rendered by James Titus Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Morgan deceased and the settlement of the said Estate up to this date March 9th 1830
James Titus
State of Indiana
Shelby County
The Probate Court of said County November Term 1835
To the Honorable Jacob Kennerly Judge of said Court
James Titus and Samuel Morgan Administrators of Samuel Morgan deceased Report
That heretofore at the November Term of this Court for the year 1832 The said Administrators or a partial settlement of the said estate retained in their hands the sum of Eighty two Dollars and Sixteen Cents for the purpose of paying off a debt supposed to be due from the estate to some individual in the State of Kentucky. That the balance of the Estate was then administered upon and the Cost of Administration up to that time and all other legal demands against the said Estate was then fully paid. That the said supposed debt against the Estate aforesaid in favor of said individual in Kentucky has never been called for nor has the same ever been legally required of the said Administrators. The said Administrators are therefore chargable wit the said sum so retained by them to wit $82.16. The administrators are entitled out of the amt.
To a Credit for further Clerks fees paid to wit
| 4.06
| 1/2
For fee paid O. Butler as Attorney on Settlement of Estate
| 2.50
| $6.56
| 1/4
Leaving a balance on hand not heretofore accounted for of
| $75.59
| 3/4
What balance they pray be distributed among the heirs of said decedent thus giving refunding bonds therefore.
All of which is respectfully submitted Nov 11th 1835
James Titus
Samuel Morgan
Margaret Morgan Widow of Samuel Morgan Deceased
Property Retained
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
The James Titus and Samuel Morgan Administrators of the Estate of Samuel Morgan Deceased, Do Hereby Certify, that the foregoing is a true List of the property retained by Margaret Morgan Widow of the Said Samuel Morgan, Deceased.
Given under our hands this 18th day of March A.D. 1826
James Titus
Samuel Morgan
Filed March 18th 1826
Hiram Alldredge Clerk
Bill of Property Kept by Margaret Morgan at the Apraisement November the 4th 1825
| $
| cts.
One cow and calf to
| 7
| .50
One cow to
| 6
| .00
Eleven hogs to
| 8
| .75
Three acres & a half corn to
| 17
| .50
Eighteen lbs of wool roles to
| 9
| .00
One Sorrel mare to
| 12
| .00
Two beads and beding to
| 41
| .00
One Cupboard to
| 4
| .00
One lot of Cubboard ware
| 4
| .50
Three hogs to
| 3
| .00
One churn and meet tub
| .62
| 1/2
Three water vessils
| .75
Four vessils of castins to
| 7
| .00
One beadstid to
| 2
| .00
One trammel to
| 1
| .00
Two pair of pot hokes to
| .62
| 1/2
One Canoe to
| 1
| .00
One half bushel Measure Irish potatoes
| 2
| .00
One lot of cabbage
| 1
| .00
| 136.50
Margaret Morgan hir X
A Bill of Sale of the personal Property of Samuel Morgan, Diseased this 5th day of November1825
Isaac Lemaster to one axe
| 1.50
Lewis Hendricks to one axe
| 1.56
| 1/4
William Morgan to one axe
| .50
Henry Gatewood to one axe
| 2.00
James Titus to one matick
| 1.87
| 1/2
James Templeton to one hoe
| .62
| 1/2
James Titus to one hoe
| .25
John Colins to one shovel plow
| 1.06
| 1/4
Benjamin Bass to one pair chains & hames
| 2.31
| 1/4
William Morgan to chains & hames
| 1.18
| 3/4
*John Collins to one pair doubletrees
| 1.62
| 1/2
John Collins to one baresheare plow
| 2.31
| 1/4
James Titus to one lot of iron tools
| .37
| 1/2
Isaac Lemaster to one flax hatchet
| 4.00
Jeremiah Downing to one wire sive
| 1.00
James P. Kepper to one saw
| .75
Jeremiah Downing to one drawin knife
| .75
Lewis Hendricks to one sithe
| 1.06
| 1/4
Smith Wingate to one rifle gun
| 2.50
Smith Wingate to one looking glass
| .65
| 1/2
Isaac Lemaster to one bucket
| .43
| 3/4
James Davison to one wash tub
| 1.00
Solomon Knave horse Collar
| .59
James Van Scrihock to one candle stick [---?]
| .50
Isaac Lemaster to one pair compasis
| .57
| 1/2
Henry Gatewood to one Red cow
| 8.00
John Collins to one cow
| 6.12
| 1/2
Smith Wingate to one heiffer earling
| 3.00
Isaac Lemaster to one gray mare
| 45.99
William [can't read the rest of the line ]
| ---
Jeremiah Downing to one sow and 6 hogs
| 4.12
| 1/2
Jeremiah Downing to three Shoats
| 2.12
| 1/2
Solomon Knave to one loom
| 3.06
| 1/2
Henry Gatewood to 3 1/2 acres of Corn
| 17.00
John Conover to one field of corn
| 8.50
Smith Wingate to 13 lbs of wool roles
| 6.87
| 1/2
State of Indiana
Shelby county SS
We James Titus and Samuel Morgan, Administrators of the Estate of Samuel Morgan Deceased Do Hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true List of the Several Items and amount of Sales of the personal property of Samuel Morgan Deceased
Given under our hands this 18th day of March 1826
James Titus
Samuel Morgan
November the 4" 1825
To 1 matack 2 hoes
| $ 3.00
To 1 plow bars sher
| 2.50
To 1 shovel plow
| 1.50
To 1 pair of double trees
| 1.25
To 2 pair hames and chains
| 4.00
To 1 lot of irons
| 2.25
To 1 hors collar
| .50
To 1 half bush measure
| .25
To 1 churn do 1 meet tub
| .62
| 1/2
To lot of cupboard ware
| 4.50
To irish potatoes
| 2.00
To 1 lot of cabbages
| 1.00
To 1 trammel
| 1.00
November the 4" 1825 the above named property and the appraised prices attached there to we acknowledge
Henry Gatewood
Smith Wingate
State of Indiana
Shelby County SCT
On this 4th day of November A.D. 1825 Before me
William Hawkins one of the Justices of the Peace in and for said County, personally came Henry Gatewood and Smith Wingate and took an oath that they would make a True and accurate appraisement of the personal goods and Chattels of Samuel Morgan, Decd, agreeable to the Statute in such case made and provided and according to their abilities and Judgment.
Wm. Hawking J.P.
The Estate of Samuel Morgan deceased To James Titus
To cash paid James P. Kipper his amount for medical services in last sickness
| $ 2.50
To Cash paid Benjamin Williams on amount for the rent of Sugar Kettles &
whiskey against said decd
| 2.00
To going to Kentucky on business of the Estate and Expenses for the Journey
| 9.00
To Cash lent intestate before decease
| 6.00
To taxes on Real Estate for the year 1828 & 1829
| 3.52
To cash paid for recording Deed
| 1.00
| $24.02
A further Inventory of the Estate of Samuel Morgan deceased.
Eleven head of Sheep in Kentucky
James Titus Administrator
Addison Township June 1824
Mr. Samuel Morgan to Elihu Mayhew dr. to Mending one
par of shoes finding Leather
| .31
| 1/4
to one Bushel of Corn
| .25
April 1825 to Making one par of Shoes for David
| .62
| 1/2
To Making one par of Shoes for Betsey Morgan
| .43
| 3/4
Taken from the Book
| $1.62
| 1/2
True Account Elisha Mayhew
Received Shelby Ville March the Sixth A.D. 1830 of James Titus and Samuel Morgan administrators of the Estate of Samuel Morgan deceased fifteen dollars twelve and a half cents in full of my account against the said estate.
$15.12 1/2 And Received by me
Isaac Lemasters his X mark
Received of James Titus and Samuel Morgan administrators twenty five cents in ful of my account Against the estate of Samuel Morgan deceast this 16 day of January A.D. 1830.
Relect Hankins
Received Shelbyville April 25th 1825 of James Titus & Samuel Morgan administrators of the Estate of Samuel Morgan Deceased, one dollar and fifty cents in full of my claim against Said Estate.
$1.50 And Received by me John P. Lewis
Received Shelbyville March the first 1830 of James Titus & Samuel Morgan Administrators of the estate of Samuel Morgan deceased two dollars and sixty eight 3/4 cents in full of my account against said Estate.
$2.68 ¾ and
received by me Nathan Simpson
Received Shelby Ville March 3rd A.D. 1830 of James Titus and Samuel Morgan administrators of the Estate of Samuel Morgan deceased nine dollars and fifty cents in full of my account against said Estate.
$9.50 And received by me
Jeremiah Downing
Morgan Note To Williams $4.50
Decd Morgan
Amt. Paid in trust $4.89 April 1826
April the 20th 1825 I Sign the with in not for value Recd to William Pollard
Benjamin Williams
Received on the within two dollars this 25th April 1826
Received Shelbyville January 16th 1830 of James Titus & Samuel Morgan administrators of the Estate of Samuel Morgan, deceased, fourteen dollars and fifty cents in full of my demand against said Estate. $14.50 And Recd by me William Goodrich
Received Shelbyville March the first A.D. 1830 of James Titus & Samuel Morgan administrators of the estate of Samuel Morgan deceast three dollars and
twenty five cents fifty cents in full of my account against said estate.
$3.25 And Received by me James Davidson
his X mark
Received March the Sixth A.D. 1830 James Titus administrator of the estate of Samuel Morgan deceased thirteen dolars thirty seven and a half cents in full of my account against said estate.
$13.37 1/2 and received by me
Samuel Morgan
Received March the first A.D. 1830 of James Titus & Samuel Morgan Administrators of the estate of Samuel Morgan decd three dollars and fifty cents in full of my account against said estate.
$3.50 And Received by me
George Goodrich his X mark
Recd of Samuel Morgan $1.50 in full for his State and County tax for the year 1825 this 22nd day of April 1826.
John J. Lewis S.C.
Rec'd Jany 17-1827 of James Titus as Administrator of the Estate of Saml Morgan Decd Two dollars & Seventy eight cents for the use of Arthur Major
Wm. Hawkins
State of Indiana
Shelby County
The State of Indiana to the Sheriff of Shelby county
You are hereby Commanded to Attach James Titus and Samuel Morgan, administrators of the Estate of Samuel Morgan, late of Said County, deceased (If they may be found in your Bailiwick) and them safely keep so that you have said bodies before our probate court to commence and be holden at the Court house in Shelbyville in said County of Shelby on the Second Monday of May next to answer us of a contempt in not appearing at the last term of said court in obedience and in conformity with the order of the said court at the last November term thereof. And to perform and abide such order as our said Probate Court shall Make in this behalf. And have you them there this Writ.
Witness Sylvan B. Morris Clerk
And the seal of the said Court thereunto affixed at Shelbyville the Seventeenth day of April A.D. Eighteen hundred and thirty three.
Sylvan B. Morris Clerk
August the 27 1824
For value promise to [------] [---------] five 5 dollars on or before first of may November as witness our hands Samuel Morgan
$5.821/2 Paid including interest August 1827 William Morgan
State of Indiana Shelby County Court
Shelby County August Term 1833
To the honorable Erasmus Powell Probate Judge of Said Court
James Titus and Samuel Morgan administrators of the Estate of Samuel Morgan deceased come and make the following excuse for not obeying the order of this Court at their last November Term for the year 18232, that said administrators have paid Vardeman Collins living in the State of Kentucky a part of the money which is yet due from said Administrators for which, the said administrators neglected to take a receipt. The said administrators therefore ask your honor for a continuance of their cause untill the next November term of this Court where they will be ready to produce the Receipt of said Collins and pay the ballance of the money due the estate of said Morgan deceased into this Court if any ballance be due.
James Titus
Samuel Morgan Admins.
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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