Guardianship of
Sarah, Alonzo, David
A. Weaver
Minor heirs of Samuel Weaver, dec'd
Box 41 (Estate of Samuel Weaver, dec'd)
The guardian's papers for this trust have not been
located in the vault. The following is a much dryer version, as recorded by the clerk of the Probate Court of Shelby
Co, IN.
In the Matter of the Guardianship X
of Sarah Weaver, Alonzo Weaver X Grant of Letters
and David A. Weaver, minors X
Mary Vice, Guardian.
Be it remembered that on the 26th day of June, A.D.
1863, on the application of Mary Vice, I, Alonzo Blair, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Shelby
in the State of Indiana, appointed her guardian of the person and estates of Sarah Weaver, Alonzo Weaver, and David
A. Weaver, minor heirs of Samuel Weaver, deceased, she having executed and filed her bond as such guardian in the
penal sum of Twenty dollars with Jon Ayns as surety, which bond was accepted and approved; and thereupon the said
Mary Vice took and subscribed the oath as prescribed by law, and received her Letters of Guardianship, duly sealed
with the seal of said Court, and attested by the Clerk, and said Bond, oath and Letters read in the words and figures
following, to-wit: (here insert)
Attest: Alonzo Blair, clerk
Guardianship of Sarah, Alonzo and David A. Weaver --- Letters granted
The Court now here examines the action of the Clerk
in vacation in granting the Letters of Guardianship in the above named matter, and the bonds and securities taken
by said Clerk from said Guardian and do ratify and confirm the action of said Clerk in granting such Letters, and
do approve the bonds taken as aforesaid.
Inventory of personal property of Samuel Weaver, decd.
Transcribed by Melinda

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